40 C.F.R. § 84.23

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 84.23 - Certification identification generation and tracking
(a)Scope and applicability. Certification identifications may only be generated by a person that produces, imports, reclaims, recycles for fire suppression use, repackages, or blends regulated substance for distribution or sale in bulk and reports to EPA consistent with paragraph (d) of this section. All containers of bulk regulated substance, with the limited exceptions described in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, must be associated with certification identifications on the following schedule:
(1) As of January 1, 2025, all containers of bulk regulated substances imported and all containers sold or distributed by producers and importers must have a QR code.
(2) As of January 1, 2026, all containers of bulk regulated substances filled and all containers sold or distributed by all other repackagers and cylinder fillers in the United States not included in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, including reclaimers and fire suppressant recyclers must have a QR code.
(3) As of January 1, 2027, every container of bulk regulated substances sold or distributed, offered for sale or distribution, purchased or received, or attempted to be purchased or received must have a QR code.
(b)Prohibitions. Every kilogram of bulk regulated substances imported, sold or distributed, offered for sale or distribution, purchased or received, or attempted to be purchased or received in violation of this section is a separate violation of this subpart. Import, sale or distribution, offer for sale or distribution, purchase or receipt, or attempt to purchase or receive less than one kilogram of regulated substances in violation of this section is a separate violation of this subpart.
(1) No person may import, sell or distribute, or offer for sale or distribution, and no person may purchase or receive, or attempt to purchase or receive, a bulk regulated substance unless the container has a valid certification identification.
(2) No person may import, sell or distribute, or offer for sale or distribution, bulk regulated substances unless that person is registered with EPA consistent with paragraph (d) of this section.
(3) No person may purchase or receive, or attempt to purchase or receive, bulk regulated substances from a person that is not registered with EPA consistent with paragraph (d) of this section;
(4) The following situations are exempt from the prohibitions in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section:
(i) The regulated substances are part of a transhipment and the person transhipping the regulated substance has reported to EPA consistent with § 84.31(c)(3) ;
(ii) The regulated substances were previously used, have been recovered from a piece of equipment, and are intended for reclamation or fire suppressant recycling and:
(A) The person selling or distributing the regulated substances certifies in writing to the person purchasing or receiving the regulated substances that they were recovered from a piece of equipment and provides the date of recovery; and
(B) The person purchasing or receiving the regulated substances is an EPA-certified reclaimer, a registered fire suppressant recycler consistent with paragraph (d) of this section, or a registered supplier of regulated substances consistent with paragraph (d).
(iii) The regulated substances were imported consistent with the petition process described in § 84.25 ;
(iv) The regulated substances were collected for destruction and sent to a destruction facility directly or through an aggregator that is reporting to EPA consistent with § 84.31(c)(5) ; or
(v) The regulated substances were recovered from a motor vehicle air conditioner (MVAC) or MVAC-like appliance in accordance with 40 CFR part 82, subpart B and are sold or distributed or offered for sale or distribution by the same person who recovered the regulated substances for use only in MVAC equipment or MVAC-like appliances.
(5) No producer or importer may request certification identifications that would exceed their currently available allowances.
(6) A person who reclaims regulated substances or recycles regulated substances for fire suppression uses may request certification identifications at a level equal to their reported reclamation or recycling for the prior year plus an amount based on the average annual growth in total U.S. reclamation of regulated substances in the prior three years or 10 percent, whichever is higher. If further certification identifications are needed, the reclaimer or recycler must notify EPA 45 days in advance of exceeding their allowed level and request approval to generate additional certification identifications. The request must estimate the additional certification identifications needed for the next six months and provide an explanation for the increased level of reclamation or recycling. The relevant agency official will review the request and adjust the amount of certification identifications for the person as appropriate within 21 days. Additional requests can be submitted throughout the year as needed.
(7) No regulated substance repackager or blender may request certificate identifications unless they have allowances. They may generate QR codes based on the certification identifications associated with the containers they acquire.
(c)Required Practices. The following practices are required, unless the person purchasing or receiving the bulk regulated substance is listed in paragraph (b)(4) of this section:
(1) Any person producing, importing, reclaiming, recycling for fire suppression uses, repackaging, selling or distributing, or offering to sell or distribute bulk regulated substances must register with EPA consistent with paragraph (d) of this section.
(2) Any person who imports, sells or distributes, or offers for sale or distribution a container of regulated substance, reclaimed regulated substance, or recycled regulated substances for fire suppression uses must permanently affix a QR code to the container that documents a valid certification identification using the standards defined by EPA prior to the import, sale or distribution, or offer for sale or distribution of the container. For the purposes of this subpart, examples of when a container of regulated substance or reclaimed regulated substance is imported, sold or distributed, or offered for sale or distribution include the date of importation (consistent with 19 CFR 101.1 ) and departure from a production, reclamation, fire suppressant recycling, repackaging or filling facility.
