Andal Shoe, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 30, 1972197 N.L.R.B. 1183 (N.L.R.B. 1972) Copy Citation ANDAL SHOE, INC. Andal Shoe , Inc. and United Shoe Workers of America , AFL-CIO, CLC, Petitioner. Case 1-RC-11,546 June 30, 1972 DECISION AND CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVE BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND KENNEDY Pursuant to a Stipulation for Certification Upon Consent Election executed by the parties, and approved by the Regional Director for Region 1 of the National Labor Relations Board on May 5, 1971, an election by secret ballot was conducted in the above-entitled proceeding on May 25, 1971, under the direction and supervision of said Regional Director. Upon the conclusion of the election, a tally of ballots was furnished the parties in accordance with the Board's Rules and Regulations, which showed that, of approximately 135 eligible voters, 122 ballots were cast, of which 66 were for, and 54 against, the Petitioner, and 2 were void. There were no challenged ballots. Thereafter, on May 27, 1971, the Employer filed timely Objections to Conduct Affecting the Results of the Election. In accordance with the National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations, the Regional Director investigated the objections, and, thereafter, on July 7, 1971, issued and served on the parties his Report on Objections, recommending that the Board overrule the objections in their entirety and issue a Certifica- tion of Representative. Thereafter, on August 9, 1971, the Employer filed timely exceptions to the Regional Director's report. On September 24, 1971, the Board ordered a hearing for the purpose of resolving certain issues raised by Employer's Objection 4.1 Pursuant to the Board's Order, a hearing was held on October 28 and 29, 1971, in Haverhill, Massachu- setts, before Hearing Officer Paul V. Lyons. All parties appeared and participated at the hearing and were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to intro- duce evidence bearing on the issues. On December 30, 1971, the Hearing Officer issued and served upon the parties a Report on Objections, pertinent portions of which are attached hereto as an Appendix, in which he recommended that Employ- er's Objection 4 be overruled, and that a certification of representative be issued. Thereafter, the Employer filed timely exceptions to the Hearing Officer's 1183 report and a supporting brief, and the Petitioner filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has reviewed the Hearing Officer's rulings made at the hearing and finds that they are free from prejudicial error. They are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board finds: 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act and it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. 2. The Petitioner is a labor organization claiming to represent certain employees of the Employer. 3. A question affecting commerce exists concern- ing the representation of employees of the Employer within the meaning of Section 9(c)(l) and Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 4. In accordance with the stipulation of the parties, we find that the following employees of the Employer constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All production and maintenance employees at the Employer's Haverhill, Massachusetts, location, but excluding all managerial employees, office clerical employees, professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. 5. The Board has considered the Employer's objections, the Regional Director's Report on Objec- tions, the Hearing Officer's Report on Objections, the Employer's exceptions and briefs, and all other evidence of record, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Regional Director and Hearing Officer. Contrary to our dissenting colleague, we perceive no improper promise of a benefit in the Union's promise to waive dues arrears and reinstatement fees if the Union won the election and the employees suspended because of arrears rejoined the Union. The Union's constitution and bylaws do not require the collection of such arrears on rejoining, and it has not been the Union's practice to collect them. Accordingly, we have overruled the Employer's objections, and as the Petitioner has secured a majority of the valid ballots cast, we shall certify the Petitioner as the exclusive bargaining representative of the employees in the appropriate unit. CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVE It is hereby certified that a majority of the valid ballots has been cast for the United Shoe Workers of I The Board also deferred ruling on Employer's Objections 1, 2, 3, and 5. 197 NLRB No. 131 1184 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD America, AFL-CIO, CLC, and that, pursuant to Section 9(a) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the said labor organization is the exclusive representative of all the employees in the unit found appropriate herein for the purposes of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, or other conditions of employment. CHAIRMAN MILLER, dissenting: Contrary to my colleagues, it is my view that the Petitioner unlawfully interfered with the election by waiving dues delinquencies of suspended members contingent on a union victory at the polls. The record reflects that in March 1970, the Employer purchased a plant operated by the Gold- berg Shoe Company, which had previously shut down. Upon commencing operations, the Employer hired 125 employees of the former company; however, 84 of these employees were in a suspended status with the Petitioner because of nonpayment of dues. At a union meeting on March 11, 1971, which was prior to the critical preelection period, the Petitioner advised the employees that, if the Union won the election, past dues arrearages would be forgotten, and that suspended members would be reinstated into the ranks of the Union without charge, with no dues payable until the Employer signed a contract. On May 20, 1971, just 5 days before the election, the Petitioner, by letter, renewed that promise, specifical- ly advising the employees as follows: Remember all workers will come into the Union free of charge regardless of whether they are suspended or not; also there will be no payment of dues until a contract has been ratified by you and signed. Under the foregoing circumstances, the Hearing Officer found no improper promise of benefit on the part of the Petitioner, and saw no basis for setting aside the election. In recommending that the objec- tions be overruled, he relied, primarily, on DIT- MCO, Inc. 163 NLRB 1019, which involved a waiver of union dues and initiation fees, and he observed that although the waiver here was not in the precise form as in DIT-MCO, the Board's reasoning in that case can apply here. I do not agree. In this case, the waiver of both past dues and reinstatement fees was plainly conditioned upon the results of the election. During a union meeting held before the petition was filed, this condition was clearly expressed to all employees in attendance. In addition, James De Rosa, Petitioner's vice president, testified that if the Union did not win the election there would be no waiver of the back dues obligation of suspended members. It is immaterial that the Union's renewal of that promise in its May 20 letter, within the critical period, was not accompanied by a specific reiteration of all the conditions and terms of the waiver. Since predicated upon statements made by the Union at the earlier meeting, evidence as to what transpired at the union meeting, albeit prior to filing of the petition, is relevant to assess the meaning of Petitioner's statement in the May 20 letter that . . all workers will come into the Union free of charge regardless of whether they are suspended or not ... ." In failing to consider this evidence, I believe the Hearing Officer clearly misapplied Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 138 NLRB 453, since that decision does not foreclose consideration of prepetition conduct to determine whether that which occurs during the critical preelection period is coercive.2 Such being the case, it is my opinion that Board precedent permitting the waiver of initiation fees and deferred collection of dues does not privilege the elimination of a previously accrued debt, contingent on a union victory at the polls. There is no evidence that any practice of not collecting past dues was ever communicated by the Union to employees, nor does it appear that the Union's constitution or bylaws preclude court enforcement of this or any other type of debt. Absent the waiver here in issue, each of the 85 unit employees in suspended status was vulnera- ble to a lawsuit to recover back dues. Such a union waiver of a legally enforceable debt, conditioned upon the Union's winning the election, was, in my opinion, an improper inducement to the suspended members to vote "Yes." Furthermore, unlike the waiver of initiation fees, the employees could not avoid their financial obligations by a vote against the Union. The previously accrued financial obligation was subject to erasure only through a "Yes" vote. Under these circumstances, I would, therefore, set aside the election and direct that a second election be held. 2 See Consolidated Rendering Co., 161 NLRB 1, 16-17; Stevenson Equipment Company, 174 N LRB 865, 866. In . I ; Landis Morgan Transporta- tion, 177 NLRB 579, 583, fn. 9. APPENDIX SECTION I: THE ISSUES As delineated by the Notice of Hearing, the issues before the Hearing Officer are: 1. Did the Petitioner indicate that suspended members would be allowed into the Union free of charge? 2. If so, was the statement made before or during the critical pre-election period? 3. If during the critical pre-election period, was the statement a promise of benefit which interfered with the conduct of the election? AN DAL SHOE, INC. SECTION II: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CON- CLUSIONS In March, 1970 the Employer purchased a closed shoe plant located in Haverhill, Massachusetts. The facility formerly operated under the name of Gold- berg Shoe Company and was party with the Petitioner to a collective bargaining agreement which included a union security provision (for a union shop). When the Employer commenced operations, a majority of its production and maintenance employ- ees were former employees of Goldberg Shoe Company. However, recognition of the Petitioner was not continued and the collective bargaining agreement was not followed. After demanding recognition, on April 20, 1971, the Petitioner filed the instant petition. Of the 133 names contained on the "Excelsior List" submitted by the Employer for the May 25, 1971 election, all but eight (8) employees were former employees of Goldberg Shoe Company. Of the remaining 125 employees on the "Excelsior List," 84 employees were carried on the Petitioner's records as suspended due to the failure to pay dues.' The Employer produced three (3) employee wit- nesses who testified that at a meeting held by the Petitioner at its union hall, at which employees of the Employer were present, representatives of the Peti- tioner said that the employees of the Employer could get reinstated into the ranks of the Petitioner without charge and no dues would be payable until the Employer signed a contract. Although the exact date of this meeting was not clear in the minds of the witnesses, they all agreed that they were referring to the first meeting held by the Petitioner. James A. DeRosa, Vice-President, Territory One, of Petitioner, testified that the first meeting held by Petitioner for the employees of the Employer was on March 11, 1971. He further testified that the employees were told at that meeting that there would be no charge whatsoever to come into the ranks of the Petitioner. There is no dispute as to the statements made by representatives of the Petitioner to the employees of the Employer at this March 11, 1971 meeting. Two other pre-election meetings were held on April 15 and May 24, 1971 but the subject of entrance into the ranks of the Petitioner without charge was not discussed. The March 11, 1971 meeting was held prior to the date on which the instant petition was filed. Therefore, such statements, if they be objec- tionable, were made prior to the filing of the instant petition and thus cannot be submitted as a valid ' Article XV, Section 4, Constitution and Bylaws of the Petitioner provides for automatic suspension of any member who owes two (2) months dues. 2 Ideal Electric and Manufacturing Company, 134 NLRB 1275, 1278; 1185 objection to the instant election as it occurred outside the critical pre-election period.2 The Petitioner mailed to all employees of the Employer a letter, dated May 20, 1971, as part of its pre-election campaign. The letter reads, inter alia. Remember all workers will come into the Union free of charge regardless of whether they are suspended or not; also there will be no payment of dues until a contract has been ratified by you and signed. It is apparent from the evidence that Petitioner, in its pre-election campaign, offered to take into membership, free of charge, all employees regardless of whether they are members of Petitioner or not. Waivers, or provisional waivers, of union initiation fees, whether contingent upon the results of an election or not, have no improper effect on the freedom of choice of the electorate, and do not constitute a basis for setting aside an election.3 Where there is a waiver of initiation fees, there is no enhancement of the employees' economic position, but merely an avoidance of a possible future liability.4 This same rationale can be applied to a reinstatement fee. The Constitution and Bylaws and the practice of the Petitioner do not call for the payment of back dues upon reinstatement. The Employer, citing Gilmore Industries, Inc., 140 NLRB 100, maintains that Petitioner's offer could not apply to all employees in the group by virtue of the fact that a number of employees were at that time members of Petitioner-they had worked for Gold- berg Shoe Company and continued in their payment of dues while employed by the Employer. It puts forth the proposition that the only way such an offer could have applied equally to all employees in the voting group was if Petitioner reimbursed these employee-members for the dues they had paid since Goldberg Shoe Company went out of business. In Gilmore Industries, Inc., ibid. at 101 and reaffirmed in 142 NLRB 781, 784, it was held that there was no interference where the waiver was to apply to all employees employed at the time of the election and was not contingent on how individual employees voted. However, in the Gilmore Industries, Inc., cases, the reference to "all employees" was made in the context of an offer contingent on how individual employees voted in the union election. In the instant case, there is no evidence that the waiver offer was contingent on how an individual voted in the election and, in fact, DeRosa testified it was not dependent upon how an individual voted in the election. I find the "all employees' argument of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 138 NLRB 453, 455. 3 DIT-MCO Incorporated, 163 NLRB 1019,1022; Seymour Transfer, Inc., 179 NLRB 26, 28. 4 Wagner Electric Corporation, 167 NLRB 532, 533. 1186 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Gilmore Industries, Inc. cases inapposite to the instant case and am unable to conclude in these circum- stances that the Petitioner 's questioned conduct impaired a free and rational choice by employees in the election .5 Furthermore, it is noted these employ- ee-members had paid dues voluntarily and would presumably desire representation by the Petitioner and would favor the waiver offers if it was expected to achieve this end. The Employer, citing Teletype Corporation, 122 NLRB 1594, maintains there was an unlawful granting of a benefit to those in suspended status. It points out that a $10 reinstatement fee may be increased with the approval of the General Executive Board of Petitioner 7 and consequently the waiver offer constitutes a substantial benefit . DeRosa testified that the General Executive Board of Petitioner has not authorized an increase in the Employer's area and that $10 is the fee historically charged by Petitioner . There is no evidence that any fee higher than $10 was ever charged. Furthermore, I am not aware of any precedent where the legality of the waiver depended upon the dollar amount involved and the rationale put forth in DIT-MCO, Incorporated, supra, does not depend upon the dollar amount involved." The Teletype Corporation, supra, case does not involve a waiver offer but payment of money by two (2) competing unions to employees to entice them to attend union meetings and is inapposite to the instant case. Furthermore, it is prior to the rationale put forth in DIT-MCO, Incorporated supra. The Employer argues that the Petitioner's offer of reinstatement would result in eligibility for death benefits which amounts to the conferring of benefits. e See Primco Casting Corporation, 174 NLRB No. 44. c Article XV, Section 1, Constitution and Bylaws of the Petitioner provides for a waiver of fees if it will aid in its organizational work. DeRosa testified that it is the Petitioner 's practice to waive reinstatement and initiation fees in an organizational campaign. Additionally, reinstated members whose membership had been suspended for not paying dues for Presumably, without citing it, the Employer is referring to the rationale of Wagner Electric Corpora- tion, supra, at 533 which states: Where there is a waiver of initiation fees, there is no enhancement of the employees ' economic position , but merely an avoidance of a possible future liability . Moreover, such waiver is a customary practice in organizing campaigns. In contrast , the gift of immediate life insurance coverage is a tangible economic benefit and is most unusual. Article XXVIII, Sections 1 and 2 , Constitution and Bylaws of the Petitioner , set forth the eligibility requirements for death benefits . Section 1 requires the member to be "in good standing continuously for the twelve-month period preceding his death" and Section 2 requires the member to be "in good standing continuously for the twenty-four month period preceding his death." In Wagner Electric Corporation, supra, at 533, the Board found that the insurance "coverage was automatic" whereas in the instant case, the member must be in good standing for either twelve or twenty- four months to be eligible for death benefits. Since the death benefit coverage was not immediate. I find that Wagner Electric Corporation, supra, is inapposite as it was the immediate coverage which constituted the benefit foorid objectionable. Accordingly. i conclude that the Employer's Objections are not meritorious and the Petitioner's promise to take into its ranks the employees free of charge regardless of whether they were suspended or not had no improper effect on the freedom of choice of the electorate, and does not constitute a basis for setting aside an election. two (2) months are not charged for their hack dues upon re-entry as a matter of practice and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Petitioner does not require it. 7 See Article XV, Sections 3 and 4. Constitution and Bylaws of the Petitioner. " See DIT-MCO, Incorporated, supra, footnote 9. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation