15 Miss. Code. R. 16-1-43.9.2

Current through September 24, 2024
Rule 15-16-1-43.9.2 - Life Safety Codes

Physical Plant and Operational Standards.

The following minimum physical plant and operational standards shall be met:

1.Construction. For any existing construction, as of the date of this standard, shall meet, at a minimum, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, current edition and the FGI (Facility Guidelines Institute) Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities. In the event of the construction of a new birthing center or substantial modification of an existing facility, any subsequent edition of NFPA, Life Safety Code may be used, provided the licensing agency approve the use of such edition and that all construction and/or modifications meet the requirements of the approved edition.
A. The construction of the building should be a free-standing building.
B. Automatic Sprinklers Required. Facilities shall be protected throughout by a supervised automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with the current edition of NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
C. Fire Code Items:
i. Fire extinguishers in accordance with current edition NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.
ii. Fire alarms and smoke detectors in accordance with current edition of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code.
2. The center shall provide sufficient space and equipment for patient and visitor waiting area, examination and treatment rooms, birth rooms, special care capability, and for staff and administrative areas. Birth rooms shall each have at least 200 square feet of area, must include bathroom, toilet, or entry way, and be designed and located to prevent traffic through them to any other part of the center (Facility Guidelines Institute).
3. The licensing agency may deny the center a license if it does not comply with Federal, State, and local laws, codes, ordinances, and regulations which apply to its location, construction, maintenance, and operation.
4. It shall be the responsibility of the governing body to assure that the center is in a safe condition at all times, and that a fire inspection record is maintained on equipment, systems, and areas that may present a hazard to occupants.
5. In addition to requirements specified herein, and those required by local ordinances or regulations, the construction of a birth center shall meet the requirements of the current version National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101 shall be accompanied by written evidence that these requirements have been met.
6. Entrances for patients shall be connected to the public right-of-way by a hard-surfaced, unobstructed walkway in good repair. Access for handicapped individuals shall be provided at a minimum of one entrance. A hard-surfaced, unobstructed road or driveway for use by ambulances or other emergency vehicles shall run from at least one entrance of the building to the public right-of-way. The doorway of such entrance shall be immediately adjacent to the road or driveway. If such doorway is not on the same level as the road, a ramp shall provide a continuous, unobstructed plane to the entrance.
7. Services provided in multi-story buildings shall be accessible by an elevator of adequate size to accommodate a standard wheeled litter patient and two attendants. Multi-story buildings will be considered to have met this requirement when patients are located only on ground level floors with outside exits. A stairway or ramp of adequate dimensions shall be available for transfer of patients in case of power failure.
8. The birth center shall be constructed, equipped, and maintained to assure the safety of patients and personnel. The following requirements shall apply within the center:
A. Birth rooms shall be designed and located to prevent traffic through them to any other part of the center.
B. The walls and floors of birth rooms, examination rooms and staff dressing, and scrub areas shall be of material that will permit frequent washing and cleaning.
C. Staff dressing rooms and scrub facilities shall be convenient to the birth rooms, and shall include a knee, elbow, wrist or foot operated sink soap dispenser and brushes.
D. Toilet and handwashing facilities shall be accessible to patients from the birth rooms. Bathrooms shall be equipped with handrails for toilets and showers. Convenient handwashing facilities shall be provided for both staff and patient and shall be provided with soap dispenser and individual or disposable towels. The use of common towels is prohibited.
E. The center shall be arranged and organized in such a manner as to ensure the comfort, safety, hygiene, privacy, and dignity of patients treated therein.
F. A clean up room for equipment shall be provided.
G. The center shall have an audible nurse call system with control switches in all birth rooms and bathrooms which can be activated during an emergency.
H. The center shall have special care capability which includes but is not necessarily limited to the following, for both adults and infants: resuscitation equipment, intravenous solutions, drugs, oxygen, suction, infant stethoscope, and transfer isolette. Such emergency equipment shall be provided on each floor on which patients are served.
I. Each birth room shall have an infant resuscitation tray with a laryngoscope, positive pressure bag and mask and endotracheal tubes.
9. The center shall provide space and facilities for administrative activities, including offices, medical records and other files and storage of supplies.
10. A waiting room and patient admissions area(s) shall be provided. There shall also be space for storage of personal belongings of staff, patients, and visitors.
11. The center shall have adequate and conveniently located toilets and handwashing facilities for its staff, employees, patients, and visitors.

Housekeeping, Laundry, Maintenance and Sterile Supplies:

1. The center shall ensure that housekeeping and maintenance is adequate to maintain the center and equipment in a clean condition and state of good repair. An equipment clean-up area with adequate plumbing, including a sink with counter, shall be provided within the center.
2. Laundry service shall be provided either in house or by contractual arrangement. Separate space and facilities shall be provided for receiving, sorting, and storing soiled laundry and for the sorting, storing, and issuing of clean laundry, if reusable items are utilized. Linens used for draping must be sterilized. All reusable linens, including those used as sterilizing wrappers, must be laundered before reuse. Linens shall be handled, stored, processed, and transported in such a manner as to prevent the spread of infection. Soiled and clean linen must be handled and stored separately.
3. There shall be adequate space and facilities for receiving packaging and proper sterilization end storage of supplies and equipment consistent with the services to be provided.
4. Special precaution shall be taken to ensure that sterile instruments and supplies are kept separate from nonsterile instruments and supplies.

Equipment for sterilization of instruments and supplies shall be conveniently located and of adequate capacity for the workload. Records shall be maintained to assure quality control, including, date, time, and temperature of each batch of sterilized supplies and equipment. Sterilization performance shall be checked, and records shall be kept. Sterile items shall be dated and utilized, based on established procedures.

Electrical Power:

1. All electrical work and equipment shall be designed and installed in accordance with State and local laws and ordinances.
2. All areas of the center shall have sufficient artificial lighting for designated purposes.
3. All centers shall have an alternative lighting source for emergency use in the event of a power failure.
4. Centers shall equip the building with an emergency generating system; Level 1, Type 10 or equivalent in accordance with current NFPA 110 Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems; with adequate generating power to maintain full power to the building in the case of power failure.

15 Miss. Code. R. 16-1-43.9.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-77-11
Amended 9/17/2020
Amended 2/13/2023