StipulationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 7, 2021ATTACHMENT FM-1112 la SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA FORCOURrussow fl 9A'__ STREET ADDRESS D CEN’RA'. (17D Park A/er‘ue Sar‘ José. CA 951 13) ’ D NORTH (505 Ei Cammo Real. Surnywale. CA 94x38”) D SOUTH (3C1 Diana Avenue. Morgan Hill. CA 95037) I ILMAIL!NG ADDRESS. 191 North Fzrst Sveet CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Jose'. CA 951 13 BRANCH NAME: W C’\\{\\ Qbugk f MAN - L 2U“ rk f the Court CA County of Santa Clara NKTITDNERJPMINTIFF: RSPONDEN FENDANT' ?Qbmw STIPULATION FOR COURT COMMISSIONER TO ACT J AS TEMPORARY JUDGE FOR ALL PURPOSES (L\ %\OO 6‘80a CASE NUMBER Commissioner ERIK JOHNSON. is a judicial officer of the Superior Court of California, COLmty of Santa Clara, and may act as a Temporary Judge if all the parties agree m writing. Your signature below means you agree the above-named Court Commissioner shall act as a Temporary Judge for this hearinf in this matter. Dated:Q) (L 0/ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF PARTY AND/OR ATTORNEY Wm/WM Mom Mvz/v/JL/(f (Plaintiff/Pemloner) orney for Plainuff/Petirioner) rWk m 13pm XI}; r; «s (Defendant/Respondem) (Attorney for Defendant/Respondent) (CIaimant/Ozher Party) (Attorney for Claimant/Other Party) Interpreter Witness Declaration D Interpreter: The D Petitioner D Respondent is unable to read or understand this Stipulation because: a. D his/her primary language is (specify): b. D other (specify): I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that l have, to the best of my ability. read or translated for the D Petitioner D Resp0ndent this Stipulation. He or she said they understood this Stipulation before signing it. Date lnterpreter's printed name Interpreter's signature FM-mz Rev 7 m1 STIPULATION FOR COURT COMMISSIONER TO ACT Page 1 on AS TEMPORARY JUDGE FOR ALL PURPOSES