5 C.F.R. § 362.405

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 362.405 - Development, evaluation, promotion, and certification
(a)Individual Development Plans. An agency must approve, within 90 days, an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for each of its PMFs that sets forth the specific developmental activities that are mutually agreed upon by each PMF and their supervisor. The PMF must develop the IDP in consultation with the Agency PMF Coordinator and/or the mentor assigned to the PMF under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, as well as the PMF's supervisor.
(b)Required developmental activities.
(1) OPM will provide leadership development activities and general Program resources for each class or cohort of PMFs and will provide information on available training opportunities known to it. Agencies must provide appropriate agency-specific onboarding and employee orientation activities.
(2) The agency must provide each Fellow a minimum of 80 hours of formal interactive training per year that addresses the competencies outlined in the IDP. Mandatory annual training, such as information security and ethics training, does not count towards the 80-hour requirement.
(3) Within the first 90 days of a Fellow's appointment, the agency must assign the Fellow a mentor, who is a managerial employee outside the Fellow's chain of command.
(4) The agency must provide each PMF with at least one rotational or developmental assignment with full-time management and/or technical responsibilities consistent with the PMF's IDP. With respect to the requirement in this paragraph (b)(4):
(i) Each PMF must receive at least one developmental assignment of 4 to 6 months in duration, with management and/or technical responsibilities consistent with the PMF's IDP.
(ii) The developmental assignment may be within the PMF's organization, in another component of the agency, or in another Federal agency as permitted by the employing agency. These assignments should generally be in a different work unit led by a supervisor other than the usual supervisor of the PMF's current position.
(iii) Developmental assignments must provide challenging work experience of a caliber appropriate for a participant in the Federal Government's flagship leadership development program. Examples of appropriate developmental assignments may include projects implementing a new Executive order or major piece of legislation, agency reorganization, or cross-agency collaboration on a major administration initiative.
(5) The PMF may receive other short-term rotational assignments of 1 to 6 months in duration, at the agency's discretion. A short-term rotational assignment may take place within the PMF's organization, in another component of the agency, or in another Federal agency as permitted by the employing agency.
(6) Upon the request of OPM, the appointing agency must make Fellows available to assist in the assessment process for subsequent PMF classes. Any interactive training provided to a Fellow in connection with assisting OPM in the assessment process may be counted toward the minimum 80-hour training requirement in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(c)Promotion. An agency may promote any Fellow who meets the qualification requirements for the position. This provision does not confer entitlement to promotion.
(d)Certification of completion.
(1) Upon completion of the Program, the agency's ERB must evaluate each Fellow and determine whether it can certify in writing that the Fellow met all of the requirements of the Program, including the performance and developmental expectations set forth in the individual's performance plan and IDP. The ERB may consult the Fellow's mentor in reaching its determination.
(i) The ERB must notify the PMF of its decision regarding certification of successful completion.
(ii) A PMF who receives successful certification is eligible for conversion in accordance with § 362.409 .
(3) ERB certifications must be forwarded to OPM.
(i) If the ERB decides not to certify a Fellow, the Fellow may request reconsideration of that determination by the Director. Such reconsideration must be requested in writing, with appropriate documentation and justification, within 15 calendar days of the date of the agency's decision. The Director's decision on reconsideration is not subject to appeal.
(ii) The Fellow may continue in the Program pending the outcome of his or her request for reconsideration. The agency must continue to provide appropriate developmental activities during this period.
(iii) A PMF who is not approved for certification and whose appeal to OPM is denied is not eligible for conversion in accordance with § 362.409 .

5 C.F.R. §362.405

89 FR 25774, 6/11/2024