Procter & Gamble Mfg.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 22, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 747 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation PROCTER & GAMBLE MAN UFA(CLIRING The Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company and Association of Employees of the Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company's St. Iouis Plant. Case 14-CA-10636 August 22. 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNIN(; AND) MI MBHIRS JilNKINS ANI) PtlNl It.I ) On Mav 18, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Al- mira Abbot Stevenson issued the attached Diecision in this proceeding. Thereafter. Respondent filed ex- ceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act. as amended. the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thorit) in this proceeding to a three-menlber painel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Lawe Judge and to adopt her recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National L.abor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent. The Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company, St. Louis. Missouri. its of- ficers, agents, successors, and assigns. shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. I Conralrr to the finding of the Adminiltratlie laiu Judge, the tr.nscripts from the 1958 negotiations reseal that. during these negost ins. the nmon was solel) Interested in defining the role of the joh esaluation representa- tise. and not in the broader question of the acceiblhlts ,tf sich informil- tion to oiher persons The transcript indicates that referente, to, the Asscl- allon" ere expressle clarified to relate stoleIs to the lih ex .luatlon representative DECISION SIATEMFNT OF 1it CASI AilMIRA ABBOT S1EX ENSON Administrative Law, Judge: A hearing was conducted in this proceeding at St. Louis. Mis- souri, February 15, 1978. The charge was filed and served on the Respondent August 25, 1977. The complaint was issued December 27, 1977, and duly answered by the Re- spondent. The complaint and answer were amended at the hearing. The issue is whether or not the Respondent violated Sec- tion 8(a)(S) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, hb refusing to furnish certain detailed informa- tion about its job evaluation plan to the Charging Parts Union for its use in deciding whether or not to take a job evaluation grievance to arbitration. For the reasons fully set forth below. I conclude that the Respondent violated the Act as alleged. Upon the entire record in this case, including my obser- vation of the demeanor of the witnesses, and after due con- sideration of the briefs filed by the Respondent. the Gener- al Counsel. and the Charging Party, I make the following: .INDIN(iS oi FX( I AND CONC I SIONS OF LAW I iJ RIsDICTION The Respondent is engaged in the manufacture, sale. and distribution of soap, synthetic detergents, food, house- hold. and related products. Its principal office and place of business is in Cincinnati. Ohio. and it maintains other busi- ness facilities in several States including the one located in St. Louis. Missouri, involved herein. During a recent repre- sentative 12-month period the Respondent manufactured. sold, and distributed at its St. Louis. Missouri plant, prod- ucts valued in excess of $50,000 which were shipped from St. Louis directly to points located outside Missouri. I find that the Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2,) (6), and (7) of the Act. 11 IABOR OR(i&NtZII()ON The Charging Parts Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 111 I N SIR I HO()R PRA(1ICLES A. Background IThe Union has for mans svears been the exclusive con- tract representative of a unit of all employees at the Re- spondent's St. I ouis plant, including salaried office clerical employees with whom we are here concerned.' The Respondent and the Union have always been in agreement that job evaluations and reevaluations are the sole responsibility and prerogative of management. The Respondent's job esaluation plan has never been incorpo- rated, or proposed for incorporation, in a collective-bar- gaining agreement. The plan is described in a job evalua- tion manual. All clerical positions are classified for salars purposes into lettered categories beginning with A, the low- est paid categorY. and ending with G, the highest paid. Within each lettered category there are nine salary grades. It is the task of an evaluation committee, or rating team, to determine the salarn range for each clerical position by placing each position in a category (promotion through the I finid oil tihe hi1, efI hrjdJlninl historY. and igreenrent of the pariles th it fli II llo u i Lunfit i- pproprIlte n11 emplo ces al the Respondent' , St I.lIls plallt. e' dltlillt ii shier nurse persrinel mana ger's se reiart. plant fl.illgCeI'\ SC .ICIrI Ir, -rsfC ilp rltl c lpl !ee La uards anid uplperxls-rs as de- filledl in Ihre \l 237 