Western Electric Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsFeb 26, 194876 N.L.R.B. 400 (N.L.R.B. 1948) Copy Citation In the Matter of WESTERN ELECTR [C COMPANY, INCORPORATED, Er1- PLOYER and COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT WORKERS , C. W. A., PETI- TIONER Case No. Ir-R-2910.Decided Feb nary W, 19. 5 Mr. Harvey H. Steckel, of Allentown, Pa., for the Employer. Mr. Henry Mayer, by Mr. Alexander Eltrnan, of New York City, and Mr. Walter H. Petry, of Washington, D. C., Mr. Joseph R. Volpe, of Allentown, Pa., and Mr. Stephen C. Demzitrowits, of Copley, Pa., for the Petitioner. Cllr. Willard Bliss, of New York City, for the UE-CIO. Mr. Lloyd P. Ritter, of Philadelphia, Pa., for the IBEW. DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION Upon a petition duly filed, hearing in this case was held at Allen- town, Pennsylvania , on March 9-6 , 1947, before John H. Garver, hear- ing officer . The hearing officer 's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in the case , the National Labor Relations Board makes the following : FIN DINGS OF FAC'r I. 'I'll E' BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER Western Electric Company, Incorporated, is a Nev,- York corpora- tion having its principal office in New York City. It operates a num- ber of plants throughout the United States including one located in Allentown, Pennsylvania, which is the only plant involved in this proceeding. At this plant the Employer manufactures quartz crystals, synthetic crystals, glow lamps, resistance lamps, parts of miniature tubes, and other products. During the latter half of 1946, the Em- ployer purchased for use at its Allentown plant, raw materials valued at more than $100,000, of which approximately 90 percent was shipped from points outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. During the same period, the Employer produced finished products valued at more 76 N L R B., No 56 400 WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INCORPORATED 401 than $200,000, of which approximately 98 percent was shipped to points outside the Commonwealth. The Employer admits and we find that it is engaged In commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. 11. TI1L ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED 1 The Petitioner is a labor organization presently affiliated with the Communications Workers of America , claiming to represent employees of the Employer.2 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, herein called the IBEW , is a labor organization affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, claiming to represent employees of the Employer.] III. TILE QUESTION CONCERNING REPRESENTATION The Employer refuses to recognize the Petitioner as the exclusive bargaining representative of employees of the Employer until the Petitioner has been certified by the Board in an appropriate unit. We find that a question affecting commerce exists concerning the representation of employees of the Employer, within the meaning of Section 9 (c) (1) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. IV. THE APPROPRIATE UNIT The parties agree generally that the appropriate unit should include all production and maintenance employees of the Employer at its Allentown plant, excluding admnnlstrativ e and clerical employees and supervisors within the meaning of the Act. The only controversy concerns the inclusion of cafeteria employees and plant guards. Cateteuiia emmployees: The Employer presently maintains a small cafeteria for the benefit of its production and maintenance personnel. It expects however to establish a larger cafeteria and to increase from 2 to 16, the present staff of employees therein. The Petitioner urges ' United iiiecti1cai, Radio & JLtchIno AVoikers of America, CIO, appeaie4 and participated in the healing but has since lvIthdial0n as a panty to the proceeding 'At the date of the hearing, the Communications Equipment Workeis (CEW) Allentown, Pennssh-anna, the I'et1t1ouer herein, was an alhlsate of the National Federation of Tele- phone Workers (NF;rVV) Pursuant to a resolution adopted at its Constitutional Conven- tion, the NFTR' Ras dissolved effective Tune S. 1947, and as of June 9, 1947, the Comnu al- cations \Voikers of America (C\VA) became the successor thereof As successor to the NFTW, the CVA is the over-all affiliate of the CE AV The hearing officer reserved ruling on a motion of the IBEW to appear on the ballot because it had pi esented no evidence of its i epresentative mtel est IIo s ever, the IItEW hay since satisfied the Board adnun1stralively that as of the hearing date it had such an interest among the emplolees involve(] herein Accoidinglg, the ME\V will be permitted to participate in the election heiemafter directed 402 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD that these workers be included in the appropriate unit; the Employer seeks to exclude their. The IBEW takes no position in this matter. The record reveals that cafeteria employees work in the same build- ing as do the other employees and under many similar working condi- tions. We are of the opinion that the interests of the cafeteria em- ployees are closely related to those of the production and maintenance employees and, accordingly, we shall include them in the appropriate unit., Plant guards: The Petitioner seeks to represent the Employer's print guards and requests that they be included in the same unit with the production and maintenance employees. Should the Board ex- clude the plant guards from the production and maintenance unit, the Petitioner alternately requests the establishment of a separate unit of plant guards. The Employer and the IBEW agree with the Peti- tioner's latter position. The Employer's plant-protection force consists of upproxunately five guards all under the supervision of a sergeant who, in turn, is responsible to the supervisor of the plant maintenance department. These employees are paid on an hourly basis, wear uniforms, and are armed but are not deputized. It does not appear that they are mili- tarized. Their duties relate primarily to the preservation of the Eiii- ployer's property and the maintenance of plant discipline. They guard the plant area against the unauthorized entry and departure by employees or by outsiders; they patrol the plant premises to see that fire regulations are observed; and they call the attention of em- ployees to infractions of rules and report such violations to plant authorities. Since the guards perform plant protection duties we shall exclude them from the unit hereinafter found appropriate.' Furthermore, inasmuch as the Petitioner "admits to membership" and "is affiliated . . . with an organization which admits to membership employees other than guards," it cannot under Section 9 (b) (3) of the Act, as amended, represent the guards even though such em- ployees are placed in a separate unit. We shall therefore deny the Petitioner's alternate request for the establishment of a separate unit of plant guards. Fireman: The Employer has one employee classified as a plant guard who tends fires exclusively. He wears no uniform, is not armed, and reports to the plant maintenance supervisor. It is his responsi- bility to keep up the fire and steam and to see that a set temperature is maintained in certain sections of the plant. The nature of this "Matter of The Rauland Corporation, 62 N L R B 248, 251. Matter of Dixie Cn+n Com- pany, 64 N L R B 762, 764; Matter of B F Goodrich Company/, 64 N L It B 794, M; Matter of The Faaestone Tire S Rubber Company, 69 N L. R B 634, 637. See Matter of S IV. Evans d Son, 75 N L. R B 811. WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INCORPORATED 403 employee's duties and responsibilities are those of a maintenance em- ployee rather than those of plant guard and we shall, therefore, in- clude him in the production and maintenance unit.' .We find that all the production and maintenance employees 7 at the Employer's Allentown, Pennsylvania, plant, including the cafeteria employees and the fireman, but excluding all plant guards, adminis- trative and clerical employees and all supervisors, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the mean- ing of Section 9 (b) of the Act. V. THE DETERMINATION OF REPRESENTATIVES The Employer urges that an election among its employees in Allen- town would be premature at this time because it is expanding its Allen- town operations and expects to increase the present number of pro- duction and maintenance employees from 437 to approximately 1,800.8 Furthermore, the Employer asserts that the present complement of employees does not constitute a fair cross section of the personnel which will ultimately be in its employ. The Petitioner desires an im- mediate election. The Allentown operations are a part of the Employer's electronic division which consists of plants located within the States of New York and New Jersey. The Employer has undertaken to move the entire electronic division to Allentown where a new plant is being constructed at Union Boulevard to house this unit. In the meantime, a section of the division is presently operating in rented premises in Allentown, to which it was transferred sometime in June of 1946. There are three temporary quarters in use, one located at Franklin Street, another on Hanover Avenue and a third in the Susquehanna 9 Matter of The Chase - Shawmut Company , 71 N L. R. B 610; Matter of W. M. Bassett Furniture Industries , Inc, 65 N . L. R B 781, 783; Matter of Aircooled Motor Corporation, 63 N. L. R B 1043, 1047. ' In accordance with a stipulation of the parties at the hearing , there are included among others in the production and maintenance unit those employees within the classifi- cations listed in "Appendix A" and excluded therefrom employees in the classifications listed in "Appendix B." Mr. Reynolds and Mr Gray concur in the inclusion of the in- spectors listed in Appendix A inasmuch as the parties have agreed to their inclusion and there is no showing that their duties affect the earnings of the employees whose work they inspect . See Matter of Luminous Processes , Inc , 71 N L. R B 405, 408, and Mr Reynolds' dissent therein. 