Allis Chalmers Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 18, 1976224 N.L.R.B. 1199 (N.L.R.B. 1976) Copy Citation ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION Allis Chalmers Corporation and International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Workers of America, UAW Cases 15-CA-5438, 15-CA-5532, 15-CA-5554, 15-CA-5673, and 15- CA-5732 June 18, 1976 DECISION AND ORDER By CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS FANNING AND JENKINS On January 20, 1976, Administrative Law Judge Frank H Itkin issued the attached Decision in this proceeding Thereafter, Respondent, the General Counsel, and the Charging Party filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and Respondent filed a reply to the exceptions filed by the General Counsel and the Charging Party i Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent, Allis Chalmers Corpora- tion, East Jackson, Mississippi, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order IT IS FURTHERED ORDERED that the consolidated complaints in this proceeding be, and they hereby are, dismissed insofar as they allege unfair labor practices not found herein i Respondent s request for oral argument is denied as the record includ ing the exceptions and briefs adequately presents the issues and the posi tions of the parties 2 We agree with the Administrative Law Judge that the no solicitation rule in issue is unlawful Members Fanning and Jenkins find the rule to be unlawful not only for the reasons expressed by the Administrative Law Judge which they recognize to be correct application of Board precedent but also for the reasons set forth by them in their dissent in Essex Interna tional Inc 211 NLRB 749 (1974) and by Member Jenkins in his dissent in House of Mosaics Inc 215 NLRB 704 (1974) DECISION 1199 FRANK H ITK1N, Administrative Law Judge The above consolidated cases were heard before me in Jackson, Mis- sissippi, on April 30, May 1, 2, 12, and 13, September 30, and October 1 and 2, 1975 An unfair labor practice com- plaint issued in Case 15-CA-5438 on December 17, 1974 This complaint is based on an unfair labor practice charge filed on September 16, 1974 Thereafter, an order consoli- dating cases, a consolidated complaint and notice of hear- ing issued in Cases 15-CA-5438, 15-CA-5532, and 15- CA-5554 on January 24, 1975 This complaint, as amended at the hearing, is based on an unfair labor practice charge filed in Case 15-CA-5532 on November 27, 1974, and an unfair labor practice charge filed in Case 15-CA-5554 on January 2, 1975 Cases 15-CA-5438, 15-CA-5532, and 15- CA-5554 were consolidated With respect to Case 15-CA- 5438, on January 3, 1975, Respondent filed with the Board a Motion for Summary Judgment, asserting that the charge in that proceeding does not support the allegations of the complaint, the complaint is the result of improper solicita- tion by Board personnel, a previously withdrawn charge was improperly reinstated, and a concurrent representa- tion proceeding (Case 15-RC-5364) is a bar to the com- plaint On March 28, 1975, the Board denied Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment, noting that "the issues raised in the complaint and motion for summary judgment and opposition thereto can best be resolved in connection with a hearing before an administrative law judge after issue has been domed " Respondent renewed this mo- tion, styled as a motion to dismiss the complaint in Case 15-CA-5438, at the hearing Subsequently, on June 27, 1975, an unfair labor practice complaint issued in Case 15-CA-5673 This complaint is based upon an unfair labor practice charge filed on April 29, 1975 On July 28, 1975, an order was entered granting General Counsel's motion to reopen the hearing in Cases 15-CA-5438, 15-CA-5532, and 15-CA-5554, to consoli- date Case 15-CA-5673 with the above cases, and to sched- ule a further hearing Thereafter, on August 20, 1975, an unfair labor practice complaint issued Case 15-CA-5732 This complaint is based upon an unfair labor practice charge filed on June 26, 1975 On September 10, 1975, an order was entered granting General Counsel's further mo- tion to reopen the hearing in the above cases, to consoli- date Case 15-CA-5732 with the previously consolidated cases, and to schedule a further hearing On September 18, 1975, Respondent moved to dismiss the complaint in Case 15-CA-5673, asserting, inter alia, that the specific unfair labor practice charge in that proceeding does not support the allegations of the complaint and that the proceeding has been improperly initiated by Board personnel Also, on September 18, 1975, Respondent moved to dismiss certain allegations of the complaint in Case 15-CA-5732, assert- ing, inter alia, that there is no relationship between the allegations of paragraph 7 of the complaint and the charge in that proceeding and that the proceeding has been im- properly initiated by Board personnel The principal issues raised in these consolidated cases are whether Respondent Company violated Section 8(a)(1), 224 NLRB No 158 1200 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (3), and (4) of the National Labor Relations Act by main- taining in effect and enforcing a no-solicitation rule pro- hibiting employees from soliciting on company property without written permission from management, by reclassi- fying and granting a wage increase to certain employees about April 26, 1974, by engaging in interrogation, pro- scribed solicitation, threats, and the creation of the impres- sion of surveillance about April 26, 1974, and on other dates in the same month, by engaging in interrogation and threats about May 10, 1974, by discharging employee Ran- dall Lee Cook about November 15, 1974, by granting em- ployees 2 additional holidays about November 25, 1974, by reclassifying and granting a wage increase to certain employees about December 13, 1974, by threatening em- ployees with loss of benefits about December 20, 1974, by granting a 5-percent wage increase to employees and an- nouncing that the Company would pay insurance premi- ums for dependents of employees about January 17, 1) 75, by engaging in proscribed solicitation, interrogation, and threats on certain dates during February and March 1975, and by granting employees a 30-cent hourly wage increase and an increase in workmen's compensation benefits about June 25, 1975 Respondent denies that it engaged in the unfair labor practices as alleged In addition, as noted above, Respondent argues that the complaints should be dismissed in cases 15-CA-5438, 15-CA-5673, and 15-CA- 5732 as defective and improper Upon the entire record before me, including my observa- tion of the witnesses, and after due consideration of the briefs by counsel, I make the following findings of fact and conclusions of law FINDINGS OF FACT I INTRODUCTION UAW, 86 ballots were cast against the participating labor organizations, and 3 ballots were void Since a majority of the valid ballots were not cast for any of the participating labor organizations, a runoff election was conducted on May 16, 1974 There were approximate- ly 185 eligible voters, 180 ballots were cast, 87 ballots were cast for the Charging Party UAW, 91 ballots were cast against the labor organization, and two ballots were chal- lenged Thereafter, Charging Party UAW filed timely ob- jections to conduct affecting the results of the runoff elec- tion The Regional Director caused an investigation of the objections to be made and, on July 5, 1974, issued an order directing that a hearing be held to resolve issues raised in certain objections A hearing was held on July 25, 26, and 31 and August 1, 1974 On October 18, 1974, the Hearing Officer issued his report on the objections and recommen- dations to the Board The Hearing Officer recommended that certain objections be sustained and that others be overruled On February 7, 1975, the Board adopted in part the Hearing Officer's findings and recommendations, di- recting that the first runoff election be set aside and that a second runoff election be held A second runoff election was conducted, as directed by the Board, on March 21, 1975 There were then approxi- mately 303 eligible voters, 299 ballots were cast, 171 bal- lots were for Charging Party UAW, 127 ballots were against the labor organization, and I ballot was chal- lenged The Company filed timely objections to conduct affecting the results of the second runoff election The Re- gional Director caused an investigation of the objections to be made and, on August 25, 1975, overruled the Company's objections These proceedings are now pending before the Board The evidence pertaining to the Company's conduct dur ing the organizational effort is summarized below Respondent Company, a Delaware corporation, has of- fices and plant facilities in East Jackson, Mississippi, where it is engaged in the manufacture of electrical equipment During the past year, Respondent Company sold, shipped, and furnished services and goods valued in excess of $50,000 directly to places outside of Mississippi I find and conclude that Respondent Company is an employer en- gaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act Further, I find and conclude that Charging Party Union (UAW or the Union) is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act On March 13, 1974, International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, AFL-CIO-CLC (IUE), filed a representation petition with the Board in Case 15-RC- 5364, seeking to represent a unit of the Company's hourly paid production and maintenance employees at its East Jackson facility Charging Party UAW and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO-CLC (IBEW), intervened On April 4, 1974, the Board's Region- al Director for Region 15 approved a stipulation of the parties for certification upon a consent election An elec- tion was conducted by secret ballot on April 25, 1974 There were then approximately 186 eligible voters 174 bal lots were cast, 5 ballots were cast for IUE, no ballots were cast for IBEW, 83 ballots were cast for Charging Party II THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS A The Company's No Solicitation Rules It was stipulated that the Company posted at its plant, from about November 26, 1973, until a date subsequent to the first runoff election on May 16, 1974, the following no-solicitation rule Solicitation on company property is prohibited with- out prior written approval of the employee and com- munity relations manager or his designate It was further stipulated that the Company also posted at its plant, shortly after the May 16 election, the following no-solicitation rule Solicitation on company property is prohibited during working time without prior written approval of the em- ployee and community relations manager or his desig- nate [Emphasis supplied I In addition, it was stipulated that the Company distributed a handbook to its employees about February 1, 1975, con- taining the following no-solicitation rule Solicitation on company property is prohibited during working time, with only the exceptions of such charita- ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION ble government programs as United Fund and U S Savings Bonds, and then with prior written approval of the employee and community relations manager [Emphasis supplied ] It is only the Company's first rule, as quoted above, which is claimed to be unlawful because it broadly prohibits so- licitation on company property Tom Cummings, the Company's manager of personnel relations from about August 1973 to February 1975, testi- fied that nobody was ever reprimanded for soliciting We had a rule up there that wasn't enforced other than this one instance that we had a vendor on com- pany property and asked him to leave Employee Norman Woodthorpe acknowledged in his testi- mony that union cards were distributed in the plant and that union supporters solicited employees during "break times, lunch time and before work " Employee William Ivy related that employees campaigned for and against the Union in the plant "during work time " Employee James Ainsworth recalled that he had "conversations about the Union during working time" and "break time " Em- ployee Charles Foster testified that he solicited employee signatures on union cards on his SDO assembly line before work, on breaks, and after work' B The Job Reclassifications Announced on April 26, 1974 Tom Cummings, former manager of personnel relations, acknowledged that about April 26, 1974, the Company put into effect a wage reclassification in its SDO assembly de- partment As a result, certain employees in that depart- ment were reclassified from grade levels four to six This reclassification increased the hourly wage rates of some 23 employees by approximately 30 cents Further, on the same day, some 10 "winder" employees were reclassified from grade levels 3 to 5 resulting in an hourly wage increase of 30 cents Cummings recalled that about December 1973, he spoke with Supervisor Jerry Pilgrim, who was in charge of the Company's SDO area, concerning employee wage grades and their job classifications Cummings also spoke with Supervisor Guido Mulletaire, who was in charge of the Company's "winder" employees, about this same subject Cummings recalled that Supervisors Pilgrim and Mulle- taire requested "an evaluation" of their employees, em- ployees wanted "to be transferred" to other departments in the plant "in order to receive a wage increase", and, in sum, employees working in the SDO area or as "winders" "would see that they could make more money in another area 2 Cummings explained that `normal procedure at that time" was to prepare `a memorandum to the industrial engineers" requesting a `study" of the particular job classi- 1 The evidence recited above is essentially undisputed I find and con elude that the above testimony of Cummings Woodthorpe Ivy Ainsworth and Foster is credible 2 Cummings recalled that employee Charles Foster also spoke with him about this subject during early 1974 1201 fications in question The engineering department would "evaluate" the jobs and submit a memorandum to Cum- mings with its findings and recommendations concerning the particular labor grade levels About February 22, 1974, Cummings sent a memorandum to Tom Boyd, the chief industrial engineer , requesting an evaluation of the job classifications for "shop blast operators, winders and light assemblers " Cummings subsequently received an evalua- tion from Boyd about March 25, 1974 Boyd " recommend- ed that the assemblers in the SDO area be reassigned to a labor grade six, that the winders be assigned to a grade five and that the shop blast operators remain the same " Cum- mings, in turn, recommended to Ronald K Booth, the em- ployee and community relations manager, "that we make these changes " Between March 25 and April 26, 1974, Cummings spoke with Booth about the reclassifications Cummings also spoke with T A Palwyn, the manufactur- ing engineer The reclassifications were finally announced on April 26, 1974, the day after the initial representation election 3 Ronald Booth, manager of employee and community re- lations, testified that the Company opened its new facility in East Jackson during 1973, that the Company' s initial wages and benefits for employees in East Jackson had been established about May 1973, and that it was then antici- pated that the Employer would from time to time have to make changes in job classifications and wage rates "to fit local experience " According to Booth, "job classification studies [were] being done continuously through the period of time we've been in Jackson " Booth recalled that Cum- mings had complained to him "that there was a feeling on the floor that these classifications were not competitively set ' Thereafter, the engineering department, as ex- plained above, prepared a "study" during March 1974 Booth noted that it was "difficult" at the time to discuss this matter with Plant Manager McDermott because he "was so tied up with materials and production problems" during this "start up" phase of the Company's operation in East Jackson Howard Equitz, director of employee relations for the Company, testified that the East Jackson operation had been relocated from Boston and that IUE representatives had announced from the outset the Union's intention to organize the East Jackson employees According to Equitz, the new plant "opened its doors" about July 1973 The Company had developed in the weeks prior to the opening, and continued to develop thereafter, its wage and benefit programs These were initially based on "tentative evalua- tions and estimates for wage rates " Management contemplated that "we would review these [benefits] 3 Cummings testified that he had experienced difficulty in meeting with Plant Manager McDermott about March or April 1974 because of produc non problems in the plant which was then in a start up situation Cum mings also testified that James Cole the warehousing and receiving supervi sor had requested about this time seven additional employees in his department as storekeepers Cummings assertedly used Cole s request as a reason or wedge to get the light assemblers reclassified to a labor grade six Cummings testified It was my opinion that as soon as it became [known] that [there] were openings in stores which was a labor grade five that these people that were already trained in SDO would request a transfer And see Resp Exhs 2(a) (b) (c) (d) and (e) and 3 1202 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD through refined surveys in the area and to some extent in the industry and make adjustments as were called for periodically " The object was, `through pe- riodic reviews, to remain competitive or better " Equitz, when asked by the Company's East Jackson rep- resentatives about job reclassifications and related matters, explained to local management they should be very aware of the fact that we assumed that there would be a concerted effort put on the union organizational context from the outset Equitz instructed local management " Do things for objective business reasons ", do "business as usual", and "they should expect an extremely prolonged [represen- tation] proceeding "Equitz recalled that he also spoke with employees during the organizational effort Equitz ap- prised assembled employees, as he had apprised local man- agement the Company's actions with respect to wages, benefits or working conditions would be made pur- suant to announced Company policies and for sound business reasons and would not be affected one way or the other by any union campaign Further, Equitz explained that he had been "consulted" by local management with respect to the April reclassifica- tions and whether these reclassifications should be deferred because of the pending representation proceeding Equitz testified I gave them my advice that I could not tell them that the deferral would be for any specific length of time , if something was objectively dictated by good business considerations with respect to the merits, the substance and the timing of the business measure, including the reclassification, they should go ahead and do it Equitz had been presented with the memoranda and file pertaining to the April reclassification See Resp Exhs 2(a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) He "reviewed [them] prior to the time [local management] implemented the reclassification ' He "satisfied" himself "that the study, the reevaluations, had been commenced and was documented to a time prior to the filing of the petition" in the representation case 4 C Supervisor Pilgrim Speaks With Employees McCarty, Foster, and Woodthorpe During April 1974 Employee Randy McCarty testified that he had worked for the Company in the SDO department from about April 1, 1974, to April 1, 1975 He related a conversation with Supervisor Jerry Pilgrim in the SDO wiring area during April 1974, as follows Mr Pilgrim came up to me and said that you've just begun work in the plant and you are not going to be able to vote but I d like to talk to you about the union , we have an election coming up 4 I credit the testimony of Cummings Booth and Equitz as recited above Their testimony is in large part mutually corroborative and supported by the documentary evidence of record and we don't need a union in this plant The Company's young and dust beginning to grow He said the union could cause strikes, could cause hardships, could cause friends to turn against friends and he asked me how I felt about the union, and I told him I didn't know, I'd never been associated with one and I never had any dealings with one I told him at that time I did not plan to vote for the union He said that it will be people like you that can convince other people to vote against the union He said, I'd appreci- ate your help In addition, as McCarty further testified, Approximately a week after our conversation, he [Pil- grim] came back to me again and asked me had I talked to anyone about our conversation and I told him no, that I hadn't had a chance to talk to anyone Shortly before the election, he [Pilgrim] came to me and asked me how I thought the election would go I told him that I didn't know because I hadn't had that much time to talk to that many people Employee Charles Foster testified that he worked for the Company in its SDO department He recalled having three conversations with Supervisor Pilgrim on April 26, 1974 The first conversation occurred about 9 a in Foster testi- fied, as follows He [Pilgrim] approached me and said-there's going to be a runoff election-and he was trying to get around to talking to all of his people He said he had a lot of his people that are going to support the union [sic] He was trying to get around to talk to them to convince them to go against the union He made the statement-we do not need any outsiders in the plant Foster testified that he then said to Pilgrim "Jerry, how do you know that I'm supporting the union " Pilgrim replied "he had been told' Foster asked Pilgrim "who told you " Pilgrim said "He couldn't tell [Foster] " Foster then told Pilgrim "Jerry, I won't tell you which way I'm going to vote because this is something we have a right to [in] a secret ballot " According to Foster, the second conversation with Pil- grim that day took place shortly after lunch in the work area Foster testified that Pilgrim "came up and said he knew that me and Norman Woodthorpe were supporting the union He said that the Company can do anything for you that this union can do " Foster asked Pilgrim, "such as what " According to Foster, He [Pilgrim] said-you know that raise you were talk- ing about back in January, a 30-cents raise * He said-if the union is voted out, you'll get the raise 5 Foster asked Pilgrim 'is this a promise" Pilgrim replied no, I can't say it's a promise, but if you'll vote against the union, you will get a raise He said-I like Foster testified that he previously had spoken with Pilgrim and Cum mings in January 1974 about his wage grade level and a transfer and that he was then told by Pilgrim that Pilgrim was unable to do anything about it and told by Cummings that there was nothing that could be done ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION 1203 you and Norman [Woodthorpe] and you both do good work, but the people that are supporting the union, if the Company wins, probably wouldn't be around when this is over He went on to say that if the union was voted in, we would lose some of our benefits, but he wouldn't state what the benefits would be The third conversation with Pilgrim that day, according to Foster, was in the work area in the presence of coworker Woodthorpe Foster testified Pilgrim came up and said-Charley, I'm still get ting more reports on your supporting the union I said-Jerry, I'm tired of hearing this all the time Whichever way I decide to go in this election is my concern and you don't have any right to try to per suade me in any way I don't want to hear no more about this, so get off of me and stay off Employee Norman Woodthorpe testified that he has been working for the Company since late 1973 on the SDO assembly line Pilgrim is his supervisor Woodthorpe re called the following incident between the April 25 and May 16 elections Charley Foster and I were talking to each other in Charley Foster's work area and Mr Pilgrim came up and said that somebody had said that Charley had been talking about the union and he wished it would quit or stop He said, in fact, the person or persons, whoever it was, complained to him two or three times Charley asked him who it was and he said he wouldn't tell him, and then he said something about I hope you guys vote right A little later on in the day, he was over in my work area and I told him that I was going to vote right Supervisor Jerry Pilgrim acknowledged in his testimony that he had spoken to employee Foster about the organiza- tional effort on April 26, 1974 Pilgrim claimed that em- ployee Fred Lucas had informed him that "he [Lucas] had been told by another employee that Charley Foster had said that if the union came in that he, being Lucas, had to go " Pilgrim claimed that Lucas had informed him that "Charley Foster had been making threatening gestures at him with his fingers " Pilgrim claimed that, I went and talked with Charley Foster and I asked him if it was true , and if it had been, I would advise him to be careful what he was saying to other employees Pilgrim testified that Foster "wanted to know who told [him] about it ", Pilgrim assertedly "did not tell [Fos- ter] because [he] wanted to avoid trouble " Pilgrim acknowledged that he again spoke with Foster later that same day Pilgrim testified Tom Cummings came to me and told me that Lucas had told him about the threat and I went back to see Charley again and cautioned him once more to be very careful about what he was saying, not to be threatening the other employees Pilgrim again declined to identify the complaining employ- ee or employees to Foster Pilgrim could not "recall' speaking with Foster on any other occasion that day Pil- grim denied that he had said "anything about the union campaign" to Foster in "any of these conversations " Pil- grim denied questioning employees about the union, threatening employees or promising benefits to employees Pilgrim claimed "I did not discuss it at all " In addition, Pilgrim asserted that he `did not discuss [the April 25 and May 16 election] with [employee McCarty] at all And, Pilgrim denied threatening employees Foster or Wood- thorpe `that they would lose their jobs if the union was voted down " On cross-examination, Pilgrim acknowl- edged talking with Foster and Woodthorpe before the first election "about the union", that later, after the first elec tion, he had observed Foster "out on the highway on num- erous occasions talking to" a union organizer, and that "this was one of the ways that [Pilgrim] knew [Foster] was involved with the union or was for the union " Pilgrim also acknowledged that employees had informed him about Foster's union activities Pilgrim claimed that he only "could talk to employees that weren't pro-union" and ex- press his "personal sentiments to them' with respect to the organizational effort 6 D The Evidence Pertaining to Supervisor Johnson s Statements to Employee Cook on May 10, 1974, and Cook s Termination on November 15, 1974 Employee Randall Lee Cook testified that he worked for the Company on its BZO assembly line from February through November 15, 1974 Cook's supervisor, at times pertinent here, was Ousborn Johnson Cook started engag ing in union activities "not too long after" he "started" working for the Company He talked to other employees about the Union, solicited employees to sign union cards, and attended union meetings Cook testified that the fol- lowing conversation occurred with Supervisor Johnson on May 10, 1974 Me [Cook] and [employee] Bo Palmer were work ing in the cabinet of the breaker and Ossie John- son-well, one of us called him over there to show us how to fix the thing He came over I don't re- member how the conversation started, but he had asked me and Bo how we were going to vote in the election and we told him that we were going to vote 6 I credit the testimony of employee McCarty as recited above McCarty impressed me as a reliable candid and trustworthy witness On the other hand I do not find Pilgrim to be a credible witness Pilgrim s testimony was at times vague evasive and inconsistent I do not credit Pilgrim s denials of the conduct and statements attributed to him In addition I find that the testimony of employee Foster as recited above is credible I have taken into consideration in crediting Foster the variations between Foster s pre hearing affidavit his testimony in the representation case and his testimony before me I have also considered among other factors in the record before me the testimony concerning Foster s statements and conduct in the plant in support of the union and his confusion at times as to dates and events Nevertheless I am persuaded on the entire record before me that Foster s testimony as recited above is a reasonable and reliable account of the three conversations which occurred on or about April 26 Likewise although Woodthorpe s testimony is not fully corroborative of Fosters testimony with respect to the third conversation I credit Woodthorpe Woodthorpe like Foster was employed by the Company when he testified And on the record as a whole Woodthorpe as well as Foster impressed me as credible and trustworthy 1204 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD for the union, that we wasn't ashamed for nobody to know how we were going to vote Later on, he-we was talking and he asked us-I mean he told us if the union came in that we would lose benefits that we had and that we would lose a pay raise that we-we'd probably have to-if the union came in, we'd proba- bly get a punch clock that we'd have to punch-a time clock 7 Cook was terminated on November 15, 1974 He testi- fied " the day I was discharged, he [Johnson] crit icized me for throwing some rubber packing, but I wasn't throwing it " Cook explained It was me and Bo Palmer, we were up on top of the tank [breaker] and [employee] Sammy Smith was down on the bottom, and [employee] Jesse Phelps was either in the cabinet or in the tank [We] had been working on another breaker and we came over, and we didn t have anything to do, and we came to see if we could help Jesse So, we were sitting up there [on top of the breaker] and I had rolled this stuff [caulking] in little balls about the size of a b-b, and we were just sitting over there, and I was just dropping them down on the floor, not causing no harm to no- body or nothing else, and Sammy Smith came over and was playing around or something and he was trying to catch it in his mouth, and then I dropped about four or five pieces About that time, Johnson came over and said-quit throwing that stuff I said, all right, you know, I told him I wasn t doing nothing, you know I said, all right 8 Cook related the next incident which occurred on No- vember 15, as follows Later that day-well, say that morning, [employ eel Jesse Banks came by and I made a remark, honky Banks or something of this nature Elsewhere in his testimony, Cook admitted "I called him honky Banks or nigger or something " Cook claimed that it "was all in a friendly way 19, "people never com- plained", and such remarks were "just a real common thing " Banks, as discussed below, did