15 Cited authorities

  1. Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Tel. Service Co.

    499 U.S. 340 (1991)   Cited 3,492 times   45 Legal Analyses
    Holding "it is beyond dispute that compilations of facts are within the subject matter of copyright" even though "copyright protects only the author's original contributions—not the facts or information conveyed"
  2. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd.

    545 U.S. 913 (2005)   Cited 799 times   32 Legal Analyses
    Holding that “one who distributes a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright ... is liable”
  3. Ellison v. Robertson

    357 F.3d 1072 (9th Cir. 2004)   Cited 663 times   3 Legal Analyses
    Holding that "the district court erred in concluding on summary judgment that [the ISP] satisfied the requirements of § 512" because the record showed that the ISP "allowed notices of potential copyright infringement to fall into a vacuum and to go unheeded," indicating it "had not reasonably implemented its policy against repeat infringers"
  4. Fonovisa, Inc. v. Cherry Auction, Inc.

    76 F.3d 259 (9th Cir. 1996)   Cited 235 times   3 Legal Analyses
    Holding that operators of a swap meet who had reason to know of infringing activity after law enforcement officers raided the flea market and seized counterfeit merchandise may be held liable for contributory trademark infringement
  5. S.O.S., Inc. v. Payday, Inc.

    886 F.2d 1081 (9th Cir. 1989)   Cited 265 times
    Holding that "[t]he critical question is not the existence but the scope of the license"
  6. McQueeney v. Wilmington Trust Co.

    779 F.2d 916 (3d Cir. 1985)   Cited 217 times
    Holding that "absen[t] ... a showing of particularized danger of unfair prejudice, the evidence must be admitted"
  7. U.S. v. Demjanjuk

    367 F.3d 623 (6th Cir. 2004)   Cited 73 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Holding that foreign documents were sufficiently authenticated by supporting circumstantial evidence, even if their origin could not be proven
  8. Doe v. Gallinot

    657 F.2d 1017 (9th Cir. 1981)   Cited 97 times
    Holding that due process required a probable cause hearing in front of a neutral decisionmaker to be held before a person could be civilly committed even though commitment under the statute could only occur with the approval of a physician or psychologist
  9. United States v. Kairys

    782 F.2d 1374 (7th Cir. 1986)   Cited 85 times
    Holding that the trial court was not clearly erroneous in determining that there was sufficient evidence to properly identify the defendant as the Nazi guard pictured on the defendant's alleged identification card, and although the district court primarily relied on the defendant's fingerprint on the card, there was other testimony and personal documentation that further supported the association
  10. U.S. v. Stelmokas

    100 F.3d 302 (3d Cir. 1996)   Cited 43 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Holding misrepresentations material because further investigation would be warranted and naturalization denied if applicant revealed war record
  11. Rule 803 - Exceptions to the Rule Against Hearsay-Regardless of Whether the Declarant Is Available as a Witness

    Fed. R. Evid. 803   Cited 12,902 times   85 Legal Analyses
    Recognizing exception to rule against hearsay for records of regularly conducted activities
  12. Rule 901 - Authenticating or Identifying Evidence

    Fed. R. Evid. 901   Cited 5,287 times   53 Legal Analyses
    Holding that "[t]estimony that a matter is what it is claimed to be" is sufficient authentication
  13. Section 504 - Remedies for infringement: Damages and profits

    17 U.S.C. § 504   Cited 3,671 times   57 Legal Analyses
    Holding that a copyright infringer may be liable for "the copyright owner's actual damages and any additional profits of the infringer"
  14. Section 505 - Remedies for infringement: Costs and attorney's fees

    17 U.S.C. § 505   Cited 3,035 times   71 Legal Analyses
    Granting the district court discretion to award attorney's fees to the prevailing party in copyright cases