Utah Admin. Code 432-101-22

Current through Bulletin 2024-18, September 15, 2024
Section R432-101-22 - Residential Treatment Services
(1) If offered, the licensee shall organize the residential treatment service as a distinct part of the hospital service as either free-standing or as part of the licensed facility.
(2) The licensee shall ensure residential treatment services are under the direction of the medical director or designee.
(3) The hospital administrator shall appoint a program manager responsible for the day-to-day operation and patient supervision.
(a) The administrator shall clearly define the program manager's responsibilities in the job description.
(b) When the manager is absent, the administrator shall ensure a substitute manager is appointed.
(4) The licensee shall ensure residential treatment staff have specialized training in the area of psychiatric treatment and consist of:
(a) a licensed physician;
(b) a certified or licensed clinical social worker;
(c) a licensed psychologist;
(d) a licensed registered nurse; and
(e) any unlicensed staff who are trained to work with psychiatric patients and are supervised by a health care practitioner.
(a) The licensee shall ensure that a program that admits adolescents or children continues their education through grade 12.
(b) The licensee shall ensure any curricula used are approved by the Utah Office of Education.
(c) The licensee shall provide education services that are accredited by the Utah State Board of Education or Board Northwest Association of School and Colleges.
(d) The licensee shall ensure teachers are certified by the Utah State Board of Education and additionally certified in special education to supervise or carry out educational curricula.
(6) The licensee shall ensure an individual treatment plan:
(a) is developed by an interdisciplinary team that encourages the patient's attendance in the interdisciplinary team meetings;
(b) is initiated for each patient upon admission;
(c) is completed in writing and is placed in the patient record within seven days;
(d) identifies the patient's needs, as described by the comprehensive functional assessment outlined in Subsection R432-101-22(7);
(e) includes the licensee's participation of the patient, their responsible party, if available, and facility staff in the planning of treatment; and
(f) sets goals and objectives stated in terms of desirable behavior that prescribes an integrated program of activities, therapies, and experiences necessary for the patient to reach their goals and objectives.
(7) The licensee shall ensure the comprehensive functional assessment considers the patient's age and the implications for treatment and identifies:
(a) the presenting problems and disabilities and, where possible, their cause;
(b) specific individual strengths;
(c) special behavioral management needs;
(d) physical health status to include:
(i) a history and physical exam performed by a physician or nurse practitioner that includes appropriate laboratory work-up; and
(ii) a determination of the type and extent of special examinations, tests or evaluations needed.
(e) alcohol and drug history;
(f) degree of psychological impairment and measures to be taken to relieve treatable diseases;
(g) the capacity for social interaction and habilitation and rehabilitation measures to be taken; and
(h) the emotional or behavioral status based on an assessment of:
(i) a history of previous emotional or behavioral problems and treatment;
(ii) the patient's current level of emotional or behavioral functioning;
(iii) an evaluation by a psychiatrist, psychologist or qualified designee within 30-days before admission, or within 24 hours after admission; and
(iv) if indicated, psychological testing that includes intellectual and personality testing.
(8) The licensee shall amend the comprehensive assessment to reflect any changes in the patient's condition.
(9) The licensee shall ensure an individual treatment plan is implemented that provides services:
(a) to improve the patient's condition; and
(b) in an environment that encompasses physical, interpersonal, cultural, therapeutic, rehabilitative, and habilitative components.
(10) The licensee shall encourage the patient to participate in professionally developed and supervised activities, experiences or therapies in accordance with the individualized treatment plan.
(11) Section R432-101-23, Physical Restraints, Seclusion, and Behavior Management additionally applies to a psychiatric specialty hospital licensee.

Utah Admin. Code R432-101-22

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-22, effective 11/1/2023