64 Cited authorities

  1. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc.

    477 U.S. 242 (1986)   Cited 239,938 times   38 Legal Analyses
    Holding that summary judgment is not appropriate if "the dispute about a material fact is ‘genuine,’ that is, if the evidence is such that a reasonable jury could return a verdict for the nonmoving party"
  2. Orr v. Bank of America, NT & SA

    285 F.3d 764 (9th Cir. 2002)   Cited 3,145 times
    Holding that abuse of discretion exists only where "evidentiary ruling was manifestly erroneous and prejudicial"
  3. United States v. Doe

    465 U.S. 605 (1984)   Cited 534 times   2 Legal Analyses
    Holding that the compelled production of a sole proprietorship's records would violate the Fifth Amendment
  4. McConathy v. Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Corp.

    131 F.3d 558 (5th Cir. 1998)   Cited 307 times
    Holding that a plaintiff failed to state an emotional distress claim against her supervisor, who, when the plaintiff sought time off to have surgery, "threatened to fire her," and made comments described by the court as "cruel" and "unfair"
  5. Maljack Productions v. Goodtimes Home Video

    81 F.3d 881 (9th Cir. 1996)   Cited 220 times
    Finding an improper motivation where evidence demonstrated that plaintiff brought lawsuit in effort to expose defendant to risk and to secure competitive advantage in the market
  6. McQueeney v. Wilmington Trust Co.

    779 F.2d 916 (3d Cir. 1985)   Cited 217 times
    Holding that "absen[t] ... a showing of particularized danger of unfair prejudice, the evidence must be admitted"
  7. Threadgill v. Armstrong World Ind., Inc.

    928 F.2d 1366 (3d Cir. 1991)   Cited 182 times   2 Legal Analyses
    Holding there is no "law of the district" and that "the doctrine of stare decisis does not compel one district court judge to follow the decision of another"
  8. Burgess v. Premier Corp.

    727 F.2d 826 (9th Cir. 1984)   Cited 168 times
    Holding that exhibits found in defendant's warehouse were adequately authenticated simply by their being found there
  9. Fortier v. Dona Anna Plaza Partners

    747 F.2d 1324 (10th Cir. 1984)   Cited 164 times
    Holding that a trial court did not commit clear error when it did not reduce damages by the amount of the plaintiffs' contributory negligence, when the plaintiffs had also succeeded on their contract and fraud claims
  10. U.S. v. Whitworth

    856 F.2d 1268 (9th Cir. 1988)   Cited 142 times
    Holding that "the introduction of inadmissible evidence by one party allows an opponent, in the court's discretion, to introduce evidence on the same issue to rebut any false impression that might have resulted from the earlier admission"
  11. Rule 10 - Form of Pleadings

    Fed. R. Civ. P. 10   Cited 20,163 times   10 Legal Analyses
    Holding exhibits attached to complaint may be treated as part of complaint for purposes of ruling on 12(b) motion
  12. Rule 901 - Authenticating or Identifying Evidence

    Fed. R. Evid. 901   Cited 5,287 times   53 Legal Analyses
    Holding that "[t]estimony that a matter is what it is claimed to be" is sufficient authentication
  13. Rule 902 - Evidence That Is Self-Authenticating

    Fed. R. Evid. 902   Cited 2,181 times   35 Legal Analyses
    Stating that "[p]rinted material purporting to be a newspaper or periodical" is self-authenticating
  14. Rule 1006 - Summaries to Prove Content

    Fed. R. Evid. 1006   Cited 1,785 times   6 Legal Analyses
    Allowing a "summary, chart, or calculation to prove the content of voluminous writings, recordings, or photographs that cannot be conveniently examined in court."
  15. Rule 1003 - Admissibility of Duplicates

    Fed. R. Evid. 1003   Cited 502 times   5 Legal Analyses
    Permitting duplicates