Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 19, September 20, 2024
Section - Control of Emissions from an Asbestos Project Subject to NESHAP
A. Signs.
(1) Danger Signs. A person engaged in an asbestos project that is a NESHAP source shall display 20-inch by 14-inch danger signs wherever airborne asbestos fibers may be present, in accordance with Regulation 29 CFR Part 1926.58.
(2) Project Notification Signs. A business entity or public unit planning an asbestos project that is a NESHAP source shall also comply with the following:
(a) Except in emergency situations and except as provided in §A(3), of this regulation, at least 3 days before removing or encapsulating asbestos, post the signs required by §A(4), of this regulation immediately outside all entrances to and exits from the work site or asbestos project to inform the public in the immediate vicinity that asbestos abatement will be performed; and
(b) Keep the signs required by §A(4), of this regulation, posted until the Maryland Air and Radiation Management Administration receives the written notice of final air monitoring results required under §B(3)(f) of this regulation.
(3) Utility companies are not required to post signs 3 days before removing or encapsulating asbestos at a work site or asbestos project, but shall comply with any federal requirements regarding the posting of signs.
(4) Notice of Asbestos Project signs required by §A(2)(a) of this regulation shall display the following language with letter sizes and styles of type at least equal to those specified in this subsection:
(a) The following is an example of the Notice of Asbestos Project sign:

Pursuant to Environment Article, § 6-414.1, Annotated Code of Maryland, and COMAR a A(4), notice is hereby given that an asbestos project is planned for this area. The work will commence on ______________ and is expected to be completed on ____________.

Contractor: __________________________________________________Owner: ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________

This notice is required to be posted 3 days in advance on all asbestos projects which exceed 160 square feet or 260 linear feet of friable asbestos material.

Date of Posting: _________________Problems or complaints concerning this work may be referred to Maryland Air and Radiation Management Administration, (410)631-3200.

(b) Printing Requirements - Type Sizes and Fonts.
(i) The heading "Notice of Asbestos Project" shall be printed in 1 inch sans serif type, gothic or block.
(ii) Lines two through ten of the "Notice of Asbestos Project" sign shall be printed in 24 point sans serif type, gothic or block.
(iii) The "Date of Posting" shall be printed in 24 point sans serif type, gothic or block.
(iv) The sentence beginning "Problems or complaints" shall be printed in 18 point sans serif type, gothic or block.
B. Any Asbestos Project That Is a NESHAP Source. A person engaged in an asbestos project in which 260 feet (80 meters) or more of pipe covered or coated with asbestos materials are stripped or removed, or 160 square feet (15 square meters) or more of asbestos materials used to cover or coat any duct, boiler, tank, reactor, turbine, or structural member are stripped or removed, shall comply with the following:
(1) Use plastic sheeting 6 mils thick or equivalent. Use either duct tape or equivalent waterproof tape.
(2) Wet asbestos materials to be removed with a solution containing a surfactant which significantly reduces interfacial surface tension of water or penetrates friable asbestos materials such that the material is wet thoroughly and remains wet during the removal process to minimize dust.
(3) Use the following cleaning and air monitoring procedures:
(a) If a building or structure is to be completely demolished, after removing any asbestos materials, clean the work area until no residue or asbestos material is visible.
(b) During any other asbestos project subject to this section, after removing any asbestos materials, and before removing any plastic barriers separating the site from the rest of the building or any plastic barriers covering vents, windows, doors, or entries to the work site:
(i) Clean all surfaces in the work area using the water and surfactant solution prescribed in §B(2) of this regulation;
(ii) When the surface has dried, vacuum any remaining dry residue on all surfaces using a vacuum equipped with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter; and
(iii) Repeat the sequence of wet mopping and vacuuming until no residue is visible and the measured airborne concentration of asbestos fibers longer than 5 microns is less than 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter (8-hour time-weighted average) using the procedures specified in §B(3)(c)-(e), of this regulation.
(c) Conduct air monitoring required by §B(3)(b)(iii), of this regulation, using procedures specified in NIOSH Analytical Method #P&CAM 239, Asbestos Fibers in Air (February, 1979) which is incorporated by reference, or equivalent. When clearance monitoring by transmission electron microscopy is elected, the protocol outlined in the U.S. EPA Asbestos Hazard and Emergency Response Act (AHERA) rules in 40 CFR Part 763 shall apply, including the application of the "Z" test.
(d) Also, for air monitoring required by §B(3)(b)(iii), of this regulation, take sufficient samples to represent asbestos concentrations in the entire work area. Representative sampling shall require at least:
(i) One sample in every room; and
(ii) At least one sample for every 50,000 cubic feet or 5,000 square feet of floor area, whichever requires more samples.
(e) Within 24 hours after receiving final written monitoring results, submit to the Department a record of the air monitoring required by §B(3)(b)(iii) of this regulation. The record shall indicate the asbestos concentration monitored in the work area after it is cleaned and before barriers are removed.
(4) To minimize airborne asbestos dust inside enclosures, use negative pressure systems which meet the following:
(a) The exhaust air passes through a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter;
(b) The air flow is such that a complete change of air occurs in the enclosed area at least once every 15 minutes; and
(c) When practical, the negative pressure systems are vented to the outside air.
C. Demolition. A person subject to §§A and B, of this regulation, and engaged in demolition shall also comply with the following:
(1) Before beginning any demolition project, cover all windows, doors, and other openings with plastic sheeting and seal with tape;
(2) Use a negative pressure system described in §B(4) of this regulation;
(3) If a structure or building is to be partially demolished, construct a barrier of plastic sheeting sealed with tape to prevent asbestos from entering any portion of the structure or building not to be demolished, and seal ducts, including air conditioning and heat ducts, before wetting and removal;
(4) Wet all components that contain or may contain asbestos before stripping the asbestos;
(5) Wet the structure and components as necessary to assure that the asbestos material to be stripped remains wet during removal, loading, and transportation; and
(6) For structural members and components from which asbestos will not be stripped, wet the asbestos at the cut points and remove this wet asbestos before cutting and removing the structural member or component.
D. Renovation. A person subject to §§A and B, of this regulation, and engaged in renovation shall also comply with the following:
(1) Before beginning any renovation project, remove all movable objects from the work area and cover the nonmovable objects with plastic sheeting taped securely in place. Cover floors, other large areas such as walls, and all windows in the work area with plastic sheeting sealed with tape. Shut down all forced-air ventilation to the work area and seal exhaust and intake ducts.
(2) Construct double barriers of plastic sheeting at all entrances and exits to the work area. Construct double barriers at entrances to a separate three-stage decontamination station with the work area to be used for removal of contaminated protective clothing and for storage of contaminated items and tools. Also provide a separate clean room where workers obtain clean protective clothing and respirators before entering the decontamination area.
(3) Wet all areas or surfaces that contain or may contain friable asbestos before removal. Ensure that the asbestos-containing materials remain wet during the removal process.
(4) Not use the glove bag technique on projects subject to NESHAP.
(5) Ensure that all persons not involved in the asbestos project are out of the area before beginning abatement.
E. Exemptions.
(1) The Department may, on a case-by-case basis, approve an alternative procedure for control of emissions from an asbestos project provided that the person submits a written description of the alternative procedure to the Department and demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department that compliance with the prescribed procedures is not practical or not feasible, or that the proposed alternative procedure provides equivalent control of asbestos. The Department, following its review, may approve an alternative procedure if it determines that it will minimize the emissions of asbestos into the air. The Department shall respond to a written request within 10 working days of receipt of the request.
(2) A person may not be exempt from the requirements of 40 CFR Part 61, except as provided there.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulation .06 amended effective July 16, 1990 (17:11 Md. R. 1345)