All Steel Welded Truck Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 14, 194239 N.L.R.B. 810 (N.L.R.B. 1942) Copy Citation In the Matter of ALL STEEL WELDED TRUOK CORPORATION and INTER- NATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE , AIRCRAFT, AND AGRIGUL- TURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL - 810, AFFILIATED WITH THE C. I. O. Case No. R-3280 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION IAND CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVES March 14, 1912 On December 12, 1941, the National Labor Relations Board issued its Decision and Direction of Election' in the above-entitled pro- ceeding. Pursuant to the Direction of Election, an election by secret ballot was conducted on January 5, 1942, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for the Thirteenth Region (Chicago, Illinois). On January 8, 1942, the Regional Director, act- ing pursuant to Article III, Section 9, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations-Series 2, as amended, issued and duly served upon the parties an Election Report. As to the balloting and its results, the Regional Director reported as follows : Total number eligible -------- ------------------------------ 25 Total number ballots cast __________________________________2240 Total number ballots challenged_____________________________ 15 Total number blank ballots_________________________________ 0 Total number void ballots____________________________` _____ 0 Total number valid votes cast_______________________________ 22 Total number ballots cast for International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 810, C. I. 0_____________________________ 14 Total number ballots cast against International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 810, C. I. O_____________________________ 8 The Regional Director recommended in his Report that the chal- lenges to eleven of the ballots be sustained on the ground that the 1 37 N. L. R. B 521. 2 On objection the Regional Director reported that 40 was a clerical error and that the figure should be changed to 37. 39 N. L. R. B., No 156. 810 N ALL STEEL WELDED TRUCK CORPORATION 811 employees involved had clearly been excluded from the unit by the terms of the Direction of Election. Since the four other' challenged ballots could not affect the outcome of the election the Regional Director recommended that they be not opened. On January 12, 1942, twenty-five employees of the All Steel Welded Truck Corporation, hereinafter called the Company, filed a petition protesting the conduct of the ballot and the Election Report. The Regional Director treated this as an Objection to the Election Report. The objections were on the grounds, that (1) of the 37 employees who voted only 14 have signified their desire to be repre- sented by International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 810, affiliated with the C. I. O.' hereinafter called Local 810, that (2) the Board allowed a C I. O. organizer to be near the polls before and during the election, that (3) those who quit voluntarily or who had been dis- charged were allowed to vote, that (4) threats were voiced regarding the outcome of the election, that (5) electioneering was done in loud voices during the election, and that (6) as indicated by-the 25 signa- tures the election does not represent the desires-of the majority of the employees of the Company. On' February 27, 1942, the Regional Director issued a Report' on Objections to the Conduct of the Secret Ballot and Election Report, copies of which were duly served upon the parties. In respects t6 allegations 2, 3, 4, and 5, as set forth above, the Regional Director found that the Objections did not raise substantial and material' issues with respect to the conduct of the ballot or to the Election Report. In respect to allegation 1, above, the Regional Director reported that of the 37 employees mentioned, 12 are employed in' positions specifically excluded from the appropriate unit in the De- cision and Direction of Election; that of the remaining 25 eligible employees, 22 cast valid ballots and 3 did not vote; and that 14 of the 22 voted for Local 810. In respect to allegation 6, above, the Regional Director found that of the 25 employees who signed the petition, 13 were not eligible to vote under the terms of the Decision and Direction of Election ; and that of the 12 who were eligible to vote and who signed the petition, 3 stated that they have since unsuccessfully tried to revoke their signatures (one of the 3 also stated that the purpose of the petition was misrepresented to him), 2 stated that they signed in fear of discharge (one of the 2 also stated that the purpose of the petition was misrepresented to him), and 1 stated that he signed because of a misrepresentation as to the purpose of the petition. The Regional Director concluded that Objections 1 and 6, as above set forth, did not raise substantial and material issues in respect to the conduct of the ballot or to the Election Report. 812 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD We have fully considered the Objections and the Regional Director's Report thereon, and find the Objections raise no substan- tial or material issues with respect to the conduct of the ballot or to the Election Report. The Objections are hereby overruled. By virtue of and pursuant to the power vested in the National Labor Relations Board by Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, 49 Stat. 449, and pursuant to Article III, Sections 8 and 9, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations-Series 2, as amended, IT Is HEREBY CERTIFIED that International Union, United Auto- mobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 810, affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, has been designated and selected by a majority of all production and maintenance employees and truck drivers of All Steel Welded Truck Corporation, Rockford, Illinois, but excluding office and clerical, engineering, supervisory employees, and, shipping clerks as their representative for the purposes of collective bargaining, and that, pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 (a) of the National Labor Relations Act, International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 810, affili- ated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, is the exclusive representative of all such employees for the purposes of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other conditions of employment. 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