(3) At the time of sale or distribution or offer for sale or distribution, a person selling or distributing or offering for sale or distribution a container of regulated substance must ensure there is a valid and legible certification identification on each container of regulated substance, scan the certification identification system to identify a transaction, identify the person receiving the regulated substance, and indicate whether the person receiving the regulated substance is a supplier or final customer.
(4) At the time of sale or distribution, a person taking ownership of a container of regulated substance that is a registered supplier must ensure there is a valid and legible certification identification on each container of regulated substance and scan the certification identification in the certification identification system to identify a transaction.
(d)Recordkeeping and Reporting -
(1)Importers. Any person importing a container of bulk regulated substance must enter the following information in the certification identification system to generate a QR code and associated certification identification for each container of regulated substance imported: the name or brand the regulated substance is being sold and/or marketed under, the date it was imported, the unique serial number associated with the container, the amount and name of the regulated substance(s) in the container, the name, address, contact person, email address, and phone number of the responsible party at the facility where the container of regulated substance(s) was filled, and certification that the contents of the cylinder match the substance(s) identified on the label.
(2)Reclaimers. Any person filling a container with a reclaimed regulated substance must enter the following information in the certification identification system to generate a QR code and associated certification identification for each container of regulated substance sold or distributed or offered for sale or distribution: the name or brand the regulated substance is being sold and/or marketed under, when the regulated substance was reclaimed and by whom, the date the reclaimed regulated substance was put into a container, the unique serial number associated with the container, the amount and name of the regulated substance(s) in the container, and certification that the purity of the batch was confirmed to meet the specifications in appendix A to 40 CFR part 82, subpart F. If a container is filled with reclaimed and virgin regulated substance(s), the reclaimer must provide the amount of virgin regulated substance included in the container and the certification identification(s) associated with that regulated substance.
(3)Fire suppressant recyclers. Any person filling a container with a recycled regulated substance for fire suppression purposes must enter the following information in the certification identification system to generate a QR code and associated certification identification for each container of regulated substance sold or distributed or offered for sale or distribution: the name or brand the regulated substance is being sold and/or marketed under, the date the container was filled and by whom, the unique serial number associated with the container, and the amount and name of the regulated substance(s) in the container. If a container is filled with recycled and virgin regulated substance(s), the recycler must provide the amount of virgin regulated substance included in the container and the certification identification(s) associated with that regulated substance.
(4)Producers and repackagers. Anyone who is filling a container, whether for the first time after production or when transferring regulated substances from one container to one or more smaller or larger containers, must enter information in the certification identification system and generate a QR code for the container(s) of packaged regulated substances sold or distributed or offered for sale or distribution: the name or brand the regulated substance is being sold and/or marketed under, the date the container was filled and by whom, the certification identification(s) associated with the regulated substance being packaged, the unique serial number associated with the container, the amount and name of the regulated substance(s) in the container, the quantity of containers it was packaged in, the size of the containers, and the name, address, contact person, email address, and phone number of the responsible party at the facility where the container(s) were filled.
(5)Receiving recovered regulated substances. Any person receiving recovered regulated substances for purposes of reclamation or fire suppressant recycling must keep a copy of the written certification required under paragraph (b)(4)(ii) of this section for five years.
(6)Certification identification generators registration. Any person who produces, imports, reclaims, recycles for fire suppression uses, repackages or fills a container of regulated substances, reclaimed regulated substances, or recycled regulated substances for fire suppression uses must register with EPA in the certification identification system at least six months before the date they are subject to the requirement in paragraph (a) of this section. The report must contain the name and address of the company, contact information for the owner of the company, the date(s) of and State(s) in which the company is incorporated and State license identifier(s), the address of each facility that sells or distributes or offers for sale or distribution regulated substances, how the company introduces bulk regulated substances into U.S. commerce, and the categories of final customers the entity sells or distributes regulated substances to. If any of the registration information changes, these reports must be updated and resubmitted within 60 days of the change.
(7)Supplier registration. Any person who sells, distributes, or offers for sale or distribution, bulk regulated substances must register with EPA in the certification identification system at least six months before the date they are subject to the requirement in paragraph (a) of this section. The report must contain the name and address of the company, contact information for the owner of the company, the date(s) of and State(s) in which the company is incorporated and State license identifier(s), the address of each facility that sells or distributes regulated substances, and the categories of final customers the supplier sells or distributes regulated substances to. If any of the registration information changes, these reports must be updated and resubmitted within 60 days of the change.

40 C.F.R. §84.23

86 FR 55208, Oct. 5, 2021
86 FR 55116, 10/5/2021