Haw. Code R. § tit. 12, subtit. 8, pt. 10, ch. 220, exh. B

Current through August, 2024

Power boilers1

249 square feet or less (internal)


249 square feet or less (external)


[GREATER THAN]249 to 500 square feet (internal)


[GREATER THAN]249 to 500 square feet (external)


[GREATER THAN]500 to 2,999 square feet (internal)


[GREATER THAN]500 to 2,999 square feet (external)


[GREATER THAN]2,999 to 10,000 square feet (internal)


[GREATER THAN]2,999 to 10,000 square feet (external)


[GREATER THAN]10,000 (internal)


[GREATER THAN]10,000 (external)


Heating boilers1

Hot-water heating or supply, potable water heater


20 square feet or less low pressure steam


[GREATER THAN]20 to 100 square feet low pressure steam (internal)


[GREATER THAN]20 to 100 square feet low pressure steam (external)


[GREATER THAN]100 to 500 square feet low pressure

steam (internal & external)


[GREATER THAN]500 square feet low pressure steam (external)


Pressure vessels

Permit renewal


Internal inspection


Inspection reports

Third-party inspection report review & processing


Permit to operate

Permit to operate or certificate


State specials


Permit reprint



Ultrasonic testing per hour


Hydrostatic test


Jurisdiction audit fee per hour


The fee for any inspection or service not covered above shall be $125 per hour but not less than $250 during regular working hours and $175 per hour but not less than $350 when outside regular working hours by request.

1 When numbers are specified it is of square feet of heating surface

Haw. Code R. tit. 12, subtit. 8, pt. 10, ch. 220, exh. B

[Eff and comp 12/21/2019] (Auth: HRS § 397-4) (Imp: HRS § 397-4)