A. G. Parrott Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 31, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 191 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation A. G. PARROTT COMPANY A. G. Parrott Company and Laborers' District Council of Baltimore and Vicinitv, Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO. Case 5-CA 9256 July 31, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MrAEIRBRS JENKINS AND PFNELLO Upon a charge filed on February 27. 1978. by I a- borers' District Council of Baltimore and Vicinitr,. Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, herein called the Union, and duly served on A. G. Parrott Company. herein called Respon- dent, the General Counsel of the National Labor Re- lations Board, by the Regional Director for Region 5, issued a complaint and notice of hearing on March 13, 1978, against Respondent, alleged that Respon- dent had engaged in and was engaging in unfair la- bor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) and Section 2(6) and (7) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. Cop- ies of the charge, complaint, and notice of hearing before an Administrative Law Judge were duls served on the parties to this proceeding. With respect to the unfair labor practices. the com- plaint alleges in substance that on Februar\ 3, 1978, following a Board election in Case 5 RC 10111. the Union was duly certified as the exclusive collective- bargaining representative of Respondent's employees in the unit found appropriate; ' and that. commenc- ing on or about February 16, 1978, and at all times thereafter, Respondent has refused, and continues to date to refuse, to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative, although the Union has requested and is requesting it to do so. On March 16, 1978, Respondent filed its answer to the complaint admitting in part, and denying in part. the allegations in the complaint. On April 7, 1978, counsel for the General Counsel filed directly with the Board a Motion for Summary Judgment. Subsequently, on April 17, 1978, the Board issued an order transferring the proceeding to the Board and a Notice To Show Cause why the General Counsel's Motion for Summary Judgment Official notice is taken of the record In the representation proceeding. Case 5 R( 10111, as the term "recrdl i defined in Sees 10268 and 102.69(g) of the Board's Rules and Regulallti, ns. Serie, 8. ias amended See LT' Electrros tems, In, 166 NLRB 908 1 19t7), enfd 188 F 2d 68 (( A 4 1968); (,lden Age Beverage (i , 1h7 NLRB 151 1I967., enfd 415 F 2d 26 (.A. 1969).; Intrtrl/ ( ' Pc mffrli,. 269 f Supp. 573 tD )( \;t. 19t'i f,l/irtt ( orp. 164 NLRB 178 (1967). enfd 397 F2d 91 ( 7. 1968): Sec 9(d) of the NL.RA. as amended should not be granted. Respondent thereafter filed a response to Notice To Show Cause. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act. as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. tipon the entire record in this proceeding. the Board makes the following: Ruling on the Motion for Summary Judgment In opposing the Motion for Summary Judgment, Respondent acknowledges that at the conclusion of the August 12, 1977. election in Case 5 RC--10111, the Board agent in charge declared void a ballot which could have affected the outcome of the elec- tion on the grounds that it was signed; that the Act- ing Regional Director for Region 5, in his Report on Objections. affirmed the correctness of the Board agent's conduct: and that in its subsequent Decision and C(ertification of Representative of February 3, 1978. the Board stated that it had examined the signed ballot in camera and affirmed its invalidity. Respondent alleges. however, that after the Board agent ruled the ballot void, without permitting Re- spondent to determine whether or not it was signed, he failed to take proper precautions for segregating and safeguarding the ballot, placing it instead with loose papers in his briefcase. It therefore contends that, when the Board later affirmed the invalidity of the ballot, it had no way of determining whether or not the ballot it was examining was the same one that was previously in the Board agent's custody,. and it demands a hearing in that regard. We reject the con- tention as without merit, as Respondent, in its excep- tions to the Acting Regional Director's Report on Objections, placed this same custody issue before both the Acting Regional Director and the Board, stating that the means adopted by the Board agent for safeguarding the ballot would henceforth pre- clude either of them from authenticating the ballot. Furthermore, we have reexamined the postelection procedures which were observed by Region 5 with respect to the ballot and are satisfied that the ballot was properly safeguarded. It is well settled that in the absence of newly dis- covered or previously unavailable evidence or special circumstances a respondent in a proceeding alleging a violation of Section 8(a)(5) is not entitled to reliti- gate issues which were or could have been litigated in a prior representation proceeding.2 The ballot issue raised by Respondent was fullv litigated in the prior representation proceeding, and See Pilihirh. P/ are (hsi s ( I \1. R R. 3 11 1 4h6 162 t1941}: R.les tnd Re vtdlitn, .f the fi ,rd Se,. 1112 t-(r) arid 102 691)( 237 NLRB No. 29 191 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Respondent does not offer to adduce at a hearing any newly discovered or previously unavailable evi- dence which would require the Board to reexamine the decision made in the representation case in re- gard to this issue.' In further opposition to the Motion for Summary Judgment, Respondent alleges that during the nearly 8 months which have elapsed between the August 12, 1977, election in Case 5 RC' 10111 and the le hruar' 27, 1978, charge herein filed. 15 of the 39 eligible employees left Respondent's employ and were re- placed by 16 other employees who have not had an opportunity to express their desires as to representa- tion, and it contends that to deny them this opportu- nity without a hearing would be violative of their Section 7 rights. We find the contention without mer- it, it being well established that postelection turnover is an insufficient ground to set aside an election. Henderson Trulmbull Sufpp!v Corporation, 205 NLRB 245 (1973). Respondent therefore does not allege that any new or special circumstances exist herein which would require the Board to reexamine the decision made in the representation case. We therefore find that Respondent has not raised any issue which is properly litigable in this unfair labor practice proceeding. Accordingly. we grant the Motion for Summary Judgment. On the basis of the entire record, the Board makes the following: FINI)INGS Oi- :ACT I rI ll iBUSININSS OF RI-SP(NI)E NI A. G. Parrott Company, a Maryland corporation, is engaged in the business of grading, paving, and laying of concrete for streets and roadways in the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia. During the past 12 months, a representative period, the Employer's gross volume of business exceeded $500,000, and during the same period, the Employer purchased goods and materials valued in excess of $50,000 from firms within the State of Maryland which qualify under one of the Board'sjurisdictional standards other than the indirect inflow or indirect outflow standard. We find, on the basis of the foregoing, that Re- lOn April 17. 197g. Respi ndelnt served a mlhl/pecnl hdi h,, m rn O the Regional L)irector Ifor Region 5 anid a ilhporna ad wtiaintlfidunl ton the Board agent in chairge of the Au[usl 12 1977. election. directilig thiemln Iesllf with respect t, matters c,.ncerning the ballot issue helliin raised hb' Respondent. On April 2S. counsel for Region 5 filed petitions to re\oke tihe subpenas and an iorder referring the peittionll to an administrative ;law udge for ruling. In icu of our finding herein Ihil Re.spondent has not ri;,sed iani issue which is properil litigable in this proceeding, we griant the pietonll ti revoke the suhpenas spondent is, and has been at all times material herein, an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act, and that it will effectuate the policies of the Act to assert juris- diction herein. II 1t1Ill I BiOR ()R(\NIZAIIN INVOIVII) Laborers' District Council of Baltimore and Vicin- ity, Laborers' International Union of North Amer- ica. AFI, CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 111 Ii1 tI NI AIR I AHOR PRACI I(ES A. 7h1 Re/presentation Proceeding 1. Ihe unit The following employees of Respondent constitute a unit appropriate for collective-bargaining purposes within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All employees of A. G. Parrott Company, in- cluding laborers, form setters, grade checkers, equipment operators, finishers, and leadmen, but excluding office clerical employees, mechan- ics, truckdrivers. guards, and supervisors as de- fined in the Act. 2. l'he certification On August 12, 1977, a majority of the employees of Respondent in said unit, in a secret-ballot election conducted under the supervision of the Regional Di- rector for Region 5, designated the Union as their representative for the purpose of collective bargain- ing with Respondent. The Union was certified as the collective-bargaining representative of the employees in said unit on February 3, 1978, and the Union con- tinues to be such exclusive representative within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. B. Lhe Request To Bargain and Respondent's Refusal Commencing on or about February 9, 1978, and at all times thereafter, the Union has requested Respon- dent to bargain collectively with it as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of all the em- ployees in the above-described unit. Commencing on or about February 16, 1978, and continuing at all times thereafter to date, Respondent has refused, and continues to refuse, to recognize and bargain with the Union as the exclusive representative for collec- tive bargaining of all employees in said unit. Accordingly. we find that Respondent has. since 192 A. G. PARROT' COMPANY' February 16. 1978. and at all times thereafter. re- fused to bargain collectiv el, with the nlion as the exclusive representative of the emplo)ees in the ap- propriate unit. and that, bh such refusal. Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor prac- tices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) alnd (I) of the Act. IV ItitF:I FlI- OF I 11F I Nl:' IR I \Bi()R PRA( l IS I t'(\x ( OM i FR( AI The activities of Respondent, set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with the opera- tions described in section I. aboxe, have a close, inti- mate. and substantial relationship to trade. traffic. and commerce among the se:eral States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. \. I Fill RI MI [1)5 Having found that Respondent has engaged inl and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the mealn- ing of Section 8(a)(5) and (I) of the Act, we shall order that it cease and desist therefrom, and, upon request, bargain collectively with the ['nion as the exclusive representative of all employees in the ap- propriate unit, and, if an understanding is reached. embody such understanding in a signed agreement. In order to insure that the employees in the appro- priate unit will be accorded the services of their se- lected bargaining agent for the period proxided hb law, we shall construe the initial period of certifica- tion as beginning on the date Respondent commenlc- es to bargain in good faith with the Lnion as the recognized bargaining representative in the appropri- ate unit. See .ar-J c Pou(lri' Comlpa,In Inc., 136 NLRB 785 (1962): Commelrce Comlpan d l a Ilarl Hotel, 140 NLRB 226. 229 1962), enfd. 328 F.2d 600 (C.A. 5, 1964), cert. denied 379 U.S. 817 (1964): Bur- nett Construction Compatn, 149 NI RB 1419. 1421 (1964), enfd. 350 F.2d 57 (C.A. 10. 1965). The Board. upon the basis of the foregoing facts and the entire record. makes the following: CONI t SIO()NS ()I l. \ 1. Respondent A. G. Parrott Compann is an elli- ployer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Laborers' District Council of Baltimore and Vi- cinity, Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL CIO, is a labor organization u-ithin the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. All employees of A. G. Parrott ('onipan, in- ludingl labor ers. fornll setter-s. grade checkers. equip- ment operators. finishers. and leadnien. but exclud- ing office clerica;l emplosees, mechanics. truckdriv- ers. guards. and super,.isors as defined in the Act, colstitute ;a unit appropriate for the purposes of col- lective bariigainig ui within the meaning of Section 9(b) of tile Act. 4. Since t ehruarx 3, 1978. the above-named labor organization has been and now is the certified and excIlisi\e repipresen tatix\e of all employees in the afore- said appropriate unit for the purpose of collective hargaining within the meanling of Section 9(a) of the Act. 5. Bx refusinig on or about l ebruars 16. 1978. and at all times thereaftcr, to) hargain collectivelx with the abo\ e-nanied Iabor orgarnization ias the exclusis'e bar- gaining representative of all the emplo)ees of Re- spondenlt in the appropriate unit. Respondent has en- gaiged in and is engagling il unfair labor practices within the meanirna of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. 6. B\ the aforesaid refusal to bargain. Respondent Ihats intei rer ed with.I restra i ned. and coerced, and is interfering \vith. restraining. and coercing, emplosees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed to them in Section 7 of the Act. alnd therebh has engaged in and is ensgaigmg in iinfaili labor pIract;ies , thin thle iealn- inl of Sectioil S(ia)( I) of the Act. I lie aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfaiir labor prctices aftracting L comm* ierce within the mean- ing of Section 2(6) and (7) .of the Act. ()R[)I R Puisulant to Section 1()(c) of the National I.abor Relations Act, as amenlIded. the National l abor Re- lations Board herebhs oirdicrs that the Respondent, A. (G. Parrott ('ompa n. Elk-ridge. MarNland,. its of- ficers, agents, successors, and assigns. shall: I. ('ease and desist fronm: (a) Refusing to bargain collectivel concerning rates of pa;. ; waigess. hours, and other termis .ald con- ditions of emplo micnet uitih I ahborers' [)istrict ('oun- cil of Baltimore and V iciits,. I aborers' International l nion of North America. llIf: ('(). as the exclusive bargainilng repireselntatisxe of its cmplo\ecs in the fol- lowvin apprlopriate unit: All emplo\eees of . (i. Parrott (Company in- cluding laborers, form setters. grade checkers. equipment operators, finishers. and leadmien, but excludimg office cleirical employees, mechan- ics. truckdrixers. guards, and superv\isors as de- filled in tile Act. (b) In a.in like ar related manilner interfering with. restraimiing. or coerciLng ernplo ees in the exercise of 193 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Upon request, bargain with the above-named labor organization as the exclusive representative of all employees in the aforesaid appropriate unit with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, and, if an under- standing is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. (b) Post at its Elkridge, Maryland, facility copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 4 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 5, after being duly signed by Re- spondent's representative, shall be posted by Re- spondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where no- tices to employees are customarily posted. Reason- able steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 5, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps have been taken to comply herewith. 4 In the event that this Order is enforced hb a judgment of a I nited States Court of Appeals. the words in the notice reading "Posled bh Order of the National l.ahor Relaltion. Board" shall read "Posted Pted ursuanl to a dp- ment of the U:nited StateS ( ourt of Appeals inforcing 1In Order of the National l.ahor Relations Board" APPENDIX Noliu(i loT EMPI.OYi- S POsieI) BY ORDIR OF: ilE NAIIONAL. LABOR RI l.AlIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government Wi. An.siI NOi refuse to bargain collectively concerning rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with La- borers' District C('ouncil of Baltimore and Vicini- ty, [.aborers' International Union of North America, AFL ('IO, as the exclusive representa- tive of the employees in the bargaining unit de- scribed below. Wit wvl t NoI in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. Wil ii l. upon request, bargain with the above-named Union, as the exclusive represen- tative of all employees in the bargaining unit de- scribed below. with respect to rates of pay, wag- es, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. The bargaining unit is: All employees of A. G. Parrott Company, in- cluding laborers, form setters, grade checkers. equipment operators. finishers, and leadmen, but excluding office clerical employees, mechan- ics, truckdrivers. guards. and supervisors as de- fined in the Act. A. G PARRO()I I COMPANYt 194 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation