Haw. Code R. § 8-54-3

Current through April, 2024
Section 8-54-3 - Definitions

As used in this chapter:

"Accreditation" means a process for assessing and enhancing academic and educational quality through peer review. National accreditation informs the public that an institution has a professional education unit that has met state, professional, and institutional standards of educational quality. National accrediting bodies are approved by the US Department of Education to accredit teacher education programs.

"Board" means the Hawaii teacher standards board.

"Censure" means a formal or stern warning given by the board.

"Charter schools" means public schools holding charters to operate as charter schools under chapter 302D, including start-up and conversion charter schools, that have the flexibility to implement alternative frameworks with regard to curriculum, facilities management, instructional approach, length of the school day, week, or year, and personnel management.

"Charter School Administrator" means head of a local school board of a Charter School.

"Code of Ethics" means the contents of Appendix D, which describes the desired conduct of P-12 teachers as members of the teaching profession.

"Condition" means a qualification, restriction, limitation, or requirement imposed on the licensee or permittee that must be true or done.

"Criminal action against children" means any crime involving minors deemed by the Hawaii teacher standards board to have a direct bearing on an individual's ability to serve as a teacher.

"Cultural Growth and Development Plan" means a plan to develop the cultural and professional knowledge, skills and dispositions to effectively integrate Hawaiian ways of knowing, learning and teaching and increase instructional proficiency in the Hawaiian language, history and culture for an individual holding a special permit to teach in Kaia'õlelo-Kaiapuni Hawai'i, Hawaiian Language Immersion, and Hawaiian Knowledge classrooms. The plan will be developed for the permittee in collaboration with the Office of Hawaiian Education and a Hawaiian Immersion educator preparation program.

"Deny" means to withhold or refuse to grant a license or permit.

"Department" means the department of education.

"Educator Preparation Provider" means a teacher, school counselor or school librarian preparation program that meets the board's state approval performance standards and has been reviewed and approved in an approval process specified by the board.

"Emergency Hire" means an unlicensed employee of a public school paid under the salary schedule contained in the unit 05 collective bargaining agreement.

"Employer" means any public, charter, independent or private school which hires teachers, school counselors and school librarians.

"Executive Director" means the executive officer of the Hawaii teacher standards board.

"Experience" means contracted service in a P-12 school setting in the license field and/or level required to grant a Hawaii license or permit.

"Fee" means any monetary amount assessed to process, issue, modify, correct, or approve a license or permit. Fee also means any monetary amount assessed to process, issue, modify, correct, or approve a teacher education program; or to an institution for the processing or correction of data or information.

"Felony" is defined as those acts which are criminal acts defined as felonies by the Hawaii Revised Statutes or similar criminal acts which were committed in other jurisdictions.

"Forfeit" or "forfeited" or "forfeiture" shall refer to and mean the status of a license or permit that has been automatically cancelled for failure to renew the license or permit, or for failure to comply with the provisions of section 8-54-2.4.

"Internet crimes" means internet crimes as defined by Hawaii Revised Statutes.

"License" means the document signifying recognition granted by the board to practice the profession of teaching.

"Licensee" means the holder of a valid Hawaii teaching license.

"Meritorious New Teacher Candidate" means a designation awarded to teacher candidates in states approved by the board who meet rigorous criteria in areas that have been shown to correlate with student learning gains; strong verbal skills; a high level of mastery of their subject matter; in-depth student teaching; and excellence in their professional program.

"Misdemeanor" for the purpose of these rules is defined as those misdemeanor convictions that pose a substantial risk of harm to the health, safety or welfare of students, minors or others.

"National Board Certification" means the voluntary advanced certification developed and administered by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

"Payment plan" shall refer to and mean a binding agreement on the licensee or permittee to make required payments in a timely manner to comply with license, permit, or renewal requirements.

"Permit" means a limited duty special permit as defined by § 8-54-9.6.

"PRAXIS" means the set of tests developed and administered by the Educational Testing Service.

"Private Employer" for purposes of teacher licensure refers to non-public employers of teachers.

"Program" means a planned sequence of courses and experiences for the purpose of preparing teachers and other school professionals to work in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade settings. Programs may lead to a degree, a recommendation for a state license, both, or neither.

"Public school" means an academic and non-college type school established and maintained by the department of education or a charter school chartered by the board of education in accordance with law.

"Reinstate" or "reinstatement" shall refer to and mean a determination by the board to allow a person who has met requirements set by the board to engage in the practice of teaching following a license or permit suspension or disciplinary condition.

"Renew" or "renewal" means a determination by the board, prior to expiration of a license or permit, to grant additional years of validity based on the number of years the license or permit is eligible to be renewed.

"Reprimand" shall have the same meaning as "Censure".

"Revocation" means loss of a teaching license or permit for not less than five years.

"Sex offense" means sexual offenses as defined by Hawai'i Revised Statutes.

"School Counselor" means a person whose duties are primarily promoting and enhancing the learning process within the context of academic development, career development and personal/social development and may also include the same definition as "teacher" for purposes of this chapter.

"School Librarian" means a person whose duties are primarily administering the library media program at the individual school level and also includes the same definition as "teacher" for purposes of this chapter.

"Specialized Professional Associations" or 'SPAs" are national organizations that represent teachers, professional education faculty, and other school professionals who teach a specific subject matter, teach students at a specific developmental level, teach students with specific needs, or provide services to students.

"State-approved teacher education program" means a teacher preparation program that meets the board's state approval performance standards and has been reviewed and approved by the board.

"Superintendent" means the state superintendent of the department of education.

"Suspension" means temporary loss of a teaching license/permit for not more than five (5) years due to a disciplinary action by the board.

"Teacher" means a person whose duties in the public school system are primarily teaching or instruction of students or related activities centered primarily on students and who is in close and continuous contact with students, and shall include but not be limited to classroom teachers, school librarians, counselors, registrars, and special education teachers.

"Teacher Leader" means an educator identified by his/her employer who assumes formally or informally one or more of a wide array of leadership roles to support teaching and learning.

"Terminate" or "Terminated" or "Termination" shall refer to and mean the status of a license or permit that has been automatically cancelled for failure to timely restore a forfeited license or permit.

"Unit" or "professional education unit" means the college, school, department, or other administrative body in colleges, universities, or other organizations with the responsibility for managing or coordinating all programs offered for the initial and advanced preparation of teachers and other school professionals, regardless of where these programs are administratively housed in an institution. The professional education unit must include in its accreditation review all programs offered by the institution for the purpose of preparing teachers and other school professionals to work in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade settings.

"Valid license or valid permit" means a license or permit issued or renewed by the board after all criteria set by the board have been met and authorizes the licensee or permittee to engage in the teaching profession.

"Warning" means an admonition relating to a violation of the Code of Ethics that the board deems not warranting a censure or other disciplinary action.

Haw. Code R. § 8-54-3

[Eff 6/13/97; comp 7/18/98; comp 12/20/01; am and comp 8/13/04; am and comp 11/9/07; am and comp] (Auth: HRS § 302A-803) (Imp: HRS §§ 302A-801 to -808)
Am and comp 10/27/11; am and comp 10/30/14; Am 9/5/2019