complain to Super- visor Johnson who, in turn, complained to upper manage ment and Cook was terminated that day Cook further recalled that on the day before his dis- charge, November 14, he had borrowed a pen from co- worker James Harris Cook and Harris got into an argu- ment over the return of the pen Cook testified I had borrowed James Harris' ink pen and I had used it most of the day and that evening I was going to return it to him and when I got there I had it Cook testified with respect to the above conversation at the representa tion hearing on July 25 1974 His testimony was credited by the Hearing Officer in his report on objections which issued on October 18 1974 Em ployee Palmer who also testified at the representation hearing did not testify before me s Cook also testified And once before I was throwing something just in the garbage can or something it was a good bit away and he [Johnson] told me to quit it in my hand fixing to give it to him and he turned around kind of mad and said give me my GD pen So, I said,-wait a minute boy And right at that time, Johnson came in Johnson threatened Cook with "a permanent vacation" be- cause Johnson "thought I [Cook] was clowning with him or something " In addition, Cook also recalled that on November 14, the day before his discharge, he and other employees in his department were given reprimands for leaving their work areas before the `buzzer" had sounded As Cook testified, by November 15, he had received a writ- ten reprimand for leaving his work station early on No- vember 14 and written reprimands for throwing material and making racial remarks to coworker Banks on Novem- ber 15 About 4 10 p in on November 15, as Cook testified, Johnson instructed Cook to accompany him to the office of Cummings, the personnel manager Cook recalled We sat down and Johnson handed me two repri- mands One was about calling Banks a honky or nig- ger and the other was for, as he said, I was throwing objects He didn t say at who or for what, and I read them over and I asked him-I said something to the sense that I couldn't believe that Jesse Banks would say anything to anybody about me calling him a nigger because that's just a real common thing Johnson "said that it wasn't good for me to be working there making racial remarks and throwing stuff, and that he had constantly told me to stop doing stuff of that nature " Cook was asked to sign a "card" or statement He refused He was terminated and left the plant 9 Jesse Banks, employed by the Company since July 1973, recalled that about November 15, 1974, Cook "hollered out honky Banks " Banks went to Supervisor Johnson and "told him that he should get somebody to talk to [Cook] about that statement or remark " Banks ex- plained " I don't particularly care so much about that kind of joking myself " 10 9 On cross examination Cook was shown his prehearing affidavit and questioned about Johnson s alleged statement in May pertaining to a loss of a pay increase because of the union Cook after examining his state ment acknowledged well the only thing I got here about it was that it wouldn t help our wages but he did say-I didn t remember this at the time that I did this but he did say that we would lose a pay increase or raise Cook was also confronted with variances in his prehearing statement and earlier testimony concerning whether or not Johnson actually said if the Union came in we d get a time clock most probably Cook asserted on cross examination that Johnson constantly bugged him and was pick ing on him from the outset of his employment Cook claimed that there was a clash or feud between him and Johnson from the outset of his employment Cook was recalled on rebuttal and related an incident during October 1974 when he and other workers engaged in a work stoppage and complained to upper management about Johnson Johnson as discussed below was employed by the Company as an inspector until about April 1974 when he was promoted to supervisor Cook recalled that Johnson was in favor of the Union as an inspector Cook acknowledged that he and a number of other employees on the BZO line were openly prounion 10 Banks denied hearing Cook use the word nigger Cook as noted above admitted using this word Banks on cross examination testified that he was active in the union campaign attended union meetings and served as an observer for the Union in the election He explained that he spoke to Johnson about Cooks remark to him on November 15 because he was concerned ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION Supervisor Ousborn Johnson testified that he was first employed by the Company as a "mechanical inspector" in the assembly area , that he was promoted to supervisor about April 1, 1974, and that he was then assigned some 25 employees to work under his supervision Johnson recalled that after becoming a supervisor it became necessary for him to speak with Cook "about different things that he'd done' Johnson generally enumerated these complaints, as follows 1 Cook made "animal noises and sounds and screams and yelling while working", 2 Cook would "throw objects", and 3 Cook would' swing about" on the working frame or crane doing "chin-ups " Johnson explained " it was kind of a nuisance type thing ', Cook "just continually repeated himself", and these were "little things that hampered operations " John- son recalled how Cook was observed by Plant Manager Platner trying to sneak out of the work area before the buzzer had sounded Johnson had warned the employees not to leave the area before the buzzer sounded Johnson found this incident personally "embarrassing" to him and a reflection upon his supervisory "ability " Thereafter, on November 14, 1974, Johnson issued the following warning to Cook All employees were instructed that they are to remain in their work area until the buzzer sound[s] for breaks, lunch and end of shift On Nov 14, 1974, Randall Cook was seen out of his work area and going in the direction of the official break area He has been in- formed that any further violations can lead to disciph nary action up to and including dismissal Johnson wrote up a number of other employees for similar offenses that same day In addition, Cook was also ob- served "throwing" caulking cement from "the breaker at other workers down on the floor " Johnson issued another warning to Cook Johnson testified that Cook "had be- come more or less the clown of the work area " Johnson recalled that Banks came to him on November 15 complaining about Cook's "racial remark," stating " you have a young man here that you should talk to I think you'd better talk to him " Johnson explained that Banks, who is Black, was "angry " Later that day, Johnson, who is also Black, issued the following writeup to Cook On November 15, 1974, Jesse Banks came to me and complained about Randall Cook making racial de- grading remarks with use of such words as nigger and honky I cannot afford to have a person of this moral and social state of mind Attitudes such as this can completely disrupt the harmony and working condi- tions of the assembly area Johnson determined that the use of the words "honky" and `nigger" was a possible source of trouble" in his depart- ment He "had been in constant contact with Mr Cook about his conduct" and it appeared "that there was no sign of improvement " Johnson decided that Cook was a `threat to the working conditions and harmony in [his] area of responsibility ' Consequently, Johnson took Cook 1205 to Cummings that day, November 15 Cook admitted that he had said "these things " Cummings approved Johnson's recommendation to terminate Cook 11 Cummings, the personnel manager, recalled that he and Johnson had discussed "Cook's work habits and conduct on the job" some 6 or more weeks prior to Cook's termina- tion Cummings explained that Cook would make unusual animal calls at work and throw objects Cook had been warned about this conduct Likewise, Cook had been warned about "leaving his work area early " Cook's con- duct had a' tendency to disrupt the work force " Sub- sequently, on November 15, Johnson again discussed with Cummings complaints about Cook s conduct at work, in- cluding the "racial remark," "animal calls, ' and "throwing things " Cummings concurred in .iohnson's recommenda- tion to terminate Cook that day 12 E The Company Grants Employees Two Additional Holidays Union Representative William Jackson testified that he passed out a UAW pamphlet in front of Respondent Company's plant on November 21, 1974, which stated in part Why Not A Paid Christmas Shut-down UAW Union Members get a paid Christmas shut- down from Christmas Eve through New Year's Day These days are paid for the same as if you were work- ing plus a $25 00 Christmas allowance Instead of Fir ing Workers here in Mississippi the Company should start this program now and the UAW will negotiate for a better program when you vote for the UAW in your up coming election However, the Company may feel that Mississippi folks don't need this much time off with pay The workers at Allis Chalmers here in Mississippi can have the same benefits, wages, and working conditions as other UAW members have guaranteed in a written contract signed by the Com- pany 13 Thereafter, by memorandum dated November 22, 1974, it Johnson testified that about June or July 1974 a security guard had used the word nigger to an employee Johnson and other plant personnel were told about this incident by Plant Manager Plainer The security guard was given time off without pay Plainer thereafter conducted a series of meetings with the plant personnel concerning the incident and made clear that the Company would not tolerate such remarks 12 Johnson denied the statements and conduct of May 10 1974 which had been attributed to him by employee Cook Employee Palmer as noted did not testify before me Johnson s testimony in this respect was at times vague and evasive On cross examination Johnson was confronted with variations in his preheating statement and earlier testimony Although Johnson s testimony was in my view not the best I nevertheless would not predicate findings of coercive conduct or unlawful discharge as alleged upon the testimony of Cook I do not regard Cook s testimony as recited herein to be sufficiently reliable or trustworthy so as to support such find rags I am mindful that Cook s testimony at the earlier representation hear mg was credited I have a more complete record and different issues before me And on this record I do not credit Cook s testimony insofar as it conflicts with the testimony of Johnson and Cummings as summarized above 13 UAW Representative Jackson testified that he had renewed the Union s drive about September 1974 He distributed to plant employees a series of UAW pamphlets during November and December 1974 1206 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Plant Manager Platner advised his staff The following is to be announced to all employees at 8 00 a in Monday, November 25, 1974 1 In response to employee interest in a longer Christ- mas holiday period, we have decided to add two addi- tional paid holidays to the 1974 schedule of eight which will bring the total paid holidays to ten Ten holidays will also be scheduled for 1975 per the at- tachment The 1974 additional holidays will be ob- served on December 26 and 27, 1974 Because our shipment plan did not allow for these ad- ditional holidays during the Christmas period of this year, I am extending a personal request to each of our employees to help meet our December production goal by Christmas Day We will place charts through- out the plant to inform you of our December goal and to keep you informed as to our progress in achieving this goal 2 As a result of our employee meetings and as a re- sult of the feed-back from various surveys that have been taken, we have decided not to schedule a uni- form plant shutdown in 1975 Vacations will be sched- uled in an effort to meet individual preference in the same manner as in 1974 Cummings, manager of personnel relations, acknowl- edged that he had received a copy of the UAW pamphlet Cummings claimed that the Company made a "survey" of employers in the area before granting the extra holidays Cummings also claimed that the Company relied upon a survey of the Mississippi Manufacturers Association Cum- mings was unsure when the Company conducted its sur- vey The Association's survey was published about July 1974 Cummings acknowledged that, "by granting these two additional holidays, Allis-Chalmers was having more holidays than the survey normally recommended for this area " Cummings also acknowledged "I wasn't too much involved in the holiday granting " Booth, the Company's manager of employee and com munity relations, identified a memorandum to the file, signed by him and dated September 20, 1974, which states Per discussion between Mr R L McDermott and myself this date, it has been decided that Power Breaker Division, Jackson, Mississippi plant, will ob- serve 10 holidays during calendar year 1975 and there- after Booth explained that Plant Manager McDermott "wouldn't buy the two additional holidays for 1974 " How- ever, Platner replaced McDermott as plant manager during October 1974 and later granted the extra holidays, as stat- ed above i4 14 The evidence summarized above is essentially undisputed However Booth claimed in his testimony that in effect management had determined to grant the extra holidays prior to receipt of the UAW literature I do not credit the assertion that Respondent made this determination prior to re ceipt of the union pamphlet As discussed infra I am persuaded instead that Plant Manager Platner in suddenly granting the extra holidays was re sponding to the union campaign and its literature in an effort to undermine employee union support F The Job Reclassifications Posted on December 13, 1974 On December 13, 1974, a memorandum addressed to all employees signed by Plant Manager Platner was posted, stating as follows From time to time the Management of the Jackson Plant reviews the appropriateness of the current labor grade assignments of our various jobs These reviews can also be initiated by employee request through his supervisor if there is reason to believe the job has been changed since the labor grade was established, or that an error was made in the labor grade assignment For the past few weeks we have been conducting a review of our labor grades and have concluded that the following change should be made effective De- cember 17, 1974 From Labor To Labor Job Title Grade Grade 1 Drill Press Oper 4 5 2 Radial Drill Oper 5 6 3 Plater 5 6 4 Horiz Boring Mill Oper 6 8 5 Receiver 6 8 6 Maintenance Painter 6 Delete 7 Painter Not Currently Mechanic exist 7 8 NC Machining Ctrs Currently empl classed as Mill Mach Operators (7) 8 9 Electricians Sr 11 12 10 Pangborn Operator New Grade 5 These evaluations resulted in hourly wage increases rang- ing from about 20 to 30 cents for some 20 employees The evidence pertaining to these evaluations is summarized be- low Booth, manager of employee and community relations, testified that this reclassification resulted from supervisory inquiries Platner replaced McDermott as plant manager in October 1974 According to Booth, "Platner never acted on any individual job reclassification recommendations , rather, Platner requested that all the plant jobs be reviewed-"he didn't want to work on them piece meal " Thus, as Booth further explained, by memorandum dated August 16, 1974, John D Maxey, supervisor of employ- ment and safety, requested Tom Boyd, the chief industrial engineer, to evaluate the job classifications "for possible increases in labor grades" of senior electricians, shot blast ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION operators, dull