(2) The tariff shall conform to the following requirements: 1. The first page shall be the title page, which will show the name of the utility, the type of utility service being provided, and the words "Iowa Utilities Commission."2. When a tariff is to be superseded or replaced in its entirety, the replacing tariff shall show on the upper right corner of its title page that it is a revision of a tariff on file and the number being superseded or replaced; for example: Tariff No. ______________
Supersedes Tariff No. ______________
3. When a tariff sheet in a tariff is revised, amended, or eliminated, the tariff sheet shall indicate in the top right corner the number of the revision to that tariff sheet.4. Any tariff sheet modifications shall be marked in the right margin with symbols as described below to indicate the place, nature, and extent of the change in text. The marked version shall show all added language marked with underlined text and all deleted language with strike-through. * (C)-Change in regulation.
* (D)-Discontinued rate or regulation.
* (I)-Increase in rate or new treatment resulting in increased rate.
* (N)-New rate, treatment, or regulation.
* (R)-Reduction in rate or new treatment resulting in reduction in rate.
* (T)-Change in text only.
5. All sheets except the title page shall have the following information located at the top left of the tariff sheet: * Company name.
* Type of utility tariff.
* The words "Filed with commission."
6. All sheets except the title page shall have the following information located at the top right of the tariff sheet: * Tariff part identification, if any.
* Tariff sheet number, original or revised.
* Canceled tariff sheet number, original or revised.
7. All sheets except the title page shall have the following information located at the bottom left of the tariff sheet: * The issued date.
* The name of the person responsible for the issuance.
8. All sheets except the title page shall have the following information located at the bottom right of the tariff sheet: * An effective date field.
* Proposed effective date for the tariff sheet.