15 Miss. Code R. § 16-1-51.2.2

Current through June 25, 2024
Rule 15-16-1-51.2.2 - Provisional License

Within its discretion, the Mississippi Department of Health may issue a provisional license when a temporary condition of non-compliance with these regulations exists in one or more particulars. A provisional license shall be issued only if the Department of Health is satisfied that preparations are being made to qualify for a regular license and that the health and safety of patients will not be endangered meanwhile. One conditional on which a provisional license may be issued is as follows: A new institution for the aged or infirm may be issued a provisional license prior to opening and subsequent to meeting the required minimum staffing personnel. The license issued under this condition shall be valid until the issuance of a regular license or March 31 following date of issuance whichever may be sooner. A provisional license may be reissued only if it is satisfactorily proven to the Department of Health that efforts are being made to fully comply with these regulations by a specified time.

15 Miss. Code. R. § 16-1-51.2.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 43-11-13