N.J. Stat. § 2A:38A-3

Current through L. 2024, c. 40.
Section 2A:38A-3 - Computer-related offenses; compensatory and punitive damages; costs and expenses

A person or enterprise damaged in business or property as a result of any of the following actions may sue the actor therefor in the Superior Court and may recover compensatory and punitive damages and the cost of the suit including a reasonable attorney's fee, costs of investigation and litigation:

a. The purposeful or knowing, and unauthorized altering, damaging, taking or destruction of any data, data base, computer program, computer software or computer equipment existing internally or externally to a computer, computer system or computer network;
b. The purposeful or knowing, and unauthorized altering, damaging, taking or destroying of a computer, computer system or computer network;
c. The purposeful or knowing, and unauthorized accessing or attempt to access any computer, computer system or computer network;
d. The purposeful or knowing, and unauthorized altering, accessing, tampering with, obtaining, intercepting, damaging or destroying of a financial instrument; or
e. The purposeful or knowing accessing and reckless altering, damaging, destroying or obtaining of any data, data base, computer, computer program, computer software, computer equipment, computer system or computer network.

N.J.S. § 2A:38A-3

L.1984, c.182, s.3.