15 Miss. Code R. § 16-1-45.57.3

Current through June 25, 2024
Rule 15-16-1-45.57.3 - Post Informal Dispute Resolution Survey Procedures

If a follow up survey/licensure visit is conducted regarding deficiencies/licensure violations which have been the subject of an informal dispute resolution procedure, and the follow-up survey/licensure visit indicates that the facility has not corrected the deficiencies/licensure violation which was the subject of the informal dispute resolution procedure, the facility shall not be entitled to another informal dispute resolution procedure hearing. However, if a follow-up survey is conducted and deficiencies are discovered which were not cited on the original official statement of deficiencies/licensure violations the facility is entitled to utilize the informal dispute resolution procedure with regard to any previously uncited deficiencies.

15 Miss. Code. R. § 16-1-45.57.3

Miss. Code Ann. § 43-11-13