Describe the pool assets, including the information required by this Item 1111. Present statistical information in tabular or graphical format, if such presentation will aid understanding. Present statistical information in appropriate distributional groups or incremental ranges in addition to presenting appropriate overall pool totals, averages and weighted averages, if such presentation will aid in the understanding of the data. In addition to presenting the number, amount and percentage of pool
(a) Identify any originator or group of affiliated originators, apart from the sponsor or its affiliates, that originated, or is expected to originate, 10% or more of the pool assets. Also identify any originator(s) originating less than 10% of the pool assets if the cumulative amount originated by parties other than the sponsor or its affiliates is more than 10% of the pool assets. (b) Provide the following information for any originator or group of affiliated originators, apart from the sponsor