Haw. Code R. § 8-63-49

Current through April, 2024
Section 8-63-49 - Classification of positions
(a) The assistant superintendent shall:
(1) Place any position subject to this chapter into an appropriate class; and
(2) Reallocate any position from one class to another class, whenever warranted, by material changes in position duties and Responsibilities, class allocation standards, or to correct an error.
(b) Each position shall be placed in a class consistent with the nature and level of its duties, responsibilities, and minimum qualification requirements.
(c) The assistant superintendent may establish standards and procedures and delegate to offices the authority to place their own positions into existing classes. Post audits shall be made of an office's exercise of classification authority. The assistant superintendent may rescind or otherwise correct any action taken, as appropriate, and may withdraw the authority when it is determined that continued delegation is not in the best interest of the system.
(d) The assistant superintendent may approve the temporary reallocation of a position because of emergency, unusual, unique, or other special conditions. When the conditions no longer apply, the appointing authority shall promptly discontinue the temporary reallocation and notify the assistant superintendent of the discontinuance. Upon discontinuance, and in any event no later than the ending date that was authorized by the assistant superintendent for such reallocation, the position shall revert to its former classification status.
(e) The incumbent of a position that is reallocated shall be required to meet the minimum qualification requirements established for the class to which the position is reallocated, including for temporary reallocations.
(f) The reallocation downward of a filled position for disciplinary, involuntary, or voluntary reasons, or to avoid a layoff, or because of a reorganization or injury or illness, shall be so specified by the appointing authority and treated as if a demotion for the specified purpose took place. Whatever procedures and requirements apply to the respective demotion process shall also apply to the corresponding reallocation downward action.

Haw. Code R. § 8-63-49

[Eff JUN 29 2012] (Auth: HRS §§ 76-5, 76-17) (Imp: HRS §§ 76-5, 76-12, 76-13, 76-13.5, 76-16)