A.P.A. Transport Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 19, 1979239 N.L.R.B. 1407 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation Corp. mot~on t h e N;~tiorlal L.ahor Summar) Judgment Michael era1 suhniits. 145 allegation5 (1) presumptively ur~der Dairylea lnr..' hec;rusc ' and 12) an) Oil Janui~ry that A.P.A. Transport Gorp.. herein A.P.A.. and Lo- and that the ~~~~d issue an order requiring lr Respondents to cease maintaining and to delete the of sulrrsen,ority cla,se insbfar as it extends beyond herein Local 6177 had violated Section 8(a)(l) and ( 3 ) layclff and recall, appropriate notices, and to and Sectior 8(bHIHA) and (2)+ Of the take such other just and proper relief as the Board P.elations may deem appropriate. 5. On August 20. 1976, the Board issued an order Director lor Region 22 informed the Charging transferring Be proceedings to the Board and a I, To Show Cause $hy the General Counsel.s Mo- with respect to the contention lhat for Summary Judgment should not be granted. had been enforcing the superseniority Subsequently, Respondents filed a brief in lion to the Motion for Summar). Judgment. con- manner the over-the-road stew- ending, in substance, (I) that the facial validity of ard to bid his route ahead Of the Charging article 42 with regard to layoff, rehire, and bidding is established by Diaryka and the Regional Di- the over-the'road steward such a How- rector's dismissal letter; that since the present he stated that. xttlementq a 'Om- Dairylea legal at the time executed and no violation illvalid On 21* 1976y the Regiona1 Director an face when read in conjunction with the saving provi- in the contract. upon the entire record in this proceeding, the eng~ged Board makes the following: afft,cting meaning 8(a)(l) (3), 8(b)(l)(A) (2), i(6) (7) ~ ~ l i ~ ~ on the ~~~i~~ for summary ~~d~~~~~ for all purposes including rehire, bidding, and of 8(b)(l)(A) Subwquent'~ the answers' in sub- and Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act.' Even thou@ admitting the violation found in Dairy,ea involved the 'iolation 617 lurther an- as well as maintenance of a supersenio"ty dause, the because the 'lause had been in swered that the complaint should be dismissed (I) successive 7219 (1975). F.ld Clr. :Ontracts for at least 20 years; (2) because of the he equivalent the '.recall" Darn.lea and Acting Regio la1 5 dismissal letter; provis~on the supersenior~~y c laux at 'The brlef lnd (3) the cornplaint' maintenance Truck L'nion 807, lnrernarional Brorherhd qf )f COntriiCt language but no implementation xrers, chaujfeurs. Warehoucemen and of ~ m e r i c ~ (While Rork of Act. a8e.v. Inr.). N L R B (1973). enforcement denled 506 F.2d Thereafter, 3n August 1976, the ~~~~~~l Coun- (2d Cir. Nu.Car Inc.. 187 nonl. Rosen 455 F.2d Oschenvir:. er d1h.a Oscherwir: and 130 1078. 1079 (1961). *. .. ,.I i . . , 4 .- L ,.'# / - A.P.A. TRANSPORT CORP. 1407 A.P.A. Transport and Michael R. Balice D.C., a to Relations Board for and a memorandum Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Amer- ica and R. Balice. Cases 22-CAÂ-6760 and Counsel in effect, that the pleadings 22ÂCBÂ3 herein demonstrate that there is no genuine issue as to any in the complaint since article 42 January 19. 1979 is invalid Cooperative i t extends superseniority beyond layoff DECISION AND ORDER and recall the Respondents have not pre- sented justification for the extension in rebuttal of tht presumption of illegality. Accordingly. he re- 13. 1976, charges were filed alleging quests that the Motion for Summary Judgment be cal 617. ternational Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers America. National Labor Act, as amended. By a dis- missal letter dated May 1975. the Acting Regional No- that he was refusing to issue a complaint because. tion opposi- clause in their collective-bargaining contract in an the investigation had revealed necessity for granting preference. (2) contract predated the language of article 42 plaint would issue alleging that the clause was pre- sumptively on its face. should be found; and (3) that article 42 is legal on its order consolidating cases, complaint, and notice of sionhearing alleging that Respondents A.P.A. and Local 617 have in and are engaging in unfair labor practices commerce within the of Section and Section and and Section and of the Act. by maintaining a collective-bargaining contract providing in article 42 thereof that: It is well settled that. contrary to Respondents' Stewards shall be granted super-seniority contention. mere maintenance of a contract clause layoff, discriminatory on its face, without evidence dis- job preference. criminatory enforcement or implementation, is suffi- cient to find a violation of Section and (2) stance the maintenance of article 42 but YLRB 656 enfd. 531 1162 (2d 1976). parties treat as term used in the Director's May "rehire" of issue herein. was tiled by Local 617 and adopted by A.P.A. Drivers Local No. Team- the Helpers Bever- hereof, did not set forth a violation the 207 259. 263 1382 1974). Curriers. NLRB 850 (1971). enfd. sub v. N.L.R.B.. 615 (3d Cir. 1972): Max B. al.. el, by counsel, filed with the Board in Washington, I . Sons. N L R B . , , , ~-~ ~. ~ - - - -- - - ~- -- colleagues Dairylea illegal imples mere Duir19- lea Dairvlea. separite It?dustrial i.e.. ble tion grievances sumption spondent's employee^.^ sionary tion prevision refus- the tion ju~tif ied.~ lawful to e ~ t e n t . ~ 8(a)(3) 8(b)(l)(A) -- ' Dairylea. 658. that IS when it is alleged that there are no litigable mt ters superseniority requiring a hearing. A respondent who wishes a hear- DarCopy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation