American Thread Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 25, 1985274 N.L.R.B. 1112 (N.L.R.B. 1985) Copy Citation 1112 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD American Thread Company and Amalgamated Cloth- ing & Textile Workers Union , AFL-CIO, CLC. Cases 11-CA-10358 and 11-CA-10531 25 March 1985 DECISION AND ORDER By CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS HUNTER AND DENNIS On 10 May 1983 Administrative Law Judge Lawrence W. Cullen issued the attached decision The Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel and the Charging Party filed answering briefs. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge's rulings, findings, i and conclusions only to the extent consistent with this Decision and Order. The facts are fully set forth in the administrative law judge's decision In brief, during initial negotia- tions for a successor contract in the fall of 1981, the Respondent proposed that the clause providing for dues checkoff be deleted from the parties' col- lective-bargaining contract. As reasons for its pro- posal, the Respondent stated that a large number of the grievances filed by employees under the prior contract alleged discrimination against union mem- bers and that elimination of the dues-checkoff pro- vision would preclude employer knowledge of union membership. Thereafter, the Respondent ad- hered to this proposal in the face of strong union opposition. Negotiations reached impasse on 19 November. On 1 December 1981 the Respondent discontinued dues checkoff. On 8 February 1982, having received signed cards from a majority of unit employees clearly indicating a desire not to be represented by the Union, the Respondent notified the Union that it was withdrawing recognition Thereafter, it ceased to process employee griev- ances under the terms of the expired collective-bar- gaining agreement, instituted a new grievance pro- cedure, and modified existing vacation and insur- ance benefits. Relying on Markle Mfg. Co. of San Antonio, 239 NLRB 1353 (1979), the judge found that the Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by insisting to impasse on the deletion of the dues- checkoff clause He further found that the Re- spondent's subsequent withdrawal of recognition ' The Respondent has excepted to some of the judge's credibility find- ings The Board's established policy is not to overrule an administrative law judge's credibility resolutions unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect Standard Dry Wall Products, 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd 188 F 2d 362 (3d Cir 1951) We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing the findings from the Union violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) as having been advanced in the wake of its unlawful refusal to bargain on the checkoff clause. He also found that its later refusal to process employee grievances, its implementation of a new grievance procedure, and its modifications of vacation and in- surance benefits violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) in light of the unfair labor practice findings noted above. Finally, based on credited testimony, the judge found that the Respondent's industrial rela- tions manager violated Section 8(a)(1) by asking a prospective employee, during a job interview, if he would cross a picket line in the event of a strike The Respondent has excepted to each of these find- ings We find merit to these exceptions and, in doing so, we reverse Markle Mfg. Co., to the extent explained below. In Markle, like the present case, the employer announced, during negotiations for a successor contract, that it would not agree to the continu- ation of a dues-deduction clause for the stated reason that the union was filing too many charges and grievances alleging company discrimination against union members and that elimination of the dues-checkoff clause would preclude employer knowledge of union membership. The judge in that case dismissed the 8(a)(5) allegation. He found that, although the proposal to withdraw the dues-check- off clause tended to some extent to undermine the union and be inimical to its position, nonetheless, under H. K Porter Co. v. NLRB, 397 U.S. 99 (1970), the company could not be forced to yield to a particular provision advanced by the union. He noted that the General Counsel had presented no authority for the proposition that refusal to agree to the clause violated the company's duty to bargain. Further, he refused to find that by taking this position the company had evidenced a determi- nation not to bargain in good faith. He noted that the General Counsel did not argue that the compa- ny took its position to frustrate bargaining and the judge found that bad-faith bargaining had not been shown. The judge concluded that "[s]imply with- drawing a clause previously agreed to does not breach Section 8(a)(5)."2 The Board in Markle reversed the judge It char- acterized the employer as proposing to eliminate the clause because employees were filing charges and grievances, i.e., invoking their Section 7 rights It then found that the employer's statement as to why it wanted the clause removed implied that agreement on the clause could not be obtained absent some type of guarantee from the union that its members would cease filing charges and griev- 2 239 NLRB at 1364 274 NLRB No. 164 AMERICAN THREAD CO 1113 ances. Building on these premises, the Board then concluded that, by allegedly seeking withdrawal of an existing term of employment because of the em- ployees' participation in protected activities and by implicitly conditioning agreement to a continuation of that on a promise to cease these activities, the employer had clearly demonstrated its determina- tion to refuse to bargain in good faith and thereby violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act In so concluding, the Board also found that, although H. K. Porter would forbid compelling the employer to grant the dues-checkoff clause, it did not "purport to permit an employer's refusal to agree to contrac- tual provisions for reasons clearly violative of the Act."3 Thus, the Board reasoned that it was "within [its] remedial power to require a respond- ent to cease and desist from resting its refusal to agree to a dues-checkoff clause on reasons which are illegal."4 Applying the above principle to the instant case, the judge found that the Respondent's insistence on a proposal to delete the dues-checkoff clause in re- sponse to the employees' invocation of contractual and statutory rights violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) as an attempt to frustrate and impede bargaining for no legitimate reason. We disagree. We think