Ace Handle Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 30, 1952100 N.L.R.B. 1279 (N.L.R.B. 1952) Copy Citation ACE , HANDLE CORPORATION 1279 any other labor organization , by discriminatorily discharging any of our em- ployees, by refusing to employ any person or discriminating in any other manner in regard to their hire or tenure of employment or any terms or conditions of employment. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our em- ployees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed under Section 7 of the Act, except to the extent that such rights may be affected by an agreement re- quiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. WE WILL offer Paul Axthelm immediate and suitable employment and make him whole for any loss of pay or other rights and privileges he may have suffered as a result of the discrimination. All employees are free to become, remain , or refrain from becoming members of the above-named union or any other labor organization except to the extent that the right to refrain may be affected by lawful agreement requiring member- ship in a labor organization as a condition of employment . We will not dis- criminate against any employee or applicant for employment in regard to his hire or tenure of his employment or any term or condition of employment because of, or the lack of, membership in or activity on behalf of any such labor organiza- tion. Nor will we discriminate against any employee because he has filed charges under the Act. Dated ---------------- HENRICH LUMBER COMPANY, INC. Employer. By ------------------------------- (Representative ) ( Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof and must not be altered , defaced, or covered by any other material. ACE HANDLE CORPORATION and ARVIL PURIFOY. Case No. 15-CA -351. September 30,1952 Decision and Order On February 27, 1952, Trial Examiner Reeves R. Hilton issued his Intermediate Report in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Inter- mediate Report attached hereto. Thereafter, the Respondent filed exceptions to the Intermediate Report, and both the Respondent and the General Counsel filed supporting briefs. The Respondent's re- quest for oral argument was denied inasmuch as the record and brief, in our opinion, adequately reflects the issues and positions of the parties. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three-mem- ber panel [Members Houston, Murdock, and Styles]. 100 NLRB No. 230. 1280 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Inter- mediate Report, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in this case, and hereby adopts the findings, the conclusions, and the recom- mendations of the Trial Examiner with the following additions : We find, in agreement with the Trial Examiner and for reasons set forth in the Intermediate Report, that the Respondent discharged the six below-named employees because they were engaging in con- certed activities in presenting a grievance over a matter relating to their working conditions. In so acting, the Respondent violated not only Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act but also independently'violated Section 8 (a) (1) by interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act.,, We further find that reinstatement and back pay is appropriate and necessary to remedy the unfair labor practices involved herein, without regard to whether the discriminatory discharges be deemed a violation of Section 8 (a) (1) or of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. Order Upon the entire record in this case, and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Ace Handle Corporation, Gurdon, Arkansas, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from interfering with, restraining, or coercing it employees, by discharge or otherwise, in the exercise of the right to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargain- ing or other mutual aid or protection, as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action, which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer to Arvil Purifoy, A. D. McBride, Kenneth Hughes, Norman Wells, Bernie Kuhn, and Mary Hazelwood immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent posi- tions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights or privileges. (b) Make whole Arvil Purifoy, A. D. McBride, Kenneth Hughes, Norman Wells, Bernie Kuhn, and Mary Hazelwood in the manner set forth in the section of the Intermediate Report entitled "The Remedy" for any loss of pay each may have suffered by reason of the Respondent's discrimination against them. (c) Upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment ' Modern Motors, incorporated, 96 NLRB 964. ACE. HANDLE CORPORATION 1281 records, time cards, personnel records and reports, and all other rec- ords necessary to analyze the amounts of back pay due and the right of reinstatement under the terms of this recommended order. (d) Post at its plant in Gurdon, Arkansas, copies of the notice attached hereto marked "Appendix A." 2 Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region, shall, after being duly signed by the Respondent's representative, be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof and maintained by it for a period of sixty (60) consecutive days thereafter in conspicu- ous places, including all places where notices to employees are custom- arily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region in writ- ing within ten (10) days from the date of this Order what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. Appendix A NOTICE To ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT in any manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. WE WILL offer to the employees named below immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions without prejudice to any seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed, and make them whole for any loss of pay suffered as a result of the discrimination. Arvil Purifoy Norman Wells A. D. McBride Bernie Kuhn Kenneth Hughes Mary Hazelwood ACE HANDLE CORPORATION, Employer. Dated -------------------- By ------------------------------- (Representative ) ( Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. 2 In the event that this Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Appeals, there shall be substituted for the words "Pursuant to a Decision and Order" the words "Pursuant to a Decree of the United States Court of Appeals , Enforcing an Order." 