In the Matter of S

12 Cited authorities

  1. Ng Fung Ho v. White

    259 U.S. 276 (1922)   Cited 374 times   2 Legal Analyses
    Permitting habeas corpus review of deportation orders
  2. Tutun v. United States

    270 U.S. 568 (1926)   Cited 204 times
    Appealing to history to support jurisdiction in naturalization proceedings
  3. Fong Yue Ting v. United States

    149 U.S. 698 (1893)   Cited 465 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Holding that the political branches could deport residents based solely on their race and deem all people of "the Chinese race" incompetent to sign the affidavit needed for Chinese immigrants to remain lawfully
  4. Stadtmuller v. Miller

    11 F.2d 732 (2d Cir. 1926)   Cited 29 times
    In Stadtmuller v. Miller, 11 F.2d 732 (C.C.A. 2) decided March 19, 1926, a German alien, domiciled in the United States, but compelled to remain in Germany during the war, was held entitled to a return of property seized in like manner with that of plaintiff here; the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit saying: "He did no act of disloyalty to the United States throughout the entire period, and returned to this country as soon as possible after the end of the war.
  5. Neuberger v. United States

    13 F.2d 541 (2d Cir. 1926)   Cited 21 times

    No. 101. July 13, 1926. Appeal from the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. In the matter of the application of Moritz Neuberger for citizenship. From a decree denying application (6 F.[2d] 387), applicant appeals. Decree reversed, and cause remanded. See, also, 9 F.2d 1020. Appeal from an order denying the appellant's application for citizenship because of his failure to prove continuous residence for the previous five years. The applicant was born a German

  6. Duryea v. Duryea

    269 P. 987 (Idaho 1928)   Cited 17 times

    No. 5030. July 18, 1928. APPEAL from the District Court of the Third Judicial District, for Ada County. Hon. Dana E. Brinck, Judge. Habeas corpus for the custody of minor children. Judgment for defendants. Affirmed. Delana Delana and Barber Barber, for Appellant. In the absence of proof as to what the laws of a sister state are, it will be presumed that the laws of such sister state are the same as Idaho's. (Jones on Evidence, 2d ed., sec. 321; Moore v. Pooley, 17 Idaho 57, 104 P. 898; Douglas v

  7. Masaichi Ono v. Carr

    56 F.2d 772 (9th Cir. 1932)   Cited 9 times

    No. 6630. March 7, 1932. Appeal from the District Court of the United States for the Central Division of the Southern District of California; William P. James, Judge. Habeas corpus proceeding by Masaichi Ono against Walter E. Carr, District Director, United States Immigration Service, District No. 31. From an order discharging the writ and remanding petitioner to the custody of the United States Immigration Service for return to Japan, petitioner appeals. Affirmed. J. Edward Keating and Theodore

  8. Petition of Oganesoff

    20 F.2d 978 (S.D. Cal. 1927)   Cited 13 times

    No. 17911. June 23, 1927. Karapet Oganesoff, in pro. per. Olive A. Pixley and Frederick Jones, both of Los Angeles, Cal., opposed. Petition for naturalization of Karapet Oganesoff. Petition dismissed. HENNING, District Judge. The petitioner is a native of Russian Armenia, and came to the United States on August 18, 1913, leaving a wife and two minor children at the place in Armenia from whence he came. The draft records show that he claimed exemption from military service during the World War on

  9. Browne v. Zurbrick

    45 F.2d 931 (6th Cir. 1930)   Cited 8 times
    Rejecting the proposition "that one who is guilty of crime, and therefore likely to be convicted for it and to be imprisoned at the public expense, is ipso facto likely to become a public charge"
  10. Ennis v. Smith

    55 U.S. 400 (1852)   Cited 30 times
    Holding that foreign judgments in rem are admissible as evidence of the underlying facts