The director shall, from nominations submitted by producers, appoint a review board composed of no less than 12 members to advise him in the administration of the pool plan. The director shall appoint three members of the first board for a one-year term, three members for two-year terms, three members for three-year terms, and three members for four-year terms. Thereafter all appointments shall be for a term of four years and no member may be appointed to more than two four-year terms. The board members shall be producers and not more than three may be producer-managers of associations and not more than two shall be producer-handlers. The board members shall give proportionate representation to all areas of the state, with due regard to the relative production and usage of fluid milk in the various areas of the state. The director may appoint one additional member on the board, who shall be a public member. Each member of the review board shall be paid not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) or more than thirty-five dollars ($35) per day plus travel expenses, including expenses for lodging and meals, which are incurred in the attendance at board meetings or in conducting the business of the board; all per diem and expenses being subject to approval by the director.
Upon the director's request, the board shall submit to the director the names of three or more natural persons, each of whom shall be a citizen and resident of this state and not a producer, shipper, or processor nor financially interested in any producer, shipper, or processor, for appointment by the director as a public member of the board. The director may appoint one of the nominees as the public member on the board. If all nominees are unsatisfactory to the director, the board shall continue to submit lists of nominees until the director has made a selection. Any vacancy in the office of the public member of the board shall be filled by appointment by the director from the nominee or nominees similarly qualified submitted by the board. The public member of the board shall represent the interests of the general public in all matters coming before the board and shall have the same voting and other rights and immunities as other members of the board.
Ca. Food and Agric. Code § 62719