it clear that the judge in Markle decided the issue correctly, and we conclude that the Board's deci- sion in Markle was wrongly decided on the facts presented there. In reexamining the Board's decision in Markle, we find no basis for the Board's factual determina- tion that the employer there conditioned agreement to the continuation of the dues-checkoff provision on a guarantee that protected activities would cease where there is nothing in the judge's factual findings which supports the inference that the em- ployer imposed such a condition or sought such a guarantee. The employer's reason for seeking dis- continuance of the clause, i e., so that it would not know who was or was not a union member in deal- ing with the employees and thus could no longer be accused of discrimination, was an "eminently reasonable position," as the judge in Markle noted.5 We similarly find that the General Counsel has not carried her burden of proving by a prepon- derance of the evidence that, in the circumstances of this case, the Respondent made its proposal for ulterior motives, i.e., to frustrate negotiations. Thus, we find that the Respondent's insistence on the deletion of the clause here did not violate Sec- tion 8(a)(5) and (1). 3 239 NLRB at 1355 4 Id 5 Id at 1364 In light of o ur dismissal of the foregoing 8(a)(5) and (1) allegat on, we find that the Respondent's receipt of signe, 'd cards from a majority of unit em- ployees clearly indicating a wish not to be repre- sented by the U nion provided the objective consid- erations necessai •y to support a good-faith doubt of the Union's maj( )rity status and sanctioned the Re- spondent's withd rawal of recognition. Similarly, in the absence of co ntractual terms and any obligation to bargain with the Union, we find that the Re- spondent's subseqi lent changes in the existing griev- ance procedure an d insurance and vacation benefits did not violate Se, ction 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. Finally, the coi nplaint alleges, and the judge found, that the Res pondent violated Section 8(a)(1) by interrogating employees concerning their "union activities, i iesires, and sympathies." The record shows that, during negotiations for a new contract, the Respor ident's industrial relations man- ager Chester Kilpatr ick asked a job applicant, Car- roll Lance, if he we luld cross a picket line in the event of a strike. Lan ice replied that he would have to think about it. La nce began work for the Re- spondent the next da; i. In these circumstances, we do not find that Kilpi itrick's remarks to Lance on that single, isolated oc, casion rose to the level of an 8(a)(1) violation. Accordingly, we shi ill dismiss the complaint in its entirety. 01 ZDER The complaint is dism issed. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE LAWRENCE W CULLEN, Administrative Law Judge. This case was heard before r ne on September 13 and 14, 1982, at Brevard, North Marc )lina . The hearing was held pursuant to a consolidated complaint issued by the Re- gional Director for Region 11 of the National Labor Re- lations Board on September El, 1982. The complaint in Case 11-CA-10358 is based cm a charge filed by the Amalgamated Clothing & Texti le Workers Union, AFL- CIO, CLC (the Charging Party or the Union) on March 29, 1982 The complaint in Cast' I1-CA-10531 is based on a charge filed by the Chart ;ing Party on July 29, 1982. The complaint, as amendea i at the hearing, alleges that American Thread Company, a corporation (the Re- spondent), has violated Section 8(^ 1)(5) and (1) of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act (the i i ct), since about Sep- tember 29, 1981, by refusing to bargain in good faith with the Union by "failing and refs icing on or about No- vember 19, 1981, to agree to a cons ract clause providing for a dues checkoff authorization be cause of union griev- ances" and by "on or about Febri 'iary 8, 1982," with- drawing "its recognition of the Un ion as the exclusive collective bargaining representative of the employees"; 1114 DECISION! ; OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and by "failing and refusing since on,o r about February secret..ballot election in Case No. 11-RC-4513, conduct- 8; 1982; to accept and process ,grievan(.,es filed pursuant,. ed, under the. supervision of the Regional Director for to the negotiated collective-bargammg agreement," and ,,the Eleventh Region of the Board, designated and select- since about February 8, 1982, by refusir,ig to bargain with , -ed the Union as their representative for the purposes of the Union by "unilaterally, and, withou,f prior notification collective. bargaining, and on November 28, 1978, said to; or consulation with the Union '[changing] wages, Regional. Director certified the Union as the exclusive hours, and working conditions of emp loyees,iii the afor- , representative of the employees in said bargaining unit by: (a) changing it,s,emplpyees' insur- afice coverage, and the employees' c )ntribution rate for such coverage, (b) changing the lei igth of service re- quirements for vacation pay, (c) crea ting and utilizing its own grievance procedure for employ ees " The complaint also alleges that Respondent violate ;d Section. 8(a)(1) of the Act about September 30, 1981, , by, intgrrogating its employees "concerning their union activities and desires, and sympathies." The Respondent. , by its answer filed September 13, 1982, had denied tl- ie commission of any violations of the Act On the entire record in this observations of the witnesses after due consideration of the make the following proceeding, including my tha ,t testified herein and, pot ;itions of the parties, I FINDINGS OF FACT AN D ANALYSIS' I THE BUSINESS OF THI 2 RESPONDENT The complaint alleges, the R 'espondent admits, and I find that at the time of the alleg ;ed unfair labor practices, the Respondent was "at all tim es material herein a New Jersey corporation engaged in manafacture and sale of textile products with a plant a' t Rosman, North Carolina (the Sylvan Plant)," and that " 'during the past 12 months (prior to the filing of the cc tmplaint), which period is representative of all times m ,aterial herein, Respondent received goods and raw pro( lucts at its Rosman, North Carolina, facility directly fron a outside the State of North Carolina, which goods and I materials were valued in excess of $50,000," and di iring this period, "shipped goods and materials valued in excess of $50,000 directly from its Rosman, North Ca roh^na, facility to points out- side the State of North Cat •olrna," and the "Respondent is now, and has been at all times material herein, an em- ployer engaged in commerl--e within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(6) and (7) of the Act. iI THE LABC iR ORGANIZATION The complaint alleges , the Respondent admits, and I find that the Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(51) of the Act The complaint also alleges, the Responden.t admits, and I find that at all times material herein "'All production and maintenance employees employed ; it the Employer's Rosman, North Carolina, plant, but e: tcluding all office clerical employ- ees, professional empl pyees, plant guards and supervisors as defined in the Act constitute a unit approriate for the purpose of collectiv(: bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the A ct," and on June 2, 1978, a majority of the employees it i the aforesaid described unit "by a ' The following inclu des a composite of the testimony of witnesses whose testimony is cred tted, except insofar as specific credibility resolu- tions are made the said unit." III THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Alleged Independent 8(a)(1) Violation-The Alleged Interrogation -of Employee Carroll Lance by Respondent's Industrial Relations Manager Chester Krlpatrick2 Lance testified he was employed in October 1981 by Respondent and worked until March 1982 when he was discharged., Lance had previously worked for Respond- ent several years on one or more occasions. Shortly before, his, employment in October 1981, he was inter- viewed by Chester, Kilpatrick, Respondent's industrial re- lations manager at the Sylvan Plant in Rosman. Lance testified that during this conversation, Kilpatrick told him "the Union was going on a strike, and he (Kilpa- trick) asked me if they had a strike would I walk across the picket line and I told him I'd have to think about it." On the day following Lance's conversation with Kilpa- trick, Lance commenced work with Respondent. Lance acknowledged on cross-examination that he had been dis- charged from his position with Respondent in March 1981 and had filed a charge with the National Labor Re- lations Board alleging discrimination The charge had been dismissed Kilpatrick, who had been called by the General Coun- sel in regard to other allegations of the complaint, was recalled to testify by the Respondent. He testified with respect to the meeting involving Lance, that he had hired Lance in October 1981, and that Lance had worked for the Company two to three times previously. Kilpatrick testified that Lance's application had been submitted several months earlier, but he would have interviewed and talked to Lance approximately a week before he came to work, and at that point in time in Oc- tober 1981 negotiation meetings were ongoing, and Kil- patrick was aware that the Union had the right to engage in a strike. He pointed out this possibility to all interviewees and is certain he mentioned this to Lance in his conversation with him. He also told Lance that the Respondent would operate the plant in the event of a strike He did not recall having told Lance anything fur- ther with regard to running the plant in times of a strike. He specifically denied having asked Lance if he would cross a picket line He does not think he ever asked em- ployees if they would cross a picket line, but he could have pointed out to employees that they might come to work in the morning and find a picket line , 2 The complaint alleges, the answer admits, and I find that at all times material herein Plant Manager Larry Walker, Industrial Relations Manag- er of the Southern Plants Max Poore, and Industrial Relations Manager of the Rosman Plant Chester Kilpatrick were agents of Respondent, acting on its behalf, and supervisors within the meaning of Sec 2(11) of the Act AMERICAN THREAD CO 1115 Analysis I credit Lance's testimony as set out above. In review- ing his testimony and that of Kilpatrick, I note that Kil- patrick's testimony corroborates Lance's that a strike was discussed with Lance. I found Lance's testimony to be specific. I did not find him to be unreliable as contended by the Respondent, notwithstanding the Respondent's position that he is a disgruntled former employee who was discharged for absenteeism in March 1982. I do not credit Kilpatrick's testimony that he did not question Lance concerning Lance's willingness to cross the picket line in the event of a strike by the Union Given Kilpa- trick's knowledge of the possibility of a strike by the Union if ongoing contract negotiations were unsuccess- ful, and in view of Kilpatrick's own testimony concern- ing the general nature of his apprising Lance and other applicants for employment in this regard, I find Lance's version of this conversation more plausible than that of Kilpatrick's. Accordingly, I find that by its interrogation of Lance through its agent Kilpatrick, Respondent vio- lated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by inquiring of Lance whether he would support the Union in the event of a strike. Such questioning of a prospective applicant for employment is inherently coercive of his rights under Section 7 of the Act in the absence of assurances against reprisals and lawful reasons for making the inquiries. No such assurances or reasons were presented by the Re- spondent in this case. Columbia Building Materials, 239 NLRB 1342 (1979); Borg-Warner Corp., 229 NLRB 1149 (1977). B. The Alleged 8(a)(5) and (1) Violations 1. The elimination of the dues checkoff from the labor agreement The Union and the Respondent were parties to a col- lective-bargaining agreement which spans a term from July 9, 1979, to September 15, 1981. In May 1981, pursu- ant to a wage reopener provision of the agreement, the parties negotiated and agreed to a wage adjustment. In August 1981, the parties commenced bargaining on a new agreement . The bargaining was limited to noneco- nomic issues. R. L. Roper, a joint board manager of the Union's Western Carolinas' Joint Board, was the chief union spokesman at the initial bargaining session of August 13, 1981, and testified as follows At this session, Roper pre- sented the Union's proposals, one of which was to amend the collective-bargaining agreement (G.C. Exh. 2) with respect to article 3 entitled "Deduction of Dues" which contained a dues-checkoff provision which was revocable by the employees during the term of the agreement . The Union's proposal sought an irrevocable checkoff clause for a specified period. The Union's pro- posal (G.C. Exh. 4) also contained other proposals sub- mitted by the Union at that time. At this meeting, Re- spondent 's chief spokesman was Max Poore, then Re- spondent's industrial relations director of its southern plants . Respondent did not submit proposals at this meet- ing. At the next meeting which took place on August 21, 1981, Roper was the chief spokesman for the Union and James Hoover, Respondent's attorney, was the chief spokesman for Respondent 3 At this meeting, Respond- ent presented its proposals (G.C. Exh. 3). Included in these proposals was a proposal to eliminate the checkoff provision. Roper was handed a newsletter by Respond- ent's representatives entitled "Employee Voice" which had been distributed in the plant by union members, and which contained allegations that Respondent's supervi- sors had discriminated against union members. Respond- ent's representative Hoover contended the newsletter was not conducive to a good relationship between the parties and was causing problems with its supervisors. Hoover informed the union representatives that the reason for the elimination of the dues checkoff was the large number of grievances (estimated by Hoover to be 25 percent) filed by the Union which contained allega- tions against supervisors and company officials relating to their knowledge of who was, or was not, a union member, and that Respondent was "sick and tired of hearing this and they couldn't spend all their time in grievance meetings regarding that." Roper responded that there had been grievances regarding checkoffs of the checkoff clause and the attempt of supervisors "to get our people out of the Union." Neither party with- drew any of its proposals at this meeting. Bruce Raynor, a regional director and international vice president of the union , testified as follows. He served as the chief spokesman for the Union at the third and fourth bargaining sessions which were held on Sep- tember 8 and 9, 1981, and thereafter. Raynor testified that at the September 8 meeting there was a good deal of discussion of both Respondent's and the Union's propos- als, particularly the subject of checkoff, and the Re- spondent's representatives informed the Union's repre- sentatives that Respondent was tired of all the allegations of discrimination that were being made by union mem- bers in the grievance procedure, and that there had been more grievances filed at this plant than at two other plants represented by the Union. Respondent's represent- atives informed him that Respondent' s management and supervisors felt harassed by this situation and contended that the purpose of the elimination of the checkoff clause was to foreclose Respondent's knowledge of whether or not employees were members of the Union Raynor told Respondent's representatives that the checkoff clause was essential to the Union and presented arguments on behalf of the Union's proposal for an irrevocable check- off clause. At the meeting of September 9, Respondent's representatives again alleged that the grievances and alle- gations of discrimination filed by union members had upset management, and reiterated Respondent's position that the checkoff clause should be eliminated to remove Respondent's knowledge of whether its employees were members of the Union. At the end of the September 9 meeting, the parties agreed to extend the contract to the next meeting date.4 At either the September 8 or Sep- 9 I find, on the basis of the undisputed evidence of his responsibilities as chief spokesman for Respondent during the course of the negotiations, that Hoover was at all times herein an agent of Respondent acting on its behalf within the meaning of Sec 2(13) of the Act The contract would otherwise have expired by its terms on Septem- ber 15, 1981 1116 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tember 9 meeting, Hoover presented leaflets which had been handed out by the Union which Hoover contended had upset management. Between the September 9 meet- ing and the following meeting (which took place on Sep- tember 25), Raynor and Hoover had a telephone conver- sation concerning arrangements for another meeting During this conversation. Raynor asked Hoover what Respondent's position would be with respect to the checkoff clause, and Hoover stated that he thought the issue could be resolved if the Union was willing to move on its proposals for an irrevocable checkoff. Raynor tes- tified that he indicated to Hoover that the Union would be willing to do so Raynor testified that at the meeting of September 25, Hoover announced that Respondent's position on the checkoff issue was that the only way to deal with the Union's grievances and allegations of discrimination against union members was the elimination of the check- off clause in order for Respondent to have no knowledge of union membership among its employees Raynor asked Hoover if Respondent was "philosophically opposed to checkoff," and Hoover replied that it was not, but that there was a specific problem with the checkoff clause. At this meeting, Respondent agreed to extend the con- tract excluding the checkoff provision until the next meeting. Raynor inquired whether Respondent would continue to arbitrate grievances, and Hoover responded that Respondent would arbitrate existing grievances but was not sure whether new grievances would be arbitrat- ed. The next meeting occurred on November 19. Raynor testified that the remaining proposals that Respondent had not withdrawn at that meeting were the elimination of the checkoff clause, a proposal to extend the proba- tionary period, and a proposal for a 2-year agreement. At this meeting, the Union withdrew its proposal for an ir- revocable checkoff clause. Raynor commenced the meet- ing by stating that the issue of checkoff was the issue, precluding the agreement, that the Union would be will- ing to withdraw other outstanding proposals, but that checkoff (revocable) was essential to the Union. Re- spondent's representatives reiterated their positions that Respondent wanted the elimination of checkoff because of allegations of discrimination made by union members. Respondent's representatives did not change their posi- tion on checkoff, but stated that they would suggest a 2- year agreement without checkoff with the right of the Union to reopen during the second year of the agree- ment to discuss checkoff. This meeting ended with Re- spondent's representatives stating that the contract would no longer be extended, that as of December 1 there would be no checkoff of union dues, but the remaining terms of the contract would be continued. The Union's representatives stated that in view of Respondent's posi- tion, the Union would reevaluate its position on the entire contract and would require additional information. Hoover told Raynor to put the request in writing. Chester Kilpatrick, who was recalled to testify by Re- spondent, testified as follows. He has been the industrial relations manager for the plant since July 1979 when the initial labor agreement was executed with the Union. During that time, Kilpatrick had been involved on a day- to-day basis in employee relations at the plant. Kilpatrick testified that there had been allegations of harassment of union members and favoritism toward nonunion mem- bers made by representatives of the Union, and that su- pervisors had complained to him that grievances of em- ployees contained allegations of discrimination by them (the supervisors). Kilpatrick testified that he had men- tioned this on a number of occasions to Roper, and that Roper had told him that Respondent was discriminating against union members. Kilpatick testified that newslet- ters were distributed by the Union which contained alle- gations of discrimination, that these allegations were in- vestigated, and there was no evidence presented to show the basis of these allegations. Respondent also called Max Poore as a witness who testified as follows. Poore served as the chief spokesman for Respondent at the initial August meeting and, there- after, Hoover served as spokesman and Poore assisted. At the initial meeting, the Union presented their propos- als, and he listened and told the Union the proposals would be taken under consideration. At that meeting, the Union's representative inquired whether Respondent had any proposals, and Poore told them not on that occasion, but that there might be some proposals forthcoming. There was some limited discussion of the Union's pro- posals. James Hoover, Respondent's attorney, who represent- ed Respondent at its contract negotiations in 1981, testi- fied as follows. He was not present at the initial August negotiations. However, he received the Union's noneco- nomic proposals the following Monday or the Monday prior to the August'20 meeting (the date of the second bargaining session). Poore came to his office and they discussed the Union's proposals, and at that time, Hoover began to prepare a counterproposal. The Union's propos- al contained a provision for an irrevocable dues check- off. Respondent's proposal contained a provision to delete the dues-checkoff provision in the existing con- tract Respondent's proposal was initially presented at the August 20 meeting. Hoover presented Respondent's proposal which led into a discussion concerning check- off, and Roper responded that there was a bad relation- ship as supervisors were harassing union members. Hoover told the Union's representatives that the allega- tions regarding harassment of union members were the reason for Respondent's proposal to eliminate dues de- ductions because of "the continual accusation that within a different context that we were harassing the Union members."5 Hoover testified he also presented the leaflet 5 Respondent's proposal item 2 reads as follows Article III, Deduction of Dues Delete this article During the past two plus years of the existing bargaining agreement, there have been several questions raised by the Union concerning the fact that em- ployees have revoked Union authorizations for checkoff of Union dues Several times the Union Committee has complained about the fact that employees have dropped their membership in the Union and questions have arisen as to employees' involvement in the Union It is the policy of American Thread Company that employees should have the right join or refrain from joining the Union, and that this is a mater that is strictly personal to the employee For this reason, based upon the experience of the past two plus years, the Company proposes to delete the deduction of dues provision from the Agree- ment In this way, the Company in no way will be involved with, or Continued AMERICAN THREAD CO which had been entitled "The Employee Voice" which had been distributed by the Union and which contained allegations of harassment and discrimination by supervi- sors of union members. Hoover denied that he had ever claimed that Respondent was spending all of its time processing grievances as opposed to running the plant. Hoover testified that at the September 8 meeting , he pro- vided the Union with certain engineering information that they had requested pursuant to an unrelated matter, that there was a great deal of discussion of dues deduc- tion at this meeting, that there was no alternate method of collection of dues, but Raynor talked about the Union ' s proposal and the necessity of the Union having the ability to collect its dues, and Respondent explained its position . Hoover testified further that at the meeting of either September 8 or 9, a number of Respondent's proposals were withdrawn . Hoover denied having stated that more grievances had been filed at the Rosman plant than at two of Respondent 's other plants Hoover denied having stated that the Union had filed too many griev- ances at the Rosman plant . On the meeting of September 9, the checkoff clauses were discussed toward the end of the meeting , and Raynor asked whether Respondent would need an extension of the contract, and Hoover said he would discuss withdrawing its proposal if the Union would withdraw its proposal regarding checkoffs. Hoover testified he did not request that the Union refrain from filing grievances During a recess at the meeting of September 9, Raynor stated that the parties would need an extension of the contract , and Hoover said he would discuss this with his clients and contact Raynor at his office. No specific date for an additional meeting was set at that time Hoover telephoned Raynor on September 14, and at that time , he and Raynor agreed to extend the contract until September 25. A meeting was also set for September 25. Hoover and Raynor also discussed the checkoff clause during their telephone conversation, and Raynor inquired whether the Union 's proposal for an ir- revocable checkoff clause could be swapped in exchange for the withdrawal of Respondent 's proposal to eliminate the checkoff. Hoover told Raynor he did not think so but agreed to check with members of Respondent's man- agement concerning their position with respect to the checkoff clause During the period between the tele- phone conversations of September 14, and the meeting of September 25, there were approximately three or four telephone conversations between Hoover and Raynor. Hoover did check with other management officials in the Company during that period of time and informed Raynor that Respondent was firm in its position with re- spect to checkoff. Hoover testified further that on September 25, during a conversation prior to the meeting, he advised Raynor that the Company was firm in its position concerning the checkoff. During the meeting , the checkoff was not dis- cussed although it was brought up as one of the items for that matter even know , who is a member of the Union other than the Union stewards and officers As stated , the Company has no in- terest in knowing whether employees belong or do not belong to the Union and in this way there can be no complaints by the Union Committee as to employees dropping out of the Union or joining the Union 1117 which were unresolved . There was also an inquiry by a union official during recess whether Respondent would continue to deduct in view of its proposal to eliminate the checkoff clause, and Hoover said that Respondent would do so . After this recess , Hoover told the Union's representatives that Respondent ' s position was firm on its proposal to eliminate checkoff . During that meeting, Hoover informed the Union 's representatives, in response to an inquiry from Raynor, that Respondent would con- tinue the terms and conditions of the contract Hoover testified , "they asked us if we would extend the contract. We said no , but that we would continue the same terms and conditions ." There was no date set for an additional meeting at the September 25 meeting Hoover and Raynor engaged in several telephone conversations fol- lowing the September 25 meeting , and during these con- versations , an additional meeting was set for November 19. Hoover testified that on November 19, Respondent withdrew some of its outstanding proposals and pro- posed a 2-year agreement with a reopener at the end of the year, and that Respondent would insert into the con- tract its position with respect to checkoff, and at the end of the year if the relationship had improved , then Re- spondent would be agreeable in connection with the checkoff to sit down and discuss it There was some dis- cussion wherein Hoover informed the Union's represent- atives that if there were some way the Union could col- lect dues without Respondent 's involvement in it, Re- spondent would be agreeable to that . At the November 19 meeting, the Union's representative (Raynor) stated that if Respondent 's position were firm on checkoff, the Union would need to reevaluate its proposals At the meeting of November 19, Hoover informed the Union's representatives that they were now at a point that it ap- peared "we were at an impasse," and that Respondent would discontinue checkoff of dues on December 1. Hoover also told the Union that the checkoff provision had caused morale problems. Hoover testified the Company did not at any time refuse to meet with the Union until February 8, 1982. Hoover testified Respondent 's representatives did not ask the Union to stop filing grievances . On cross-examina- tion , Hoover testified that at the November 19 meeting, Raynor had made a counter proposal that the parties extend the current contract including the existing check- off provision for a period of one year and indicated that the Union would be willing to budge from its proposal for an irrevocable checkoff and that other types of checkoff were discussed Hoover had previously in- formed the Union 's representatives that Respondent would not arbitrate any new grievances filed after the meeting of September 25, and repeated this at the No- vember 19 meeting On November 19, the only proposals of Respondent which were unresolved were the term (duration) of the agreement and the deletion of the checkoff provision . There were some union proposals outstanding At that point , Raynor asked , "How about a one year deal and we will just leave it like it is." And Hoover asked what about the checkoff provision, and Raynor stated that we can work this out. Hoover testi- 1118 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD fled that the key unresolved issue at this time was check- off. Analysis There were no substantial conflicts in testimony of the parties with respect to the elements essential to the deter- mination of this case. The General Counsel and counsel for the Charging Party contend in their briefs that Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by its insistence on the deletion of the checkoff clause from the labor agreement in response to its dissatisfaction with the frequency and type of grievances filed by the em- ployees and cite in support thereof Markle Mfg., 239 NLRB 1353 (1979) Respondent contends that it did not violate Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by taking the position in the 1981 negotiations that employees' concerns of har- assment of union members and/or favoritism extended to nonunion members by Respondent's supervisors and members of management should be adressed by the dele- tion of the checkoff clause from the labor agreement in order that Respondent would no longer be able to ascer- tain the identity of union members. Respondent contends that it did not refuse to continue checkoff in order to prevent the employees from exercising their rights under Section 7 of the Act with respect to the filing of griev- ances, but rather sought to resolve a problem by elimi- nating its knowledge of union membership among its em- ployees through the elimination of the checkoff clause in the labor agreement. Respondent cites H. K Porter Co., 397 U S 99 (1970), in support of its position that it was not obligated to grant a clause providing for checkoff of union dues and the following Board cases holding that an employer is not compelled under the National Labor Relations Act to agree to any term relating to wages, hours, or conditions of employment: American Oil Co., 164 NLRB 36 (1967); Cone Mills Corp., 169 NLRB 449 (1968), Blue Jeans Corp., 177 NLRB 198 (1969); and Alkahn Silk Label Co., 193 NLRB 167 (1971). Respond- ent contends in its brief that the facts in the instant case are distinguishable from the Markle Mfg. Co. case cited by the General Counsel and counsel for the Charging Party as the Board found (in the Markle case) that the employer had violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act because it refused to agree to a continuation of a checkoff provi- sion in a labor agreement (for the stated reason that the union was filing too many charges and grievances alleg- ing discrimination against union members), and the em- ployer's statements in the Markle case implied there could be no agreement to a checkoff clause in the ab- sence of "some kind of guarantee from the union that its members cease filing charges and grievances." Respond- ent contends further that the Board in its decision in the Markle case noted that the sole reason for the employer's refusal to grant a checkoff clause was to force union members to cease exercising their Section 7 rights by the filing of grievances. Respondent contends that it at no time requested the Union or its members to stop filing grievances, nor did it attempt to exact any guarantee from the Union concerning future grievances, but rather that the purpose of the deletion of the checkoff clause was to improve the relationship between the Union and the Company by "alleviating the Union members' feeling of harassment." I find the Markle Mfg. Co. case cited by the General Counsel and counsel for the Charging Party to be con- trolling herein . It is clear from an examination of the record evidence in this case that the underlying purpose and basis for Respondent 's proposal to eliminate the dues-deduction clause of the labor agreement was the de- terrence of the filing of grievances by the union member- ship , which grievances alleged harassment of the union membership . Although as counsel for Respondent con- tends in its brief, there was no evidence the Respondent at any time demanded that the Union's members cease filing grievances in order for Respondent to agree to the checkoff provision or that any direct threat in this regard was issued to the members or to union representatives, it is clear from the underlying facts and circumstances of this case that the Company 's proposal to eliminate the dues deduction was a direct respondse to the filing of grievances by the union members . The inevitable effect of this proposal was to coerce the union members in the exercise of their Section 7 rights to file grievances pursu- ant to the collective -bargaining agreement . The testimo- ny of Roper and Raynor presented on behalf of the Gen- eral Counsel 's position, and that of Hoover presented by Respondent at the hearing, does not differ in any signifi- cant manner . It is clear that under either version Re- spondent was addressing its insistence on its proposal to delete the checkoff provision as response to the com- plaints and grievances raised by the Union and its griev- ances in listing the grounds for Respondent 's proposal to delete the checkoff clause. I credit Hoover 's testimony that he did not specifically demand that the Union or its members cease filing grievances as a condition of the continuance of the existing checkoff clause. However, to the extent that this absence of a specific demand or ex- plicit statement of the reason (the filing of grievances) for the withdrawal of the checkoff clause as a condition of employment may arguably distinguish this case from the Markle case, I find this distinction insignificant as it is clear that the underlying purpose espoused by Re- spondent for its insistence on the deletion of the checkoff clause was deterrence of complaints and grievances by the Union and its members concerning alleged harass- ment by Respondent 's supervisors and members of man- agement because of their union membership As stated by the Board in Markle Mfg. Co., Respondent 's predica- tion of "its withdrawal of an existing condition of em- ployment on lack of participation in protected activity" was an impediment and frustration to bargaining for no legitimate purpose in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. In reviewing the testimony of both Raynor and Hoover concerning the impediment to negotiating a labor agreement in this case , I conclude that under either version as to the remaining issues at the November 15, 1981 meeting , the sole impediment to agreement was Re- spondent 's proposal to eliminate the dues-checkoff clause Although Respondent had no obligation to agree to any terms or condition of employment , it could not base its refusal to do so on reasons proscribed by the Act. I, accordingly, find that no valid impasse existed, AMERICAN THREAD CO and that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by its course of bargaining and inisistence on the elimination of the checkoff clause as a condition to its agreement to a collective-bargaining agreement to stem the filing of grievances by its employees and thus the ex- ercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act in viola- tion of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. Markle Mfg. Co., supra. 2 The withdrawal of recognition from the Union of February 8, 1982 On February 8, 1982, Respondent withdrew recogni- tion of the Union by notifying the Union that it would cease to recognize it as the collective-bargaining repre- sentative of its employees (G.C. Exh. Tr. 159). This action was taken following receipt by Respondent of a letter dated February 5, 1982, addressed to Larry H. Walker, Respondent's plant manager at its Sylvan plant in Rosman, North Carolina, that the employees no longer wished to be represented by the Union, and by the presentation of signed cards by the employees stat- ing, "I no longer wish to be represented by the Amalga- mated Clothing and Textile Workers Union for purposes of collective bargaining at American Thread, Rosman, N.C, plant, where I work." These cards, which were signed by a majority of Respondent's employees in the bargaining unit at the Sylvan plant, were sent to Max Poore who reviewed the signatures of the employees and determined they were accurate. The accuracy of the sig- natures is not in dispute in this hearing. The General Counsel contends that inasmuch as Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act its insistence on the elimination of the dues-deduction clause from the succes- sor contract, and thus "germinated a situation in which a petition to withdraw recognition from the Union arose, the Union's presumption of majority status has not been rebutted by Respondent, and cites in support thereof, Mar-Len Cabinets, 243 NLRB 523 (1979), enfd. in part 659 F.2d 995 (9th Cir. 1981). The General Counsel argues that the sole impediment to the agreement was the checkoff provision as Raynor testified that other than dues checkoff the only issues remaining at the end of the session were proposals initiated by the Union. The Charging Party contends that the assertion by Respond- ent of a good-faith doubt of the majority status of the Union was not made in a context free of unfair labor practices, and that there must be presumption of contin- ued majority status, citing in support thereof Terrell Ma- chine Co., 173 NLRB 1480, 1481 (1969), enfd. 427 F.2d 1088 (4th Cir. 1970), Erlich's 814, 231 NLRB 1237, 1246 (1977); Carpenters District Council, 250 NLRB 901, 903 (1980), enfd. 661 F.2d 583 (6th Cir. 1981). Respondent cites cases holding that a union's presumption of majority representative status following the termination of a col- lective-bargaining agreement may be rebutted by evi- dence establishing that the union no longer enjoys major- ity representative status. I find Mar-Len Cabinets is appli- cable to this case. In the Mar-Len case, the Board reject- ed a challenge by the employer to the union of presump- tion of majority representative status by its implication of 1119 a good-faith doubt of such status because this defense had been "advanced in the face of closely related unfair labor practices arising from Respondent's failure . . to bargain in good faith with the Union concerning con- tractual terms for the very unit in which Respondent avers an erosion of union support occurred." See also Mark Twain Marine Industries, 254 NLRB 1095 (1981); and Chicago Magnesium Castings Co., 256 NLRB 668 (1981). See also Carpenters District Council, supra and Er- hch's 814, Inc., supra, cited by the Charging Party. I, ac- cordingly, find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by its withdrawal of recognition from the Union on February 8, 1982. 3. The alleged unilateral changes The grievance procedure It is undisputed that following Respondent's withdraw- al of recognition of the Union, Respondent ceased and refused to process grievances under the terms of the col- lective-bargaining agreement (G.C Exhs. 10, 11, 14, and 15). Roper testified that pursuant to this position taken by Respondent, the Union ceased filing grievances but retained them in its files in view of Respondent's position (Tr. 41; G.C. Exh. 16). It is also undisputed that Re- spondent instituted a new grievance procedure in July 1982 entitled "We've Got a Problem-How it Works." (G.C. Exh. 17.) Respondent further admitted in its answer to the complaint that it had failed to process new grievances. At the hearing, Respondent's counsel admit- ted on behalf of Respondent that on February 8, 1982, Respondent ceased to process grievances and did not accept new grievances filed on or after February 8, 1982. (b) The modification of the insurance benefits Respondent modified its existing life and medical insur- ance benefits on March 1, 1982 (G.C. Exh. 18), by in- creasing maximum benefits, and providing unlimited maximum benefits under the medical insurance plan, and changing the limits under the hospital insurance cover- age, reducing the premium rates by 50 percent, allowing for the possibility of election of a coverage for spouse and dependents, and by the purchase of, and by increase of, the life insurance policy from a $1000 life insurance policy with an option to buy $2000 of life insurance to a $2000 free insurance policy with a maximum of $5000 coverage. Chester Kilpatrick testified that this constitut- ed an outright gift of life insurance. (c) Changes in vacation benefits On April 2, 1982, Respondent posted a notice to its employees which informed them of modifications in va- cation pay requirements and set forth changes and modi- fications of vacation pay, increasing vacation pay to cer- tain employees in designated seniority groups (G.C. Exh. 2, art. 16) Respondent also admitted the complaint alle- gations that it instituted changes in vacation pay without notifying or bargaining with the Union about these changes 1120 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Analysis of the Unilateral Changes I find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by its failure to process grievances, its institu- tion of a new grievance procedure, the changes instituted in existing medical and life insurance benefits, and in the existing vacation benefits As I have found above the Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by its insistence on the elimination of the checkoff provision for reasons proscribed by the Act, and by its withdrawal of recognition from the Union, Respondent had a con- tinuing obligation to bargain with the Union concerning the terms and conditions of employment of its employees in the bargaining unit . NLRB v. Katz, 369 U.S. 736 (1962); see also Colson Equipment, 257 NLRB 78 (1981), enfd. in part 673 F 2d 221 (8th Cir. 1982); Pace Oldsmo- bile, 256 NLRB 1001 (1981); and Precision Anodizing & Plating, 244 NLRB 846 (1979). CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent American Thread Company is an em- ployer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Sec- tioii 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union, AFL-CIO, CLC is a labor organization withing the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By its interrogation of employee Carrol Lance con- cerning his union sympathies by Respondent' s agent and supervisor, Chester Kilpatrick, Respondent violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act 4. By its insistence on its contract proposal for the elimination of dues deduction, Respondent violated Sec- tion 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 5. By its withdrawal of recognition from the Union on February 8, 1982, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act 6. By its refusal to process grievances under the col- lective-bargaining agreement, and by its institution of a new grievance procedure, and by its modifications of the existing life and medical insurance benefits, and by its modifications in vacation benefits without bargaining with the Union, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act 7. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain violations of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the ACt, it will be recommended that Respondent cease and desist there- from and take certain affirmative actions designed to ef- fectuate the purposes and policies of the Act, and post the appropriate notice The Board does not require that employees suffer loss of increases in benefits under cir- cumstances such as have occurred in this case with re- spect to the life and medical insurance policies and the vacation benefits in order to effectuate the purposes of the Act. Kendall College, 228 NLRB 1083 (1977); Dura- Bent Corp, 257 NLRB 430 (1981); and Pace Oldsmobile, supra, and I, accordingly, do not recommend that the in- creases in life and medical insurance benefits, and the in- creases in vacation benefits, or any other increases in wages or benefits, be rescinded I do, however, recom- mend that all other terms and conditions of the collec- tive-bargaining agreement which expired on September 15, 1981, be reinstated to the status quo ante until Re- spondent fulfills its obligation by bargaining, on request, with the Union as the collective-bargaining representa- tive of its employees in the appropriate unit, and either reaches, or executes, a written agreement with the Union or until a valid impasse occurs. I further recommend that Respondent make whole the Union for an,, loss of dues that may have been incurred by it by reason of Respond- ent's elimination of the checkoff clause.6 [Recommended Order omitted from publication] 6 Interest shall be applied in accordance with the manner prescribed in Florida Steel Corp, 231 NLRB 651 (1977) See generally Isis Plumbing Co, 138 NLRB 716 (1962) Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation