Netflix and the Flexibility Stigma
When the first reporter called me up with the news that Netflix had announced a year’s parentalleave, I was thrilled. Researchers generally conclude that that’s close to the ideal amount ofmaternity leave (40 weeks). The twelve weeks provided by the Family and Medical Leave Act isclearly too short. A 2005 study found that American babies whose mothers were back at workwithin 12 weeks were less likely to get doctors’ visits and immunizations on time, and less likelyto be breast-fed (which helps build immunity and is particularly important in families withallergies). Exclusive reliance on breast-feeding for at least six months prevents respiratoryinfections, bacterial meningitis, and other illnesses, according to the same study, which alsofound more behavioral problems and lower cognitive test scores at age 4 when moms returnedto work before within 12 weeks. At a more intuitive level, if you have a kid, do you rememberwhat it’s like at the three-month mark? It’s still a “round-the-clock slumber party” as a bizarrelycheerful friend of mine once called it. Your stitches are healed but you’re strung out and justexhausted.
Maternity leaves longer than a year are not ideal because they tend to reinforcebreadwinner/homemaker gender roles and increase women’s economic vulnerability. Someevidence suggests that these problems arise with maternity leaves as short as 18months—much less the 100 or more day leaves that exist some places in Europe.
I talked that first reporter through what Netflix should do to implement a successful parentalleave policy. Two sets of meetings. Not complicated.
To ensure a smooth off-ramp, three meetings are ideal. During the first meeting right after thepregnancy is announced, congratulate the prospective parent, and reassure him or her that theyare expected to take their full leave. At the second meeting, about three months before theleave is to begin, do a full inventory of the parent’s work, develop a transition plan, andcommunicate with colleagues to whom work will be transitioned. Then, shortly before the babyis due, finalize the transition plan, making sure that each person is aware of work that is beingtransitioned to them, and set out how the necessary information will be transmitted to ensure asmooth transition.
An on-ramp protocol consists of two meetings. Several weeks before the leave-taker returns towork, his or her manager should develop a ramp-up plan, ideally on a gradual return-to-workbasis. This plan should be communicated on the leave-taker’s first day back to work, with acheck-up every two weeks thereafter until the ramp-up is complete.
All good?
Not really. The next reporter told me what Nexflix was really offering: unlimited time off duringthe first year. That’s quite a different proposition than a yearlong leave. A yearlong leaves sendsthe message that all eligible workers are expected to take a year. Allowing “unlimited leave”during the first year is perfect – but it’s not good.
It’s perfect because it allows each family to figure out what combination and leave and part timework works best for their family. This fits well with Netflix’s ideal of “freedom and responsibility.”
What’s not good is its ambiguity.
Research shows that, when men seek workplace flexibility, they tend to be given lower jobevaluations than men who don’t. They also are seen as having fewer of the masculinebehaviors highly valued in men (has business sense, high self-esteem, career oriented,has leadership ability, competitive) and more of feminine behaviors proscribed for men(insecure, gullible, uncertain, weak, indecisive). A second study found that men who takeleave are seen as higher in feminine traits (weak, uncertain) and lower is masculine traits(competitive, ambitious).
This flexibility stigma affects women as well as men, when they take leave or adopt aflexible schedule.
I wonder if Nexflix is aware of this research, and whether it is taking steps to counter theflexibility stigma. If not, its parental leave may be unusable. That could prove a moral-drainer,could fuel attrition of parents from the company, and could leave it open to lawsuits. After all, ifthe flexibility stigma for men is a femininity stigma, then it can show up as evidence of genderdiscrimination in an employment discrimination lawsuit under Title VII. Let’s hope Netflix is up onthis research and taking pro-active steps to avoid unintended consequences.