15 Miss. Code R. § 16-1-1.47.27

Current through June 25, 2024
Rule 15-16-1-1.47.27 - Fire Escapes and Ladders
1. The use of ladders (metal or otherwise) in lieu of escapes or fire stairways shall not be permitted on any facility licensed under these regulations.
2. The use of open fire escapes shall not be permitted on facilities opened or established after the effective date of these regulations.
3. Open fire escapes will be permitted on existing institutions provided such fire escapes meet the following requirements:
a. They must be of non-combustible material.
b. They must have railing or guard at least four (4) feet high on each unenclosed side.
c. Wall openings adjacent to fire escapes shall be protected with fire resistive doors and windows.
d. Doors leading to fire escapes shall open in the direction of exit.
e. Fire escapes on facilities licensed after adoption of these regulations should generally meet requirements for stairways.

15 Miss. Code. R. § 16-1-1.47.27

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-85-7
Amended 2/11/2018