Haw. Code R. § 8-54-9.16

Current through April, 2024
Section 8-54-9.16 - Reporting of violations
(a) Reports of violations(s) to the Code of Ethics or for conduct listed in § 8-54-9.14 shall be filed in writing with the board on a signed form and in a manner provided by the board.
(b) The superintendent or charter school administrator or their designee in any Hawaii'i public school shall report violations. A private or independent school administrator is authorized to report violations. The report shall contain the name, address, and social security number of any licensed educator, permit holder or emergency hire who:
(1) Is terminated or not re-hired for cause;
(2) Resigns under threat of termination or non-employment for cause;
(3) Is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor as defined in this chapter.
(c) Licensed educators, permit holders and emergency hires who may have engaged in action that could result in denial, non-renewal, revocation or suspension of a license shall be required to report to the board, in a manner provided for by the board, within thirty (30) calendar days of the event, the following:
(1) Been terminated or not rehired for cause;
(2) Resigned under threat of termination or non-employment for cause; and
(3) Been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor as defined in this chapter.
(d) Signators of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Contract shall report actions taken by them to deny a license to an individual or to revoke, suspend or refuse to renew licenses of licensees in their state within thirty (30) calendar days from when they are made aware that the individual is applying for a license, renewal of a license or permit.
(e) The board shall report actions taken to deny, suspend or revoke a license or permit to the superintendent, charter school administrator, headmaster or president of any Hawai'i school, district, or system and to the NASDTEC Clearinghouse.

Haw. Code R. § 8-54-9.16

[Eff 10/30/14] (Auth: HRS § 302A-803, § 302A-807) (Imp: HRS §§ 302A-801 to -808)