(a) The Director may publish in printed, typewritten, or electronic form, the following: 1. Patents and published applications for patents, including specifications and drawings, together with copies of the same. The Patent and Trademark Office may print the headings of the drawings for patents for the purpose of photolithography. 2. Certificates of trade-mark registrations, including statements and drawings, together with copies of the same. 3. The Official Gazette of the United States Patent and
(a)General format requirements. (1) Page size must be 81/2 inch * 11 inch except in the case of exhibits that require a larger size in order to preserve details of the original. (2) In documents, including affidavits, created for the proceeding: (i) Markings must be in black or must otherwise provide an equivalent dark, high-contrast image; (ii) 14-point, Times New Roman proportional font, with normal spacing, must be used; (iii) Double spacing must be used except in claim charts, headings, tables
(a)For an appeal under 35 U.S.C. 141 . (1) (i) In all appeals, the notice of appeal required by 35 U.S.C. 142 must be filed with the Director by electronic mail to the email address indicated on the United States Patent and Trademark Office's web page for the Office of the General Counsel. This electronically submitted notice will be accorded a receipt date, which is the date in Eastern Time when the correspondence is received in the Office, regardless of whether that date is a Saturday, Sunday,