16 Tex. Admin. Code § 24.3

Current through Reg. 49, No. 42; October 18, 2024
Section 24.3 - Definitions of Terms

In this chapter, the following definitions apply unless the context indicates otherwise.

(1) Affected county--A county that:
(A) Has a per-capita income that averaged 25% below the state average for the most recent three consecutive years for which statistics are available and an unemployment rate that averaged 25% above the state average for the most recent three consecutive years for which statistics are available;
(B) Has an international border;
(C) Is located in whole or in part within 100 miles of an international border and contains a majority of the area of a municipality with a population of more than 250,000; or
(D) Has an economically distressed area which has a median household income that is not greater than 75% of the median state household income.
(2) Affected person--Any landowner within an area for which a certificate of public convenience and necessity is filed, any retail public utility affected by any action of the regulatory authority, any person or corporation whose utility service or rates are affected by any proceeding before the regulatory authority, or any person or corporation that is a competitor of a retail public utility with respect to any service performed by the retail public utility or that desires to enter into competition.
(3) Affiliated interest or affiliate--
(A) any person or corporation owning or holding directly or indirectly 5.0% or more of the voting securities of a utility;
(B) any person or corporation in any chain of successive ownership of 5.0% or more of the voting securities of a utility;
(C) any corporation owning or holding 5.0% or more of the voting securities of which is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by a utility;
(D) any corporation owning or holding 5.0% or more of the voting securities of which is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by any person or corporation that owns or controls directly or indirectly 5.0% or more of the voting securities of any utility or by any person or corporation in any chain of successive ownership of 5.0% of those utility securities;
(E) any person who is an officer or director of a utility or of any corporation in any chain of successive ownership of 5.0% or more of voting securities of a public utility;
(F) any person or corporation that the commission, after notice and hearing, determines actually exercises any substantial influence or control over the policies and actions of a utility or over which a utility exercises such control or that is under common control with a utility, such control being the possession directly or indirectly of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of another, whether that power is established through ownership or voting of securities or by any other direct or indirect means; or
(G) any person or corporation that the commission, after notice and hearing, determines is exercising substantial influence over the policies and actions of the utility in conjunction with one or more persons or corporations with which they are related by ownership or blood relationship, or by action in concert, that together they are affiliated within the meaning of this section, even though no one of them alone is so affiliated.
(4) Billing period--The period between meter-reading dates for which a bill is issue or, if usage is not metered, the period between bill issuance dates.
(5) Class A Utility--A public utility that provides retail water or sewer utility service to 10,000 or more taps or active connections. If a public utility provides both water and sewer utility service, the number of active water connections determines how the utility is classified.
(6) Class B Utility--A public utility that provides retail water or sewer utility service to 2,300 or more taps or active connections but fewer than 10,000 taps or active connections. If a public utility provides both water and sewer utility service, the number of active water connections determines how the utility is classified.
(7) Class C Utility--A public utility that provides retail water or sewer utility service to 500 or more taps or active connections but fewer than 2,300 taps or active connections. If a public utility provides both water and sewer utility service, the number of active water connections determines how the utility is classified.
(8) Class D Utility--A public utility that provides retail water or sewer utility service to fewer than 500 taps or active connections. If a public utility provides both water and sewer utility service, the number of active water connections determines how the utility is classified.
(9) Commission--The Public Utility Commission of Texas.
(10) Corporation--Any corporation, joint-stock company, or association, domestic or foreign, and its lessees, assignees, trustees, receivers, or other successors in interest, having any of the powers or privileges of corporations not possessed by individuals or partnerships, but does not include municipal corporations unless expressly provided in TWC chapter 13.
(11) Customer--Any entity that purchases services from a retail public utility.
(12) Customer class--A group of customers with similar cost-of-service characteristics that take utility service under a single set of rates.
(13) Customer service line--The pipe connecting the water meter to the customer's point of use or the pipe that conveys sewage from the customer's premises to the service provider's service line.
(14) District--District has the meaning assigned to it by TWC §49.001(a).
(15) Facilities--All the plant and equipment of a retail public utility, including all tangible and intangible real and personal property without limitation, and any and all means and instrumentalities in any manner owned, operated, leased, licensed, used, controlled, furnished, or supplied for, by, or in connection with the business of any retail public utility.
(16) Inactive connection--A water or wastewater connection is considered to be inactive when the ability to provide water or wastewater service is either physically removed or permanently closed.
(17) Incident of tenancy--Water or sewer service provided to tenants of rental property for which no separate or additional service fee is charged other than the rental payment.
(18) Landowner--An owner or owners of a tract of land.
(19) Member--A person who holds a membership in a water supply or sewer service corporation and who is a record owner of a fee simple title to property in an area served by a water supply or sewer service corporation, or a person who is granted a membership and who either currently receives or will be eligible to receive water or sewer utility service from the corporation. In determining member control of a water supply or sewer service corporation, a person is entitled to only one vote regardless of the number of memberships the person owns.
(20) Minimum Monthly Charge--The fixed amount billed to a customer each month even if the customer uses no water or wastewater.
(21) Municipality--Cities organized under the general, home rule, or special laws of this state.
(22) Municipally owned utility--Any retail public utility owned, operated, and controlled by a municipality or by a nonprofit corporation whose directors are appointed by one or more municipalities.
(23) Nonfunctioning system or utility--A system that is operating as a retail public utility and:
(A) is required to have a CCN and is operating without a CCN; or
(B) is under supervision in accordance with § RSA 24.353 of this title (relating to Supervision of Certain Utilities); or
(C) is under the supervision of a receiver, temporary manager, or has been referred for the appointment of a temporary manager or receiver, in accordance with § RSA 24.355 of this title (relating to Operation of Utility that Discontinues Operation or Is Referred for Appointment of a Receiver) and § RSA 24.357 of this title (relating to Operation of a Utility by a Temporary Manager).
(24) Person--Natural persons, partnerships of two or more persons having a joint or common interest, mutual or cooperative associations, water supply or sewer service corporations, and corporations.
(25) Point of use--The primary service connection point where water is used or sewage is generated.
(26) Potable water--Water that is suitable for drinking.
(27) Potential connections--Total number of active plus inactive connections.
(28) Premises--A tract of land or real estate including buildings and other appurtenances thereon.
(29) Rate--Every compensation, tariff, charge, fare, toll, rental, and classification or any of those items demanded, observed, charged, or collected, whether directly or indirectly, by any retail public utility, for any service, product, or commodity described in TWC §13.002(23), and any rules, regulations, practices, or contracts affecting that compensation, tariff, charge, fare, toll, rental, or classification.
(30) Requested area--The area that a petitioner or applicant seeks to obtain, add to, or remove from a retail public utility's certificated service area.
(31) Retail public utility--Any person, corporation, public utility, water supply or sewer service corporation, municipality, political subdivision or agency operating, maintaining, or controlling in this state facilities for providing potable water service or sewer service, or both, for compensation.
(32) Retail water or sewer utility service--Potable water service or sewer service, or both, provided by a retail public utility to the ultimate consumer for compensation.
(33) Service--Any act performed, anything furnished or supplied, and any facilities or lines committed or used by a retail public utility in the performance of its duties under TWC chapter 13 to its patrons, employees, other retail public utilities, and the public, as well as the interchange of facilities between two or more retail public utilities.
(34) Service area--Area to which a retail public utility is obligated to provide retail water or sewer utility service.
(35) Stand-by fee--A charge, other than a tax, imposed on undeveloped property:
(A) with no water or wastewater connections; and
(B) for which water, sanitary sewer, or drainage facilities and services are available; water supply, wastewater treatment plant capacity, or drainage capacity sufficient to serve the property is available; or major water supply lines, wastewater collection lines, or drainage facilities with capacity sufficient to serve the property are available.
(36) Test year--The most recent 12-month period beginning on the first day of a calendar- or fiscal-year quarter for which operating data for a retail public utility are available.
(37) Tract of land--An area of land that has common ownership and is not severed by other land under different ownership, whether owned by government entities or private parties; such other land includes roads and railroads. A tract of land may be acquired through multiple deeds or shown in separate surveys.
(38) Water and sewer utility, utility, or public utility--Any person, corporation, cooperative corporation, affected county, or any combination of those persons or entities, other than a municipal corporation, water supply or sewer service corporation, or a political subdivision of the state, except an affected county, or their lessees, trustees, and receivers, owning or operating for compensation in this state equipment or facilities for the transmission, storage, distribution, sale, or provision of potable water to the public or for the resale of potable water to the public for any use or for the collection, transportation, treatment, or disposal of sewage or other operation of a sewage disposal service for the public, other than equipment or facilities owned and operated for either purpose by a municipality or other political subdivision of this state or a water supply or sewer service corporation, but does not include any person or corporation not otherwise a public utility that furnishes the services or commodity only to itself or its employees or tenants as an incident of that employee service or tenancy when that service or commodity is not resold to or used by others.
(39) Water supply or sewer service corporation--Any nonprofit corporation organized and operating under TWC chapter 67, that provides potable water or sewer service for compensation and that has adopted and is operating in accordance with bylaws or articles of incorporation which ensure that it is member-owned and member-controlled. The term does not include a corporation that provides retail water or sewer utility service to a person who is not a member, except that the corporation may provide retail water or sewer utility service to a person who is not a member if the person only builds on or develops property to sell to another and the service is provided on an interim basis before the property is sold.
(40) Water use restrictions--Restrictions implemented to reduce the amount of water that may be consumed by customers of the utility due to emergency conditions or drought.
(41) Wholesale water or sewer service--Potable water service or sewer service, or both, provided to a person, political subdivision, or municipality who is not the ultimate consumer of the service.

16 Tex. Admin. Code § 24.3

The provisions of this §24.3 adopted to be effective September 1, 2014, 39 TexReg 5903; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 40, Number 37, September 11, 2015, TexReg 6075, eff. 9/13/2015; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 41, Number 51, December 16, 2016, TexReg 9905, eff. 12/21/2016; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 43, Number 41, October 12, 2018, TexReg 6826, eff. 10/17/2018; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 45, Number 18, May 1, 2020, TexReg 2847, eff. 5/7/2020; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 47, Number 21, May 27, 2022, TexReg 3119, eff. 6/1/2022