press operators, boring mill operators and radial drill operators Maxey also requested recommenda- tions on requests for "new job classifications" such as pangborn operators and pamter/mechanics Thereafter, by memorandum dated September 24, Nelson Sechrist, a manufacturing engineer, advised Tom Boyd, the chief in- dustrial engineer, of his evaluation and recommendations with respect to the classifications stated above Sechrist re- quested a grade level increase for electricians, drill press operators, boring mill operators, and radial drill operators Sechrist would give the pangborn operators the grade re- quested by Maxey, supervisor of employment and safety Sechrist would give painter/mechanics one grade higher than the grade requested And, Sechrist would not recom- mend any increase for shot blast room operators (See Resp Exhs 7(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (g), and (h)) Thereafter, by memorandum dated October 2, 1974, Maxey again re- quested Boyd to evaluate and recommend a labor grade classification for the K & T machine operator Later, by memorandum dated November 13, 1974, Boyd submitted his reevaluation of this grade level, recommending that the grade level be increased by one step (See Resp Exhs 8 and 9) In the meantime, by memorandum dated November 8, 1974, Booth advised Platner with respect to the "economic implications" resulting from proposed classifications (See Resp Exh 15) However, as stated above, Platner did not favor "piece meal" evaluations of plant job levels Conse- quently, by memorandum dated November 15, 1974, Rob- ert H Taylor, manager of the manufacturing engineering department, advised Platner Per your instructions, on Friday, November 15, 1974, Mr Tom Pawlyn, Mr Ron Booth, Mr Tom Boyd and myself reviewed the task involved in reevaluating hourly employee wage rates It is our opinion that the entire reevaluation can be completed and presented to you in the form of a report no later than Wednesday, November 27, 1974 This evaluation would cover all hourly employees presently classified by E & CR On November 18, 1974, Sechrist, a manufacturing engi- neer, submitted his recommendation to Boyd, the chief in- dustrial engineer, with respect to the N/C turning center job (Resp Exh 11) and the horizontal boring mill opera- tors (Resp Exh 12) And, on November 25, 1974, Boyd forwarded on to Taylor the evaluations for the drill press operators, radial drill operators, platers, horizontal boring mill operators, receivers, painter/maintenance workers, n/c machinery operators, electricians, and pangborn oper- ators (See Resp Exh 13) Thereafter, by memorandum dated December 10, 1974, Plant Manager Platner informed the employees REVIEW OF HOURLY LABOR GRADES Prior to finalizing the Annual Business Plan for the Power Breaker Division, Plant Management must re view the total business objectives for the coming year One item which is reviewed at least annually is labor grades This review is prompted by product, business and job content changes A report is prepared by E & CR and Industrial Engineering and presented to Plant 1207 Management During November, 1974, a review was conducted on the existing labor grades The following changes are being implemented on December 17, 1974 Prop Current Labor Job Title Labor Grade Grade 1 Drill Press Oper 4 5 Z Radial Oper Drill 5 b 3 Plater 5 6 4 Horiz Boring Mill Oper 6 8 5 Receiver 6 8 6 Maintenance Painter 6 Delete 7 Painter Not currently Mechanic exist 7 8 NC Machining Currently empl Ctrs classed as Mill Mach Operators (7) 8 9 Electrician Sr 11 12 10 Pangborn Operator New Grade 515/ G Management's Memorandum Dated December 20, 1974 The Company, in a pamphlet opposing the Union's or- ganizational effort, dated December 20, 1974, apprised the employees, in part as follows THE UNION SUGGESTED YOU LOST MONEY BY NOT VOTING FOR IT- 15 John Maxey supervisor of employment and safety explained that the various memoranda as recited above were prepared as part of my normal Job that the personnel department had no input in the evaluations and recommendations of the engineering section and that he had received re quests from industrial engineering and forwarded them to Booth Tom Boyd the chief industrial engineer also testified that the above (Resp Exh 7) is a typical evaluation request from the personnel department and I receive them routinely and make an investigation into the job content and make my recommendation back to the personnel department Boyd testified that the personnel section had no input in the recommendations And former personnel manager Cummings recalled that the foregoing in creases resulted from requests by department supervisory personnel Cum mings however acknowledged that we didn t have a formalized plan whereby we evaluated all jobs at a given point Equitz director of employ ee relations for the Company whose testimony is also discussed supra sec tion II B had advised local management with respect to reevaluations that they should conduct themselves by doing business as usual and they should expect an extremely prolonged [representation] proceeding Equitz did not review the memoranda pertaining to the December evaluations be cause as he testified By that time we simply had a [representation] pro ceeding that may never end The evidence summarized above is essentially uncontradicted and I have credited the above testimony of Booth Cummings Maxey Boyd and Equitz 1208 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The TRUTH of the matter is that the union has attempt- ed to prevent the company from making improve- ments for You, by complaining to the National Labor Relations Board The union will probably do it again If it was really interested in YOUR well being, why ob sect to these company measures9 Last Wednesday, the company received notice from the NLRB in a case which the UAW is pressing It is challenging reclassifi cation increases If the union would win this case, the company may well have to cancel these increases Booth acknowledged that he had authorized the issuance of this handbill to the employees H The Wage Increases and Other Benefits Granted Employees During January and June 1975 Employee Henry Shurlds recalled that during January 1975, Plant Manager Platner announced to the workers that they would receive a 5-percent wage increase `due to an increase in productivity and the working together of the people there in the plant " Platner also announced that the Company would pay certain nospitalization insur- ance premiums for its employees Shurlds recalled that lat- er that year, during June 1975, Platner again announced to the workers a 30 cent hourly wage increase and an increase in employee workmen's conpensation benefits According to Shurlds, the "reasons' given by Platner "were again the increase in productivity and the working together of the people ' 16 Plant Manager Platner notified the employees, by mem- orandum dated June 24, 1975, as follows Dear Fellow Employees I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for the support you have given me during the last eight months We have all come a long way toward turning our division around and the improvements are signifi- cant The President of Allis-Chalmers, Mr D C Scott, and his staff visited with us last Tuesday, and were very impressed with our progress Each of us can certainly take pride in what we have accomplished A year has passed since our last annual wage review As I have indicated to you on many occasions, our progress personally is tied to our ability to make our business a success Because of the progress over the last year, I take pride in announcing the following im provements in the wage and benefits package to be effective June 30, 1975 1 An across the board hourly wage increase of 30 cents per hour 2 A supplement to the workmens compensation 16 Employee Lucian Lamkin testified that Plant Manager Platner an nounced the 5 percent wage increase to employees in January 1975 and the Company s determination to pay the group insurance premiums The Company s assumption of the premium payments resulted in a weekly wage increase to Lamkin of $2 50 Employee Duwaine Robbins testified to the same general effect payments to make them equal to payments under our disability income plan Our continued efforts to improve our business will re- sult in continued wage and benefit improvements for each of us Equitz, the Company's director of employee relations, testified that the Company had an "overall policy" and "established standard approach to wage problems " Equitz explained It was an approach that had been applied with vari- ations over a period of six or seven years from the middle to late sixties into the seventies It was an ap proach and policy with respect to wage compensation systems at new operations that derived from experi- ences with what came to be approximately the estab- lishment of a new plant each year beginning in the middle to late sixties, and continuing really into 1974 By the end of 1972 or the beginning of 1973, the company had established the approach by which wage shop employee compensation systems at new plants would be established at the outset with a rate schedule that was based on survey and other information, and would be intended to be adjusted by means of annual wage reviews that would be essentially on the anniver- saries of the date that the plant was considered to have [opened], with interim reviews usually at half-annual intervals, which also were intended to produce what- ever adjustments might be called for as the review dis- closed The kinds of considerations, both at the anniversa- ries and in connection with the interim reviews, were area rates, rates paid in the industry of concern, com- petition, and availability or non availability of em- ployees-the usual considerations Equitz asserted that this "procedure" or "policy" was gen erally applied at the East Jackson plant and at other new facilities According to Equitz, "the fact that the Jackson plant has been under union organizational efforts" since its opening "has not affected this policy ' 17 Booth, manager of employee and community relations, testified that a wage increase was granted to the East Jack- son plant employees during January 1975 "to maintain our competitive situation as a result of cost of living escalations and productivity increases at the plant " Booth explained that the Company's `wages had fallen behind those of our competitors since the last increase In addition, Booth tes- tified that, with respect to the June 1975 increase, " we considered the Department of Labor-Bureau of Labor Statistics, wage increases for the Jackson [region], the 17 Equitz specifically noted that the Company had opened a plant during April 1973 in Sanford North Carolina and applied the same approach to wage compensation At Sanford the Company reviewed wages about April 1974 and a general adjustment was applied at that time which averaged to an increase of 12 1/2 percent Then at mid year in Sanford about October 1974 a 5 percent adjustment was made or a total increase in 1974 of 17 1 /2 percent Equitz further recalled that in April 1975 a 7 percent increase adjustment was made at Sanford Equitz asserted that in October 1975 there would be a 5 percent increase at Sanford The Company also had opened a new plant in New Orleans during mid 1974 As for the New Orle ans plant Equitz noted that a mid year adjustment increase was granted of about 3 percent during January 1975 and in July 1975 a further general adjustment was made ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION 1209 cost of living escalations over the period of time in ques- tion and the increases that had been granted by our competitors at that time or up to that time" Thus, as Booth noted, the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Area Wage Survey, dated February 1975, shows, inter alga, that from January 1973 to January 1974, un- skilled manufacturing workers in Jackson had increases in average hourly earnings of about 7 3 percent and had in- creases from January 1974 to February 1975, of about 13 3 percent And, as Booth explained, from the time the East Jackson plant opened in July 1973 through about June 1975, earnings for employees had increased there about 20 4 percent (i e , 8 percent in July 1974, 5 percent in Janu- ary 1975, and 7 4 percent in June 1975 See Resp Exh 30) Consequently, as Booth testified, the Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics increases reflect area increases of 22 06 percent from about July 1973 through June 1975, whereas the Company's increases at East Jackson for the same period are about 20 4 percent The testimony of Booth and Resp Exh 30 (received in evidence without objection) essentially support the Company's assertion that the timing of its wage increases at East Jackson during 1975 was in general accord with the Employer's established policy and that the percentage of hourly wage increases was in general accord with the area percentage increases And, cost-of-living in- creases during this period were about 22 4 percent i$ I The Conduct of Supervisors Poynor, Nowlin, Cole and Morris During February and March 1975 1 Poynor The third representation election was held on March 21, 1975 Employee Henry Shurlds testified that during mid- February 1975, Supervisor Larry Poynor "sent for" him and had the following "private" discussion with him in Poynor's office the discussion started with grievances and prob lems that I [Shurlds] had that I would like to tell him [Poynor] so that he might get these grievances and problems down and relate them to his superiors so that they could have some idea of what [were] my problems and things at that time Poynor and Shurlds "talked about some of the grievances " which Shurlds related to Poynor, including "job up- grading and [the] seniority system " Employee Shurlds fur ther testified 18 Booth noted that Packard a competitor has granted its employees increases of about 23 3 percent ourmg this period Further General Electric has granted its employees increases of about 76 per hour whereas Respon dent has granted increases of about 79 per hour Booth added that he understands that in the next month General Electric will grant an 11 in crease Booth also noted that employers Packard and Armstrong have no employee contributory insurance although General Electric does have con tnbutory insurance Booth testified based on this information we felt that to be competitive we should eliminate the contributory insurance As for the increase in workmen s compensation benefits Booth explained All this did was to supplement the workmen s compensation benefits that the State offered to make them equal with our disability benefits The evidence summarized above is essentially uncontroverted I credit the testimony of Shurlds Lamkm Robbins Equitz and Booth recited above he [Poynor] asked me if I thought the union was going to go in I told him that I thought the union would go in this time and he asked me why And, I told him, based upon the attitudes of the people and what the ones that I had talked to in the plant that I thought the union would win the elec- tion And, he told me that he thought we did not need a union to handle our grievances and our prob- lems, that the company would be able to see our needs and handle our problems, that we didn't need a third party [and] that the people here in Mississippi have to expect a little less, and I disagreed with him Employee Shurlds recalled that Supervisor Poynor spoke with him again during the first week in March 1975 in the breakroom in the presence of other employees Shurlds tes- tified he [Poynor] was talking to us about old contracts on the BZO breaker that they were filling at that pres- ent time They were