Securities and Exchange Commission v. Amerindo Investment Advisors Inc. et al
REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 252 MOTION to Dismiss second amended complaint and entire case., 254 MOTION to Dismiss as to Defendant Alberto W. Vilar.. Document
Holding that "creditors who suffered economic injuries that are fairly traceable to WorldCom's violations of the securities laws" and who sought "financial compensation to redress those losses . . . meet[] the requirements for Article III standing" to object to an SEC plan to distribute assets recovered on behalf of defrauded investors
Holding that "literally true statements that create a materially misleading impression," or "so-called 'half-truths,'" can be actionable as securities fraud
Holding that where "the defendants benefitted from the use of investors' money to spend at the defendants' discretion—whether to cover operating expenses, invest in start-up companies, pay personal expenses or to pay fake returns to investors to perpetuate the fraud" all such uses of investor money represented "an ill-gotten gain that unjustly enriched the defendants"
Holding that where a defendant did not use investors' funds in the manner that he said he would, used some funds for his own personal expenses, "ignored investors' inquiries about the status of their funds and provided false accountings," the "circumstances go beyond mere recklessness and indicate a deliberate intent to defraud investors"
Holding that “ in pari delicto may bar an action by a bankruptcy trustee against third parties who participated in or facilitated wrongful conduct of the debtor”