9 A summary of the anticipated personnel requirements relative to the production and maintenance employees appears in the following schedule submitted at the hearing by the Employer Time of hearing___________________ 437 September 1947------------------- 1,035 April 1947_______________________ 452 October 1947_____________________ 1,218 May 1947___ _____________________ 523 November 1947 ___________________ 1,355 June 1947________________________ 627 December 1947 ------------------- 1,430 July 1947________________________ 729 March 1948 ---------------------- 1, 799 August 1947 --------------------- 854 781902-48-vol. 76-27 404 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD building.9 It was estimated by the Employer that one-third of the plant would be completed and available for occupancy in July 1947, one-half in October 1947, and the entire plant by March 1948.10 The record indicates that although the Employer does not have at present a full complement of employees in Allentown, it is producing finished products there. Since the date of the hearing we have been advised by the Regional Director 11 that certain changes have occurred in the contemplated rate of expansion of the Employer's Allentown plant as revealed in a letter from the Employer to the Board's, Regional Office,12 which indicates that no substantial increase in the expected complement of employees has occurred since the date of the hearing. Moreover, it appears that at least some of the difficulties already encountered by the Employer with respect to the construction of its new plant may further delay its completion and thus no definite estimate can be made as to the rate of personnel expansion or the date on which the full complement of employees will be employed. In a situation such as is here present, we have, in the past, applied the formula evolved in the Alurninwm Company case 13 and in-ordering an immediate election have provided in our Direction that a new petition would be entertained 6 months after any certification issued pursuant thereto upon competent evi- dence that the number of employees in the appropriate unit had more than doubled and that the Petitioner then represented a substantial number of employees in the enlarged unit. However, we are precluded from further application of the foregoing formula by Section 9 (c) (3) of the Act, as amended, which provides that the Board shall not conduct more than one valid election per year in any bargaining unit. We are, nevertheless, reluctant to deprive the employees presently 9 The Employer has a 3-year lease with two renewal options of 1 year each on the Franklin Street location effective from about March 1946 The record does not disclose the terms under which the other premises are being occupied 10 The first move would be from the New York shop and would start sometime in July 1947 The second move would take place in October 1947 and would be from the present temporary locations in Allentown. 'a See Matter of Bercut-Richards Packing Company, 68 N. L. R. B. 605, 610, id 70 N. L. R. B 84 72 On August 12, 1947, the Employer advised the Board as follows : (1) The present (8/2/47) complements of employees herein concerned at the Employer's Allentown plants are : (a) Total production and maintenance 441 (b) Total cafeteria employees 5 (2) The anticipated complements of employees are : (a) Total production and maintenance: 1,670. (b) Total cafeteria employees : 28. - (3) The total anticipated complement will be reached December 1, 1948. (4) The total number of production and maintenance employees engaged as of August 2, 1947, will not be increased until on or about April 1, 1948, other than by the hiring of approximately 125 trainees Thereafter, for 8 months employees in the production and maintenance department will be hired at a rate slightly in excess of 125 a month. '° Matter of Aluminum Company of America, 52 N. L R B. 1040. WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INCORPORATED 405 employed of an opportunity to select a bargaining representative, since their number is substantial and they constitute a representative group of the ultimate personnel complement. Moreover, the uncer- tainty as to when the contemplated expansion will be affected, as evidenced