L. R. Prac. Sup. Ct. 2.6

As amended through December 6, 2023
Rule 2.6 - Juries
a.Assessment of Jury Fees.
(1)Before Impanelment. If a jury panel has been ordered for a civil trial and a court is available but the case is settled or for any other reason the panel is not used for that trial, jury fees will be assessed for the panel of prospective jurors unless the court is notified of settlement or that the panel will not be needed for that trial before 2:00 p.m. on the judicial day preceding the day for which the case is set for trial.
(2)After Impanelment. If a jury has been impaneled for a civil trial but the case is settled or for any other reason the panel is not used for that trial, an assessment of jury fees shall be made for each juror and alternate juror impaneled for each day on which the jury was present for trial.
b.Parties Against Whom Fees Assessed. Except as otherwise provided by law, the parties may by agreement, subject to approval by the court, designate the party or parties against whom jury fees are to be assessed. If the parties fail to so designate, the court shall assess the jury fees equally against each side unless the court determines that the interests of justice require assessment of jury fees in some other manner.
c.Mistrials. Jury fees for mistrials shall be fixed by the court at the time of the mistrial, and may be assessed at the time judgment is given or disposition made.
d.Notification to County Attorney for Waiver of Jury Fees. A request to be relieved from a judgment for jury fees pursuant to A.R.S. § 12-332 shall be in writing. A copy of the request shall be served upon the County Attorney not less than three (3) days before the time fixed by the court to hear the request.
e.Juror Confidentiality
(1) Definitions
(A) "Juror Information" includes any personally identifying information of a juror, including but not limited to name, address, telephone number, email address, place of business, marital status and felony status.
(B) "Jury Lists" are the lists of juror names provided by the Jury Office to judicial staff.
(C) "Biographical Forms" are forms containing Juror Information, including Juror Questionnaires, that are completed by the juror pool for use in jury selection.
(2) Protecting Juror Information
(A) Protection by Statute and Court Rule. Juror Information is confidential and protected by statute and court rule, including A.R.S. § 21-312, Arizona Rule of Civil Procedure 49, Arizona Rule of Criminal Procedure 18.3, and Arizona Supreme Court Rule 123(e)(10).
(B) Attorneys and self-represented litigants shall: (i) return all Jury Lists and Biographical Forms, including Juror Questionnaires, to the bailiff at the end of jury selection; (ii) ensure that no Juror Information is accessible to third parties or the public, e.g., by being left unattended in the courtroom or displayed in the courtroom on an electronic device susceptible to viewing by persons other than a party's litigation team.
(C) Attorneys and self-represented litigants shall use Juror Information solely for the purposes of the litigation and shall restrict the use of such Information to those persons working with the attorneys or self-represented litigants. Attorneys and self-represented litigants shall also take all reasonable steps to ensure that Juror Information obtained by them is not disseminated into the public domain.

L. R. Prac. Sup. Ct. 2.6

Amended July 7, 1983, effective 9/7/1983;6/12/2013, effective 7/1/2013; amended effective 2/15/2017.