NLRB No. 110 747 I)ECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD grades within a category is achieved by an incumbent on the basis of merit). The personnel manager is in charge of the job evaluation program. He trains all group managers in the procedures and appoints the committees, which consist of four divi- sion managers and himself. In evaluating clerical positions, each member of the committee is provided with a copy of the job description, which is discussed with the manager of the division and the immediate supervisor of the position being evaluated. Each member is also provided with a sheet listing eight weighted factors (complexity. experience and training, contact with others, dexterity. concentration, accuracy, working conditions, responsibility) with a defini- tion of each, and a ladder chart or printout of all job rat- ings. Each member of the committee then assigns a num- ber of points from I to 10 on each of the eight factors. The points assigned by the five members are then averaged on a summary sheet and multiplied by the weight percentage, and the results added to achieve a three-figure total rating. The job is then given a letter A to G according to its total rating (e.g., between 500 and 599, 600 and 699, etc.). When additional duties are added to a job which has been rated near the top of its point spread, or when an incumbent requests reevaluation, a job is usually reevaluated to see whether it falls within the next higher letter category for salary purposes. The current bargaining agreement. effective from 1976 until 1979, contains, in article VIII, a four-step grievance procedure covering "any matter involving the interpreta- tion or application of any provision of this Agreement, or any matter affecting the employee in respect to hours of work, wages or working conditions," with final and bind- ing arbitration for "any grievance involving the application or interpretation of the provisions of this agreement", and a provision governing merit increases. Article III, section 6. provides as follows: 6. Job Evaluation. It is agreed that the Job Evalua- tion and Time Bonus Representative, Steward of the Department, and the Employee involved shall be noti- fied by the Department Manager or Supervisor of the Department, at least two days in advance of the evalu- ation of a new job or a reevaluation of a job, and be permitted to be heard before and after the evaluation or reevaluation of a job, but not to sit in on the evalua- tion itself. New jobs shall be evaluated as soon as pos- sible after they are established. The Employer will train an employee agreed upon by the Union and the Employer in theories and prac- tices of job evaluation to sit in as an observer in the reevlauation of any job questioned by the Union. It is understood that this employee representative will have full right to present his views concerning the job de- scriptions and concerning the evaluation but that he will not participate in the actual rating. The above provisions also apply to the Job Ranking Procedure. This job evaluation provision had its genesis in section I I of the 1946 contract, which provided as follows: It is agreed that the union steward shall be notified of the evaluation of a new job or of any reevalued job and be given a chance to be heard before and after the evaluation. but not to sit in on the evaluation itself. There was no further discussion of job evaluations until a regular monthl? meeting between management and union representatives held in December 1953, when the Union requested copies of all job descriptions; management re- served its answer, and at the January 1954 meeting man- agement, pointing out that job descriptions could be in- spected by employees through their foreman who could obtain copies when needed from the personnel manager's office, denied the request. During the negotiations for the 1958 agreement, the Union requested copies of the job evaluation manual and all records pertaining to all job evaluations. This request was turned down. The Union then proposed to appoint a job evaluation representative to be trained by the Respon- dent who would sit in on job evaluations and have access to all records pertinent thereto. The Respondent agreed, and the following provision was incorporated in the 1958 contract: 6. Job Evaluation. It is agreed that the Chairman of the Grievance Committee, Steward of the Depart- ment. and the Employee involved shall be notified by the Department Manager or Foreman of the Depart- ment at least two days in advance of the evaluation of a new job or a re-evaluation of a job, and be permitted to be heard before and after the evaluation or reevalu- ation of a job, but not to sit in on the evaluation itself. New jobs shall be evaluated as soon as possible after they are established. The Employer will train an employee agreed upon by the Union and the Employer in the theories and practices of job evaluation to sit in as an observer in the re-evaluation of any job questioned by the Union. It is understood that this employee representative will have full right to present his views concerning the job descriptions and concerning the evaluation but that he will not participate in the actual rating. There were no additional requests for job evaluation in- formation until the January 1965 monthly meeting, when the Union requested that management furnish copies of all job descriptions to its job evaluation representative. At the February 1966 meeting, the request was tabled for lack of agreement. The next change in the contract provision was made in 1967 when, at the request of the Union, the job evaluation representative was substituted for the chairman of the grievance committee in the first paragraph of section 6. 1'he last time this issue was raised between the parties was at their December 1972 monthly meeting when the Union again asked for, and the Respondent refused, copies of all job descriptions for the Union files. B. Immediate Events Management conducts from 10 to 30 evaluations and reevaluations a year, affecting the approximately 300 pro- duction and 25 clerical jobs in the plant. Robert Inlow is currently the job evaluation representa- 748 PROCTER & GAMNBLE MANUFACTI'RING tive elected by the employees.' He is not a member of the grievance committee. As provided in article 11. Section 6. of the contract, he has been trained by the personnel matn- ager in the theories and practices of job evaluation. He is permitted to examine the job evaluation manual in the per- sonnel manager's office but not to make copies or notes. The job evaluation representative is notified in advance of all job evaluation meetings and of the results of the meet- ings. He attends meetings of the evaluation committee onl' when specifically requested by the Union. At such meet- ings the only document he is given is a cop' of the job description of the position being evaluated. fie is permitted to look at (but not copy) any documents in possession of the committee, which consists of each member's eight-fac- tor sheet, the.ladder chart, and the summary sheet. and to ask questions and make any comments he wishes and to enter fully into the discussion. He does not take part in the rating, and he is not allowed to take notes or to disvulge to anyone the point value of an's of the eight factors or the total rating of an) job, information which the Respondent considers confidential.3 This dispute began June 15. 1976. when employee I on's Striblin filed a written grievance alleging discrimination iin the evaluation of his clerical position of process depart- mental clerk.4 As a result. Striblin's job was reevaluated. with Job Evaluation Representative Inlow present at the evaluation-committee meeting and participating as de- scribed above. On July 1. 1976. Process Operations Manag- er Hovis informed the Union that upon reevaluation. no change was made in the classification of Striblin's job. Upon Striblin's appeal to step three, a hearing was held August 19, 1976. Striblin's main contention was that his duties and job description were basically the same as those of the MSG clerk job and yet was classified at a lower salary range. After the hearing. Plant Manager Grindstaff ordered all departmental clerks jobs reevaluated. As a re- sult, the evaluation committee, with the job evaluation rep- resentative present, reduced two other jobs but determined that Striblin's job was properly rated for salary purposes. Striblin appealed his grievance to the fourth level, and the Respondent's president appointed P. J. Moore to con- duct another hearing February 15, 1977. Present were Moore, Personnel Manager Demey, and the three union grievance-committee members including LeRo) Hicks its chairman, Job-Evaluation Representative Inlow, and the two grievants and their steward. On March 4. 1977. Moore denied the grievance. Upon receipt of the fourth-step answer. the union gries- ance committee was unable to decide upon an arbitration ' intlow also holds the title of time-hbonus repreenla.ile. referrled It n .ar Ill sec 6. of the collectise-bargaining agreement Al this hearing, neither Inlo' nor Personnel Ma;nager Dent ,si, aihle at name the eight factors from memor. 4A written grievance filed h, emploee Mairlene Brooks aIholll the s.lalC time alleged discrimination in the evaluallon of her clerical postiloll :., Comet materials clerk below that of PSG suppls clerk The procesmll[g Of this grievance paralleled that of Striblin' griesance throuch the fouIrth sep with the same results. Although the t nion's requels for ilrnformatin l rpon which this complaint is based, omitted ans reference to Brooks' grle ance. for the purpose of simplifying the issues. i[ has remained in the same slati ias Striblin's ever since both grievances were denied at the lfourth step. I'he information requested would appls equalls to Brooks' griexance recommendation, so it took the information it had on file to the linion's attorne,. Charles Werner.' After reviewing the file arid discussilng the grievance with Hicks. Werner asked him for a cops of the applicable job evaluation man- ual. prior job descriptions, rating sheets. summary sheets. points spread. definition of the factors, and other docu- ments he considered necessars in order to advise the griev- ance committee as to whether in his opinion the grievance had merit. Hicks informed Werner that the Union did not have copies of the documents requested. Werner then drafted the follows ing letter which was sent to Plant Manag- er Grindstaff over the signature of LeRoy Hicks, chairman of the union gric's.tilce conllllittee: the Associ;ltion of F-mplo'sees of the Procter & Ciamble Manufacturing Company's St. Louis Plant is in the process of en alua;ting the grievance of T. Striblin to decide whether or not to process the grievance to Arbitration in accordance with Article A VIII of the C(ollectixe Bargaining Agreement between the Compa- n's and the Association. We have requested profes- sionral and technicail assistance to aid us in our evalua- tion of the grieance. In order for the Association and its representatives to full's and adequately evaluate Striblin's grievance., and to decide whether or not to process it to arbitra- tion, it is essential that the Company furnish the Asso- ciation the folloswing information which is solely in its possession: I. Cop' of the Procter & Gamble Job Evaluation Manual showing the Job Evaluation Plan, including the factors. factor definitions, weights, forms, and all other aspects of the Plan. 2. Current copies of the Job Descriptions for the Departmental Clerks positions. A. If there have been any changes in the job de- scriptioir s for the l)epartmental Clerk positions dur- ing the last fire Nears. copies of positions during the last five sears. copies of such revised or different job descriptions. 4. The original evaluation sheets for the Depart- mental Clerks positions for the past five years. 5. The Re-Esaluation comparison sheets for the Departmental Clerks positions for the past five years. 6. Summar', Sheets for the Departmental Clerks shovwing the positions and factor breakdown for the past three years. 7. Copies of the most recent rating sheets used by the Evaluators in Re-Evaluating the Departmental Clerks positions. 8. 'The point spread for each rate group. If \ou have an! questions concerning the above re- quested information, please let me know. Hicks and Werner testified that the requested documents were necessar' to make a determination as to whether or ' Cetrir Is tll Ilid entgilteer , well ;its an attorneS. a senior member of the tltitCiit- Inllt ltCe of lnidustirial tingineers. with extensive experience i, Iobh es.i, tt.o, i itS,> platiuce iltistlesd scriceitice processng. arbilrations. and cttlrl prt eted ill 749 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD not to take the grievance to arbitration. They explained that they needed the manual for knowledge of the method used to evaluate jobs; needed the current job descriptions for comparison purposes; changes, to determine whether duties have been added and how reevaluations are arrived at; original evaluation sheets, reevaluation comparison sheets, summary sheets, and most recent rating sheets, to determine possible discrepancies and for comparison and rating appraisal; and the point spread, to assess whether the job is so near the breakpoint that one factor might throw it into a higher salary range. Grindstaff responded to Hick's request in the following letter dated May 24, 1977: This letter is in response to your letter concerning the grievance of T. P. Striblin. This request for information is governed by Article III, Section 6, of the working agreement. We will be happy to meet with the Job Evaluation Representative and answer questions pursuant to this provision. Please have Mr. Inlow contact Mr. H. K. Demey to arrange a time for this meeting. Neither Job Evaluation Representative Inlow nor any member of the union grievance committee has followed up on Grindstaff's letter. Although all employees are permit- ted to see their own job descriptions on request to their foreman, the grievance committee is permitted to see the job descriptions of grievants, and Inlow has been or will be permitted to see virtually all the documents requested in the Union's letter, copies are not allowed. The grievance committee is not permitted to see the job evaluation manu- al, the ladder chart, nor any of the other requested docu- ments. None of the requested documents is in Inlow's or the grievance committee's possession, or in the possession of any other union member. The personnel manager con- ceded that copies of them can be obtained only from the Respondent. C. Contentions The General Counsel and the Charging Party Union contend that each requested document is integral to the job evaluation scheme which concerns the status of compensa- tion of bargaining-unit employees and is necessary to the Union in the performance of its role as bargaining repre- sentative in determining whether to take the grievance to arbitration; that the Union thus has a statutory right to the information requested; that it never waived this right; that the Union is not seeking to change the extent of the role of job evaluation representative in the evaluation and reevalu- ation procedure; and that Respondent has not fulfilled its obligation by virtue of the information in the possession of or available to the job evaluation representative or by its agreement, in Grindstaff's May 24. 1977. letter, to answer Inlow's questions pursuant to article III, section 6, of the contract, as Inlow is not a member of the grievance com- mittee and has no responsibility with respect to arbitration proceedings, and is not adequate because it is not in writ- ten form and available for study and analysis by the griev- ance committee, which is responsible. The Respondent does not contend that it would be bur- densome to furnish the information requested. The Re- spondent does contend that it did not refuse the Union's request for information, because its letter of May 24 made all the information available to the Union's job evaluation representative established by the contract, who was in a position to evaluate and advise the Union as to whether or not to take the grievance to arbitration, and that the Union failed to avail itself of the Respondent's offer and thereby "neither tested the Respondent's good faith nor brought its alleged bad faith into focus": that the Union expressly waived whatever right it may have had to the requested information: and that the Respondent has no obligation to furnish the information to the Union for the purpose re- quested because job evaluation is, by contract and by agreement of the parties, within the sole province of man- agement. the point values alloted to jobs confidential, 6 and the results of job evaluations are not subject to arbitration under the contract. D. Conclusions It is well established that a union is charged with the statutory duty of representing employees in a bargaining unit, and in the exercise of that duty it is entitled, by opera- tion of the statute, upon appropriate request, to such infor- mation as may be relevant or reasonably necessary to the proper performance of that duty.7 Job evaluation infor- mation of the kind requested is presumptively relevant and reasonably necessary to a union in the performance of its duty to evaluate the merits of a greivance and decide whether it should be taken to arbitration.8 The request in this case was that the Respondent furnish copies of the designated documents to the Union in the person of the chairman of its grievance committee. It is clear that the Respondent refused to do this. The Board has held that a mere offer to meet and answer questions, of the kind made here, does not fulfill an employer's obligation to supply such information. In this connection, the Board and courts have said: 9 Merely meeting and conferring without a prior ex- change of a requested data, where such is relevant, does not facilitate effective collective bargaining and, therefore, does not meet the requirements of Section 8(a)(l) and (5). This is particularly true where, as here, extensive analysis and comparison of fairly intricate and voluminous material will be required."' Merely permitting the job evaluation representative to look at the requested documents and then report to the grievance committee whatever he can remember I' he record does not support the Respondent's cniention Ihat ihe n lon a;Idnlts the confidentialit) of the information: it sho's on1i that mIlanrgcenlnt prohibits the job evaluation representative from resealing the llforltillOIn. 7h I)trDeirml rdlon (ornlpani 218 NLRB 1024, 1033 {(1975, enfd. 560 I.2d 722 1(.'A 6, 1977)\ Outl Elevator (Compani, 170 NLRB 395. 397 (1968) ,,t oel-( arr Fennesusee,4 ADivsiotn of IRI+, In,. 202 NLRB 729 (1973) (lurtiss-ltright (Corporationl, WIrigh A4cronauttica Dvision s. .'LR.B. 47 F?12d h, 68 (( A 3. 1965. (,rienrai Elelttri ('tnpiam. 199 NLRB 286, 288(1972). !I tricd ,itatc, Poril Serv ie, 203 NL.RB 916. 921 I1973. 750 PROCTER & GA2MBILE MANE FA(1 t..RING7 in a haphazard manner is not enough.' It is the Union which is entitled to the information and for the Union, not the Respondent, to decide who in its organization is to receive the documents, who is to be consulted, and who is to decide whether to take the grievance to arbitration.i 2 Moreover, the law is clear that a refusal by an employer to provide a bargaining agent with information relevant to its task of representing its constituency is a per .,c violation of the Act. and it is no defense that the emplo,,er has in good faith withheld the information sought.' The Respondent further contends that the Union ex- pressly waived its statutory right to this information bh unsuccessfully negotiating demands that the information be made available to the Union generally. and accepting the compromise provision in article Ill. section 6, making the information available. on a limited basis, to the job evalua- tion representative only. This contention has no merit. The Respondent points to no provision in the contract, and I have found none. which deals with I:nion access to infor- mation. and article III. section 6. contains no clear and unmistakable language waiving the Union's right to infor- mation relating to job evaluations. T4 Nor does the Ulnion's failure to secure agreement to the furnishing of all or part of this job evaluation information to it during contract ne- gotiations or monthly meetings of the Union with managc- ment constitute such a waiver.' s That the evaluation of jobs is a prerogative within the sole province of management does not iprso facto deprive the Union of the right to information thereon or on the impact of Respondent's action on unit employees: as the employees' bargaining representative, the Union is entitled to the information in order to make a judgment as to whether the Respondent's exercise of its prerogative result- ed in discrimination in job evaluation as alleged by the grievant. 6 The Respondent offered no explanation for its claim that the number of points assigned to a particular job bh the evaluation committee is confidential, but the Board has, in any event, ruled that alleged confidentiality is not a defense to a refusal to furnish information bearing on wag- es. 7 The Respondent's final argumer.;. raised in its brief for the first time, is that it is not obliged to furnish job I nnio (' rp 206 NI RB 48. 5) 119731 L7h Detroit d l,,ln ( [n lleel 22pt2/22 r' ili/2'2ll Ihe 82 ro, /in I nln (, i ( G t iptm 220 I RB IS [ 2 :'2 2 ( .2I) relied on hb [he Respondent 4 ak17atmita ( I /2,lni [.2,{A . ! It2 .l.l .4l.( 1() v 1 R / /Bh. 1 , Jen ( rp,-,J,2n cr ,./ 412 1 2d 1141 ,( tJ) ( 197(0. and ( PI-,ren, I',erltind (tm nr ( ..a. tr.. 1I 1 NI R1i 1436 119521. are not appsace h e em th plose re hed ad e Lc c 2 1 1,h, the union all the documcnte s ill I sueC 5i See it n er P/lth, S n, itil, 211 NI RH 7'i 1 S 1t 9 { 4 1941 , (Iare I t'ne c ,t Iupra 2 (lhoe I ni,,n, In, 223 N1 RB 14'S2 19'): 2,m'r2l' ,th, i. (,2,m/2. [Ohio 1, l2a r Plani, 179 NI RB 162. 67 1 19691 l I Int 1(4 NI RHt x 39 I1968) Accord ( Iilton Pr,,,%lp Pm- ,i 2l [12),2 l,22 1i,2 .l22 , Ip2 l2 . l%12 i2 In2 , I St, NI RB 5 ' 56 (JI19 6j, ( f l{ r, 52 ah , 12!2 ( 17I NI RB 532 1968) Ih, Brhne ( orp-atl. i 121 NI RB 0n8 lq91 and Internatwinal ¥ce- Scepic D)i .,.t1 fi, 1he Ct i ar2/ (orpra2t2 Ii S N RH 11}67 I955). cited hs the Respondent il which there ie leldten c Of alB express oral abandonment hb the l nion of it. right 1, informatin or a specfic. conlract pro2 sion to hat effect o \ 1 IR I t, 17c I tc I , /i nl22. 22'1 2d2 21' 9 59( , \ 5. i 1u' ) t 2a,, S.trt, P-r2al S2 r2,, 2l2/2 .(it, 2 :lli, ( 1( ,,I222 l2 . 22/2.2 I (I, 2he 2 t1i22. I i b 2/ irt, l. /Ia, I 1 [,teni l I d,-nt ( r2 212/!22 . /Ir (, 2 '2 2. ( al2ll ,t 2 , ,ll2i22 In . I 7 2 N I R B 191, ( 1968 k evaluation information to aid the Union in deciding wheth- er to take Striblin's grievance to arbitration because the job evaluation procedure is not incorporated in the collec- tive-bargaining agreement and only grievances involving application or interpretation of provisions of the agreement are arhitrable under article VIII, and because the Respon- dent has the exclusive right to evaluate jobs unilaterally. However, the Union is not challenging the Respondent's prerogative of evaluating jobs. Moreover, at this point the Union has not decided to take the grievance to arbitration. Indeed, the reason the Union needs the information is as an aid in deciding that question. After examining the docu- ments, it may decide not to proceed. The information can- not be withheld on the possibility that if the Union does decide to proceed, the grievance would not be arbitrable. The Respondent's failure to raise the issue of arbitration until now indicates that it has been willing to have the dispute resolved by that method. However, in the event arbitration is sought bh the Union, the Respondent can present this. and any other argument it feels called upon to present, to the arbitrator.i Accordingly. I conclude that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(s) and (I) of the Act. as alleged in the com- plaint. IV RI:MI D)Y In order to effectuate the policies of the Act, I recom- mend that the Respondent be ordered to cease and desist from the unfair labor practices found and from infringing in an) like or related manner on its employees' rights guar- anteed by the Act. Having found that the Respondent violated Section 81a)(5) and II I of the Act. I recommend that it be required to furnish the Union with the information requested in its letter to Plant Manager Grindstaff and to post appropriate notices. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act. I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER "' i'he Respondent. Procter & Gamble Manufacturing ('ompany, St. I ouis. Missouri. its officers. agents. succes- sors. and assigns. shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Failing and refusing to bargain collectively with As- sociation of Emplo)ees of the Procter & Gamble Manufac- turing (Compans's St. l.ouis Plant, ias the exclusive repre- sentatie of its employees in the appropriate unit by failing and refusing upon request to furnish it with information .Sec 1I, H ,2A, 2 ,I2,,, (2,; ( ,nltl/n,. 'If/r 12t2l2n2,2 (-tt , mpqr.i Iltlt !,Il /lt 52. ',tl,' 12 /~l, 22 2 l22 /. t }/ il.' ( t2tr 22/222 c c.2 2 u/2r2 ( f 8i.2,2lo ttlt .1.ill /22ti,, I t, ( 2-222 .22 I1'( N1 RB 16i 2 (196Fa2 l d l2 1 lr2h2o222r2 SIrt 2 ( 2,2l2/2;2 121 Ni RB (2)) (19(1i., 1i,2,h.h .are faltuaJll.2I dltllt u, hhible lIn the cen2 n22. exciepti ons 2lle i f .lel prm.cii2 ed h, Se. 102 4h .-f Ihe Ru 2 2 2le, lnd Rc .ul, illn, 2f the N.t.nal ah .rh Rela.tons B.oard the finings .dllctltlll% itll Ic 2.2o2[ll 2 2. ()rctl i} crci l e h. lli .ai , prot ided in Set Il' 4X ,.1 the Rule.a2nd Reulctin. 2lx J .dpiled hb the Board and beconme it finre.ll . 2.2.2l21 l, l .l2, ( i)rdl r ,r,! ,1 , h[etilo.l, therete, s1a.ll he ,Iccttcd 22,2C. d tI,, , r 2 IpUr.PC2 751 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD relevant and reasonably necessary to the performance by the Union of its obligations as bargaining representative. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, coerc- ing, or restraining employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is neces- sary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Furnish Association of Employees of the Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company's St. Louis Plant, as ex- clusive representative of all employees in the appropriate unit, with the following information heretofore requested by the Union: 1. Copy of the Procter & Gamble job evaluation manual showing the job evaluation plan, including the factors, factor definitions, weights, forms, and all other aspects of the plan. 2. Current copies of the job descriptions for the de- partmental clerk positions. 3. If there have been any changes in the job de- scriptions for the departmental clerk positions during the last five years, copies of positions during the last five years, copies of such revised or different job de- scriptions. 4. The original evaluation sheets for the departmen- tal clerk positions for the past five years. 5. The reevaluation comparison sheets for the de- partmental clerk positions for the past five years. 6. Summary sheets for the departmental clerks showing the positions and factor breakdown for the past three years. 7. Copies of the most recent rating sheets used by the evaluators in reevaluating the departmental clerk positions. 8. The point spread for each rate group. (b) Post at its plant in St. Louis, Missouri, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 20 Copies of said no- tice, on forms provided by the Regional Director of Region 14, after being duly signed by a representative of the Re- spondent, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 con- secutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to plant employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced. or cov- ered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 14, in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. :' Ii the eeni thlt Ihi, O(rder i, enforcd bh, .ilud l ient of a I nited St.les ( ourl of Appeals. the Wsords in the notice reading "Posted b) Order of the NIat(I II ahi Relationl Board" hall read "Posted Pursuant to a Juadnien,. o the niited Staites C(art of Appeals rEnforcing an Order of the N it.nal L.abohr Rclalions io.ard. APPENDIX NolicFt To EMPLOYEES PosI DI BY ORDER OF IHE NAtIONAI LABOR RiE.ATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government Wt wil.l. No refuse to bargain collectively with As- sociation of Employees of the Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company's St. Louis Plant. as the ex- clusive representative of our employees in the appro- priate unit. hby failing and refusing upon request to furnish it with information relevant and reasonably necessary to the performance by the Union of its obli- gations as bargaining representative. WE, Xti.L NOt in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. Wi[ wIol. furnish Association of Employees of the Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company's St. Louis Plant, as exclusive bargaining representative of all employees in the appropriate unit, with informa- tion heretofore requested by the Union pertaining to the job evaluation program of the salaried clerical em- ployees which is necessary and relevant to the perfor- mance by the Union of its obligations as bargaining representative. PROC( ER & GAMNBLE MANUFACT URING COMPANY 752 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation