(2) Except as set forth in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section any concern that was a Participant in the 8(a) BD program on March 13, 2020, but graduated or otherwise left the program before January 13, 2021 may elect to be readmitted to the 8(a) BD program for the period of time equal to one year from the date of the original expiration of the concern's program term. A concern seeking to be readmitted to the 8(a) BD program must notify SBA of its intent to be readmitted no later than March 15, 2021. Example 1 to paragraph (b)(2) introductory text. Business Concern A was a Participant in the 8(a) BD program on September 9, 2020, and its program term expired on November 25, 2020. On January 28, 2021, Business Concern A notified SBA of its election to be readmitted to the 8(a) BD program under the process outlined in this paragraph (b)(2). Business Concern A would be eligible to participate in the 8(a) BD program until November 25, 2021.
(i) All requests for readmittance must be submitted to: Associate Administrator, Office of Business Development, Small Business Administration, 409 Third Street SW, Washington, DC 20416, or email to 8aQuestions@sba.gov.(ii) As part of a concern's notification to SBA of its intent to be readmitted to the 8(a) BD program, the concern must certify that it continues to meet the applicable 8(a) BD program eligibility requirements as set forth in §§ 124.101 through 124.111 . SBA may, in its discretion, request information or documentation to assess whether the concern meets the eligibility criteria for readmittance.(iii) Business concerns that were Participants in the 8(a) BD program on March 13, 2020, but were terminated or early graduated by SBA or elected to voluntarily withdraw or early graduate in lieu of termination are not eligible to extend their program terms.(iv) The readmittance of a business concern owned and controlled by a tribe, ANC, NHO, or CDC to the 8(a) BD program under this paragraph (b)(2) will be disregarded for purposes of the ownership restrictions applicable to Participants owned by a tribe, ANC, NHO, or CDC as set forth in §§ 124.109(c)(3)(ii) , 124.110(e) , and 124.111(d) . The date to commence the two-year waiting period for the tribe, ANC, NHO, or CDC to own another business concern in the 8(a) BD program with the same primary NAICS code as the readmitted concern will not be readjusted with the firm's readmittance.