10 Cited authorities

  1. Safe Air for Everyone v. Meyer

    373 F.3d 1035 (9th Cir. 2004)   Cited 3,352 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Holding residue generated from the cultivation of bluegrass was not discarded because, among other things, it was reused "in a continuous process of growing and harvesting Kentucky bluegrass seeds, the generating industry"
  2. Doe v. Unocal Corp.

    248 F.3d 915 (9th Cir. 2001)   Cited 947 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Holding "court may consider evidence" on motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)
  3. Theunissen v. Matthews

    935 F.2d 1454 (6th Cir. 1991)   Cited 1,160 times   2 Legal Analyses
    Holding that plaintiff need only make a prima facie showing of personal jurisdiction where the district court allowed no discovery and decided the motion on the basis of factually conflicting affidavits
  4. Perfect 10, Inc. v. Amazon.Com, Inc.

    487 F.3d 701 (9th Cir. 2007)   Cited 481 times   29 Legal Analyses
    Holding that an online image search index was "highly transformative"
  5. Playboy Enterprises, Inc. v. Welles

    279 F.3d 796 (9th Cir. 2002)   Cited 241 times
    Holding that defendant's repeated use of the abbreviation “PMOY '81” meaning “Playmate of the Year 1981” on the background/wallpaper of her website failed to establish nominative fair use because “[t]he repeated depiction of “PMOY '81” is not necessary to describe [the defendant]”
  6. Subafilms, Ltd. v. MGM-Pathe Communications Co.

    24 F.3d 1088 (9th Cir. 1994)   Cited 124 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Holding that allegations within the U.S. for alleged activities entirely abroad cannot state a claim for copyright infringement under the Copyright Act
  7. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. v. Redd Horne, Inc.

    749 F.2d 154 (3d Cir. 1984)   Cited 121 times
    Holding good-faith litigation to enforce a copyright protected under Noerr-Pennington
  8. Bushnell, Inc. v. Brunton Company

    659 F. Supp. 2d 1150 (D. Kan. 2009)   Cited 17 times
    Granting motion to amend in patent infringement suit where plaintiff lacked ownership in patent, and hence standing, as of the date of the original complaint, but was subsequently assigned all right, title and interest in patent
  9. Government Employees Ins. Co. v. Dizol

    176 F. Supp. 2d 1005 (D. Haw. 2001)   Cited 22 times
    Holding that insurer had standing to bring declaratory judgment action seeking declaration of no UIM coverage over insured; insurer was threatened with injury as it was sought to be held liable for benefits under policy
  10. Rule 15 - Amended and Supplemental Pleadings

    Fed. R. Civ. P. 15   Cited 93,082 times   91 Legal Analyses
    Finding that, per N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 1024, New York law provides a more forgiving principle for relation back in the context of naming John Doe defendants described with particularity in the complaint