123 Cited authorities

  1. Korea Supply Co. v. Lockheed Martin Corp.

    29 Cal.4th 1134 (Cal. 2003)   Cited 1,679 times   17 Legal Analyses
    Holding that plaintiff cannot recover damages under Cal. Bus. Prof. Code § 17200 unless plaintiff has "an ownership interest in the money it seeks to recover"
  2. Blank v. Kirwan

    39 Cal.3d 311 (Cal. 1985)   Cited 3,059 times
    Holding that the standard for a failure to state a claim is whether "the complaint states facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action"
  3. Schifando v. City of Los Angeles

    31 Cal.4th 1074 (Cal. 2003)   Cited 1,269 times
    Denying request where the materials sought to be judicially noticed were not particularly supportive of the respondent's cause or relevant to the action and noting that "[n]o party has alleged" what the amicus curiae had purported to respond to
  4. Applied Equipment Corp. v. Litton Saudi Arabia Ltd.

    7 Cal.4th 503 (Cal. 1994)   Cited 1,182 times   5 Legal Analyses
    Holding that there is no separate cause of action for civil conspiracy, and that to establish such an action, a plaintiff must show some other underlying tort or civil wrong
  5. Aubry v. Tri-City Hospital Dist.

    2 Cal.4th 962 (Cal. 1992)   Cited 1,191 times   1 Legal Analyses
    In Aubry, supra, 42 Cal.App.4th 579 at pages 587 through 588, 49 Cal.Rptr.2d 703, the court, citing language from Labor Council, held the Regents were not required to pay private contractors the prevailing wage under section 1770 et seq., which applies to public works, for the construction of student and staff housing.
  6. Quelimane Co. v. Stewart Title Guaranty Co.

    19 Cal.4th 26 (Cal. 1998)   Cited 762 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Holding that title insurer owed no duty of ordinary care to non-clients, commenting that "[i]n the business arena it would be unprecedented to impose a duty on one actor to operate its business in a manner that would ensure the financial success of transactions between third parties"
  7. In re Allegheny Intern., Inc.

    954 F.2d 167 (3d Cir. 1992)   Cited 761 times
    Holding that objector must produce evidence which, if believed, would refute at least one of the allegations that is essential to the claim's legal sufficiency
  8. People ex rel. Lockyer v. Shamrock Foods Co.

    24 Cal.4th 415 (Cal. 2000)   Cited 567 times

    S082325 Filed November 6, 2000 Appeal from Superior Court, San Diego County, No. 702204, Robert J. O'Neill, Judge, Ct.App. 4/1 D031041, Review Granted, 73 Cal.App.4th 1396. DeCuir Somach, Somach, Simmons Dunn, Michael E. Vergara; Blodgett, Makechnie Vetne, John H. Vetne; Landels Ripley Diamond, Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes Lerach and Sanford Svetcov for Defendant and Appellant. Daniel E. Lungren and Bill Lockyer, Attorneys General, George Williamson, Roderick E. Walston and Richard M. Frank, Chief

  9. Peregrine Funding, Inc. v. Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

    133 Cal.App.4th 658 (Cal. Ct. App. 2005)   Cited 470 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Holding that the attorneys' advice letters to their client did not "concern any petitioning activity" because "[t]he letters were not writings made before a judicial proceeding, or in connection with an issue under review by a court."
  10. People ex Rel. Dept., Corps. v. Speedee O. Chg. Sys

    20 Cal.4th 1135 (Cal. 1999)   Cited 549 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Holding that where trial court resolved disputed facts, appellate courts review for abuse of discretion, but where there are no disputed factual issues, appellate courts review the trial court's determination as a question of law
  11. Section 157 - Procedures

    28 U.S.C. § 157   Cited 51,766 times   81 Legal Analyses
    Determining the validity, extent, or priority of liens
  12. Section 1334 - Bankruptcy cases and proceedings

    28 U.S.C. § 1334   Cited 41,056 times   57 Legal Analyses
    Granting "exclusive jurisdiction" to a federal court handling a bankruptcy case "of all the property, wherever located, of the debtor as of the commencement of such case, and of property of the estate"
  13. Section 1981 - Equal rights under the law

    42 U.S.C. § 1981   Cited 38,401 times   254 Legal Analyses
    Granting equal rights to "make and enforce contracts" without regard to race
  14. Section 101 - Definitions

    11 U.S.C. § 101   Cited 26,874 times   219 Legal Analyses
    Defining "securities clearing agency" by reference to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
  15. Section 158 - Appeals

    28 U.S.C. § 158   Cited 18,281 times   57 Legal Analyses
    Granting district courts appellate jurisdiction over "final judgments, orders, and decrees" of bankruptcy courts
  16. Section 541 - Property of the estate

    11 U.S.C. § 541   Cited 14,471 times   75 Legal Analyses
    Defining the bankruptcy estate to include "all legal or equitable interests of the debtor in property as of the commencement of the [bankruptcy] case"
  17. Section 1341 - Frauds and swindles

    18 U.S.C. § 1341   Cited 13,557 times   104 Legal Analyses
    Relating to mail fraud
  18. Section 105 - Power of court

    11 U.S.C. § 105   Cited 9,521 times   80 Legal Analyses
    Granting the court powers as appropriate to carry out the Code
  19. Section 502 - Allowance of claims or interests

    11 U.S.C. § 502   Cited 9,219 times   85 Legal Analyses
    Recognizing that claims may be invalid “under [an] agreement or applicable law for a reason other than because such claim is contingent or unmatured” and authorizing a debtor's objection to a proof of claim on that basis
  20. Section 452 - Matters permitting judicial notice

    Cal. Evid. Code § 452   Cited 8,110 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Permitting notice to be taken of the "[o]fficial acts of the . . . judicial departments . . . of any state of the United States"
  21. Rule 2.551 - Procedures for filing records under seal

    Cal. R. 2.551   Cited 96 times

    (a) Court approval required A record must not be filed under seal without a court order. The court must not permit a record to be filed under seal based solely on the agreement or stipulation of the parties. (b) Motion or application to seal a record (1)Motion or application required A party requesting that a record be filed under seal must file a motion or an application for an order sealing the record. The motion or application must be accompanied by a memorandum and a declaration containing facts