Utah Admin. Code 432-151-13

Current through Bulletin 2024-18, September 15, 2024
Section R432-151-13 - Resident Care Plans
(1) These rules shall apply in addition to R432-150-13 and shall provide emphasis regarding resident care plans.
(2) The written resident care plan shall be based on a complete assessment of each resident, and should include the resident's physical, emotional, behavioral, social, recreational, legal, vocational, and nutritional needs.
(a) The facility staff shall obtain, review, and update assessment data.
(b) When information has been obtained by other facilities or agencies prior to the resident's admission, reports should be obtained which cover the required assessments.
(3) The preliminary resident care plan shall be completed within seven days of admission.
(a) Plans must be reviewed on a monthly basis for the first three months; thereafter at intervals determined by the interdisciplinary team but not to exceed every other month at approximately 60-day intervals.
(b) When a resident is discharged and readmitted, a new resident care plan must be developed.
(4) A physician or nurse practitioner shall assess each resident's physical health within five days prior to or within 48 hours after admission.
(a) A history and physical exam shall be done which includes appropriate laboratory work-up;
(b) a determination of the type and extent of special examinations, tests, or evaluations needed; and
(c) when indicated, a thorough neurological exam.
(5) A written comprehensive health assessment, compiled by professional staff members, shall include the following:
(a) Alcohol and drug history including the following:
(i) drugs used in the past;
(ii) drugs used recently, especially within the preceding 48 hours;
(iii) drugs of preference;
(iv) frequency with which each drug is used;
(v) route of administration of each drug;
(vi) drugs used in combination;
(vii) dosages used;
(viii) year of first use of each drug;
(ix) previous occurrences of overdose, withdrawal, or adverse drug reactions;
(x) history of previous treatment received for alcohol or drug abuse;
(b) Degree of physical disability and indicated remedial or restorative measures including:
(i) nutrition,
(ii) nursing,
(iii) physical medicine, and
(iv) pharmacologic intervention;
(c) Degree of psychological impairment and appropriate measures to be taken to relieve treatable distress or to compensate for non-reversible impairments;
(d) Capacity for social interaction and what appropriate rehabilitation or habilitation measures are to be undertaken, including group living experiences and other activities to maintain or increase the individual's capacity to independently manage daily living.
(e) A written emotional or behavioral assessment of each resident shall be entered in the resident's record. The assessment shall include the following:
(i) A history of previous emotional or behavioral problems and treatment;
(ii) The resident's current level of emotional and behavioral functioning;
(iii) A psychiatrist's evaluation within 30 days prior to or within one week after admission;
(iv) When indicated, a mental status assessment appropriate to the age of the resident;
(v) When indicated, psychological assessments which include intellectual and personality testing;
(vi) Other functional assessments such as language, self-care ability, and visual-motor coordination.
(f) A written social assessment of each resident shall include information about the following:
(i) Home environment;
(ii) Childhood history;
(iii) The resident's family circumstances; the current living situation; social, ethnic, and cultural background; sexual abuse;
(iv) Resident and family strengths and weaknesses;
(v) Military service history if applicable;
(vi) Financial resources;
(vii) Religion;
(g) A written activities assessment of each resident shall include information about current skills, talents, aptitudes, interests, and attitudes.
(h) A nutritional needs assessment shall be conducted and documented.
(i) When appropriate, a written vocational assessment of the resident shall include:
(i) Previous occupations including brief descriptions of the type of work, duration of employment, reasons for leaving, etc.;
(ii) Education history, including academic or vocational training;
(iii) Past experiences and attitudes toward work, present motivations, areas of interest, and possibilities for future education, training, or employment.
(j) When appropriate, a written assessment of the resident's legal status shall include:
(i) A history with information about competency, court commitment, prior criminal convictions, any pending legal actions;
(ii) The urgency of the legal situation;
(iii) How the individual's legal situation may influence treatment.
(k) The facility shall develop procedures which describe early intervention for symptoms that are life-threatening, are indicative of disorganization or deterioration, or may seriously affect the treatment process.
(l) The resident care plan shall comply with R432-150-13(4) and include the following:
(i) Treatment goals expressed as standards of achievement;
(ii) Services or treatment to be provided (based on assessments), at what intervals, and by whom;
(iii) Nutritional requirements;
(iv) Security precautions;
(v) Precautions and interventions for maladaptive behaviors;
(vi) Restrictions or loss of privileges, if any; factors to regain privileges;
(vii) Date the plan was initiated and dates of subsequent reviews;
(viii) Discharge planning.

Utah Admin. Code R432-151-13