old contracts They did not have a cost escalator clause in them and they were losing money on these breakers, that the company at that time could not take on any more pressure from any outside agency, or any financial burden, that these old contracts had to be filled and as soon as the newer ones were filled, we would be in a lot better shape financially According to Shurlds I made the statement to him at that time, this company would make it with or without the UAW and he immediately responded to me and the others, he said no way, no way This company has got enough money and enough power to close the doors of this plant and write it off as a loss Employee Preston Brown recalled that Supervisor Poy- nor took Brown to his office about February 21, 1975 There he [Poynor] told me that he was briefing each and everyone that works in the fab shop at night about the union benefits and the company benefits He [Poynor] also mentioned some of the people that was working there in the fab shop, and how he felt about whether they was paid right And then he asked me how did I feel about the union myself and I told him like this, most of the jobs that I have worked were union jobs, and that was about it Employee Brown recalled another conversation in the break area about 1 week later, as follows we was discussing some union benefits and some other things we usually talk about on breaks, and then Poynor stated that if the union came into the plant, that the plant would shut down and they could write this off as a company loss Employee Alfred Davis testified that during February 1975, he [Poynor] came down and told me he wanted to see me in his office, and he asked me what were my 1210 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD likes and dislikes about the company So, I told him I didn't have any , he asked me why did I want a union , I told him the union had good benefits [and] he told me the company had good bene- fits Employee Davis recalled that Poynor later approached him at his work station and "asked me had I changed my mind about the union and I told him no, and he asked me was there anything he could do to make me change my mind and I told him no " Employee Robert Pierce testified that about March 7, 1975, shortly before the third representation election, Poy- nor said he wanted to talk to me and we went up, and was seated, and the first thing he said was I know you're against the union and I didn't say anything, and then he said we didn't need a union and since we were from Mississippi we could expect less, and I told him that I didn't want to discuss the union with the company Thereafter, on March 10, 1975, as employee Pierce testi- fied I [Pierce] was in my work area and Larry Poynor came over and wanted to talk to me and said that we didn't need a union, that we could expect less be- cause we were from Mississippi, and [he] said that the company was losing money every month and if the union came in, the company would be shut down and put off on the tax Supervisor Poynor did not testify and, on the record be- fore me, I credit the testimony of employees Shurlds, Brown, Davis, and Pierce recited above as truthful and reliable accounts of their conversations with Poynor 2 Nowlin Employee Ricky Powell testified that a few weeks prior to the March 21, 1975, representation election [Supervisor] Nowlin came up to me and said he didn't want to tell me how to vote or nothing like this, and he wasn t going to say nothing for the company or against the union because he got in trouble for it last time, and [he] said he didn t want to tell me how to vote but the best way that he thought would be for the company, and if the union did come in, that we would probably lose some of our privileges that we had now Employee John Williams testified that shortly before the March election, Supervisor Nowlin spoke with him and co- worker Powell "about the union' According to Williams He [Nowlin] said that just because the union would be in didn't mean we would get anything out of it, and that we'd probably lose some of the benefits and privileges we had now, and that if the union got in and we went on strike that they could bring people in for our jobs-to take over our jobs, and then I asked him why he would take us off our work and tell us all this stuff, and keep us off our work, and he said I would sit there and listen while we were on company time and being paid by the company Williams further recalled that coworker Jesse Banks "walked up and told Rick [Nowlin] that he shouldn't talk to more than one person at a time about the union " Nowlin did not respond However, later, according to Wil- liams Rick Nowlin turned around and saw Jesse [Banks] over there talking to a woman He [Nowlin] walked up to him and asked him what he was talking about and Jesse didn't say anything and he [Nowlin] told him [Banks] to get out of our area Then, Jesse left and Rick Nowlin walked by Powell and myself and said that [if] Jesse had been talking for the compa- ny, that he could have stayed in the area, and that he [Nowlin] knew what [Banks] was talking about, so he had to run him off Supervisor Ricky Nowlin admitted discussing the Union with employees Powell and Williams about March 7, 1975 Nowlin claimed that he had said to the employees, inter aka, ' if the union had won the election, things might be the same as they are now, that there might be no change, that they might be a lot better off, they [might] end up with higher wages, better working conditions, increased benefits, or that, on the other side, things could be worse Nowlin also testified I [Nowlin] spoke to John [Williams] one morning I think Ricky [Powell] was in the area, and maybe one or two other employees, and at this particular time, people were quite serious about things and everyone had a long face, more or less, so there was some- one, I don't remember who exactly, in the area talking to somebody, and every time you see a man from out- side of your department talking to someone, you don't really know what they're talking about, but in a num- ber of cases , they probably are discussing something concerning the up-coming election, and I made a com- ment that that man over there must be talking, you know, in favor of the company, because if he wasn't, I'd have to run him off, you know, and that raised a few eyebrows Nowlin claimed that he then assured the workers that he was "just yoking " Nowlin acknowledged that he had spo- ken to employee Banks and apprised Banks that "he'd have to stay in his own department " Nowlin denied any disparate treatment of employees with respect to dis- cussing the Union 19 3 Cole Employee Duwaine Robbins testified that Supervisor James Cole spoke with him about the Union on the day before the March election Robbins testified 19I credit the testimony of employees Powell and Williams as recited above I am persuaded on this record that their testimony as quoted herein is more reliable and trustworthy than the testimony of Supervisor Nowlin ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION the day before the election, Jim Cole, my supervi- sor, called me back in the racks between the storeroom , he asked me, you know, he said, well, tomorrow is the election and I want to make sure you had all the facts as Mr Platner had said He [Cole] asked me have I ever worked in a plant with a union before [Robbins] said no He [Cole] says, well, you know, if the union comes in , things will be differ- ent, like times coming to breaks, lunch, they could tighten down on it, you know , get stricter, and then also the warnings, you know, they give you warn- ings They wouldn't accept excuses and that excuses wouldn't matter, and they give you a set amount of warnings , [and] if you were late so many times, or something like that , have a certain amount of warn ings, and then you were discharged Employee George Davis related that shortly before the March election , Supervisor Cole, came to me and asked me how did I feel about the union I told him I think it would be a nice thing to have in the company He asked me why I said, I think it would be better benefits and more mon- ey Davis then related his complaints to Cole Cole attempted to assure Davis, "You'll just have to wait your turn » 20 4 Morris Employee Ralph Gilbert testified that on the morning of the March election, Supervisor, Peter Morris asked me did I have any giestions about the election and how I felt about the union and I told him I didn't have any questions about the election and I supported the union Gilbert recalled that Morris then related to him how, in the past, `a union representative came to his [Morris'] house and talked to him about the union and he [Morris] ran him off from the house " 21 20 Supervisor Cole admittedly spoke with employee Davis about the elec tion 1 day prior to the election Cole was uncertain who brought the sub sect of the union up Cole assertedly assured Davis that as far as I was concerned the fact that he was for the union wouldn t have any impact at all from my point of view Cole denied questioning the employee about the Union As for Robbins Cole denied telling the employee that things would be stricter Cole acknowledged stating in the plants that I ve worked in the past I kind of saw the rules and regula tions become a little tighter Cole admitted that he probably had said that there is a possibility that there could be stricter rules and regula tions I credit the testimony of Robbins and Davis recited above as more reliable and trustworthy than the testimony of Cole 21 Supervisor Morris admitted that he discussed the Union with Gilbert on the day of the election He denied asking Gilbert how do you feel about the union Morris dio not recall telling Gilbert about an incident involving a visit to his home by a union representative Morris asserted that he in fact had related this incident to another worker Morris admittedly was told by some employees they were not in favor of the union I credit Gilbert He impressed me as a more reliable and trustworthy witness than Morris III DISCUSSION 1211 A The Company's No-Solicitation Rule As discussed in section II, A, supra, Respondent Compa- ny posted at its East Jackson plant from about November 26, 1973, until shortly after May 16, 1974, a rule broadly proscribing ` solicitation on company property with- out prior written approval " After May 16, 1974, the Company posted a rule prohibiting solicitation `during working time without written approval " And, there- after, about February 1, 1975, the Company distributed a handbook to its employees prohibiting solicitation "during working time " It is only the first rule quoted above which is alleged to be unlawful General Counsel argues "While not contending that this no-solicitation rule was disparately enforced, General Counsel does contend that its mere promulgation and posting had an inhibitory effect upon employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights " Recently, in House of Mosaics, Inc, 215 NLRB 704 (1974), the Board majority (Member Jenkins concurring in part and dissenting in part ), stated The validity of no-solicitation rules must be tested against the standards set forth in Essex International, Inc, 211 NLRB No 112 (1974) Essex establishes that a rule prohibiting solicitation during working hours is prima facie susceptible of the interpretation that solici- tation is prohibited during all business hours and thus invalid However , an employer may show by extrinsic evidence that, in the context of a particular case, the "working hours" rule was communicated or applied in such a way as to convey an intent clearly to permit union solicitation during breaktime or other periods when employees are not actually engaged in the per- formance of their work tasks In House of Mosaics, Inc, supra, the rule proscribed solici- tation `in the building at any time " The Board held that the rule `is therefore prima facie invalid (assuming arguen do that it is directed at union solicitation ) but extrinsic evidence establishes that the rule is applied in a lawful manner " The Board stated The Administrative Law Judge credited the testimony of [the company president] that the rule was never in- tended to discourage employees from talking about unions during break and lunch periods but was adopt- ed merely to discourage vendors from bothering em- ployees while at work Further, the Administrative Law Judge credited [the president's] testimony that he had asked employees to use their lunch periods and spare time to discuss union, as well as company, poli- cies We find that this extrinsic evidence overcomes theprima facie invalidity of the rule and therefore does not violate the Act In the instant case , the Company's initial no -solicitation rule proscribed "solicitation on company property without prior written approval " This rule is overly broad and, therefore, is prima facie invalid The evidence of rec- ord shows, as Personnel Manager Cummings testified, that "nobody was ever reprimanded for soliciting", that this 1212 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD rule "wasn't enforced other than one instance that we had a vendor on company property and asked him to leave", and that employees in fact engaged in union solici- tation during their break and meal periods Nevertheless, this rule was posted during the Union's organizational drive No attempt was made by management to explain to employees that the posted no-solicitation rule was inappli- cable to their union activities during breaks and meal peri- ods And, although later adopted no-solicitation rules re- stricted their proscription to "working time," the record shows no effort made by management to explain to em- ployees that the earlier posted no-solicitation rule had been modified so as not to impinge upon their Section 7 rights Cf Levi Strauss and Co, 172 NLRB 732, 746-747 (1968), enfd 441 F 2d 1027, 1030-31 (CAD C, 1970) According- ly, since the employees were not advised that such a limited interpretation attached to the first published no-solicitation rule, those employees who wanted to engage in protected in-plant union solicitation "might well be deterred or else reasonably assume that [they] acted at [their] peril' NLRB v Walton Mfg Co, 289 F 2d 177, 180-181 (C A 5, 1961) In sum, although the issue is not free from doubt, I find and conclude that here, unlike in House of Mosaics, Inc, supra, "the extrinsic evidence" does not sufficiently show that Respondent's posted no-solicitation rule' was commu- nicated or applied in such a way so as to convey an intent clearly to permit union solicitation during break time or other periods when employees are not actually engaged in the performance of their work tasks" Therefore, Respon- dent, by posting such an overly broad rule, violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act B The Termination of Employee Cook It is alleged that the Company unlawfully terminated employee Cook on November 15, 1974, because Cook en- gaged in union and protected activities and because Cook testified before the Board at the representation hearing The questions presented are whether Respondent Compa- ny, in terminating Cook, was motivated at least in part by union animus and whether Respondent terminated Cook at least in part because he gave testimony under the Act The evidence pertaining to Cook's termination is de- tailed in section II, D, supra Cook commenced working for the Company during February 1974 He became a union supporter "not too long" after he "started" working for the Company He talked to other employees about the Union, he solicited employees to sign union cards, and he attended union meetings Cook, as well as other employees, testified at the representation hearing on July 25, 1974 Cook, in his testimony at the representation hearing, attributed certain objectionable conduct to his supervisor, Ousborn Johnson Subsequently, on October 18, 1974, the Hearing Officer who conducted the representation hearing, issued his re- port crediting, inter alga, the testimony of Cook The Hear- ing Officer's report was adopted in part by the Board on February 7, 1975 On November 14, 1974, the day before Cook was termi nated, Cook was involved in an argument with a coworker because Cook had failed to return his pen According to Supervisor Johnson as not supported by sufficient credible proof Cook, Johnson "thought [Cook] was clowning" and ad- monished Cook because of this conduct Also, on Novem- ber 14, Cook and other employees were given reprimands for leaving their work area before the buzzer had sounded Cook and his coworkers had been warned earlier not to leave the work area before the buzzer sounded On the next day, November 15, Cook was given a reprimand for throw- ing rubber caulking and packing from the breaker Cook had been warned earlier about this type of conduct And, later the same day, November 15, Cook called coworker Banks a "honky" and "nigger " Banks complained to John- son who in turn complained to upper management and Cook was discharged There had been an earlier incident at the plant involving a related racial comment which had been made by a security guard to an employee The securi- ty guard was given time off without pay for this conduct and employees were apprised that the Company would not tolerate such conduct The burden of proving the violation, as alleged, rests upon General Counsel On the record thus made, I am not sufficiently persuaded that Respondent Company termi nated employee Cook either because of the employee's pro- tected concerted activities or because the employee gave testimony under the Act On the contrary, I find and con- clude that management, after repeated warnings, terminat ed Cook because he continued to engage in conduct which had "a tendency to disrupt the work force " This con duct, as detailed above, included making "animal noises and sounds and screams and yelling while working", "throwing objects", swinging about' on the working frames and doing "chin-ups", leaving the work area before the buzzer sounded, and calling a Black coworker a "honky and "nigger' I have taken into consideration such factors as, among others on the record as a whole, management's opposition to the Union's organizational ef- fort, Cook's organizational activities and testimony at the representation case, the sequence of events, and management's unwillingness to impose a lesser discipline upon Cook Nevertheless, these and related factors at best raise a suspicion of unlawful purpose and do not sufficient- ly establish the violation as alleged I therefore would dis- miss the allegations pertaining to employee Cook as not sufficiently established by credible proof 22 C Management Interrogates and Threatens Employees, Solicits Employee Grievances and Support Creates the Impression of Surveillance, and Promises Employees Benefits As found supra section II, C, Supervisor Pilgrim ap- prised employee McCarty during April 1974 we have an election coming up and we don't need a union in this plant , the union could cause strikes, could cause hardships, could cause friends to turn against friends At the same time, Supervisor Pilgrim questioned employee McCarty "how [he] felt about the union " Employee 22I would also dismiss the allegations of coercive conduct attributed to ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION McCarty responded that he "didn't plan to vote for the union " Supervisor Pilgrim then told employee McCarty " it will be people like you that can convince other people to vote against the union" and "I'd appreciate your help " Thereafter, Supervisor Pilgrim asked employee Mc- Carty if he "had talked to anyone about [their] conversa- tion [and] how [he] thought the election would go ' Employee McCarty told Supervisor Pilgrim that he `didn't know" how the election would go" because he "hadn't had that much time to talk to that many people " Shortly after the first election, Supervisor Pilgrim ap- proached employee Foster at work Supervisor Pilgrim ap- prised employee Foster that there s going to be a runoff election", that "a lot of his people" were going to support the union", and that he "was trying to get around to talk to them to convince them to go against the union " Employee Foster asked Supervisor Pilgrim, "how do you know that I'm supporting the union " Pilgrim replied "he had been told " Foster asked Pilgrim `who told you " Pilgrim said "he couldn't tell " Employee Foster refused to reveal to Supervisor Pilgrim "which way I'm going to vote " Later that same day, Supervisor Pilgrim again approached employee Foster and this time "said he [Pilgrim] knew that [Foster] and [coworker] Woodthorpe were supporting the union " Supervisor Pilgrim told employee Foster " the Company can do anything for you that this union can do " Pilgrim also told Foster " you know that raise you were talking about in January, a 30 cents raise, if the union is voted out, you'll get the raise " At the same time, Supervisor Pilgrim warned employee Fos- ter I like you and [employee Woodthorpe] and you both do good work, but the people that are supporting the union, if the Company wins, probably wouldn't be around when this is over Supervisor Pilgrim added " if the union was voted in, we would lose some of our benefits " And, later that same day, Supervisor Pilgrim again approached employee Foster, as well as employee Woodthorpe, and said, `I'm still getting more reports on your supporting the union The Charging Party Union's objections to the second representation election were sustained in part by the Board and a third election was held on March 21, 1975 As found in section II, (I), supra, Respondent Company's supervisors engaged in the following conduct prior to the third elec- tion During mid-February 1975, Supervisor Poynor "sent for" employee Shurlds and had a "private" discussion with Shurlds in Poynor's office There, Supervisoi Poynor asked employee Shurlds about his "grievances and problems" "so that [Poynor] might get these grievances and problems down and relate them to his superiors ' Employee Shurlds stated his "grievances" to Supervisor Poynor in- cluding `job upgrading and [the] seniority system ' Super- visor Poynor then questioned employee Shurlds if he "thought the union would go in " Employee Shurlds responded that he "thought the union would go in this time " Supervisor Poynor asked employee Shurlds "why ' Employee Shurlds explained that, "based upon the atti- 1213 tudes of the people that [he] had talked to in the plant " the Union "would win " Supervisor Poynor told em- ployee Shurlds that "we did not need a union to handle our grievances and our problems, that the Company would be able to see our needs and handle our problems " Lat- er, while employee Shurlds and other coworkers were in the break area, Supervisor Poynor stated to the employees "that the Company at that time could not take on any more pressure from any outside agency or any financial burden Employee Shurlds replied " this Com- pany would make it with or without the UAW " Su- pervisor Poynor responded no way , this Compa- ny has got enough money and enough power to close the doors of this plant and write it off as a loss " Supervisor Poynor also questioned employee Brown in his office during February 1975 There, Supervisor Poynor `mentioned some of the people that was working in the fab shop and how he felt about whether they was paid right " Supervisor Poynor then asked employee Brown "how did [he] feel about the union " Employ ee Brown responded "most of the jobs that [he] worked were union jobs " Employee Brown also recalled that later, while in the break area, we was discussing some union benefits and then Poynor stated that if the union came into the plant, that the plant would shut down and they could write this off as a Company loss Supervisor Poynor also questioned employee Davis in the office about his "likes and dislikes " Employee Davis said that he "didn't have any" and Supervisor Poy- nor then asked employee Davis "why did [he] want a union " Employee Davis said that the union "had good benefits " Employee Davis was later asked at work by Su- pervisor Poynor, `had [he] changed [his] mind about the union " Employee Davis said "no" and Supervisor Poynor "asked [him] was there anything [Poynor] could do to make [him] change his mind " Employee Davis said `no " Supervisor Poynor attempted to discuss the union with employee Pierce during March 1975, shortly before the third election Supervisor Poynor told employee Pierce " I know you're against the union " Employee Pierce did not respond Supervisor Poynor "said we didn't need a union " Employee Pierce responded that he "didn't want to discuss the union with the company " Later, Supervisor Poynor apprised employee Pierce " the company was losing money every month and if the union came in the company would be shut down and put off on the tax 11 23 Supervisor Nowlin told employee Powell a few weeks prior to the third election that "if the union did come in we would probably lose some of our privileges that we had now " Supervisor Nowlin also apprised employee Williams "that dust because the union would be in didn't mean we would get anything out of it, and that we d probably lose some of the benefits and privileges we had now, and that if the union got in and we went on strike that 23 As noted above Supervisor Poynor did not testify at the hearings be fore me 1214 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD they could bring people in for our jobs-to take over our jobs " In addition, Supervisor Nowlin observed employee Jesse Banks, a umon supporter, talking to an employee Supervi- sor Nowlin asked employee Banks, "what he was talking about and Jesse didn't say anything " Supervisor Nowlin told employee Banks "to get out of our area " Su- pervisor Nowlin later stated to employees in his area if Jesse [Banks] had been talking for the company he could have stayed in the area, and that he [Nowlin] knew what [Banks] was talking about, so he had to run him off Supervisor Cole questioned employee Robbins shortly before the third election Supervisor Cole asked employee Robbins if he had ever worked in a plant with a union before " Employee Robbins said "no " Supervisor Cole warned " if the union comes in things will be different, like times coining to breaks , they could tighten down on it , get stricter , they wouldn't accept excuses and they give you a set amount of warnings and then you are discharged " Supervi- sor Cole also questioned employee Davis "how did [he] feel about the union " Employee Davis stated " I think it would be a nice thing to have in the Company " Supervisor Cole then asked "why " Employee Davis said, "it would be better benefits and more money " And, Supervisor Morris questioned employee Gilbert "how [he] felt about the union" shortly before the third election Employee Gilbert revealed that he "supported the union " Supervisor Morris then related an incident to employee Gilbert how, in the past, Morns "ran off" a union representative from his home That such interrogations and threats by management representatives violate Section 8(a)(l) of the Act is clear Cf , United States Rubber Co v N L R B, 384 F 2d 660, 663-664 (C A 5, 1968), N L R B v Sunnyland Packing Co, 369 F 2d 787, 789-790 (C A 5, 1966), NLRB v Camco Inc, 340 F 2d 803, 804-807 (C A 5, 1965), Hendrix Mfg Co v NLRB , 321 F 2d 100, 103-106 (C A 5, 1963) As the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has stated, the controlling "test is whether [such conduct] tends to be coercive " and "a few questions may be coercive if there is even slight evidence of threats " N L R B v Camco, Inc, supra, 340 F 2d at 804-805 The credible evidence of record shows that management's re- peated warnings and interrogations "took the matter be- yond innocuous inquiry and into the realm of unlawful interference " N L R B v Harbison Fischer Mfg Co, 304 F 2d 738, 739 (C A 5, 1962) Employees often were singled out for private interrogations, given no assurances against reprisals, and threatened with discharge, plant closedown, and other reprisals if they chose union representation This was not permissible free speech under Section 8(c) of the Act, as Respondent contends Management engaged in coercive conduct proscribed by Section 8(a)(1) when Su pervisor Pilgrim privately interrogated employees McCarty and Foster about their umon sentiments Supervisor Pil grim, at the same time, solicited the assistance of employee McCarty in resisting the Union's campaign, created the impression that employee union activities were under sur- veillance by management, promised economic benefits to employees "if the Union is voted out", and threatened union supporters with discharge and loss of benefits "if the Company wins " Such conduct plainly tends to interfere with employee rights protected in Section 7 of the Act and is therefore violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act Equally violative of Section 8(a)(1) are the private inter- rogations of employees by Supervisor Poynor As stated, Supervisor Poynor privately questioned employees Shurlds, Brown, Davis, and Pierce about their union sentiments In addition, Supervisor Poynor solicited "grievances" from employees, warned employees that "this Company has got enough money and enough power to close the doors of this plant and write it off as a loss", threatened employees that "if the union comes into the plant, that the plant would shut down ", asked employee Davis if there "was any- thing [Poynor] could do to make [Davis] change his mind " about the Union, and created the impression that employee union activities were under surveillance by man- agement Also coercive were the related acts by Supervisors Now hn, Cole, and Morris Supervisor Nowlin warned employ ees Powell and Williams that they " would probably lose some of [their] privileges that [they] had " if the Union won Supervisor Nowlin chased employee Banks, a union supporter, away from his work area and then told the employees " if Jesse [Banks] had been talking for the Company he could have stayed " Supervisor Cole interrogated employee Robbins about his union senti- ments and, at the same time, threatened the employee with "stricter" work rules `if the Union comes in Supervisor Cole also interrogated employee Davis about his union sentiments And, Supervisor Morns interrogated employee Gilbert about Gilbert's union sentiments and then apprised the employee of his strong dislike for union solicitors 24 I find and conclude that Respondent, by the above con- duct, interfered with, restrained, and coerced employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act D The Job Reclassifications and Wage Increases Announced to Employees During April and December 1974, the Extra Holidays Granted Employees During Late November 1974, and the Threat of Loss of Benefits in December 1974 Respondent, in its posthearing brief, states "On April 26, 1974, based on the information which had been gath- ered and discussed, a change in labor grades for 33 employees, 23 light assemblers, and 10 winders, was au- thorized and announced to the employees This change resulted in approximately 30-cent-hourly increases for each of the employees " General Counsel con- tends that Respondent Company violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by implementing and announcing this reclassifi- ration on April 26, 1974 The pertinent legal principles were stated by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in