The Organic Laws of The United States of America
Something that I think most of us can agree on as an American people is that we have a rich heritage of freedom-loving individuals in America that have gone before us. That is an disputed historical fact. I'd also like to think that at least many of us would also agree that we have been given a certain foundation for freedom that we can build upon. However I can't make any assumptions about that! I can't assume that "many of us" know what this "foundation" is in light of my many years of research and direct observation. Therefore I see a great need for clearly identifying the "foundation for freedom". It is my hope that others who read this can recognize the need as well!
I have been blogging on this subject over the last several years. A good portion of that is available at:
The title of this Curezone blog is:
"The Organic Laws of These united States of America".
I offer you the opportunity to consider this "foundation" as four-fold - consisting of the four Organic Laws of The United States of America.
I realize that there are formidable beliefs about the Organic Laws that have been perpetuated over the course of the last (approximately) two hundred twenty-nine years and consequently people have been conditioned to immediately dismiss other perspectives - however, the great cause of freedom for Americans is inspiring me to present the findings of my own due-diligent research. I invite suggested corrections of any perceived errors.
Thank you for your interest!