What can CARA A.I. do?

Find on-point cases fast, check for missing cases, and more

  • Find on-point cases on your facts and legal issues, in your jurisdiction
  • Check your draft for missing cases
  • Find cases opposing counsel missed
  • Find briefs related to the brief you're researching
  • Check a document for bad law

Attorneys who use CARA A.I.

Save 210 hours of research time

According to a study conducted by The National Legal Research Group, attorneys who levearge CARA A.I. typically find on-point cases over 20% faster than legacy legal research tools like LexisNexis. That adds up to over 210 hours of legal research time saved every year for the average attorney.




How does it work?

CARA A.I. leverages the facts and legal issues in your documents

Identifying legal issues and facts

How does CARA A.I. find on-point cases so quickly? CARA A.I. uses artificial intelligence technology developed by Casetext to find cases and other authorities on the same facts and legal issues in the legal documents you upload. Even if you only upload a one-page draft of a motion, CARA A.I. can help you find relevant precedent. The more information you give CARA A.I., the more accurate its recommendations will be.

Is it secure?

CARA A.I. uses bank-level security

Casetext never stores the document you upload. Nobody, including Casetext employees, can access the documents you upload to CARA A.I. because they are never stored on Casetext's servers. The documents you upload to Casetext are analyzed by CARA A.I. in seconds and then immediately deleted. Additionally, CARA A.I. is trusted by over 40% of the AmLaw 100 firms and Casetext has passed over 40 rigorous security audits from those firms. Rest assured, you can upload your confidential work-product to Casetext without violating any ethics rules.