Okla. Admin. Code § 252:100-5-2.1

Current through Vol. 42, No. 1, September 16, 2024
Section 252:100-5-2.1 - Emission inventory
(a)Requirement to file an emission inventory. The owner or operator of any facility that is a source of regulated air pollutants shall submit a complete annual emission inventory through DEQ's electronic reporting system or in another manner acceptable by the Division.
(1)General requirements. The inventory shall cover operations during a calendar year and shall be submitted on or before April 1 of the following year. Upon receiving a written demonstration of good cause the Director may grant an extension for submittal beyond the April 1 deadline.
(2)Permit by rule. The owner or operator of a facility registered under a permit by rule in Subchapter 7, Part 9, shall submit, at a minimum, an annual emission inventory for the 2014 reporting year or the calendar year in which the facility is registered, if the facility is registered after December 31, 2014, and thereafter according to the following schedule:
(A) For a registered facility with actual emissions greater than 5 tons per year of any regulated air pollutant, an annual emission inventory for that facility shall be submitted for every National Emissions Inventory (NEI) Three-Year Cycle Inventory year, as defined in 40 CFR Section 51.30(b).
(B) For a registered facility with actual emissions of 5 tons per year or less of any regulated air pollutant, an annual emission inventory for that facility shall be submitted every second National Emissions Inventory (NEI) Three-Year Cycle Inventory year, as defined in 40 CFR Section 51.30(b), beginning with the 2020 NEI reporting year.
(3)Permit exempt facilities and de minimis facilities. The owners or operators of permit exempt facilities or de minimis facilities, as these terms are defined in OAC 252:100-7-1.1, are not required to submit an annual emission inventory unless annual emissions from the facility exceed any of the emission thresholds listed in Table 1 in Appendix A to Subpart A of 40 CFR Part 51. In that event, the emission inventory shall be submitted according to the schedule contained in that table, which is incorporated by reference in Appendix Q to OAC 252:100.
(4)Special inventories. Upon request by the Director, the owner or operator of a facility that emits or has the potential to emit any regulated air pollutant shall file an emission inventory with the Division. The Director is authorized to request this inventory when emission related data is necessary for program planning or compliance with State or Federal rules, regulations, standards, or requirements.
(b)Content. All inventories submitted to the Division shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(1) For those emissions subject to a permit, the permitted allowable emissions as set forth therein.
(2) The amount of the actual emissions, including quantifiable excess emissions, and the basis for such determination. If the total actual emissions of any regulated air pollutant from a facility vary from the allowable or from the previous year's actual by more than 30%, the Department may require the owner or operator to provide an explanation for the difference in order to determine compliance with the Oklahoma Clean Air Act or any rule promulgated thereunder, or any permit condition prescribed or order issued pursuant thereto.
(3) For those emissions not the subject of a permit and when requested by the AQD, a list of all OAC 252:100 rules setting forth emission limitations applicable to the facility in question and the maximum yearly allowable for the facility.
(c)Documentation. All calculations and assumptions must be verified by proper documentation. All supporting data, including actual production, throughput and measurement records along with engineering calculations and other data utilized in accordance with OAC 252:100-5-2.1(d) must be maintained for at least 5 years by the current owner or operator at the facility in conjunction with facility records of the emission inventory. This information must either be submitted to the Division or made available for inspection upon request.
(d)Method of calculation. The best available data at the time the emission inventory is or should have been prepared shall be used to determine emissions. It shall be the burden of the owner or operator to select the best available data, based on an acceptable method of calculation. The method of calculation used to determine emissions shall be binding upon the owner or operator and the Division for the purpose of calculating fees under OAC 252:100-5-2.2 unless challenged by the owner or operator prior to September 1 of the year the inventory is due or by the Division within six (6) months after the date the inventory is received. Acceptable methods of calculation for determining actual emissions are:
(1) Emission factors utilized in the issuance of a currently applicable Oklahoma Air Quality permit(s) for the facility.
(2) Stack tests using appropriate EPA test methods, with advance notification and opportunity for observation by the Division.
(3) Stack tests using appropriate EPA test methods may be used for determining the emissions of identical equipment (i.e., same model, same location, and same operating conditions and parameters) when:
(A) Tests are performed by persons qualified by training and experience to perform said tests.
(B) Copies of the test results and methods are available for review by the Division.
(4) Continuous emissions monitoring data, when supported by required certification and calibration data.
(5) Current AP-42 factors or other factors acceptable to the Division.
(6) Manufacturer's test data, when approved by the Division as reliable.
(7) EPA and EPA-contracted industry-specific emission study data when it can be shown to be applicable to the facility in question and approved for use in the emission inventory by the Division.
(8) Fuel usage and other mass-balance methods when supported by specific records applicable to the materials on which the calculations are based and approved for use in the emission inventory by the Division.
(9) Any other method that can be shown to be reasonably accurate when supported by engineering data and calculations, and approved for use in the emission inventory by the Division.
(e)Methods of verification. Emission inventories determined by the Division to be substantially incomplete or substantially incorrect shall, upon the request of the Division, be subject to verification if not satisfactorily completed or corrected within a reasonable time. Verification shall be accomplished by an appropriate stack test using EPA approved methods, installation of continuous monitoring equipment, or other methods acceptable to the Division.
(f)Certification. The emission inventory shall contain certification by a responsible official of the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the document. This certification shall be signed by a responsible official and shall contain the following language: "I certify, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the document are true, accurate, and complete."

Okla. Admin. Code § 252:100-5-2.1

Added at 15 Ok Reg 2590, eff 6-25-98; Amended at 17 Ok Reg 1886, eff 6-12-00; Amended at 21 Ok Reg 1511, eff 6-11-04; Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1273, eff 6-15-07
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 31, Issue 24, September 2, 2014, eff. 9/12/2014
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 33, Issue 24, September 1, 2016, eff. 9/15/2016