by the fact that the number of employees in the group herein concerned has not materially increased in approximately 11 months, and the further fact that the expansion of the Employer's present working force is contingent upon factors not wholly within its control, compels the conclusion that there is no warrant for post- poning the election sought herein. Accordingly, we shall direct an immediate election among the employees in the unit above found appropriate.14 DIRECTION OF ELECTION 15 As part of the investigation to ascertain representatives for the purposes of collective bargaining with Western Electric Company, Incorporated, Allentown, Pennsylvania, an election by secret ballot shall be conducted as early as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days from the date of this Direction, under the direction and super- vision of the Regional Director for the Fourth Region, and subject to Sections 203.61 and 203.62, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations-Series 5, among the employees in the unit found appropriate in Section IV, above, who were employed during the pay-roll period immediately preceding the date of.this Direction, in- cluding employees who did not work during said pay-roll period be- cause they were ill or on vacation or temporarily laid off, but excluding those employees who have since quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or reinstated prior to the date of the election and also excluding employees on strike who are not entitled to rein- statement, to determine whether they desire to be represented by Communications Equipment Workers, C. W. A., or by the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, A. F. of L., for the purposes of collective bargaining, or by neither. CHAIRMAN HERZOG took no part in the consideration of the above Decision and Direction of Election. APPENDIX A Products and Occupation No. Occupation description 1. Power Tubes: -. 6121________________________ Glass blower. 7128________________________ Layout Operator, Work Layout. 7148________________________ Bench Hand, Apparatus & Equip. '4 Mattel of Rowe-Jordan Furniture Corporation, 74 N L R B 1261 '1 Any participant in the election herein may, upon its prompt request to, and approval thereof by, the Regional Director, have its name removed from the ballot. 406 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Products and Occupation No. Occupation description 1. Power Tubes-Continued 7322----------------------- Exhaust Operator. 7349-------- --------------- Machine Setter. 7446------------------------ Machine Oper., Metals App. 7551------------------------ Testers, Elect. & Mech. 8124------------------------ Bench Hand, Ceramic & Glass. 812D ------------------------ Mount Assembler. 8320------------------------ Machine Oper., Ceramic & Glass. 8546------------------------ Inspector, Raw Material. 2. General Purpose Tubes : 7128------------------------ Layout Operator, Work Layout. 7322------------------------ Exhaust Operator. 7349 ------------------------ Machine Setter. 8124------------------------ Bench Hand. 8129---- ----------------- Mount Assembler. 8142------------------------ Bench Hand. 8320------------------------ Machine Operator, Ceramic & Glass. 8545------------ ----------- Inspector, Process. 3. Ballast Lamps, Repeaters and Small Runners : 7128________________________ Layout Operator, Work Layout. 7322________________________ Exhaust Operator. 7349________________________ Machine Setter. 8124------------------------ Bench Hand, Ceramic & Glass. 8129________________________ Mount Assembler. 8320________________________ Machine Oper., Ceramic & Glass. 8545------------------------ Inspector, Process. 8851________ ______________ Janitor. 4. Carrier Tubes : 7128________________________ Layout Oper., Work Layout. 7322------------------------ Exhaust Operator. 7349------------------------ Machine Setter. 8124________________________ Bench Hand, Ceramic & Glass. 8129------------------------ Mount Assembler. 8320------------------------ Machine Oper., Ceramic & Glass. 8322------------------------ Bench Machine Operator. 8545-_--------------------- Inspector, Process. 8851----------------------- Janitor. 8854------------------------ Laborer. 5. Reflex Oscillators and Couplings : 6121------------------------ Glassblower. 6543------------------------ Inspector, Investigator. 7128 ------------------------ Layout Oper., Work Layout. 7147------------------------ Welder, Spot. 7322------------------------ Exhaust Operator. 7349-------------------- --- Machine Setter. 7551------------------------ Tester, Elect. & Mech. 8124------------------------ Bench Hand, Ceramic & Glass. 8129------------------------ Mount Assembler. 8320------------------------ Machine Oper, Ceramic & Glass. 8545-------------- --------- Inspector, Process. WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INCORPORATED Products and Occupation No. Occupation description 6. Magnetrons : 6121------------------------ Glassblower. 6543------------------------ Inspector, Investigator. 7128------------------------ Layout Oper, Work Layout. 7148------------------------ Bench Hand, Apparatus & Equip. 7322------------------------ Exhaust Operator. 7329------------------------ Sampler, Quartz Crystals. 7343------------------------ Utility Man, Mach. Work. 7349------------------------ Machine Setter. 7446------------------------ Machine Oper., Metal & App. 8129------------------------ Mount Assembler. 8545------------------------ Inspector, Process. 7. Glow Lamps : 7128------------------------ Layout Oper., Work Layout. 7322------------------------ Exhaust Operator. 7349------------------------ Machine Setter. 7546------------------------ Inspector. 7551------------------------ Tester, Elect. & Mech. 8129------------------------ Mount Assembler. 8142------------------------ Bench Hand. 8320------------------------ Machine Oper, Ceramic & Glass. 8. Miniature Tubes : 7128------------------ ----- Layout Oper., Work Layout. 7349------------------------ Machine Setter. 8129------------------------ Mount Assembler. 8320------------------------ Mach. Oper, Ceramic & Glass. 8545------------------------ Inspector, Process. 9. Resistance Lamps : 7128------------------------ Layout Oper., Work Layout. 7322------------------------ Exhaust Operator. 7349------------------------ Machine Setter. 7546------------------------ Inspector. 7551------------------------ Tester, Elect. & Mech. 8129------------------------ Mount Assembler. 8142------------------------ Bench Hand. 8320------------------------ Machine Oper., Ceramic & Glass. 10. Thermistors : 7128------------------------ Layout Oper., Work Layout. 7136------------------------ Furnace Tender. 7242------------------------ Sprayer. 7322------------------------ Exhaust Operator. 7349------------------------ Machine Setter. 7551------------------------ Tester, Elect. & Mach. 8124------------------------ Bench Hand, Ceramic & Glass. 8129------------------------ Mount Assembler. 8142------------------------ Bench Hand. 8320------------------------ Mach. Oper., Ceramic & Glass. 8545------------------------ Inspector, Process. 8851 ------------------------- Janitor. 407 408 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Products and Occupation No Occupation description 11. Varistors and Varistor Piece Parts: 7128------------------------ Layout Oper, Work Layout. 7136------------------------ Furnace Tender. 7146------------------------ Utility Man, Metal & App. 7441------------------------ Punch Press Operator. 7446------------------------ Machine Oper, Metal & App 7551------------------------ Tester, Elect. & Mech. 8142------------------------ Bench Hand. 8241------------------------ Dipper. 8246------------------------ Sandblast Operator. 8857------------------------ Material Handler. 12. Carbon Resistors : 7128------------------------ Layout Oper., Work Layout. 7136------------------------ Furnace Tender. 7242------------------------ Sprayer. 7322------------------------ Exhaust Operator. 7349------------------------ Machine Setter. 7551------------------------ Tester, Elect & Mech. 8142------------------------ Bench Hand. 8545------------------------ Inspector Process. 13 Quartz Crystals: 6345------------------------ Machine Setter. 6447------------------------ Machine Operator. 7128------------------------ Layout Oper., Work Layout. 7240------------------------ Process Checker. 7546------------------------ Inspector. 7551------------------------ Tester, Elect. & Mech. 7819------------------------ Jr. Tradesman. 7849------------------------ Attendant, Synthetic Crystals. 8142------------------------ Bench hand 8322------------------------ Bench Machine Oper. 8621------------------------ Packer. 14. Metal Piece Parts : 7142------------------------ Detail Maker 7187 ------------------------ Bench & Machine Oper. 7349------------------------ Machine Setter. 7441------------------------ Punch Press Operator. 7446------------------------ Machine Oper, Metal & App. 7652------------------------ Toolkeeper 8322------------------------ Bench Machine Oper. 8545------------------------ Inspector, Process. 8851------------------------ Janitor. 15. Glass Piece Parts & Grids : 6345------------------------ Machine Setter. 7128------------------------ Layout Oper, Work Layout. 7349------------------------ Machine Setter. 7446---------------------- Machine Oper, Metal & App. 7652------------------------ Toolkeeper. 8142------------------------ Bench Hand. 8320 ------------------------ Mach. Oper, Ceramic & Glass. 8545 ------------------------ Inspector, Process. 8851------------------------ Janitor. WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INCORPORATED Products and Occupation No Occupation description 16. Chemical Operations : 6140---------------------- Job Setter. 7128------------------------ Layout Oper, Work Layout. 7136------------------------ Furnace Tender. 7137------------------------ Annealing Mach. Oper. 7242------------------------ Sprayer. 7244------------------------ Plater. 7349------------------------ Machine Setter. 7446------------------------ Mach., Oper, Metal & App 8124------------------------ Bench' Hand, Ceramic & Glass. 8221------------------------ Dipper, Glass. 8545------------------------ Inspector, Process. 8851------------------------ Janitor. 17. Inspection and Reclamation : 6543------------------------ Inspector, Investigator. 7128------------------------ Layout Oper., Work Layout. 7510------------------------ Counter, Inspector. 7544------------------------ Inspector, Purch. Mat'l. 7551------------------------ Tester, Elect & Mech. S142------------------------ Bench Hand. 8146------------------------ Dismantler. 8545------------------------ Inspector, Process. 8546------------------------ Inspector, Raw Material. 18. Material Handling , Packing and Stores : 6846------------------------ Dispatcher, Truck. 7631------------------------ Receiving Clerk. 7642------------------------ Shipping Clerk. 7651------------------------ Stockkeeper. 7666------------------------ Stock Selector. 7671------------------------ Checker 7841---------- ------------- Chauffeur , Passenger. 8546------------------------ Inspector, Raw Mat'!. 8621------------------------ Packer. 8842------------------------ Counter. 8852------------------------ Truck Oper, Electric. 8857------------------------ Material Handler. 8862------------------------ Trucker, Hand. 19. Plant Construction : 6184------------------------ Instrument Maker. 6282------------------------ Technician. 6812------------------------ Carpenter 6815------------------------ Electrician. 6818----------------------- Millwright. 6819------------------------ Painter. 6822------------------------ Pipefitter. 7651------------------------ Stockkeeper. 7819------------------------ Jr. Tradesman. 8179------------------------ Wireman. 409 410 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Products and Occupation No. Occupation description 20. Plant Maintenance: 6186------------------------ Machine Maintenance 6197------------------------ Repairman, Furniture. 6282----------------------- Technician. 6283------------------------ Repairman , Meters. 6815------------------------ Electrician. 6818------------------------ Millwright. 6822------------------------ Pipefitter. 6876------------------------ Engr., Service System. 6877---------------------°-- Maintenance Man. 7188------------------------ Ass't Mech Lab 7282------------------------ Repairman, Test App. 7651------------------------ Stockkeeper. 7819------------------------ Jr. Tradesman. 7871------------------------ Fireman, Power Plant. 8818------------------------ Helper, Plant Trades. 8851------------------------ Janitor. 8855------------------------ Matron., 8872------------------------ Oiler 21. Tool Construction : 6141------------------------ Welder. 6146------------------------ Detail Maker. 6185------------------------ Lapidary. 6186------------------------ Machine Maintenance. 6188------------------------ Toolmaker. 6280------------------------ Toolmaker. 6282------------------------ Technician. 6489------------------------ Machinist, Construction. 6513------------------------ Inspector, Mach. Tool & Gauge. 7819------------------------ Jr. Tradesman. 22. Miscl., Shrinkage Control : 6543------------------------ Inspector, Investigator. APPENDIX B Divisions and Occupation No. Occupation description 1. Operating : 1371------------------------ Clerk, Stock Maintenance. 1611------------ ------------ Output Tracer. 1631------------------------- Layout Man, Order. 1633------------------------- Invest., Mfg. Info. & Results. 2262------------------------ Operator, Telephone. 2615------------------------- Clerk, Production Service. 3221----------- ------- ---- Clerk, Record. 1262------------------------- Teletype Operator. 1263----------------------- Telephone Overseer. 1343------------------------- Clerk, Mdse. Service. 1372------------------------ Clerk, Raw Material. 1622------------------------- Change Order Adjuster. 1623------------------------- Analyst, Schedule. 1635------------------------- Load Regulator. 1638 ------------------------- Investigator, Technical. WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INCORPORATED Dtvtision8 and Occupation No. Occupation description 1. Operating-Continued 1657_________________________ Insp. Quality Accuracy. 1662------------------------- Insp. Plant. 1664_________________________ Analyst, Order , Mach. & Plant Constr. 1695_________________________ Quality Checker , Product. 2344_________________________ Clerk, Order. 3239_________________________ Clerk, Stock Records. 2. Accounting: 1110----------- ----- _------ Account, General. 1121_________________________ Accountant, Cost. 1813_________________________ Teller. 2111_________________________ Clerk, Accounting. 2113_________________________ Clerk, Invoice. 2122_________________________ Clerk, Cost. 2131_________________________ Clerk, Payroll. 2234_________________________ Clerk, Shop. 2273_________________________ Operator, Calculating Machine. 1112_________________________ Accountant , General (Staff). 1115------------------------- 1124_________________________ Clerk , Cost Analysis. 1151_________________________ Auditor , Disbursements. 1158_________________________ Auditor, Assistant. 1171_________________________ Statistician , Accounting. 1175_________________________ Analyst, Tabulating. 1812_____________ ____________ Paymaster. 2115________________________ _ Clerk, Voucher. 2151_________________________ Clerk, Auditing. 2172----------------------- - Clerk, Payroll Statist. 2274_________________________ Operator , Tabulating Equip. 3. Engineering : 1412_________________________ Draftsman, Mfg. 1624_________________________ Rate Setter , Piece Rates. 1628------------------------- Engineer , Assistant , Staff. 2612__-__---- ------------- _ Engineer , Jr. Ass't., Staff. 2617_________________________ Clerk, Technical. 4411_________________________ Designer , Factory Equip. 4412___ _____________________ Designer , Machine. 4413________________________ Designer, Tool. 4414_________________________ Designer , Test Sets. 4611_________________________ Engineer , Elect. & Mech., Mfg. 4625_________________________ Engineer , Piece Rates. 1643_________________________ Analyst, Piece Rates. 4616_________________________ Chemist. 4631_________________________ Engineer , Elect. & Mech ., Insp. 1624_________________________ Rate Setter, Piece Rates. 1628---------------------- -_ Engineer, Asst., Staff. 2612_________________________ Engineer , Jr. Asst., Staff. 4411_________________________ Designer , Factory Equip. 4611__________________ _______ Engineer, Elect . & Mech., Mfg. 4625_________________________ Engineer , Piece Rates. 1412----------------- ------- Draftsman, Mfg. 2617_________________________ Clerk, Technical. 411 412 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Divisions and Occupation No Occupation description 3. Engineering-Contintied 1628------------------------- Engineer, Ass't., Staff. 4414------------------------- Designer, Test Sets. 4611------------------------- Engineer, Elect. & Mech, Mfg. 4412------------------------- Designer, Machine. 4413------------------------- Designer, Tool. 4611------------------------- Engineer, Elect. & Mech., Mfg. 4. Industrial Relations : 1711------------------------- Interviewer, Employment. 1721------------------------- Nurse. 1752------------------------- Analyst, Personnel Placement. 1761------------------------- Investigator, Personnel. 1773------------------------- Personnel Studies Assistant 2212------------------------- Business Methods Investigator. 2632------------------------- Dietician. 2741------------------------- Clerk, Employee Service. 1741------------------------- Works Club Recr. Ass't. 2743------------------------- Clerk, Benefit Service. 1174------------------------- Statistician, Personnel. 5. Purchasing: 1656------------------------- Procurement Specialist 1843------------------------- Clerk, Purchase Service. 1853------------------------- Investigator, Purchase Service. 6. General Clerical, Secretarial, Steno- graphic and Office Service : 1241------------------------- Secretary, Ass't. Superintendent. 1242------------------------- Secretary-Stenographer. 1246------------------------- Stenographer. 1247------------------------- Secretary-Stenographer, Staff 2246------------------------- Stenographer, Staff. 2252------------------------- Typist. 2231------------------------- Clerk, General. 3253------------------------- Clerk, Typist. 3282------------------------- Clerk, File. 2276------------------------- Clerk, Reproducing Equip. 1243------------------------- Secretary, Superintendent. 1244------------------------- Secretary, Division Manager. 1249------------------------- Secretary-Stenographer, Office. 2173------------------------- Clerk, Statistical. 2221------------------------- Clerk, Report. 2283------------------------- Clerk, Office Service. 2843------------------------- Petty Cash Buyer. 3232------------------------- Clerk, Junior. 3295------------------------- Messenger, Staff. 3296------------------------- Clerk, Jr, Mail. 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