564 U.S. 135 (2011) Cited 595 times 104 Legal Analyses
Holding that a mutual fund adviser may not be found liable for a mutual fund's violation of SEC Rule 10b–5, in part because of “the narrow scope that [courts] must give the implied private right of action”
Holding that an interlocutory appeal would materially advance resolution of litigation where reversal by the appellate court would dismiss one defendant and resolve multiple claims against all defendants, even though it would not resolve the entire case
Holding that the defendants' access to financial reports and control over public earnings statements were insufficient to support a finding of scienter absent more particular facts
Holding that service as directors, by itself, is insufficient to demonstrate control pursuant to Section 20 absent specific allegations regarding management responsibilities
654 F. Supp. 2d 836 (N.D. Ill. 2009) Cited 32 times
Finding that to determine whether a statement was accompanied by meaningful cautionary language, courts can consider cautionary statements that either accompanied the forward-looking statement or were incorporated by reference
743 F. Supp. 2d 744 (W.D. Tenn. 2010) Cited 7 times
Showing Polk signed a memorandum in support of a motion to dismiss charges against control person defendants because “[m]erely stating that [a defendant] was a control person by virtue of his or her position as an officer or director does not suffice” for liability