40 ILCS 5/24-109

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 40 ILCS 5/24-109 - Football Coaches
(a) Any football coach employed by the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University, the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Governors State University, the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University, the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, or the Southern Illinois University System Board of Trustees, may participate in the American Football Coaches Retirement Trust in accordance with the conditions of that Trust, of this Section, and of applicable federal law.
(b) A football coach who elects to participate in the Trust may defer a part of his compensation as a coach by making employee contributions to the Trust. Amounts deferred by the coach under this Section shall be deemed a part of the coach's compensation for purposes of participation in the State Universities Retirement System but, in accordance with the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, shall not be included in the computation of federal income taxes withheld on behalf of the coach. The employing institution of higher education shall not make any employer contributions to the Trust on behalf of the coach.
(c) A football coach who participates in the Trust may not participate in any other program of deferred compensation under this Article during any year in which he makes contributions to the Trust.
(d) Participation in the Trust shall be administered by the institution of higher education that employs the coach. Each such institution shall report annually to the General Assembly on the status of the Trust and participation under this Section.
(e) The right to participate in the Trust that is granted by this Section is subject to future limitation, and shall not be deemed to be a pension benefit that is protected from impairment under Section 5 of Article XIII of the Illinois Constitution.

40 ILCS 5/24-109

P.A. 90-14, eff. 7/1/1997.