Haw. Code R. § 8-54 app C

Current through April, 2024

The effective school counselor focuses on students' long-term academic, career, and personal/social development; effective school counselor demonstrates the basic skills and dispositions to promote students' autonomy, literacy, responsibility to self and others, and lifelong learning. With developmentally appropriate counseling and guidance, the ultimate goal is for students to become positive, courageous, confident, competent, and caring human beings. The educational system must develop citizens who can govern themselves and have a global perspective. The citizens must be flexible, resourceful and able to deal with open-endedness, complexity. The effective school counselor promotes students' autonomy, literacy, responsibility to self and others, and lifelong learning through developmentally appropriate counseling and guidance.

Standard 1: The professional school counselor plans, organizes and delivers the school counseling program.

1.1 A program is designed to meet the needs of the school.

1.2 The professional school counselor demonstrates positive interpersonal relationships with students.

1.3 The professional school counselor demonstrates positive interpersonal relationships with educational staff.

1.4 The professional school counselor demonstrates positive interpersonal relationships with parents or guardians.

Standard 2: The professional school counselor is able to implement a school guidance curriculum through the use of effective instructional skills and careful planning of structured group sessions.

2.1 The professional school counselor is able to teach school guidance units effectively.

2.2 The professional school counselor is able to develop materials and instructional strategies to meet student needs and school goals.

2.3 The professional school counselor collaborates with staff involvement to ensure the effective implementation of the school guidance curriculum.

Standard 3: The professional school counselor implements the individual planning component by guiding individuals and groups of students and their parents or guardians through the development of educational and career plans.

3.1 The professional school counselor, in collaboration with parents or guardians, helps students establish goals and develop and use planning skills.

3.2 The professional school counselor demonstrates accurate and appropriate interpretation of assessment data and the presentation of relevant, unbiased information.

Standard 4: The professional school counselor provides responsive services through the effective use of individual and small-group counseling, consultation and referral skills.

4.1 The professional school counselor counsels individual students and small groups of students with identified needs and concerns.

4.2 The professional school counselor consults effectively with parents or guardians, teachers, administrators and other relevant individuals.

4.3 The professional school counselor implements an effective referral process with administrators, teachers and other school personnel.

Standard 5: The professional school counselor provides system support through effective school counseling program management and support for other educational programs.

5.1 The professional school counselor provides a comprehensive and balanced school counseling program in collaboration with school staff.

5.2 The professional school counselor provides support for other school programs.

5.3 The professional school counselor develops and distributes a calendar which identifies counseling activities and programs.

Standard 6: The professional school counselor discusses the counseling department management system and the program action plans with the school administrator.

6.1 The professional school counselor discusses the qualities of the school counselor management system with the other members of the counseling staff and/or school administrator.

6.2 The professional school counselor discusses the anticipated program results when implementing the action plans for the school year.

Standard 7: The professional school counselor collects and analyzes data to guide program direction and emphasis.

7.1 The professional school counselor uses school data to make decisions regarding student choice of classes and/or special programs.

7.2 The professional school counselor uses data from the counseling program to make decisions regarding program revisions.

7.3 The professional school counselor understands and uses data to establish goals and activities to support academic achievement.

Standard 8: The professional school counselor monitors the students on a regular basis as they progress in school.

8.1 The professional school counselor is accountable for monitoring students' progress.

8.2 The professional school counselor implements monitoring systems appropriate to the individual school.

8.3 The professional school counselor develops appropriate interventions for students as needed and monitors their progress.

Standard 9: The professional school counselor develops a system for evaluating the results of the counseling program.

9.1 The professional school counselor collects data and analyzes results attained from school counseling activities.

9.2 The professional school counselor works with members of the counseling team, if applicable, and with the principal to clarify how programs are evaluated and how results are shared.

9.3 The professional school counselor uses program assessment to make changes as needed in the school counseling program and calendar for the following year.

9.4 The professional school counselor shares the results of the program assessment with stakeholders.

Standard 10: The professional school counselor is an advocate for students, a leader, collaborator, and a systems change agent.

10.1 The professional school counselor promotes academic success of students.

10.2 The professional school counselor promotes equity and access for students.

10.3 The professional school counselor takes a leadership role within the school setting and/or community.

10.4 The professional school counselor understands reform issues and works to close the achievement gap.

10.5 The professional school counselor collaborates with teachers, parents and the community to promote academic success of students.

10.6 The professional school counselor is a member of effective teams and encourages collaboration among all school staff.

10.7 The professional school counselor uses data to recommend systemic change in policy and procedures that limit or inhibit academic achievement.

Haw. Code R. 8-54 app C

Am and comp 11/17/2019