15 Miss. Code R. § 16-1-45.38.1

Current through June 25, 2024
Rule 15-16-1-45.38.1 - Building Classification
1. To qualify for a license, the facility shall be planned to serve the type of patients to be admitted and shall comply with the following:
a. All facilities constructed after the effective date of these regulations shall comply with the building requirements set forth in the regulations.
b. After the effective date of these regulations, all additions to facilities shall comply with the building requirements for a license. Approval shall not be granted for an addition to an existing building which will increase the bed capacity unless the existing structure is basically sound and is to be brought into a condition of acceptable conformity with the current regulations.
c. Authority to Waiver. The licensing agency may waive certain requirements in the regulations at its discretion for facilities licensed as a facility in a state-owned and state-operated mental institution provided the health and safety of residents will not be endangered.
2. Renovations within the exterior walls of a facility shall in no case be of such nature as to lower the character of the structure below the applicable building requirements for the type of license held by the facility.

15 Miss. Code. R. § 16-1-45.38.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 43-11-13