Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-32.4

Current through Regsiter Vol. 46, No. 26, June 12, 2024
Rule 199-32.4 - [Effective until 7/17/2024] Proposal for reorganization-filing requirements

Any person who intends to accomplish a reorganization shall file supporting testimony and evidence with its proposal for reorganization, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:

(1) General information.
a. A statement of the purposes of the reorganization and a description of the events which led to the reorganization.
b. An analysis of the alternatives to the proposed reorganization which were considered and their impact on rates and services, if any.
(2) Reorganization details.
a. Written accounting policies and procedures for the subsequent operation, including the type of system of accounts to be used.
b. Staffing changes due to the proposed reorganization.
c. The situs of the books and records of the public utility after reorganization and their availability to the board.
d. A description of the proposed accounting to be utilized in any transfer of assets necessary to accomplish reorganization.
e. The proposed method for:
(1) Accounting for and allocating officer's time between the public utility and any affiliates, and
(2) Compliance with the board's rules on affiliate transactions and relationships.
f. Copies of all contracts which directly relate to the reorganization. If there are any unwritten contracts or arrangements, a summary of the unwritten contracts or arrangements verified by an officer of the operating company shall be provided.
g. Before and after organizational charts for the affected public utility and affiliates.
h. A statement of any proposed physical removal of assets from the board's jurisdiction to another jurisdiction or removal or transfer of assets from a regulated to a nonregulated environment.
(3) Financial details.
a. An analysis of whether the affected public utility's ability to attract capital on reasonable terms, including the maintenance of a reasonable capital structure and corporate financial integrity, is impaired.
b. A description of the financing components of the proposed reorganization.
c. Information concerning the funding provided to any new entity created by the proposed reorganization.
d. Current and proposed reorganization balance sheets and capital structures.
e. Stockholder annual report for two years preceding the year of filing for all affected companies.
f. Stockholder quarterly reports for the two quarters just prior to the date of the filing and any subsequent reports as they become available during the proceeding, for all affected companies.
g. The major credit rating agencies' reports for two years preceding the filing date of the merger and updates as they become available during the proceeding, for all affected companies.
h. Any proxy statement to the stockholders regarding the proposed reorganization. If such is not available at time of filing, a preliminary statement shall be filed followed by the final statement when available.
(4) Impact of reorganization.
a. A cost-benefit analysis which describes the projected benefits and costs of reorganizing. The benefits and costs should be quantified in terms of present value. The sources of such benefits and costs shall be identified.
b. An analysis of the projected financial impact of the proposed reorganization on the ratepayers of the affected public utilities for the first five years after reorganization.
c. An analysis of the effect on the public interest. Public interest means the interest of the public at large, separate and distinct from the interest of the public utility's ratepayers. The analysis should include a discussion of the reorganization's impact on the economy of the state and the communities where the utility is located.

If more than one public utility is involved in a reorganization, the information shall be submitted for all public utilities involved.

(5) If any information required by subrules 32.4(1) through 32.4(4) is not applicable to the type of reorganization being proposed, the applicant shall, in lieu of providing the information, state the reason(s) why the particular information is not applicable to the proposal.
(6) Effect on service and reliability.
a. Report on quality of service and reliability levels of utility services for each of the five years prior to the year of filing, for all affected companies.
b. Detailed statement on how the proposed reorganized entity will maintain or enhance service and reliability. Provide any investment or operational plans for this purpose that are available.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-32.4