1282 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Intermediate Report STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon a charge, as amended, duly filed by Arvil Purifoy, an individual, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board,' by the Regional Director for the Fifteenth Region (New Orleans, Louisiana), issued a complaint dated September 26, 1951, against Ace Handle Corporation, herein called the Respondent or the Company, alleging that the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (1) -and (3) and Section (6) and (7) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 61 Stat. 136, herein called the Act. Copies of the complaint with a copy of the charge as amended were duly served upon the Respondent and the charging party. In substance the complaint alleges that on or about March 8, 1951, the Respondent discharged and refused to reinstate six named employees because they engaged in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining and other mutual aid and protection. By reason of these acts-the Respondent thereby engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (1) and (3) of the Act. About October 2, 1951, the Respondent filed its answer in which it denies the commission of any unfair labor practices and affirmatively asserts that the employees voluntarily left their employment. Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held at Arkadelphia, Arkansas, on November 7 and 8, 1951, before the undersigned Trial Examiner. The General Counsel and the Respondent were represented by counsel. At the outset of the hearing counsel for the Respondent requested that the General Counsel be required to state the theory of his case, or in the alternative to make the complaint more specific, which motion was denied by the undersigned. All parties participated in the hearing and were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and `cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence pertinent to the issues in- volved. After the conclusion of the taking of testimony counsel for the Respond- ent moved to dismiss the complaint for lack of proof, which motion was denied by the undersigned. At the same time the General Counsel moved to conform the pleadings to the proof which motion, without objection, was granted by the undersigned limited to matters of form. The parties waived oral argument and were advised of their right to file briefs in the matter. Thereafter the General Counsel and counsel for the Respondent submitted briefs which have -been duly considered by the undersigned. After the hearing had been closed counsel for the Respondent, about November 29, 1951, submitted a petition to, the undersigned requesting permission to tile as part of the record a decision of the "Board of Review of the Arkansas Employment Securities Division," which found that Arvil Purifoy, the charging party, was disqualified to draw unemploy- ment compensation benefits because he voluntarily left "his employment without good cause. On November 30, 1951, the undersigned duly issued an order reject- lug the above decision as an exhibit in this proceeding for the reason that it is not relevant or material to the issues herein.' Upon the entire record in the case, and from his observation of the witnesses, the undersigned makes the following : ' The General Counsel and his representative at the hearing are herein referred to as the General Counsel; the National Labor Relations Board as the Board. s The petition and decision and a copy of the order issued thereon are included in the- record and marked Rejected Exhibit No 1. ACL HANDLE CORPORATION 1283 FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BL SINESS OF THE RESPONDENT The parties stipulated that the Company, an Arkansas corporation, maintains its office and plant at Gurdon, Arkansas, where it is engaged in the manufacture of handles for mops, rakes, brushes, and other handle products. The principal officers and stockholders are Paul Ales and Violet Ales. The Company was organized for the purpose of supplying handles to A & A Manufacturing Com- pany, a partnership composed of Paul and Violet Ales, which is located at Chicago, Illinois, where it is engaged in the manufacture and sale of garden tools 3 During the period October 1, 1950, to September 30, 1951, the Company sold and delivered products to A & A Manufacturing Company in the sum of $24,943, and its sales to other customers amounted to $33,151, of which in excess of 75 percent was sold and delivered outside the State of Arkansas. The sales of A & A Manufacturing Company, during the 12 months preceding the hearing, were in excess of $50,000, of which more than 75 percent was sold and delivered to customers outside the State of Illinois. The Company neither admits nor denies that its operations constitute commerce within the meaning of the Act. The undersigned finds that the Company is engaged in commerce as defined in the Act. II. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The events preceding the alleged mass discharge There is little, if any, dispute concerning the events occurring prior to March 8, 1951.' Hubert W. Nelson testified that he served as plant manager or superin- tendent for about 3 years until March 1 when, due to illness, he was replaced by Philip Hester. During the period January 1948, to March 8, 1951, Thomas V. Hazelwood was employed as millwright and plant foreman. Hazelwood stated his duties included the repair and maintenance of machinery, instructing the employees in the operations thereof, and, on Nelson's orders, the assignment and distribution of work among the employees. Admittedly, Hazelwood had no authority to hire or discharge employees but he did report to Nelson concerning their work and on several occasions Nelson followed his recommendation to discharge certain employees. In the same interval Elmer Perrine was employed as lathe operator and in the absence of Hazelwood performed at least part of the latter's duties. The undersigned finds that Nelson, Hester, and Hazelwood were, at all times material, supervisory employees as defined in the Act.' The undersigned also finds that Hazelwood voluntarily left the employment of the Company tinder circumstances set forth below. Hazelwood said Perrine was not a satisfactory employee and that on several occasions he informed Nelson of his low production. Although Nelson promised to look into the matter he took no action in this respect and Perrine continued in the employment of the Company Nelson said that he considered Perrine a satis- factory worker and knew that there was some "friction" between the two 8 The complaint alleges that the Company is "a wholly-owned subsidiary of A & A Manu- facturing Company." At the hearing the General Counsel moved to amend his complaint by striking this allegation therefrom The undersigned, without objection, granted this motion. ' All dates refer to 1951, unless otherwise stated. 5 Hester, as appears below, consulted and conferred with Nelson subsequent to March 1 for the reason that, as he expressed it, Nelson "was still managing" the plant. 227260-53-vol. 100--82 1284 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD men. Hazelwood related that about February 24, Perrine refused to move a pallett of handles e for one of the women employees. About noon that day Hazelwood reported the incident to Nelson and stated that Perrine had loafed too long on the job, so unless the Company discharged him, he, Hazelwood was quitting. However, he said he would remain at the plant until Hester took over as superintendent on March 1. Nelson, according to Hazelwood„ said he would "get rid of" Perrine. At this time Nelson advised Hazelwood that his rate was being increased 10 cents per hour, beginning March 1, to bring it equal to that of one nonsupervisory job classification at the plant. Nelson said he told Hazelwood he "would probably have to let Perrine go," but he did not say that he "would fire him." Nelson then informed Hazelwood that the plant would be shut down the following week (February 26) to take inventory, and to so instruct the employees, which he did. Hazelwood assisted in taking inventory. On March 5, the plant resumed operations and Nelson announced to the employees that Hester was assuming his duties as superintendent and that Hazelwood would remain as foreman. Hester said that Nelson advised him of the difficulties between Hazelwood and Perrine and that he immediately laid off Perrine pending investigation of these difficulties including his refusal, on February 24, to assist in moving the pallett. After an investigation, Hester stated he believed Perrine to be competent and not entirely at fault in the above incident. Further, as the Company required the services of a lathe operator in order to fill an order, and since Hazelwood and Perrine were the only employees capable of operating the lathe, Hester decided to recall Perrine. B. The alleged discrtm-matory mass discharge In accordance with the foregoing decision, Perrine reported for work about 8 o'clock the morning of March 8. (On this date the Company had 9 or 10 employees.) Thereupon, Hazelwood, after getting production started, told Hester that he was quitting because Nelson had failed to keep his promise to discharge Perrine. Following his conversation with Hester, Hazelwood told Purifoy, bolt- ing saw operator, that he had quit and, about- 8: 30, left the plant. Hazelwood admitted that he would not return to work for the Company as long as Perrine was in its employ. Later that morning Purifoy told Hazelwood's mother, Mary Hazelwood, sanding machine operator, that he would see if any arrangements could be made to have him return to the plant. During the luncheon hour Purifoy and four other employees, A. D McBride, Kenneth Hughes, Bernie Kuhn, and Norman Wells discussed the fact that Hazel- wood had quit the Company while Perrine remained in its employment. McBride testified that they "figured" Perrine, who was looked upon as the "No. 2 man," would take Hazelwood's place and that "we couldn't get along with him." Puri- foy said the men "got along fine" with Hazelwood but Perrine "was always showing folks how to" perform work and "nosing around" the employees. He further stated that he believed Perrine would become foreman but despite his conviction that Perrine was not fully suited for the job he had no intention of leaving the Company's employ. Hughes said he was anxious to have Hazelwood return because he would "get us straightened out on the job quicker than any- body," and was very careful of the machinery. Kuhn, a new employee, stated that Hazelwood had trained him in his job and that the men were "concerned" about Hazelwood's replacement. However, prior to taking any action in the matter, Purifoy testified that the group decided to have McBride and Wells talk to Hazelwood and find out whether he was willing to return to the plant. Mc- s A pallett holds about 1 cord of wood. ACE HANDLE CORPORATION 1285 Bride said he and Wells immediately went to see Hazelwood at his home and asked if he was willing to come back to work . Hazelwood replied that he would return if the Company would "get rid" of Perrine . McBride and Wells returned to the group and reported their conversation with Hazelwood , and the employees then decided to discuss the matter with Hester upon his return from lunch. The men returned to the plant and Hester arrived shortly before 1 o'clock . Purifoy said that Hester walked passed the group without speaking and turned on the blower. The employees walked toward him and Purifoy asked why he had let Hazelwood go and kept Perrine. Hester turned off the blower , came back to the group, shoved Purifoy, and told them , "Get the damned hell out of here. I don't care anything about your troubles . Get out and stay out." Purifoy said they were not leaving the plant until they were paid , whereupon Hester stated he would see what could be done and went to his office. McBride said Purifoy told Hester he wished to talk about Hazelwood quitting and Perrine remaining to which Hester answered , "Don't come here telling me your God damn troubles. You are all fired as far as I am concerned ." The men then asked for their checks. Hughes and Kuhn testified to the same effect. Hester returned in about 10 minutes and asked Mrs. Hazelwood and Iva Toombs if they wanted their checks, and again went back to the office . The group then remained in the front of the plant waiting for their checks. In a short while, Mrs Nelson , wife of Superin- tendent Nelson , came to the plant and , on her way to the office , cursed and threat- ened to strike Kuhn with a wooden handle . About an hour after Mrs . Nelson arrived , State Trooper Guy J . Downing came to the plant and asked what the trouble was . McBride told him there was no trouble but the men had been discharged . McBride further stated that about 3 o'clock Hester called the men into his office . Purifoy and McBride related that Hester , Downing, Mrs . Nelson, and the cashier were in the office with their checks and time cards on the counter. Mrs. Nelson told the men it was necessary to sign their time cards before receiving their checks. When the men inquired as to the necessity of this procedure, she cursed them and, as McBride quoted her, declared , "There will never be another God damned one of you working for Ace Handle Corporation as long as it stands." Purifoy then asked for a statement of the reasons for leaving the Company in order to draw unemployment compensation . Mrs. Nelson stated they could not draw compensation and when Purifoy asked why not, she cursed him. Downing told the men that unless they signed the time cards they would not get their checks. The men thereupon signed the time cards and received their checks . Purifoy inquired of Hester if "we are through " and he said, "You will never work at Ace Handle again ." The men then left the plant . The testi- mony of Hughes and Kuhn is to the same effect . Immediately thereafter, Purifoy, McBride , Hughes, and Wells made appropriate application for unem- ployment compensation . Kuhn did not apply because he had insufficient employ- ment to qualify for these benefits. About 1 week later Purifoy, McBride, and Wells, having obtained referral cards from the unemployment office, applied to Hester for reemployment . Purifoy stated they presented their referral cards to Hester who said, "I can't put you back to work ." McBride related that Hester refused to employ them and said, "We will let the law take its course." ' Hughes made no application to the Company for reemployment and there is no evidence indicating that Kuhn ever applied for work after March 8 Mrs. Hazelwood testified that she came back from her lunch about 12:55, and observed Purifoy and a group of employees standing near her sanding machine. She remarked it was almost time to commence work and Purifoy said they were going to talk to Hester in regard to her son . Mrs. Hazelwood told them not to do as he had quit and she doubted if he would come back. 1286 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The employees answered that he would return and reported that McBride and Wells had talked to Hazelwood during the luncheon lioui`. At that time Hester arrived and turned on the blower. Purifoy then approached Hester and told him they wanted Hazelwood to return to work. Hester declared that Purifoy was "crazy" if he thought that he could tell him who to hire and stated that "as far as I am concerned the whole bunch is fired." Hester then went to the office but returned shortly thereafter and asked Mrs. Hazelwood if she wanted her check. She said she did not desire her check unless "you are through with me," and Hester answered she was not through at the plant. He then told Mrs. Hazelwood and Toombs that they were "loyal" and he was sorry but the "plant will have to close." Mrs. Hazelwood and Toombs then left the plant. The same evening Mrs. Hazelwood received her check from the Com- pany. About April 27, Mrs. Hazelwood telephoned Hester and reminded him that he had stated she was not "through" at the plant. Hester said he would have to talk to two individuals, whom she understood to be Nelson and the president of the Company, and that she had him "in'a spot." Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Hazelwood, having received no word from Hester, went to the plant and asked if she would be permitted to work. Hester told her he had no objection to her working and that "This thing will be settled one of these days." Mrs. Hazelwood made no further inquiries concerning her job nor did Hester ever communicate with her, Hester testified that on March 8 he returned to the plant at 1 :05 and found only one employee, Perrine, working. Hester believed there was something wrong with the blower so he went to the back of the plant and turned on the power. As he was coming back Purifoy approached him and stated, "We are riot working unless you hire Mr. Hazelwood." Hester made no immediate reply but went over to the switch and cut the power for the blower. He then re- turned and told Purifoy and a group of five employees that he could not "re- employ Hazelwood. He quit this morning." Purifoy again said that the men would not work without Hazelwood and Hester remarked that he had quit. The employees then engaged in a brief discussion among themselves and Hester told them, "Well, if you aren't going to work, fellows, you are going to have to get out." The men then "blurted out" that they would not work unless Hazel- wood was rehired. Hester replied that since Hazelwood quit he did not intend to rehire hire and if they were not going back to work, they would have to leave the plant. The employees stated they would not get out until they received their checks and Hester answered he would "see about that." Hester admitted he was angry with the employees but denied that he cursed them or shoved Purifoy. Hester left the group and went to the office where he called Nelson and reported the occurrences to him. Nelson informed Hester that the men should be given their checks. Hester then returned to the group and, in order to find out "who was in the deal," asked each of the employees in the group whether he was going to work and each replied in the negative. In response to his query, Toombs said she needed a job and was "not in on this," and Mrs. Hazelwood replied that she desired to work, "if you want me." The group then remained at the plant waiting for their checks. Hester admitted that the employees gave no indication of any animosity toward him nor did he have any fear for his personal safety, nevertheless, he knew that the Company had re- quested that State police be dispatched to the plant .7 Following this request when Officer Downing arrived at the plant about 2 :30, Hester told him that the employees had quit their jobs and had refused to leave the plant. Later in ' Rester said he was fearful for the safety of the plant but offered no reasons or basis for this opinion other than he was the only person representing the Company. ACE HANDLE CORPORATION 1287 the afternoon Hester called the employees into the office where he told them they could have their checks upon signing their time cards . The men refused to sign the time cards because they failed to show the reason for their discharge and Hester explained he could state no reason on the cards since the group had not been discharged but quit. Downing, according to Hester, told the employees to sign the cards and get their checks, that "It wouldn 't do them any good anyhow. They were on strike or had quit," and were not entitled to compensa- tion benefits . The employees were "very much surprised" to hear this and thereupon signed the cards, received their checks , and left the plant. Hester closed the plant that afternoon and it remained down the next day. However , the following day Hester recalled Perrine, Toombs , and White, the latter a part-time employee , and commenced limited operations . He also began hiring new and inexperienced employees and in about 3 weeks the Company had its normal complement of workers . Perrine was promoted to foreman about 1 month after Hazelwood quit. About 1 or 2 weeks subsequent to March 8 , Hester was at Nelson's home during the luncheon hour when McBride or Purifoy called Nelson and requested that he meet with them at a downtown restaurant but he was unable to do so because of his illness . Hester said he would see them so he drove to the plant and met the group. Hester could not recall their conversation but he stated the in- dividuals presented cards which they stated had been given them "at the office." Hester said he could not read the cards without his glasses , which he could not find at the time. He further stated that the men did not ask for their jobs, or even indicate they desired to return to work, and he could not understand the purpose of their visit to the plant, although he knew it was not a social call. Hester said the entire discussion took "probably two or three minutes and con- cluded on friendly terms with his statement , 'Well, I hope you boys get this thing settled , or something '." Hester conceded he did not call Mrs. Hazelwood at any time prior to filling her job with a new employee because there was no opening " in her particular line." Later , in his testimony , Hester said that while Mrs . Hazelwood was a satisfactory employee she was not reemployed be- cause of her age and physical condition , plus the fact that her son would be unavailable to help her at the plant. Nelson testified that after Hester had informed him a group of employees had refused to work and quit their jobs , he sent his wife to the plant to pick up the blank checks and time cards in order to pay them off. After preparing the checks Nelson told his wife to take them back to the plant and help Hester to distribute them to the men. Mrs. Nelson had been employed by the Company as a part-time office worker but had been sick for about 6 weeks prior to March 1 and had per- formed no duties during this period . Nelson received word there might be trouble when paying off the men , he "forgot" how he received this information, so he called the State police. About 2 weeks later Nelson said one of the group telephoned him and asked that he meet with them at a cafe, and he advised this individual that the matter had been turned over to an attorney and any information would have to come' from him. Shortly thereafter , Perrine called Nelson and informed him that "the fellows" were at the plant. Nelson was having lunch with Hester, so he told Hester to go out and see them. Apparently , during one of these conver- sations, Nelson offered to meet with the group at his home , but they declined for the reason , as he understood , that the "employment office" had instructed them not to come to his home . Hester then left and later reported to Nelson that the men had "some cards" but before he could put on his glasses to read them, the men "pulled the card back ." Nelson concluded the cards must have 1288 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD been referral cards so he called the State employment office and was advised referral cards had been issued to these individuals. He then told the employ- ment representative that the Company had no work for these employees at the present time but would reconsider them for employment. Officer Downing testified that when he arrived at the plant he met Hester who informed him that some of the men had left their jobs "on account of hiring one man and another man had quit." Downing, who was familiar with the handle business, then went through the plant with Hester. After doing so, he talked to the group of employees in the course of which he asked if they quit but he could not recall their reply to his inquiry. Downing was in the office with Hester and Mrs. Nelson when the men were called in to receive their checks. He related that Purifoy and another individual in the group wanted to know why the checks did not show that they were being laid off and Hester said that they had quit. Downing said there was "a little yow-yowing," on both sides so he told the men if they had quit they could not draw social security. In re- sponse to a specific question as to whether the men at that time said they had quit, Downing answered, "No I don't believe they did. They never did deny the fact, though, that they wasn't laid off; they was quitting." However, Downing stated that Purifoy, while in the office, declared that he had quit his job but gave no reasons or explanation for this action. Downing told the men that they would have to sign the time cards in order to obtain their checks, which, presumably they did and then left the plant. In the course of the dis- cussion Mrs. Nelson advised the employees that they would "never work no more" for the Company. Downing remained at the plant about 45 minutes and, apart from "boisterous" talking in the office, there was no disturbance or trouble of any kind. Toombs stated that early in the morning Mrs. Hazelwood informed her that her son had quit because of Perrine and later told her that all the employees were going to quit unless Hazelwood was rehired. Toombs and Mrs. Haze]- wood were together during the luncheon hour and Mrs. Hazelwood asked Toombs if she was "going to stick with the boys." Toombs replied "No," that she needed her job, but "thought" that Mrs. Hazelwood was going to do so. Toombs said they returned to the plant about 12: 55 and joined a group of men standing near the sanding machine. None of the group returned to their jobs at 1 o'clock, although Perrine was working at that time. Hester came in about 1: 05, "looked at us," and then went back and turned on the blower. Hester came back to the group and, in answer to his question, the group said they were not working be- cause they wanted Hazelwood to be rehired. Hester replied that Hazelwood had quit. Toombs could not recall precisely what followed but she believed the men stated they would not work without Hazelwood and that they wanted their checks. Hester asked each individual "who was in on it," and apparently each man answered in the affirmative. Toombs, however, shook her head "No" and Mrs. Hazelwood said nothing. Hester then announced the plant would be closed. Toombs did not see Hester shove Purifoy, nor did he curse the em- ployees or engage in any ungentlemanly conduct. Toombs believed she later told Hester that she was not involved in the incident and several days later was reemployed and has continued in the employ of the Company. Perrine testified that he returned from lunch several minutes before 1 o'clock and went to work running the lathe. About 1: 05 Perrine saw Hester turn on the blower and as he was coming back through the plant, a group of employees met him near the lathe. Hester shut off the blower, which was very noisy, and Purifoy told Hester that they would not work unless Hazelwood was reemployed. Hester said Hazelwood had quit and "he wasn't fixing to hire him back," where- ACE HANDLE CORPORATION 1289 upon the group said they would not work until Hazelwood returned. The group then walked toward the front of the plant. About 10 minutes later Purifoy, accompanied by Hughes, Kuhn, and Wells, came to Perrine and ordered him to shut down the lathe, which be did. Later Hester told Perrine the plant was closed and he then went home. Testifying in rebuttal, Mrs. Hazelwood denied that she told Toombs the em- ployees would quit unless her son was reemployed, or that she asked Toombs if she was going "to stick with the boys." Likewise, Purifoy denied that he made any statement to Downing that he had quit his job, but may have said that his foreman quit. He further stated that on the afternoon of March 8, he told Perrine that the group had been fired because of him, but denied that be ordered or requested Perrine to cease working. Hughes and McBride testified that they did not hear Purifoy make any statement to Downing that he had quit his job, and substantially corroborated Purifoy's version of his conversation with Per- rine on the afternoon of March 8. Concluding Findings As appears from the facts set forth above, as well the briefs submitted by counsel for the parties, two issues are presented, namely, were the employees engaged in lawful activities and were they discharged for having engaged in Such activities. The undersigned finds that Purifoy, McBride, Hughes, Kuhn, and Wells, upon learning that Hazelwood quit his job, decided to collectively discuss the matter with Hester in the hope that they might secure his reemployment with the Company. In reaching this decision the group was motivated not only by their high regard for Hazelwood as an individual but also because as foreman he was responsible for the efficient and safe operation of machinery and equip- ment, as well as the assignment and distribution of work, all of which were important factors to the employees in the performance of their daily tasks at the plant. Unquestionably, the employees were of the opinion that Hazelwood carried out his duties and responsibilities as a supervisor in a capable and efficient manner. On the other hand they had little or no confidence in the ability of Perrine, whom they correctly believed would replace Hazelwood, to direct and control their work. Consequently, the employees, after being assured by Hazelwood that he would return as foreman if Perrine was released, resolved to discuss the matter with Hester. Under the circumstances it seems clear that the employees banded together for the purpose of presenting a grievance, or a matter, which plainly related to working conditions at the plant. In determining this question it is unnecessary to discuss the various types or phases of "activities" which the courts and the Board have heretofore found to be legitimate under the terms of the Act,' for the decision in N. L. R. B. v. Phoenix Life Insurance Company, 167 F. 2d 983 (C. A. 7) certiorari denied, 335 U. S. 845, is dispositive of the issue herein. In that case the company maintained a branch office where, under a branch manager, it employed 10 Salesmen and a clerical staff under the immediate supervision of a cashier. The cashier's department was responsible for "servicing" the salesmen, per- formed many duties affecting their work, and functioned in close cooperation with the sales group. At the time in question the manager advised the salesmen 8 See for example, N. L. R. B. Y. Peter Cattier Kohler Swiss Chocolates Company, Inc., 130 F. 2d 503, 505-506 (C. A. 2) ; N. L. R B. v. Hyniie Schwartz, etc, 146 F. 2d 773 (C. A. 5) ; Ozark Hardwood Company, 91 NLRB 1443 ; and The Office Towel Supply Company, 97 NLRB 449. 1290 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD that the cashier had resigned and that the home office was considering the selection of a successor, who would probably be someone transferred from another branch office. During the next 2 weeks the salesmen discussed the matter of the cashier's successor. They also discussed the advisability of making any recommendation in this respect and although all were in accord that the assistant cashier was well qualified to fill the vacancy, there was disagreement as to whether they should recommend the appointment of any specified person. Accordingly, one of their number, Davis, was designated to prepare a letter which, if approved and signed by all of the salesmen, was to be sent to the home office. Davis, with Johnson, prepared a tentative draft of such a letter, which was discussed by the group. However, before the final draft was agreed upon, the manager, upon learning of the letter, discharged Davis and Johnson because of their "actions and involvement in the resignations and new appointment affecting our Cashier's Department." In sustaining the Board's findings that the conduct of the employees was within the scope of the character of concerted activities protected by Section 7 of the Act, the court stated : A proper construction [of Section 7] is that the employees shall have the right to engage in concerted activities for their mutual aid or protection even though no union activity be involved, or collective bargaining be contem- plated. Here Davis and Johnson and other salesmen were properly con- cerned with the identity and capability of the new cashier. Conceding they had no authority to appoint a new cashier or even recommend anyone for the appointment, they had a legitimate interest in acting concertedly in making known their views to management without being discharged for that interest. The moderate conduct of Davis and Johnson and the others bore a reasonable relation to conditions of their employment. It was, therefore, an unfair labor practice for respondent to interfere with the exercise of the right of Davis and Johnson and the other salesmen to engage in concerted activities for their mutual aid or protection. The undersigned concludes that workers in seeking to discuss Hazelwood's reemployment by the Company were acting in a matter closely related to their interests as employees and since their method and manner of presenting the same to Hester was reasonable and temperate their conduct plainly constituted concerted activities for their mutual aid or protection within the meaning of Section 7 of the Act. The next question to be determined is whether the employees were discharged or voluntarily quit on March 8. In short, the evidence of the General Counsel, as detailed above, is to the effect that when the group sought to discuss Hazel- wood's reemployment with Hester they were told it was no concern of theirs and then summarily discharged. The Company, through Hester, asserts that the employees demanded that Hazelwood be rehired and when Hester, who con- ceded he was angry with the group, refused their demand and ordered them to return to work or leave the plant, they asked for their pay checks. Irrespective of other circumstances and upon the bare question of credibility in respect to this conversation, the undersigned would find it extremely difficult to accept Hester's version of his meeting with the group. Having had the opportunity of closely observing the employees who appeared as witnesses at the hearing, and considering that they were completely unorganized and without the benefit of any leadership experienced in matters of this character, the undersigned is convinced that they were neither aggressive nor militant to the extent that they ACE HANDLE CORPORATION 1291 reached the stage of addressing an ultimatum to the Company in respect to the conditions under which they would continue in its employ. But apart from these observations and convictions, the testimony of these individuals, which was neither impaired nor shaken on cross-examination, plainly discloses that they merely wished to discuss a grievance with Hester and at no time did they ever agree among themselves to adopt a course of action whereby Hazelwood must be rehired otherwise they would concertedly cease work. Moreover, the testimony of these employees refutes any such inference or assumption. Thus, Purifoy, McBride, and Kuhn stated they had no intention of refusing to work under Perrine and Hughes said if the Company refused to reemploy Hazelwood there was "nothing we could do about it." The undersigned therefore credits and accepts the testimony of the witnesses produced by the General Counsel in respect to the foregoing incident. Following their unsuccessful attempt to meet with Hester the employees remained at or near the front of the plant awaiting the distribution of their checks. During this interval Officer Downing arrived and, after talking to Hester, asked the employees if they had quit their jobs, but he was unable to recall what, if any, reply they made. It is undisputed that Hester and Mrs. Nelson refused to issue the checks unless the employees signed their time cards,' which they refused to do since the cards failed to state the reasons for their leaving the Company. This procedure resulted in a heated argument between the parties with the employees contending that the cards should show the reasons for their leaving the Company and with Hester declaring that no such statement was necessary since the men had quit their jobs. Downing told the employees that unless they signed their time cards they would not receive their checks, and if they had quit they were not entitled to unemployment benefits. The employees thereupon signed the time cards. In the course of this discussion Downing testified he did not believe the employees said they had quit nor did they deny that they were being laid off or quitting. However, Downing did state that Purifoy admitted he had quit, without giving any explanation or reason therefor. Except for the statement attributed to Purifoy, Downing's testimony not only fails to corroborate the Company's contention that the employees left their employment but plainly indicated that at no time did the group make any declaration which might infer that they did in fact voluntarily quit. Perhaps Downing misunderstood Purifoy for the latter admitted that he may have told Downing that his foreman had quit. In any event, in con- sidering the alleged statement in the light of Downing's entire testimony, plus the specific denial by Purifoy and corroboration by other witnesses, the under- signed is not persuaded that Purifoy told Downing that he had quit, hence Downing's testimony in this respect is rejected. Further, if there was any question as to whether or not the employees had been discharged by Hester the statements and actions of Mrs. Nelson, following closely upon this incident, would quickly dispel any doubt in that respect. Nor, The time cards of Purifoy , McBride, Hughes, and Kuhn were produced by the Com- pany and received in evidence . These cards indicate that on March 8 ( Thursday), the employees "punched out" about 12:58 In the afternoon . The witnesses for the General Counsel uniformly testified that the cards were not available on that date since it was the beginning of a new pay week, and denied that they punched cards at any time during that day. Perrine said he punched his card but he admitted that on many occasions the cards were not available on Thursday . It cannot be accurately determined from the cards them- selves whether the employees actually punched out as indicated and, in view of all the evidence , the undersigned finds that the employees did not punch out as contended by the Company. 1292 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD in view of the circumstances , is there any question but that Mrs. Nelson while at the plant preparing and distributing the checks was acting for and on behalf of the Company . The evidence is undisputed that she cursed and threatened the employees and warned them that they would never again work for the Company. The only reasonable inference to be drawn from this evidence is that Mrs. Nelson was fully cognizant that the employees had been discharged and unmistakably emphasized that fact to them when issuing their pay checks . Moreover, her prediction that the employees would never again work for the Company proved to be true for Hester subsequently refused to reemploy any of the group although experienced employees were not available at that time . It may be that Mrs. Nelson was ill at the time but the undersigned cannot accept her purported illness as justifying or excusing her disgraceful and reprehensible conduct toward the employees . The undersigned therefore finds that the employees were discharged en masse and did not voluntarily quit their employment to Although counsel for the Company does not raise the issue in his brief, the record discloses that Mrs. Hazelwood did not consider herself a member or participant in the group activity . When Hester, after discharging the employees, asked if she desired her check she replied in the negative , unless "you are through with me." While Hester stated she was "not through ,"' nevertheless the same evening the Company delivered her pay check to her home. About April 27, Mrs. Hazelwood telephoned Hester in regard to her job but he was evasive and said she had him "in a spot." Again , she went to the plant and inquired of her job and Hester replied that he had no objection to her working and that "This thing will be settled one of these days." Hester concededly did not recall Mrs. Hazelwood when the plant reopened , nor did he attempt to com- municate with her prior to replacing her with a new employee . In view of the Company's course of action the undersigned is of the opinion , and finds, that Hester considered Mrs. Hazelwood as one of the group and in giving Mrs. Hazelwood her check shortly after the discharge of the other employees clearly terminated her employment with the Company. His subsequent statement that "this thing " will be settled sometime plainly warrants the inference that he was referring to the group activity of the employees and until that dispute had been resolved Mrs. Hazelwood would not be considered for reemployment. Hester 's testimony that Mrs. Hazelwood was not rehired because of her age and physical condition , as well as the fact that her son could not assist her in her work, is rejected as being without merit or substance. Finally, the Company argues that, granting the employees were discharged, the record is devoid of any evidence indicating that its action was motivated by any desire to avoid negotiating collectively with the group or because the employees engaged in concerted activity . Even assuming the absence of evidence of unlawful motivation it is settled law that where, as here, "once it is made to appear from primary facts that an employer has violated the express provisions of the Act, then his motives are not relevant." ( The Office Towel Supply Com- pany, Incorporated , supra, citing , American Shuffleboard Co. v. N. L. R. B., 190 F. 2d 898 ( C. A. 3) ; N . L. R. B. v. Glueck Brewing, et at., 144 F . 2d 847 (C. A. 8).) The undersigned therefore finds that the Company discharged Purifoy, McBride, Hughes, Wells, Kuhn , and Mrs. Hazelwood because they engaged in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection in violation of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, and thereby 10 Wells did not testify at the hearing but the evidence fully establishes the fact that he was a member of the group and was discharged under the same circumstances as his fellow employees. ACE HANDLE CORPORATION 1293 interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act, in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) thereof. III. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondent, set forth above, occurring in connection with the operations of the Respondent have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow thereof. IV. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor prac- tices, the undersigned will recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act : (1) Offer Arvil Purifoy, A. D. McBride, Kenneth Hughes, Norman Wells, Bernie Kuhn, and Mary Hazelwood immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions," without prejudice to their sen- iority or other rights and privileges ; (2) make each of the above-named employees whole for any loss of pay each may have suffered by reason of the Respondent's unlawful discharge, by payment to each of them a sum of money equal to the amount each would normally have earned as wages, from the date of discharge to the date of the Respondent's offer of reinstatement, less the net earnings of each during said period," (3) the Respondent shall, upon request, make avail- able to the Board payroll 'and other records to facilitate the checking of the amount of back pay, which shall be computed in accordance with the Board's customary formula;" and (4) that the Respondent be ordered to cease and desist from in any manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed by the Act. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, the undersigned makes the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent, Ace Handle Corporation, is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 2. By discharging Arvil Purifoy, A. D. McBride, Kenneth Hughes, Norman Wells, Bernie Kuhn, and Mary Hazelwood, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. 3. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exer- cise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. [Recommendations omitted from publication in this volume.] 11 The Chase National Bank of the City of New York, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Branch, 65 NLRB 627. 12 Crossett Lumber Company, 8 NLRB 440; Republic Steel Corporation V. N. L. R. B., 311 U. S. 7. 13 F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation