Anheuser-Busch, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 27, 1953103 N.L.R.B. 1205 (N.L.R.B. 1953) Copy Citation ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. 1205 ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC., FALSTAFF BREWING CORPORATION , GRIESE- DIECK BROTHERS BREWERY COMPANY , GRIESEDIECK-WESTERN BREW- ERY COMPANY ( HYDE PARK PLANT ) and INTERNATIONAL UNION OF UNITED BREWERY, FLOUR, CEREAL , SOFT DRINK AND DISTILLERY WORKERS OF AMERICA , C. I. 0., AND ITS LOCAL UNION No. 187, PETITIONER ANHEUSER-BUSCH , INC. and INTERNATIONAL UNION OF UNITED BREW- ERY, FLOUR , CEREAL , SOFT DRINK AND DISTILLERY WORKERS OF AMERICA, C . I. 0., AND ITS BREWERY ENGINEERS , LOCAL 246, PETI- TIONER ANHEUSER -BUSCH, INC. and INTERNATIONAL UNION OF UNITED BREW- ERY, FLOUR, CEREAL, SOFT DRINK AND DISTILLERY WORKERS OF AMERICA , C. I. 0., AND ITS UNION No . 187, PETITIONER ANHEUSER -BUSCH, INC., FALSTAFF BREWERY CORPORATION , GRIESE- DIECK BROTHERS BREWERY COMPANY , GRIESEDIECK -WESTERN BREW- ERY COMPANY ( HYDE PARK PLANT ) and BREWERY FIREMEN, OILERS AND MAINTENANCE MEN, LOCAL UNION No. 367, AFFILIATED WITH INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS , CHAUFFEURS, WARE- HOUSEMEN AND HELPERS OF AMERICA , A. F. L., PETITIONER ANHEUSER -BIISCH , INC. and BREWING , MALTING AND GENERAL LABOR DEPARTMENT , LOCAL No. 6, AFFILIATED WITH INTERNATIONAL BROTH- ERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS , CHAUFFEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN AND HELPERS OF AMERICA , A. F. L., PETITIONER ANHEUSER-BIISCH, INC., FALSTAFF BREWING CORPORATION , GRIESE- DIECK BROTHERS BREWERY COMPANY , GRIESEDIECK-WESTERN BREW- ERY COMPANY ( HYDE PARK PLANT ) and BREWING , MALTING AND GENERAL LABOR DEPARTMENTS , LOCAL UNION No. 6, AFFILIATED WITH INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS , CHAUFFEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN AND HELPERS OF AMERICA , A. F. L., PETITIONER. Cases N08. 14RC 1952, 14-RC-1955, 14-RC-1988, 14-RC-2034, 14-RC-2035, and 14-KC-2036. March 27, 1953 Decision, Order, and Direction of Elections Upon separate petitions duly filed under Section 9 (c) of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, a consolidated hearing was held before Harold H. Gruenberg, hearing officer . The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed.' The Employers' motion for an oral argument , joined in by the other parties to this proceeding, is denied. In our opinion the record adequately reflects the positions of the parties and the issues herein. 103 NLRB No. 110. 257965-54-vol. 103-77 1206 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Upon the entire record in this case, the Board 2 finds : 1. The Employers 3 in the above-captioned cases are engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. 2. The labor organizations named herein claim to represent certain employees of the Employers.' 3. Questions affecting commerce exist concerning the representa- tion of employees of the Employers herein within the meaning of Section 9 (c) (1) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The appropriate units : The four Employers herein operate breweries in the St. Louis, Missouri, area, where they manufacture and distribute malt bev- erages and in addition, in the case of Anheuser, yeast and yeast prod- ucts. The parties agree that no question exists concerning the representation of brewing department employees of the Employers herein concerned. The parties further generally agree that three separate multiemployer units of (1) bottleshop employes,5 (2) ware- house employees, and (3) powerhouse employees constitute appro- priate collective-bargaining units. They further agree that a sepa- rate unit of employees at the Anheuser yeast plant is appropriate. They disagree, however, in certain particulars, with respect to the composition of these units. Four main issues arise from these dis- agreements, as follows : (a) Whether receiving, storage, and shipping employees and mis- cellaneous employees in bottleshop areas should be included in the multiemployer bottleshop unit or in the multiemployer warehouse unit. (b) Whether oilers and machinists' helpers in bottleshop areas should be included in the multiemployer bottleshop unit or in the multiemployer powerhouse unit. (c) Whether operating engineers should be included in the multi- employer powerhouse unit or whether they may constitute a separate multiemployer craft unit apart from other powerhouse employees. 2 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the Act , the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three-member panel [ Chairman Herzog and Members Styles and Peterson]. 3 The Employers herein, whose names appear in the captions , are severally referred to as Anheuser , Falstaff, Griesedieck , and Griesedieck -Western. 4 The Petitioner in Cases Nos . 14-RC-1952 and 14-RC-1988 Is herein referred to as Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 187 ; the Petitioner in Case No. 14-RC-1955 is herein referred to as Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 246 ; the Petitioner in Case No. 14- RC-2034 is herein referred to as Local 367 of the Teamsters, AFL • and the Petitioner in Cases Nos . 14-RC-2035 and 14-RC-2036 is herein refer red to as Local 6 of the Teamsters, AFL 6 Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 187 advise in their brief that they no longer seek to include laboratory employees in the bottleshop unit concerning whose inclusion there was an issue at the time of the hearing ; furthermore it appears that the advertising ware- house at Anheuser , over which a further issue arose at the hearing with respect to the inclusion of the personnel thereof in the bottleshop or the warehouse unit, is no longer used by the Employer as such. We find it unnecessary to consider these unit placements at this time. ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. 1207 (d) Whether the unit at the Anheuser yeast plant should include all yeast plant employees or only those engaged in cutting, wrapping, shipping, receiving, and storage activities. These issues will be considered below seriatim. (a) Receiving, storage, and shipping employees and nviscellaneous employees in bottleshop areas 1. Receiving, storage, and shipping employees Disputed employees in these categories exist only at the Falstaff and Anheuser breweries. Falstaff operations: Falstaff operates two plants, known as Plants Nos. 1 and 5, each with its own bottling department. The disputed employees are employed solely in Plant No. 1 in temporary storage areas described as the loading dock, the Volt building, and the two case storage areas. These facilities, situated across the street from the Plant No. 1 bottling department and connected therewith by a conveyor, serve as a conduit for the removal of cases of empty bottles, herein called empties, from dead storage in warehouses remote from bottling department areas,6 and the transmittal thereof, by means of the conveyor, to the bottling department to meet current bottling needs. Filled bottles are moved from the bottling department back to these areas for city delivery by trucks or for railroad shipment. The con- veyor belt is controlled by pushbuttons located in the bottling depart- ment, and there is telephonic communication between the bottling department foreman and the employees in the Volt building for the purpose of coordinating the flow of empties between that point and the bottling department. Although the employees in these areas across the street from the bottling department are under a separate foreman, they are under the general supervision of the bottling department superintendent. From 1935 to the end of 1948, the employees in the temporary storage areas across the street from the bottling department were rep- resented by Local 187 and Local 6 herein, and during that period there was an interchange of employees between those areas and the bottling department. In 1948, following a jurisdictional dispute, Local 187 conceded jurisdiction over the storage area employees to Local 6, and the interchange of employees ceased. Anheuaser operations: Bottling operations at Anheuser are con- ducted in a large seven-story building with a basement, known as the Bevo building. This building constitutes a separate division of the There is no dispute concerning the unit placement of the employees in the dead storage warehouse at any of the breweries. The parties agree that they properly belong in the warehouse unit. 1208 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Anheuser operations, known as the beer-packaging and shipping divi- sion, and is under the supervision and control of a separate manager. Although bottling operations at the Bevo building are conducted on a larger and more complex scale than at the breweries of the other Employers, they appear to be basically similar, and the parties agree that with the exception of employees in the draught-beer washing and packaging operations, of the third floor, respectively, and the Govern- ment tellers, on the fifth floor, none of which are in issue in this pro- ceeding,' employees on the upper five floors properly belong in the bottling unite They disagree, however, with respect to the employees in the basement and on the two lower floors, whom Local 6 of the Teamsters, AFL, would include in the warehouse unit and whom Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 187 would include in the bottle- shop unit. The following is a brief description of the basement and lower floors in the Bevo building. The basement is in reality a large freight yard into which, on 13 parallel tracks, come cases of empty bottles for refill- ing on the upper production floors and from which go shipments of full bottles. The large majority of employees in the basement load and unload freight cars, placing the cartons of empties on conveyor belts parallel to the cars; these conveyor belts feed into the main con- veyor, which in turn moves the empties to the fourth floor, where the cases are diverted to temporary storage or are started through the numerous production bottling operations on the upper floors a Similar loading and unloading operations occur with respect to trucks at the first-floor levelle The second floor is devoted to the temporary stor- 4 The areas in which these draught-beer operations occur are known , respectively, as the racking room and the washhouse . The parties agree that the racking room , washhouse, and Government cellars are part of the brewing department. 8 The production bottling operations at the bottling departments of all of the Employers may be generally described as follows : Cartons of empty bottles are brought by conveyor to inspection tables, where inspectors remove from the carton all stranger bottles and chipped or otherwise damaged bottles. The cartons of bottles proceed by conveyor to the soakers, where soaker feeders remove the bottles from the cartons and place them in the pockets of the soakers through which the bottles pass to be thoroughly cleaned and steri- lized . When the bottles leave the soakers , an employee known as a shifter checks the bottles and removes from the conveyor any that are damaged or unclean. The bottles then proceed by conveyor to the automatic filling machines , where they are filled and crowned . These machines are tended by employees known as filler machine operators. The filled bottles next travel by conveyor through the pasteurizer , and from there past an inspector who examines the filled bottles for foreign inclusions. The bottles then travel by conveyor through the labeling machines which apply the body and neck labels to them. The bottles are then carried by conveyor to the packing machines where the appropriate number of filled bottles are mechanically placed in shipping cartons. The filled cartons proceed next on a belt conveyor through an automatic tape sealer which closes and seals the lids of the cartons . The filled and sealed cartons then travel by conveyor either to loading docks or storage areas. The beer canning operations are essentially similar, save that some of the bottling opera- tions are eliminated , due to the fact that cans are never reused. 9 Also in the basement are carton balers, for the salvage of damaged cartons, and an electrically operated can crusher , for the disposal of worthless cans. io Although the draught-beer operations are on this floor , they are entirely separate from the other operations , and the parties agree that they constitute a part of the brewery operations , not in issue in this proceeding. ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. 1209 age of filled cans and bottles, and the employees on that floor are prin- cipally engaged in piling cartons on and off conveyors and pallets and moving the same to and from storage by means of forklift trucks. Although the exact amount of temporary interchange of personnel between the basement and two lower floors, on the one hand, and the upper floors, on the other, is not clear, temporary loans of employees appear to be at least a regular and frequent occurrence in the Bevo building operations." An examination of the bargaining history at the Bevo building reveals that the representation of the employees in the basement was based on jurisdictional awards by the then common parent Interna- tional of Locals 187 and 6 between the years 1919 and the spring of 1952, when Local 6 disaffiliated from the Brewery Workers, CIO, and affiliated itself with the Teamsters, AFL. This bargaining history has given rise to jurisdictional disputes too numerous to detail here, which disputes have been resolved by arbitrary awards of segments of dis- puted jobs to each local 12 The results of such bargaining have satis- fied none of the parties, who urge that this Board ignore the bargain- ing history, where to do so would effectuate more stable bargaining relationships at the Employers' breweries. 2. Miscellaneous employees in the bottleshop areas at Anheuser Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 187 seek to include in the bottleshop unit nonsalaried elevator operators and the reception-room bartender and cleanup man at Anheuser. These proposed inclusions are opposed by Local 6 of the Teamsters, AFL, and by the Employers. The nonsalaried elevator operators operate, in the Anheuser Bevo building, an express elevator which they load and unload with mate- rials. The bartender and the cleanup man work on the first floor of the Bevo building, in a reception room used to serve brewery visitors. Conclusions: In seeking a solution of this issue, uppermost in our minds has been the dissatisfaction expressed by all parties with the bargaining history for employees in the bottleshop and warehouse units at the Falstaff and Anheuser breweries and the jurisdictional strife attendant upon it. Under these circumstances, the only proper 11 Thus, although there is a utility crew on each floor , employees are borrowed from utility crews on any floor for bottling operations whenever the need arises. v For example, when improperly loaded railroad cars of bottled or canned beer were returned for unloading and reloading , both of the locals claimed jurisdiction , and to settle the dispute, Local 6 employees were awarded the actual unloading of the cars , while Local 187 employees were given the job of piling the cartons on pallets on the dock. Again, with respect to miscellaneous materials and supplies coming to the Bevo building on pallets, to avoid a dispute respecting the fork truck , the use of it was awarded to the locals on a 50-50 basis , the employees of each local operating the truck for half of a shift. Similar "divisions of labor" have resulted from disputes over cleaning operations , jamups of the conveyor , and the carrying of luncheon beer to employees , to mention a few. 1210 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD course, in our opinion, for us to pursue is to accord little or no weight to that portion of the bargaining history which has been based on jurisdictional awards or agreements. Reviewing the evidence with respect to Falstaff, it is clear to us that the loading platform, Volt building, and case storage areas are merely extensions of the shipping and temporary storage operations essential to the proper functioning of the bottling department. We accord no weight to the fact that in recent years there has been no interchange be- tween the bottling department and the areas across the street, it being clear that the preexisting interchange was halted as a direct result of a jurisdictional work award. Under these circumstances, and in the absence of evidence indicating that the employees at the loading plat- form, the Volt building, and the case storage areas have work interests in common with other warehouse employees, possess craft or peculiar departmental characteristics or conform to a separate ad- ministrative sector of the Falstaff operations, we conclude that these employees properly belong with the Plant No. 1 and Plant No. 5 bottling department employees in the multiemployer bottleshop unit hereinafter found appropriate. With respect to Anheuser, the same considerations apply. The rec- ord reveals a close community of interest between the employees on the upper and lower floors of the Bevo building and a considerable amount of interchange between them. This community of interest is in our opinion far stronger than that claimed by Local 6 of the Team- sters, AFL, to exist between the lower floor and basement employees, on the one hand, and warehouse employees in areas remote from the Bevo building, on the other, who have little or no demonstrable con- tact with Bevo building employees. The basic difficulty, as we see it, with the position of Local 6 of the Teamsters, AFL, and of the Em- ployers is that, although they profess a desire to do away with the arbitrary and artificial bargaining practices heretofore adhered to, they ignore such traditional and Board-sanctioned factors as inte- grated plant operations and the close community of work interests between employee groups, in favor of such artificial and relatively unimportant factors as the aforementioned past bargaining history, the physical locale in which the employee groups work (irrespective of basic similarities in work content), and, in the case of the Em- ployers, the fact that at the Bevo building one supervisor is in charge of employees engaged in production bottling operations, while another supervisor is in charge of employees engaged in receiving, storage, and shipping operations.13 To establish bottling and warehouse units in accordance with such factors would in our opinion continue indefi- Is See Anheuser-Busch, Inc., et al., 102 NLRB No. 82. ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. 1211 nitely the very jurisdictional disputes the parties so earnestly seek to avoid. We therefore conclude that, with the above-noted exception of employees in the draught-beer washing and packaging operations, on the first and third floors, and the Government cellars, on the fifth floor, none of whom are herein in issue, all employees in the base- ment and on the first and second floors should be included with the employees on the upper floors of the Bevo building in the multiem- ployer bottleshop unit hereinafter found appropriate. With respect to the miscellaneous employees at the Anheuser Bevo building, we shall, in view of their similarity of working interests with those of the other Bevo building employees, and in further view of the fact that no cogent reason is advanced for their exclusion, in- clude them in the multiemployer bottleshop unit hereinafter found appropriate. (b) Bottleshop oilers and machinists' helpers 1. Bottleshop oilers Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 187 seek to include bottleshop oilers in its multiemployer bottleshop unit. The Employers and Local 367 of the Teamsters, AFL, contend that they should be excluded from the bottleshop unit and included in the powerhouse unit 14 At Griesedieck, 4 to 5 oilers work exclusively in the bottling depart- ment, where they lubricate conveyors and the bottling department production machinery, including the soaker, filler, crowner, pasteur- izer, labeler, and packer; they also clean the conveyors, a task which is also performed by the production bottlers. The bottleshop oilers, though they emanate from the office of the chief engineer, are under the supervision of the bottleshop foreman, who directs their work and who has the power to discharge them. Of the 20 oilers at Griesedieck- Western, 9 are assigned to the bottleshop under circumstances similar to those which pertain at Griesedieck. At Falstaff are 4 bottleshop oilers at Plant No. 5 and 4 bottleshop oilers at Plant No. 1; the latter also act as machinists' helpers. These oilers serve under the bottleshop superintendent, whereas the main- tenance oilers in the plants are supervised by the chief engineer. At Anheuser are 60 oilers who are assigned to the Bevo building and who, like the oilers at the other breweries, lubricate bottling machinery and conveyors. The oilers in the Bevo plant are under the ultimate supervision of the engineering department maintenance sec- tion and are under a separate oiler foreman or lead man, in the Bevo building. 14 The powerhouse unit will be considered later in this Decision. 1212 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The bargaining history with respect to the bottleshop oilers at the Employers' breweries has stemmed directly from jurisdictional ar- rangements between Locals 187 and 367. Thus, bottleshop oiling, formerly performed by bottleshop employees under the jurisdiction of Local 187, is currently performed by oilers under the jurisdiction of Local 367. 2. Machinists' helpers Brewery workers, CIO, and its Local 187 seek to include machinists' helpers in bottleshop areas in the multiemployer bottleshop unit. Anheuser would include the machinists' helpers at Anheuser in the bottleshop unit, but would include those at the breweries of the other Employers in the powerhouse unit. Local 367 of the Teamsters, AFL, would include all machinists' helpers in the powerhouse unit. Machinists' helpers at the Employers' plants generally assist craft machinists 15 in the routine maintenance of bottling and canning ma- chinery; at Griesedieck, Griesedieck-Western, and Falstaff, they are called oilers 16 and have recently been bargained for by Local 367 of the Teamsters, AFL, as have bottleshop and maintenance oilers; at Anheuser, however, they have been represented by Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 187. Conelusions: Bottleshop oilers and -machinists' helpers at the Em- ployers' breweries appear to have few, if any, group employment inter- ests in common with powerhouse or maintenance oilers, situated in other brewery areas. On the contrary, all the evidence points to a close community of interest between the bottleshop oilers and the machinists' helpers, on the one hand, and other bottling department employees, on the other. Bottleshop oilers and machinists' helpers are not craft employees and do not have departmental group charac- teristics which would entitle them to separate representation. Under these circumstances, we do not feel bound by the aforementioned bargaining history based on jurisdictional agreements , and we shall include the bottleshop oilers and machinists' helpers in the multiem- ployer bottleshop unit hereinafter found appropriate. (c) Powerhouse employees; operating engineers Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 246 seek a multiemployer unit of operating engineers at the Employers' breweries, excluding all other powerhouse employees and supervisors as defined in the Act. The Employers and Local 367 of the Teamsters, AFL, agree that a more comprehensive unit of powerhouse employees is appropriate, 11 Craft machinists and their helpers spend most of their time outside the machine shops in the bottleshop areas Craft machinists , not in issue in this proceeding , are currently represented by Local 9 of International Association of Machinists. 26 Machinists ' helpers do no oiling except in emergencies. ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. 1213 including operating engineers knd other powerhouse classifications of employees. They would exclude craft groups of maintenance em- ployees, currently represented by other labor organizations ; clerical employees; professional employees; guards; and supervisors as defined in the Act. At Griesedieck, Griesedieck-Western, and Falstaff , powerhouse op- erations are of the conventional sort, similar to those which pertain to cases involving other breweries wherein the Board has awarded self-determination elections to powerhouse personnel. Although the powerhouse operations at Anheuser, which include a steam plant, a refrigeration plant, and a waterworks, are on a larger and more com- plex scale , and lower echelons of powerhouse employees sometimes perform functions reserved to operating engineers at breweries of the other Employers, powerhouse operations do not appear to differ basically 17 Operating engineers at all of the Employers' breweries are highly skilled craft employees, and the only employees in the powerhouse classifications who are required to hold State licenses in order to per- form the work of their calling. They are, with few exceptions, hired from outside sources. The Employers have no apprentice training program to enable other powerhouse personnel to become operating engineers, and they do not expect to be, and rarely are, elevated to positions as operating engineers."' For at least 45 years, Local 246 has separately represented a craft unit of operating engineers at the Employers' breweries. Local 367 has in the past represented employees in other powerhouse classifica- tions at these breweries. It does not appear that any discord has resulted from this division. Conclusions: Under these circumstances, including the long bar- gaining history for the operating engineers in a separate unit and the fact that there is no regular line of succession from other powerhouse classifications to that of operating engineer, we find that the operat- ing engineers at the Employers' breweries may constitute a separate appropriate multiemployer craft unit or be included in the larger multiemployer powerhouse unit, and we shall direct separate elections among these two voting groupsl9 17 Blatz Brewing Company, 94 NLRB 1277. is Of the 103 powerhouse employees at Anheuser , only 1 is studying to become an operat- ing engineer . In the past 25 years only 4 have applied for licenses ; of these, 1 currently works at Anheuser as an operating engineer ; 1, who received nearly all of his training elsewhere , obtained a license during his 8 -months' employ at Anheuser and then moved on to Falstaff ; and the other 2 left Anheuser a few months after receiving their licenses. At Griesedleck, in a period of 6 years , only 1 powerhouse employee in a group of 16 became an operating engineer. At Griesedleck-Western and Falstaff , all current operating engineers were hired from outside sources , and the powerhouse personnel do not appear to be seeking licenses or to anticipate promotions to positions as licensed operating engineers. 19 The Wooster Rubber Company , 77 NLRB 1044. 1214 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (d) The Anheuser yeast-plant employees Brewery Workers , CIO, and its Local 187 seeks a unit at Anheuser of all employees engaged in the cutting , wrapping , shipping, receiving, and storage of yeast at the Anheuser yeast plant , excluding all other employees and supervisors as defined in the Act. The Employer and Local 6 of the Teamsters , AFL, seek a unit at the Anheuser yeast plant which includes all employees except craft maintenance employees ( presently otherwise represented ), truck- drivers , clerical and professional employees, guards , and supervisors as defined in the Act. The yeast plant is a single building with six floors and a basement. Operations at this building include the manufacture of pharmaceuti- cal and bakers ' yeast, both of them highly integrated operations which are, to a large extent, conducted on a 24 -hour-a-day basis. The production of bakers ' yeast at the yeast plant is briefly as fol- lows : Raw materials in powder and liquid form arrive at the yeast plant in tank cars and by motor truck, are unloaded at the first-floor level, and are moved up to the top floor where they are mixed into a mash. The mash is then carried to the third and fourth floors, where it is fermented , innoculated with yeast, and divided as the culture grows . When ready to harvest , the product is dropped to the second floor and stored in refrigerated tanks. These operations are per- formed on a round-the -clock basis. The yeast is then pressed and deposited in hand trucks and taken to mixers on the second floor for mixing with plasticizers and crushed ice. The yeast then falls to the first floor from the mixers into the extrusion machine , where it is extruded and cut into blocks , wrapped , packed, and placed in cold storage. Pharmaceutical yeast generally goes through the same processes as the bakers' yeast , except that , following the fermentation and sepa- ration processes , it is run over large drum dryers which evaporate the liquid, leaving the yeast . These dryers are located on the fourth floor. The yeast then goes through a dumping chute to the first and second floors, where it is blended, sifted , and packed into drums . The drums are ordinarily stored in the basement or in public warehouses prior to shipment.- The yeast plant is under the overall management of a superintendent and an assistant superintendent , under whom are 3 production super- visors and 5 yeast plant foremen. For many years Local 6 has represented all employees working above the second floor , including all production employees and em- 2° A small amount of pharmaceutical yeast is prepared in the Bevo building, where there are suitable dryers therefor. All yeast, however, is prepared by employees attached to the yeast plant. ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. 1215 ployees who operate hand trucks to move yeast from the presses to the mixers and mixer employees. On the other hand, the employees who handle the bakers' yeast after it comes from the extrusion machine on the first floor have all been represented by Local 187. With respect to pharmaceutical yeast, the packing and storage has heretofore been performed by employees represented by Local 6; with respect to ship- ments, a jurisdictional agreement between the 2 labor organizations provides that if an order calls for 19 packages or less, it is to be transported to the truckloading dock by employees represented by Local 187; otherwise, it is to be transported by employees represented by Local 6. Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 187 admit the appropriateness of the more comprehensive yeast-plant unit sought by Local 6 of the Teamsters, AFL. They urge, however, in support of their position, that if this Board finds appropriate a multiemployer bottleshop unit, rather than an equally appropriate, but more comprehensive, multi- employer production and maintenance unit, then by the same token the Board can establish the smaller unit at the yeast plant, where to do so would promote the bargaining interests of the employees. We find the contention without merit. A comprehensive multiemployer unit, presumably appropriate, was never in issue in this proceeding; more important is the fact that the bottleshop unit is found appropriate in this Decision on the basis of well-established Board principles. With respect to the proposed smaller yeast-plant unit, however, there is no evidence to support its appropriateness on a craft, departmental, or other traditional basis. Indeed, the only justification for such a unit would be the bargaining history, to which, however, we accord little or no weight, in view of its jurisdictional origin. Conclusions: In view of the highly integrated nature of the opera- tions at the Anheuser yeast plant and the close community of interests of the employees therein, we conclude, notwithstanding the contrary bargaining history, that a unit which includes within its scope pro- duction and maintenance employees in the entire yeast plant is the only appropriate unit. We shall, therefore, dismiss the petition of Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 187 for the smaller yeast plant unit. Unit Findings In accordance with the foregoing, we find the following multi- employer units at the breweries of Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Griesedieck Brothers Brewery Company, Griesedieck-Western Brewery Company (Hyde Park Plant), and Falstaff Brewing Corporation in and around St. Louis, Missouri, appropriate for the purposes of collective bargain- ing within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act: 1216 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD A. All hourly rated production and maintenance employees en- gaged in production, shipping, storage, receiving, and noncraft main- tenance operations in bottling departments and bottling department areas, including employees employed at the loading platform, Volt building, and storage areas across the street from the Plant No. 1 bottling department of Falstaff Brewing Corporation; and employees in the basement and on the first and second floors of, and nonsalaried elevator operators, the reception-room bartender and cleanup man in the Bevo building at Anheuser-Busch, Inc.; but excluding laboratory testers and technicans; employees in the draught-beer washing and packaging operations in the Bevo building at Anheuser-Busch, Inc., and in Government cellers; brewing department employees; craft maintenance employees; employees in areas other than bottling de- partment areas; clerical and professional employees; watchmen; guards; and supervisors as defined in the Act. B. All employees engaged in receiving, shipping, and storing raw materials, production supplies, advertising matter, and finished prod- ucts outside of bottling departments and bottling department areas, including employees engaged in noncraft maintenance work and yard labor and refrigeration and waterworks laborers, but excluding jour- neymen brewers, utility brewers, apprentice brewers, other brewery department employees, clerical and professional employees, and super- visors as defined in the Act. We further find the following single-employer unit at the brewery of Anheuser-Busch, Inc., in St. Louis, Missouri, appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act : C. All production and maintenance employees in the yeast plant, including employees engaged in cutting, wrapping, shipping, receiv- ing, and storing yeast, but excluding craft maintenance employees otherwise represented, truckdrivers, clerical and professional em- ployees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. We further find that the following employee groups at the breweries of Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Griesedieck Brothers Brewery Company, Griesedieck-Western Brewery Company, and Falstaff Brewing Cor- poration in and around St. Louis, Missouri, may constitute separate multiemployer units appropriate for the purposes of collective bar- gaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act: D. All operating engineers, excluding all other employees and supervisors as defined in the Act. E. All powerhouse, refrigeration, and waterworks employees, in- cluding coal unloaders, pulverized coal operators, firemen, boiler washers, water tenders, maintenance oilers, powerhouse utility men, operators, auxiliary operators, turbine operators, pump operators, LOCAL 1664, ( DOCK DIVISION ) '1217 temperature control men, and gluten feed and grain dryers,' but excluding operating engineers, bottleshop oilers , machinists' helpers, and supervisors as defined in the Act. However, we shall make no final unit determinations respecting these employees at this time, but shall establish them in separate voting groups to determine their desires in the elections hereinafter directed. If a majority of the employees in voting groups D and E vote for Brewery Workers, CIO, and its Local 246 and for Local 367 of the Teamsters, AFL, respectively, they will be taken to have indicated their desires to be represented in separate bargaining units which the Board, under such circumstances, finds appropriate. If, on the other hand, a majority of the employees in voting group D votes for Local 367 of the Teamsters, AFL, they will be taken to have indicated their desire to be included in a single bargaining unit with the employees in voting group E, and, in the further event that a majority of the employees in voting group E vote for Local 367 of the Teamsters, AFL, the Board, under such circumstances, finds appropriate a single unit which includes the employees in voting groups D and E. Order IT Is HEREBY ORDERED that the petition in Case No. 14-RC-1988 be, and the same hereby is, dismissed. [Text of Direction of Election omitted from publication in this volume.] u We include in the unit the grain and gluten feed dryers, classified as oilers, who operate grain dryers in powerhouse areas at Anheuser . No other labor organization seeks to represent them. LOCAL 1664, (DOCK DIvIsIoN) I. L. A . DISTRICT COUNCIL No. 1 AND LOCAL 1664 (GENERAL LONGSHOREMEN DIVISION), I . L. A. DISTRICT COUNCIL No. 1 and ANTONIO ANGLERO ALERS LOCAL 1762 AFFILIATED WITH ILA DISTRICT COUNCIL OF P. R. (ILA- AFL) AND ILA DISTRICT COUNCIL of P. R. (ILA-AFL) and FER- MIN GARCIA LOCAL 1664 (I. L. A.) AND LOCAL 1742 (I. L. A.) NOW ]KNOWN AS LOCAL 1782 (I. L. A.) AND INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN 'S Asso- CIATION DISTRICT COUNCIL OF PORTS OF PUERTO Rico and ALEJANDRO QUIRINDONGO RODRIQUEZ ILA LOCAL 1584 (G. GONZALEZ PENA, PRESIDENT ), AND ILA DIsnixc'r CoUNCIL OF P. R. (ILA-AFL and DIONISIO SANTANA DIAZ 103 NLRB No. 112. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation