In the Matter of Schick

1 Cited authority

  1. Johanson v. Riverside Co. Select Groves

    4 Cal.App.2d 114 (Cal. Ct. App. 1935)   Cited 2 times

    Docket No. 1538. January 24, 1935. APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Riverside County G.R. Freeman, Judge. Reversed. The facts are stated in the opinion of the court. Hahn Hahn and Allyn H. Barber for Appellant. Estudillo Schwinn for Respondent. JENNINGS, J. Plaintiff brought this action to compel the defendant to account for the amount of refunds claimed to be due from defendant as overcharge for defendant's service in picking, packing and selling lemons and grapefruit from plaintiff's