40 ILCS 5/15-136.2

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 40 ILCS 5/15-136.2 - Early retirement without discount

A participant whose retirement annuity begins after June 1, 1981 and on or before September 1, 2002 and within six months of the last day of employment for which retirement contributions were required, may elect at the time of application to make a one time employee contribution to the System and thereby avoid the early retirement reduction in retirement annuity specified under subsection (b) of Section 15-136. The exercise of the election shall obligate the last employer to also make a one time non-refundable contribution to the System.

The one time employee and employer contributions shall be a percentage of the retiring participant's highest full time annual salary rate during the academic years which were considered in determining his or her final rate of earnings, or if not full time then the full time equivalent. The employee contribution rate shall be 7% multiplied by the lesser of the following 2 sums: (1) the number of years that the participant is less than age 60; or (2) the number of years that the participant's creditable service is less than 35 years. The employer contribution shall be at the rate of 20% for each year the participant is less than age 60. The employer shall pay the employer contribution from the same source of funds which is used in paying earnings to employees.

Upon receipt of the application and election, the System shall determine the one time employee and employer contributions. The provisions of this Section shall not be applicable until all the above outlined contributions have been received by the System; however, the date such contributions are received shall not be considered in determining the effective date of retirement.

Employee and employer contributions under this Section shall be used only to eliminate the reduction for early retirement under Rules 1 and 3 of Section 15-136 and shall not be used in calculating annuities under Rules 2 or 4 set forth in Section 15-136. This amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly is a clarification of existing law and applies to every participant and annuitant without regard to whether status as an employee terminates before the effective date of this amendatory Act.

For persons who apply to the Board after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1993 and before July 1, 1993, requesting a retirement annuity to begin no earlier than July 1, 1993 and no later than June 30, 1994, the employer shall pay both the employee and employer contributions required under this Section.

The number of employees retiring under this Section in any fiscal year may be limited at the option of the employer to no less than 15% of those eligible. The right to elect early retirement without discount shall be allocated among those applying on the basis of seniority in the service of the last employer.

40 ILCS 5/15-136.2

P.A. 90-65, eff. 7/7/1997; 90-511, eff. 8/22/1997; 91-887, eff. 7/6/2000.