N L R B v 24 It is undisputed and I find and conclude that Pilgrim Poynor Nowlin Cole and Morris are supervisors under the Act ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION 1215 WKRG-TV, Inc, 470 F 2d 1302, 1307-08 (C A 5, 1973), as follows In essence, the company argues that it cannot be fault- ed for granting benefits to its employees when such benefits were not motivated by an anti-union animus We are in full agreement with the company Certainly any rule that would prevent the granting of employee benefits in the absence of an anti-union effect, either intended or foreseeable, would go too far and it is not impossible to envision a factual situation where a grant of benefits during a campaign would be permis- sible [Citations omitted ] But this is not such a case A company may in its employee relations be sincerely noblesse oblige, but its nobility of purpose and spirit must not be anti-union motivated The union is not put to proving the absolute of anti-unionism, but the Examiner and Board are free to engage the ecological atmosphere of 8(a)(1) violations The Examiner and Board have every right to conclude that the manna dropping from heaven were based upon fear that sustenance would flow from unionization We cannot ignore decisional acceleration in employee benefits preceded by months of lethargy Lightning struck only after the union's rod was hoisted In this case the wage readjustments and other benefits, to say nothing of the initial announcement of these benefits, were clearly a counter-weight to [the union's] organizational efforts To permit a company to time its announcement and allocation of benefits in such a fashion would be a great disservice to the ideal of organizational freedom so deeply imbedded in the [Act] And, as the Board stated in Litton Dental Products, 221 NLRB 700 (1975) (Member Jenkins dissenting) In determining whether solicitation of grievances and granting of benefits is a violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, the Board has traditionally looked to the tim- ing of knowledge of the union campaign and the granting of the benefits When the timing of the grant- ing of benefits coincides with the origination of em- ployee union activity, then, absent an affirmative showing of some legitimate business reason for the timing, it is not unreasonable to draw the inference of improper motivation and improper interference with employee freedom of choice [Footnotes and ci- tations omitted ] In the instant case, as discussed in section II, B, supra, on April 26, 1974, the Company announced and implemented a wage reclassification in its SDO assembly department As a result, some 23 employees in that department received hourly wage increases of approximately 30 cents And, on the same day, the Company announced and implemented a wage reclassification for some 10 "winder" employees in another department resulting in an hourly wage increase for them of approximately 30 cents As noted above, on the prior day, April 25, a Board-conducted election had been held at the Company s plant Of approximately 187 eligible voters, 174 ballots were cast with 5 ballots cast for the IUE, 83 ballots cast for the UAW, 3 void ballots, and 86 ballots cast against the participating labor organizations A major- ity of valid ballots were not cast for any of the three parti- cipating labor organizations and a runoff election would be held Consequently, on the day prior to the announcement of the foregoing job reclassifications and wage increases affecting some 33 out of 187 employees, the Company was aware that a runoff election would be held and that its outcome, as based on the ballots previously cast, was un- certain It is true, as Respondent Company argues, that management's representatives initiated the preliminary work for these reclassifications before the representation petition had been filed in this proceeding It is also true that management was, throughout this period, principally concerned with production and materials problems attend- ing its "start up" phase in operations at East Jackson Fur- ther, as found supra, employee Foster had complained to Supervisor Pilgrim and Personnel Manager Cummings about his job classification and had requested a transfer during late 1973 or early 1974 And, Supervisors Pilgrim and Mulletaire also had spoken with Personnel Manager Cummings about this problem during late 1973 or early 1974 It was not until about February 22, 1974, when Cum- nungs first sent a memorandum to the Company's engi- neering department requesting an evaluation of the partic- ular job classifications It was not until about March 25, 1974, when the engineering department responded with its recommendations There was admittedly no urgency or priority at the time attached to these recommended job reclassifications Accordingly, although there is ample business justifica- tion for management's reclassification of these 33 employ ees, there is, on this record, no adequate or ample business explanation for the sudden implementation and announce- ment of these benefits after weeks and months of inaction Management attached no priority to this reclassification problem in the past However, when it became apparent that a runoff election would be required and the outcome appeared uncertain, management suddenly took action As the Fifth Circuit stated in N L R B v WKRG-TV, supra, "We cannot ignore decisional acceleration in employee benefits preceded by months of lethargy " And, as the Board noted in Litton, supra, "nothing in the record indi- cates that prior to the Union's activities Respondent had contemplated that these changes were to be made at this particular time" and "absent an affirmative showing of some legitimate business reason for the timing, it is not unreasonable to draw the inference of improper motivation and improper interference with employee freedom of choice Respondent attempts to justify the timing of this imple- mentation, asserting On April 25, 1974, Jim Cole, the Respondent's Ware- house and Receiving Supervisor, sent a memorandum to his supervisor, Paul Priebus, in which he asked that seven additional storekeepers be added in his depart- ment (R Exh 3) In Cummings' opinion, Cole's re- quest would be granted because a production problem would be created unless more storekeepers were added to handle the July inventory Based on his conversa- tions with Pilgrim and Mulletaire, it was also his opm- 1216 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ion that as soon as it became known that there were openings in the store area which carried a labor grade 5, light assemblers and winders would begin to seek transfers into these positions Nevertheless, management's asserted concern pertaining to employee awareness of new "storekeeper" positions for a July inventory does not, in my view, explain the sudden implementation of the 33 job reclassifications on April 26, 1974 Rather, on the record before me, I find and conclude that Respondent Company, by announcing and imple- menting the foregoing reclassification on April 26, 1974, was motivated by an antiunion purpose and thereby violat- ed Section 8(a)(1) of the Act In addition, I find and conclude that Respondent Com- pany violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by granting em- ployees 2 additional holidays about November 22, 1974 As found, supra, section II, E, during September 1974, man- agement had determined not to grant its employees the two extra holidays for 1974 About this time, the Charging Par- ty Union renewed its organizational effort at the plant On November 21, 1974, the Union distributed a pamphlet to the employees, stating in part Why Not A Paid Christmas Shut-down UAW Union Members get a paid Christmas shut- down from Christmas Eve through New Year's Day The Union urged "Instead of firing workers the Corn pany should start this program now " Management's representatives admittedly received a copy of this pam- phlet And, by memorandum dated November 22, 1974, Plant Manager Platner apprised his staff that at 8 a in on Monday, November 25, the employees were to be advised that in "response to employee interest in a longer Christ- mas holiday period, we have decided to add two additional paid holidays to the 1974 schedule ," for December 26 and 27, 1974 Platner's memorandum pertinently notes, in ter aha, that "our shipment plan did not allow for these additional holidays during the Christmas period of this year " On this record, I am persuaded that manage- ment suddenly reversed a prior business determination and granted its employees two additional holidays in 1974 in response to the Union's campaign and that such conduct was calculated to undermine and interfere with the Union's organizational effort As discussed in section II, F, supra, the Company also granted job reclassifications to some 20 employees about December 13, 1974, resulting in hourly wage increases ranging from about 20 to 30 cents Memoranda requesting evaluations of particularjob classifications were sent from the Company's personnel section to its engineering section during August 1974 Thereafter, during September 1974, the Company's engineering section submitted to personnel its recommendations pertaining to the various job classifi- cations Later, in October 1974, additional requests for job evaluations were sent by personnel to the engineering de- partment, which were answered by the engineering section during November 1974 Plant Manager Platner did not favor "piece meal evalu- ations of plant job grades Platner wanted all hourly wage jobs evaluated at one time Accordingly in December 1974, upon completion of this entire evaluation, Platner apprised the employees that "during November 1974, a re view was conducted of the existing labor grades" and "changes are being implemented on December 17, 1974' for some 10 classifications On December 13, 1974, Platner posted a memorandum to all employees, explaining, inter aka, that "from time to time Management of the Jackson plant reviews the appropriateness of the current labor grade assignments of our various jobs", these "reviews can also be initiated by employee request through his supervi- sor ", and for the "past few weeks we have been con- ducting a review " The specific changes were posted The independent recommendations made by the Company's engineering department with respect to these various changes show business justification and reason for granting the requested reclassifications Further, on the record before me, in the context of this extended organiza tional effort, the timing of this company action does not show unlawful purpose An initial representation election had been held on April 25, 1974, a runoff election had been held on May 16, 1974, and a Hearing Officer's rec- ommendation for a further election was pending before the Board on the Company's exceptions when the above re- classifications were announced As noted, the third elec- tion was not held until March 21, 1975 Under the circum- stances, although the issue is not free from doubt, I am not sufficiently persuaded that Respondent Company, in granting the job reclassification on December 13, 1974, re- sulting in hourly wage increases to some 20 employees, was motivated by an unlawful purpose However, as discussed in section II, G. supra, on Decem- ber 20, 1974, after management had implemented the above job reclassifications, management distributed a pamphlet to its employees asserting, inter aka, "that the union has attempted to prevent the company from making improvements for you by complaining to the National La- bor Relations Board", the "union will probably do it again", and "the company received notice from the [Board] in a case which the UAW is pressing challeng- ing reclassification increases The Company warned " If the union would win this case, the company may well have to cancel these increases " The Board, under set- tled rules, does not require that an illegally conferred in- crease be rescinded And, under the circumstances present here, the employees could reasonably understand management's statement to be a threat to cancel the reclas- sification increases if the Union were successful in the pro- ceedings before the Board Such a threat plainly tends to interfere with employee Section 7 rights and is therefore violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act E The Benefits Granted in 1975 As discussed supra, section II, H, during January 1975, management announced to the employees the granting of a 5-percent wage increase and that the Company would pay certain hospitalization premiums for the employees Plant Manager Platner explained to the employees that this in crease was "due to an increase in productivity and the working together of the people there in the plant " Later, on June 24, 1975, management announced to the employ ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION ees an across-the-board hourly wage increase of 30 cents and "a supplement to workmen's compensation payments to make them equal to payments under [the Company's] disability income plan " Plant Manager Platner explained to the employees during June 1975, "We have all come a long way toward turning our division around and the im- provements are significant", "Each of us can certainly take pride in what we have accomplished", "A year has elapsed since our last annual wage review ", and "Our contin- ued efforts to improve our business will result in continued wage and benefit improvements for each of us " Howard Equitz, the Company's director of employee re- lations, explained that the Employer "had established' a "policy" for employee compensation "at new plants", that "new plants would be established at the outset with a rate schedule that was based on surveys and other informa- tion", that the rate schedule thereafter would be "adjusted by means of annual wage reviews " at the anniversary date of the plant opening, that there would be "interim reviews usually at half-annual intervals which also were intended to produce whatever adjustments might be called for", and that the kind of considerations, both at the anniversaries and in connection with the interim reviews, were area rates, rates paid in the industry of concern, competi- tion, and availability or non availability of employees Equitz testified that this "procedure" or "policy" was gen erally applied at the East Jackson plant and the pending "organizational effort" had not affected this policy' 25 Ronald Booth, manager of employee and community re- lations at the East Jackson plant, testified that the 5-per- cent wage increase was granted to employees in January 1975, "to maintain our competitive situation as a result of cost-of-living escalations and productivity increases in the plant " Booth explained that the Company's "wages had fallen behind those of our competitors" since the last in- crease And, as for the June 1975 increase, Booth noted that the Company considered Department of Labor BLS statistics for the area, increases granted by competitors, and cost-of-living excalations during the pertinent period Booth noted that the Department of Labor BLS statistics for his area show that unskilled manufacturing workers had increases in average hourly earnings of about 7 3 per- cent for January 1973 to January 1974 and had increases in average hourly earnings of about 13 3 percent from Janu- ary 1974 to February 1975 The East Jackson plant, from July 1973 to June 1975, had increases in average hourly earnings for its production employees of about 20 4 per- cent, which included 8 percent in July 1974, 5 percent in January 1975, and 7 4 percent in June 1975 26 Booth also noted that management had assumed payment of employ- ee insurance premiums in January 1975 in order "to be competitive," citing the practices of other employers And, Booth noted that the "supplement to workmen's compen- 25 Equitz cited other new plants where the Employer generally followed this procedure 26 Cost of living increases during this same general period as reflected in the Consumer Price Index were about 22 4 percent 1217 sation" in June 1975 was "to supplement the workmen's compensation benefits that the State offered to make them equal with our disability benefits " On this record, I am not persuaded that Respondent granted the increases and benefits during January and June 1975 for an antiunion purpose The record shows that the percentages of these wage increases were in general accord with area percentage increases, that the related benefits granted were also calculated to keep the Employer competitive, and that the timing of these increases and benefits was in general accord with company policy and procedure I would therefore dismiss the allegations per- taining to these grants of wage increases and benefits F The Motions To Dismiss Respondent moves to dismiss the complaint in Case 15- CA-5438 on the ground that the unfair labor practice charge in that case does not support the allegations of the complaint, that the complaint is the result of improper so- licitation by Board personnel, that a previously withdrawn charge was improperly reinstated, and that a concurrent representation proceeding is a bar to the complaint The complaint, which issued on December 17, 1974, is predicat- ed on a charge filed by UAW on September 16, 1974 The charge generally avers that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (4) of the Act The charge recites On or about August 22, the above-named employer [Respondent], by its officers, agents, and representa- tives, discharged Robert Griffin and 0 C Davis, its employees, because of the employees' membership in and activities on behalf of [UAW] By the above and other acts, the above-named em- ployer has interfered with, restrained, and coerced em- ployees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Sec- tion 7 of the Act The complaint alleges, in sum, that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by maintaining in effect an un lawful no-solicitation rule, by granting benefits to employ- ees on or about April 26, and by interrogating, soliciting, threatening, and otherwise coercing employees during April and May 1974 27 The Regional Director on October 29, 1974, advised the parties that he would not issue a complaint in Case 15- CA-5438 with respect to the discharges of employees Grif- fin and Davis, as charged The Regional Director noted "Such refusal, however, does not affect the 8(a)(1) allega tions of the charge which will be the subject of a complaint, absent settlement " And, as stated, the Regional Director subsequently issued the above complaint in Case 15-CA- 5438 on December 17, 1974 28 27 Respondent notes that on May 13 1974 UAW had filed a charge in Case 15-CA-5263 alleging that Respondent violated Sec 8(a)(1) of the Act and that on June 19 1974 the charge was withdrawn in that case See Resp Exh I and attachments 28 At the hearing counsel for Respondent acknowledged that there was no contention being made that the Regional Director in issuing the above complaint violated the 6 month limitation period as provided in Sec 10(b) of the Act Further counsel for Respondent acknowledged that there was no independent evidence to be presented of improper soiicitation by Board personnel other than the charges and pleadings 1218 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The controlling principles were restated by the fifth cir- cuit in Texas Industries, Inc v N L R B, 336 F 2d 128, 132 (C A 5, 1964), as follows Section 10(b) of the Act provides Whenever it is charged that any person has engaged in or is engaging in any such unfair labor practice, the Board shall have power to issue a com- plaint stating the charges in that respect It is established that this section precludes the Board from issuing a complaint on it own initiative, and that a charge is a prerequisite to the institution of proceed rags before the Board N L R B v Kohler Co, 7 Cir , 1955, 220 F 2d 3 However, the charge is not a formal pleading, and its function is not to give notice to the respondent of the exact nature of the charges against him NLRB v Fant Milling Co 1959, 360 U S 301, 79 S Ct 1179, 3 L Ed 2d 1243, Consumers Power Co v NLRB , 6 Cir , 1940, 113 F 2d 38 This is the func- tion of the complaint The charge rather, serves merely to set in motion the investigatory machinery of the Board It is largely for the benefit of the Board, not the respondent, so that it may intelligently determine whether and to what extent an investigation is war- ranted Consequently, the Board has considerable lee- way to found a complaint on events other than those specifically set forth in the charge, the only limitation being that the Board may not get "so completely out- side the charge that it may be said to be initiating the proceeding on its own motion "NLRB v Kohler Co, supra See also N L R B v Reliance Steel Products Co, 5 Cir , 1963, 322 F 2d 49, NLRB v Raymond Pearson, Inc, 5 Cir, 1957, 243 F 2d 456 Applying these principles here, I find and conclude that Respondent's motion to dismiss the complaint in Case 15- CA-5438 should be denied The charge in that case makes reference to the alleged discriminatory discharge of two employees during the Union's organizational effort The charge also generally states "By the above and other acts, [Respondent] has interfered with, restrained, and coerced employees in the exercise of" their Section 7 rights The complaint in that case alleges acts of interference, restraint, and coercion which occurred during the Union's organiza- tional effort On this record, the charge sufficiently sup- ports the allegations of the complaint As the court stated in N L R B v Kohler Co, 220 F 2d 3, 7 (C A 7, 1955) So long as the Board entered the controversy pursuant to a formal charge, it may allege whatever it finds to be a part of that controversy But if it gets so com- pletely outside of the situation which gave rise to the charge that it may be said to be initiating the proceed ing on its own motion, then the complaint should fall as not supported by the charge Here, the Regional Director, in issuing the above com- plaint, has not gone "so completely outside of the situation which gave rise to the charge that [he] may be said to be initiating and proceeding on [his] own motion " Fur- ther, by issuing the foregoing complaint, the Regional Di- rector did not improperly reinstate a previously withdrawn charge Instead, he reasonably predicated his allegations on a subsequently filed charge 29 And see N L R B v Cen tral Power & Light Co 425 F 2d 1318 (C A 5, 1970) Respondent also moves to dismiss the complaints in Case 15-CA-5673 and 15-CA-5732 because the com- plaints bear no relationship to the allegations of the re- spective charges filed by UAW and because these proceed- ings were improperly initiated by Board personnel I ruled at the hearing that the two charges involved sufficiently support the allegations of the respective complaints I ad here to that ruling upon reconsideration Further, on the entire record, I reject Respondent's assertion that Board personnel improperly initiated these two cases 30 These mo- tions are therefore denied CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1 Respondent Company is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act 2 Charging Party Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act 3 Respondent Company, in an attempt to discourage employee support of the Union, violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by promulgating and maintaining in effect a no solicitation rule prohibiting employee solicitation on corn pany property, by coercively interrogating employees about their union interests, by threatening employees with discharge, loss of benefits, plant closure, loss of privileges, stricter work rules, and related reprisals, by creating the impression that employee union activities were under sur- veillance by management, by soliciting employee assis- tance in opposing the Union, by promising employees a wage increase and other benefits, by soliciting employee grievances, by threatening employees with disparate en- forcement of its rules proscribing solicitation during work- ing time, by announcing and implementing job reclassifi- cations on April 26, 1974, by granting employees two extra holidays in November 1974, and by threatening employees with cancellation of job reclassification increases if the Union prevails in proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board 29 Counsel for Respondent also argues that the concurrent representation case bars the complaint in Case 15-CA-5438 Counsel has failed to show why the Board should be precluded in a case such as this from litigating unfair labor practice conduct which is also the subject of a concurrent rep resentation case 30 Counsel for Respondent argues in his posthearing brief that in Case 15- CA-5673 affidavits of various witnesses which were taken by Board person nel are dated between April 22 and 28 while the charge in that case was not filed until April 29 1975 Counsel for Respondent also argues that another affidavit in that case taken after the charge was filed shows that the sole purpose of its being taken was to discover evidence concerning Respondents objections to the March 21 election and not to discover any evidence concerning the allegations of the charge filed in this case I note however that other charges filed by UAW pertaining to this organizational effort were pending before Board And assessed in the context of this entire organization campaign and the series of charges and complaints resulting therefrom as well as the concurrent representation case resulting in three elections it cannot reasonably be said here that Board personnel initiated these proceedings on their own motion See N L R B v Central Power & Light Co supra ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION 1219 4 Respondent did not commit other unfair labor prac- tices as alleged in the consolidated complaints filed in this proceeding 5 The unfair labor practices found herein affect com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act THE REMEDY Respondent Company will be directed to cease and de- sist from engaging in the unfair labor practices found and, in view of the extensive and continuing nature of its coer- cive conduct, from in any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights Further, Respondent will be directed to post the required notices (a) Post at its office and facilities in East Jackson, Mis- sissip3pi, copies of the attached notice marked "Appen- dix " 2 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 15, after being duly signed by Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in con- spicuous places, including all places where notices to em- ployees are customarily posted Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material (b) Notify the Regional Director for Region 15, in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the consolidated complaints in this proceeding be dismissed insofar as they allege viola tions of the Act not specifically found herein ORDER 31 Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and con- clusions of law and upon the entire record in the case, Respondent Allis Chalmers Corporation, East Jackson, Mississippi, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall 1 Cease and desist from (a) Promulgating and maintaining in effect a no-solicita- tion rule which prohibits employee solicitation on compa- ny property (b) Coercively interrogating employees about their union interests (c) Threatening employees with discharge, loss of bene- fits, plant closure, loss of privileges, stricter work rules, or related reprisals in an attempt to discourage employee sup- port of International Union, United Automobile, Aero space and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW, or any other labor organization (d) Soliciting employee grievances in an attempt to dis- courage employee support of said Union or any other labor organization (e) Threatening employees with disparate enforcement of company rules proscribing solicitation during working time (f) Announcing or implementing fob reclassifications or granting employees additional holidays in an attempt to discourage employee support of said Union or any other labor organization (g) Threatening employees with cancellation of job re- classification increases if said Union prevails in proceed- ings before the National Labor Relations Board (h) Creating the impression that employee union activi- ties are under surveillance (i) Soliciting employee assistance in its opposition to said Union or any other labor organization 0) Promising employees a wage increase or other bene fits in an attempt to discourage employee support of said Union or any other labor organization (k) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights 2 Take the following affirmative action which is neces- sary to effectuate the purposes and policies of the Act 31 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board the findings conclusions and recommended Order herein shall as provided it Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations be adopted by the Board and become its findings conclusions and Order and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes 32 In he event that the Board s Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals the words in the notice reading Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board shall read Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing in which both sides had the opportunity to present their evidence, the National Labor Relations Board has found that Allis Chalmers Corporation has violated the National Labor Relations Act and has ordered us to post this notice We therefore notify you that WE WILL NOT promulgate or maintain in effect a no- solicitation rule prohibiting employee solicitation on company property WE WILL NOT coercively interrogate employees about their union interests WE WILL NOT threaten employees with discharge, loss of benefits, plant closure, loss of privileges, stricter work rules, or related reprisals in an attempt to dis- courage employee support of International Union, United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Im- plement Workers of America, UAW, or any other la- bor organization WE WILL NOT solicit employee grievances in an at- tempt to discourage employee support of said Union or any other labor organization WE WILL NOT threaten employees with disparate en forcement of company rules proscribing solicitation during working time 1220 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WE WILL NOT announce or implement job reclassifi- cations or grant employees additional holidays in an attempt to discourage employee support of said Union or any other labor organization WE WILL NOT threaten employees with cancellation of job classification increases if said Union prevails in proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board WE WILL NOT create the impression that employee union activities are under surveillance WE WILL NOT solicit employee assistance in our op- position to said Union or any other labor organiza- tion WE WILL NOT promise employees a wage increase or other benefits in an attempt to discourage employee support of said Union or any other labor organization WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act ALLIS CHALMERS CORPORATION Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation