Haw. Code R. § 8-63-63

Current through April, 2024
Section 8-63-63 - Leave sharing
(a) The assistant superintendent may establish a leave sharing program that allows employees within the department to ease the burdens of fellow employees who otherwise need to take time off from work without pay to recover from a serious personal illness or injury or to care for a family member who has a serious illness or injury and is incapable of self care.
(b) As used in this section:
(1) "Family member" means an employee's:
(A) Spouse; or
(B) Parent or unmarried child in a blood or legal relationship, or a "hanai" relationship through the Hawaiian custom, provided the employee is the primary caregiver.
(2) "Serious personal illness or injury" means an illness, injury, or impairment that meets the conditions below:
(A) Is life threatening or critical, severe, and debilitating which does not include minor surgeries, routine pregnancies, illnesses due to colds or flus, broken limbs, and other non-critical conditions; and
(B) Is certified by a physician, as defined under section 386-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, as being totally incapacitating, and:
(i) Where the condition involves the employee, is also certified as being the cause of the employee's inability to work; or
(ii) Where the condition involves the employee's family member, is also certified as serious and requiring the employee's full-time assistance to provide primary care to the family member.
(c) An employee who wishes to donate accumulated leave credits must not have solicited nor accepted anything of value in exchange for the donation.

Haw. Code R. § 8-63-63

[Eff JUN 29 2012 ] (Auth: HRS §§ 302A-1112, 76-17, 78-26) (Imp: HRS §§ 76-13, 78-26)